Peter Pan

By Lolyesilikecats

141K 3.3K 840

I was lost, and I continue to stay that way. Everything is my fault, I know it is. I am happy though. Yes, I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Hey! Please Read!
Hello, Very Important!

Chapter 13

5.3K 159 84
By Lolyesilikecats

What I think. For me?

"Thank you..?" I say in a small unsure voice.

"No problem," he says, "to bad it ended up on the floor." He gives a light chuckle.

"Oh,it's uh.. cool.. It was my fault anyways, like, yeah." What was I saying? I'm not even sure, but I just didn't want to make him angry, or mad. He was being kind. He brought me food, I screwed up the food, hence me being really awkward. If you don't think that's kind, you can just leave.

"Uh, I'll grab you s'more, if that's cool?"

"Oh, no, it's fine really, I'm actually not that hungry." Lie.

"What?" I hear Rennie behind me. "Make him get us food!"

"Are you sure, I can just grab you a quick-

He stops because someone approaches. It was Peter.

"What are you doing?" He asks the boy.

"Well they seemed hungry so I thought I could bring them some food." He says back.

He laughs, " Yeah, well since they were late, they don't get food."

"I understand that, but I wasn't, so therefore I could bring them food. It's not a big deal."

Damn, I could tell the boy was fairly new, because I don't think anyone back talked Peter.

"What the hell did you say to me?" He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Nothing." He said back with a straight face.

"Nothing?" Peter laughed.

"Yeah, nothing."

Oh shit, are they fighting? No, this is more like a smart ass fight. No matter what it was, I knew I had to stop it.

"Look guys, I won't eat the food. It's cool. I'll be fine." I say looking at both of them wanting them to stop. " Okay, thank you, " I stop for a moment so the boy can give me his name.

"Bae." He says still staring back at Peter. "Baelfire."

Interesting name I think. "Thank you Baelfire, but Rennie and I aren't that hungry, so will meet you guys back at camp, or something."

"Okay," I say in an innocent voice, "we'll be going, bye guys, bye." I say really quickly, grabbing Rennie's arm pulling him with me.

"Hazel," he says once we're out of the tree, "I'm really hungry!"

"I know Rennie, me too. But did you see the way those two were looking at each other? They were basically ready to kill."

"I know," he says like an annoyed puppy, "I just want food!"

"Well," I say trying to come up with something, "do you know if there are any fruits out here?"

"Yeah!" He says quickly.

"We have a couple berry bushes around our training grounds!"

Training grounds? Is there anything else on this island, god.

"Oh, okay, you know where it is, right Rennie?"

"Yeah, it's about fifteen minutes away!"

"But if we run we can make ten!" He says almost too ready.

"Um, let's just walk." I say multiple times.

We finally get to the training grounds and I have to say, it looked like an outdoor gym, in a way. The first things I notice are a natural slope area, I assume for climbing, and another really big tree, not as wide as the hollow, but in height this tree wood probably win. I saw dents in the tree, I guess they would climb this too?  Instead of asking I start to look around for the bushes. We find some and we start to pick the berries off, just eating them right away. We were just too freaking hungry to go wash them by a nearby stream Rennie was talking about. While still eating, we take a seat next to the tree and we just gaze at nature's beauty. Everything was truly beautiful. Even if we weren't verbally talking to each other, we were both thinking the same thing.

Still not saying a word we stand up and start heading back to camp. I guess sitting in silence changed us. The look on nature, I mean. When I first noticed everything, it didn't feel like this. It was weird, like sharing this beauty, with a friend, was different. Like he understood what I was feeling too. Again, even though Rennie is a new friend I can definitely say, he was the best.


About five days go by and I have noticed that Peter and Bae aren't too good of friends. I didn't see Bae a lot, I wasn't sure why though, but it must not really matter because Peter would let Bae run off on his own. I've still been sleeping in Peter's room, alone, I wasn't sure where he would go, but in the morning he does return. Peter's still confusing and we haven't been talking to each other lately, I'm not sure why, but I'm just too scared to ask. Surprisingly, Bae comes back to camp, and he walks right up to me.

"Hey Hazel!" He says in a very cheery tone.

"Bae!" I say just as happy.

"I haven't seen you in a couple of days."

"Yeah, but I'm back."

"It looks like it." I say still happy.

Then I look directly at his face. He had a black eye, and it was ugly.

"Holy shit," I say in astonishment, "Bae, what happened to your face?"

"Oh," he says looking down, "I tripped."

"Tripped?" I say obviously not believing him.

"So you're telling me that you tripped, and your eye just so happened to be bruised." I say with both hands on my hips.

"Uh, yeah," he says slowly, " there was a rock.."

A rock I think. A rock. Yes, okay Bae, a rock did this to you, okay.

"Look, who punched you Bae?" I say rubbing my face.

"What?" He said looking straight into my eyes.

"It's pretty obvious someone punched you." I say examining his face.

I take his chin into my hand and I lightly touch the bruise. He winces and I remove my hand ready for him to answer.

"It's not a big deal, it was an accident." He says a little more confident, but I knew he was lying.

"Bae, this was not an accident, and it's a big deal." I say trying hard to convince him.

"I'm going to beat the asshole who did this to you."

"Hazel you can't-

"No, I will, well I might not actually beat the kid, but I will tell you, there will be some verbal abuse."

"So tell me!" I say one more time.

He sighs and he finally tells me, "Pan."


"Well," I say not knowing how to finish the sentence, "did you at least punch him back?"

 || Omg it's Bae! And aw Rennie and Hazel moments, how cute.  Sorry I didn't post sooner I've been really busy, but I'll try to post the next chapter sooner, okay? Thank you for the votes, comments and reads! I appreciate every single one! ily c: 

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