Lions Learn

By CatThatLovesToWrite

224 9 9

Elladora Arawn Mcgonagall was a gryffindor with great resemblance to her aunt, Minerva Mcgonagall. Not even t... More

Teaching , truly an art
Lesson One: Pain

The staff ball

112 4 1
By CatThatLovesToWrite

Elladora wasn't the kind of women to be late, she was raised well enough to plan better! This was her first impression! She was at least thirty minutes late Why... First of all her aunt would be absolutely furious! Minerva Mcgonagall wasn't the type of person you would want to make mad. "Dear Merlin," Elladora thought "I'll make a horrible impression! Everyone will think I'm a lazy git! If I make a horrid impression..." Elladora quickened her pace through the hogwarts halls leading to the great hall, Which had been decorated as the ball room. Elladora was basically sprinting, Dark red cloak flying behind her and slowed her pace when she got to the great hall. Panting, she entered the hall.

Elladora looked down and purposely walked to the corner where only one or two people where there. Elladora let out a sigh of relief and found herself sitting at a table which was occupied but only by one other person. She stared at the other person dressed in all black, and looked down once again. "Minerva's been looking for you" The figure said. Elladora looked at the figure agian." Severus Have you seen.... Elladora! I swear to dear Merlin if you've been hiding here!" Professor Mcgonagall sighed as she looked at Elladora and examined her similar green eyes and Black hair. "Elladora what are you wearing?" Mcgonagall said as Elladora stood up. Severus managed to smirk at Elladora as she was lead away by Mcgonagall. "You need not treat me like a baby... Professor." Elladora started, blushing bright red. She let out a sigh of relief and saw dumbledore, bright eyes sparkling when he saw her." Ah, Miss Elladora lovely to see you." He said smiling.

"To you as well" Elladora said with a reassuring smile. Minerva was still glaring at Elladora "I'll have you know Albus that Miss Elladora was sulking" " Minerva She does come after you." Albus joked as Mcgonagall's face fell from a glare to shock. Elladora was stifling a laugh, as usual. Albus held out his hand to Minerva, gesturing her to dance with him. Minerva took his hand and Albus led Minerva onto the floor holding her like an old friend. Elladora turned to go back to her corner to escape- There stood Severus, She went to hogwarts with him for about two years .

They where friends, she was there when he called lily a.... she refused to say that vague word as such. He taught her for a year as well, even between the time she was at hogwarts and he graduated she sent him owls every now and again. He wrote back.Every.Single.Time. So there Elladora stood there faceing the man she thought she knew.

"Snape" She said nodding her head in respect and staring into his cold,pale face ." Mcgonagall" he said looking back into her and giving an equally respectful nod."May I ask what subject your teaching?" He asked in his usual sarcastic tone." I was asked to assist Professor Mcgonagall with her animagus studies.Teach transfiguration for 6th to 7th years." "Very hard job indeed" Severus smirked " Oh is it?" Elladora said mocking the smirk." Just a tip, watch out for little black haired, green eyed gryffindor girls that resemble a certain transfiguration teacher." he sneered. "Oh really? Do I know any?" Elladora said rolling her eyes "I suppose." Severus said looking at the few danceing couples ignoring Minervas glare on him." I hear you teach potions." Elladora said trying to make conversation." Yes." He said bluntly.

Elladora turned to watch the couples as well, she saw her aunt Danceing gracefully with her former headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. If you where to ask anyone but Elladora their relationship they would have said "deputy and headmaster.Nothing more." If you asked Elladora the same question she would have said "I have to say, Professor Mcgonagall does act less firm and strict when he's around him." Then go back to be her serious self.

