My beauty my curse

Autorstwa RupaBhulanja

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My first time try for ware wolf story, let's see how beauty is a curse for nandini ! Więcej

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Ch - 22
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Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26
Ch 27
Ch 28
Ch 29
Ch 30
Ch 31
Ch 32
Ch 33
Ch 34
Ch 35
Ch 36
Final Chapter
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Autorstwa RupaBhulanja

Next morning
N look at M who was sleeping peacefully hugging her tight

N thinks: I wish I can live with you forever, but I can't when you will know my truth you will hate me ! You will reject me

Sky: why do you always think negative talk to manik he might be good
N: but you know right luna should be the strongest one, who can take care of alpha and the pack...... and I am not strong I am weak

Sky: but I want to live with my mate, you know Eric is very nice I love him, actually I also love his human form manik

N: I also want to be with my mate but I can't I have to leave people must be searching for me ! I have to save myself

Sky: can you please touch manik
N: why
Sky: hug him tight please I want to feel Eric ! I am craving for him
N: don't you think you are getting horny
Sky: not my fault my mate is too hot to handel
N: I am blocking you, your thought are getting dirtier day by day

N block sky

N look at M and smiles
Suddenly her hand reach to his hairs and cares it, after that she touch his face, but suddenly take her hands away

N thinks: I can't do this no this is wrong
M groan: nandini why did you take away your hand
N look at him shocked
M pulled her close by her waist, with a sudden touch N shiver

M smirks: mate you are forgetting in sleep also i can smell you

Within a swift N was under him
N breath hitched
M start nuzzling his face on her neck
N arch giving more access to him
M lick her neck: I am waiting for that day when I will mark you !
N morn: manik !
M: I have to stop now ! Trust me I am in no mood to stop but being the alpha I have some responsibilities, I am going in a round then I will come for breakfast ! M kissed her forehead and get up from bed
M was in his office

Suddenly druv walks in and bow down
D: good morning alpha
M: hummm..... druv I want to ask you something about N
D struggle, M notice his reaction
M: where did you found her !
D: I was taking round of pack suddenly i saw her in lake side, then thought to bring her to you

M sternly: I hope you are not hiding anything from me

D shivers and bow down again: my whole life is for you, Luna and pack ! I will never do Something that will hurt either of you !

M smiles and hugged him, suddenly his eyes turn dark

M: I trust you ! Hope you don't break my trust ever, you may leave
D left

Nandini pov
Breakfast table
M was eating silently
N thinks: why is manik not speaking anything? Did I do something wrong? Will he punish me?

Suddenly M pulled me in his lap

M: nandini can I ask you Something?
N: yes !
M: why druv was holding your hands yesterday?
N shivers
M: answer me ? Is their something going on between you two?
N stammers: no manik
M sternly: think before you answer nandini I can't stand lie
N: their is nothing between druv and me

M pushed her and pushed the breakfast table
M hold her shoulder tight: then why the hell your scent is all over his body ! Did he touch you !
N with tears: it hurts manik leave me
M: it hurts ! It bloody fuck*** hurts me to smell my mates smell over other men's body
(Ware wolf are very possessive)

M: now tell me the truth I want everything now
N stammers: when I met him first he offer me to be his girlfriend if I agree then I can live in the pack

M groan: then
N: he he kiss kiss me

M breaks the mirror
M was out of control now
M: you are mine my mate my soulmate only I have the right to touch you

N get very scared with manik's this side
But she knew only she can make him calm

N hugged him tight
M snuggle his face on her neck and smells her
N cares his hair and back
After sometime M calms down

After sometime
N: he kissed me but I didn't kiss him
M look at N
N: you know why
M: why
N: because I want my first kiss to be with my mate

Suddenly N slammed her lips on his, M was shocked at first but eventually gave in ! N was chewing her lips, whereas M was nibbling the lower lips....... M hold her waist more close, and his hands start caressing back of her .......

After almost eternity N left him and joined her forehead with him

N: this is my first kiss
M: only I have right on you. ! You are only mine !

M carry her in his arms and move towards his bed...... and lay her down, and lay beside her

M: nandini I want you to meet Mom, dad and the pack people, they should know that they have their LUNA now

N thinks: no I can't meet so many people ! What if they start asking me about my identity ! What if someone know me among them. !

N: manik I need some time I
M sternly: how much more time you need nandini ! You know right according to rituals I should have marked you the moment I found you ! But I waited for your consent ! But not more ! Their is a pack get together after 3 days and people will meet their FUTURE LUNA

N shivers with the rough and heavy voice

M cupped her face: you don't need to get scared with me ! I can never hurt you ! You are my mate my soulmate Unless you hide something from me

With this M again joined their lips

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