We're Different🗸

By WittyKa

1.2K 41 48

This story is about a Kingdom with 12 villages around Kingdom. But in each village a child with a mark on the... More

Meeting the Children Part One
Meeting the Children Part Two
Meeting the Children Part Three
Meeting the Children Part Four
Meeting the Children Part Five
Meeting the Children Part Six
Meeting the Children Part Seven
Meeting the Children Part Eight
Meeting the Children Part Nine
Meeting the Children Part Ten
Meeting the Children Part Eleven
Meeting The Children The Final Part
Rage and Anger
The Beautiful Night Sky
Aaron is Not Human
The Phoenix
Demon vs Zodiac
Demon Army
The Vampire King
She's Gone
An Old Friend
Not Our Last Good Byes (Last Chapter)

Fresh Air

14 1 2
By WittyKa


After a hour of swimming we made it to the palace. I see everyone swimming around and starring at me. I stopped swimming.

"I'll catch up" I said


I swam down towards the sand. Before I could reach the bottom, I felt something wrapped around my waist. It pulled me back. Then up. I banged my hands on it. I don't know what it is. Then it turned me around, I see the person I never wanted to see again.

"It's been a long time, Libra"

"Hello, Scott"

I punched him in the face. He let go of me and I swam backwards then I turned around and swam forward.

"That's not how treat your best friend's big brother"

Then I felt something around me. It pulled me back. Then it turned me around. I can't move my hands and arms. He put his right hand on my right cheek. Now we're starring to each others eyes. Then he started to leaned forward. Damn it! If only my phoenix powers hasn't been taken away from that fucking sword! After I finished thinking that, I felt a pair of lips on mine. What's up with people kissing me all the time!? His tentacle let go of me. I broke the kiss, I slapped him. He put his left hand on his left cheek, that I just slapped. He looked at me.

"You shouldn't slap your fiance"

Fiance? I didn't agreed to marry him. Then he wrapped a small part of his tentacle around my wrist. He flew towards the palace while dragging me with him. Then I remembered that we are under water.

"That's right" I whispered

"What was that?" he asked


After a couple minutes we swam into the palace and I saw Rin, Joey, Lance, and Rin's and Scott's Mother. Scott let go of me. I smiled and swam towards Rin and hid behind him. Rin looked at me then his brother.

"Why did you have your tentacles on her" Rin growled

"I want her as my bride, not yours"

WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT!? Then I started to see Scott move two of his tentacles. Scott shot his tentacles at Rin, but before he could touch Rin, I pushed Rin out of the way and Scott's tentacles went through my stomach and he other went through my neck. Scott was going to kill Rin, his own brother. I saw blood move around in the water. I smiled.

"Libra..." Rin said worried 

Scott pulled his tentacles out of me. I'm still smiling. I looked down. I see my armor showing up. I extended my left arm out a little bit. My wounds healed. My balance scale pole appeared in my hand. I looked up.

"See ya" I said

I swam faster than I did before. Then I swan up. Then a couple seconds later, I was out of he water. I breathed in and out.

"Fresh air, finally"

Then I swam to the beach. A minute later, I stood up. My armor and scales went away. I jumped and went forward. After a couple minutes of jumping about 140 feet, I started to see everyone. I stopped jumping and ran towards them. Once I ran through the trees, I was in the open field. I see everyone standing there. I hugged them and they hugged me back. I broke the hug. I looked at them. I started to feel tears forming.

"Why are you crying?" Cancer asked

"I'm just happy I'm back with you guys"

I wiped a tear away and smiled. Then Capricorn leaned towards me and kissed me on the cheek. My face heated up. He stood up.

"Alright Love birds, lets go somewhere to eat" Virgo said

We all laughed. It's feels good to be back.

Hey Guys! I'm sorry its really short, i just wanted to update this story, since it's been a while. Anyway i hoped you liked this chapter. Well, I'll see you in the next chapter. Peace Out!

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