But, what Elladora didn't notice was a blonde haired, perfect white teeth looking man walking towards her. Severus noticed and sneered at the man, almost warning him to not take another step forward, this man being the idiot that he was walked straight up to the black haired woman.He kissed her hand and smiled "Hello...didn't know creatures such as you called this place home." Lockhart started."Creatures Mr.Lockhart? I don't believe that is suitable for me." Elladora said drawing her hand back. Severus couldn't halp but smirk and watch how much of an idiot Lockhart was." My apologizes Miss...?" "Mcgonagall, Elladora Mcgonagall" She said gestureing for a hand shake. Lockhart look this hand and placed another kiss atop of it. " Care to dance Miss Mcgonagall? Or perhaps have further arrangements..." Lockhart smiled with perfect white teeth. "I'm afraid your job is to teach, professor Lockhart not harass the newest staff member of hogwarts." Severus interrupted with a smirk still on his face. " I agree Professor Snape, surely it is getting late. I might as well retire to my quarters." Elladora withdrew her hand from Lockhart grasp and whispered to Severus " Before he gets anymore splendid ideas." "Or your aunt comes back." "Precisely." She said giving a nod to Severus and looping through all of the staff, saying a hello to everyone of them. She swept through the corridors, who would soon be filled with children ages 11-17, Then walked to her quarters.

"Dark Rouge" she said as her chamber doors opened to her password. Elladora made quickly into her silk red pajamas, these in Particular where in dark rouge. She realized her house elf had brought her daily 'transfiguration Daily' and began to read. She scanned all the interesting articles and well written paragraphs, half asleep she heard brief voices. Soft, rough, deep voices outside her quarters. She couldn't make out who the voices where nor did she want to. She knew only one solution, to turn into her animagus and go see what was about it. Elladora turned into her animagus with ease and slowly crawled out her room, her black fur rubbing against the door.

She saw the two figures in the door way. One out of the two men stepped into the light and looked at the cat. Severus bloody Snape. "Severus," the other man started." It's just a cat, Lucius" He said " unless your scared of a cat" he said smirking. "Your childish, Severus" Lucius said in his cool tone bending down to look at the cat.

Lucius finally left after endless talking about wizarding politics. Severus stayed looked at Elladora's door and almost went up to it. Then stepped away slowly and looked at the cat " Your an animagus aren't you? I don't find this amusing Minerva." " I'm afraid Severus it isn't me." Mcgonagall said crossing her arms slightly "What are you doing at this hour Minerva?" "I believe I mistaken the time and stayed at Albus's for tea a few hours to long." She said yawning gracefully. " Evening dear." She said to the cat. "Minerva what are you playing at?" " I'm afraid I'm not playing at all , Severus." The professor said, concealing a smile. "You see Severus, this cat is an animagus, this is a cat with great power." " Minerva I dont find it amusing. At all." "Niether do I severus, this cat could kill you by just touching you." At that moment Elladora almost touched Severus he swiftly backed away just in case minerva was correct. Elladora touched Minerva and she feel to the ground acting as if she as in pain. Elladora chased Severus down the corridors.

Severus almost sprinted from the little grey Manx cat when they both saw two students, snogging. Elladora realized her fun could wait and transfigured back into her own self. " Ms. Faircastle! Mr. Malfoy! Ten points from slytherin each." She said, tapping her foot waiting for an explanation but, none. She sent them off to there dorms and turned with a little smirk on her face to none other than Severus. Severus was basically fuming, Elladora almost fell to the floor laughing so. Severus took out his wand to hex her but, Elladora was quicker than him and disarmed him. "Dont you try that with me Severus" Elladora started " I must remind you, you where the one outside my quarters." Severus growled the slightest bit.

" Elladora, Severus stop it at once!" Minerva finally said and stepped between the two "I will owl your father Elladora." She said giving that well know glare from Elladora's childhood. "Minerva we are adults, we can speak for ourselves." " Well at least I'm an adult , Severus."Elladora added. " You arrogant, incompetent little....." " say it." " lioness " Elladora chocked while Minerva was in shock. Severus strolled out of the corridor with a smirk on his face.



Dear readers,

This ia my first fanficton and as you know I own none of j.k Rowling work,characters, or settings.

This is my very first fan fiction so if you would like to give me any points or tips ( not rude of course) it would be very helpful! Also special thanks to my friends on Instagram: snapes.refridgerator, gryffindor.mcgonagall, severus.snape._.394 , and my fan fiction helper : kareistr4sh. Just wanted to give thanks to these people for advice and support.

I also realize 'this chapter is short, there will be longer chapters in the future.

Thank you for reading!


The author

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