Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

Von xxfall3nros3sxx

314K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... Mehr

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-
-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-

4.1K 71 35
Von xxfall3nros3sxx

Savannah stifled a yawn as she watched Ben play Skyrim on his Playstation. “What you don’t like video games?” He teased poking her side. Savannah rolled her eyes. “Please I used to play games all the time, I stopped doing it though, After my mom died.. I didn’t do much of anything anymore” The awkward silence suddenly made itself known in the room.

“Well this is awkward, way to be Savannah” Ben teased her once more before turning off his controller and standing up. “Where are you going?” Savannah asked beginning to get up, Ben lightly pushed her back down. “I will be right back, hold on”

When Ben returned he took a seat across from Savannah on the coffee table that was in the middle of the gaming room. It was a really cool room and it reminded Savannah of her normal human home, It made her feel more comfortable than what she felt at the vampires manor. 

After all the slaves all had separate rooms, it was more like staying at a boarding school rather than a home. Savannah didn’t even like calling it her home. She got privileges and punishments, she got raped in that facility. It would never be a home.

Ben broke Savannah form her thoughts when he handed her a light blue envelope. “It’s a note, Now is the best time” Ben’s words felt foreign to Savannah and she felt herself ask. “What is this? Who is this from?” Ben sighed deeply before reaching for Savannah’s hand, she was hesitant but allowed him to hold it none the less.

“Well Savannah it’s from your mother. She wrote it the day she knew she would die.” Bens words caught Savannah off guard and she felt a sudden twinge of pain as she thought of her mother. “I don’t know if I can read this, Ben” Savannah sat up rather than as she was leaning before and looked at Ben sternly. “You need to do this” Was his reply.

Savannah nodded begrudgingly, before opening the envelope and taking the long letter out. Taking a deep breath she readied herself. “Here we go” 

My Dearest Savannah,

You are about seventeen and a half as you are reading this. I know what happened must have traumatized you in the worst of ways, but my sweet Savannah please don’t feel guilty for my death. It was never your fault. By now, you should have met some werewolves, even more particular, Benjamin. He will be your guide Savannah, I entrust your life with him. He is your guardian.

I trust Ben with everything so you should know that you are in good hands now. I leave the rest to you. I only wrote this letter so I could give you the truth. Your father was a vampire and werewolf hybrid Savannah. He wasn’t like us, that is why you never met him. He disappeared in your life very early and I know that was hard for you. It was hard for me to lie to you. But you must understand why.

Savannah on your eighteenth birthday you will become immortal, you will live forever like the wolves and the vampires, you will never age after eighteen. It’s because of what your father was, I hate this life for you. I wanted you to be normal. Your life will never be the same when you become immortal. But don’t fear Savannah you will not turn into vampire nor wolf. You will be an immortal human, the first in existence. This is why your blood is so important to these vampires.

Your life is in danger now, It will be until you change it. Because your father was a hybrid his blood held a certain substance, it makes vampires live forever. And I know it sounds confusing because vampires are supposedly “immortal” but they truly are not. There are several ways to kill a vampire, but even more interesting, the older vampires get they become more weak, almost like a elder. The only difference being that they don’t die of old age. Savannah you are a hybrid. You have the blood, the vampires want it. They killed your father over it and I made a deal with them so that they wouldn’t touch you.

That deal was broke the day Payne and Vincent killed me. That crash was a set up, it had nothing to do with the weather that day, it had nothing to do with you wanting your present. It was them. You are not to trust them Savannah, they betrayed me.

That day I died. I knew it was going to happen. Your fathers best friend was able to warn me, Ben’s mother. Savannah those vampires were not to take you, they were not to harm you, your father and I made a deal with them. They killed him though, and now me. 

I can only imagine what you are going through. I hate to make your life like this. I hate myself for falling in love with your father and giving this life to you. This isn’t the life I wanted for you. I wanted you to be a happy normal, human girl. But as you have now learned you are far from normal. 

Savannah I leave you in Ben’s care, his mother knows the secrets she will explain more, they will protect you. I can’t decide what’s best for you anymore, you are an adult you have to decide the rest on your own.

I love you Savannah, I always will. Be strong.

Sincerely, Mom.

Savannah’s eyes were flooded with tears as she finished the letter from her mother. Ben stood up and sat beside her, wrapping his arms around her. Nuzzling her head into his chest Savannah cried. “I turn eighteen in a few weeks”

“Don’t worry, me and my family already know. We will figure it out, We won’t let anything happen to you.” Ben’s words were only somewhat comforting, Savannah still had a lot to learn.

“The next step is meeting my mother, she was close friends with your father and your mother, it’s going to be tough.. But I believe in you, and I’m here for you.” Ben smiled lightly at Savannah who couldn’t return it.

“I just don’t know what to think. This is all so much to take in and to learn, I don’t want to go back there Ben. Not after everything I’ve learned from my mother..” Savannah’s words were serious but Ben still had some doubt because of her feelings for Vincent.

As if almost reading his mind, Savannah spoke up. “I can’t believe I trusted him.. I fell for him and let him lie to me. Everything was a lie, I hate him!” Savannah wiped her eyes before looking at Ben again.

He had no words. He wouldn’t fight with her, he knew that she probably still loved the vampire and it killed him to believe so but he would have to let her decide in the end. “Let’s go meet my mother” Savannah nodded and Ben helped her up. Her knee was beginning to heal finally and she could actually walk on it.

Ben brought Savannah down the stairs where they passed the living room and kitchen, they passed most rooms on the main floor until the came to some spiral stairs that led into a basement type place. Once the reached the bottom of the steps there was a huge open hallway. It led to several different doors.

They walked down the hall until they reached two French doors, Ben opened them softly and allowed Savannah to walk in first. A small women looked at Robbie, the wolf Savannah had met briefly and he smiled pulling a seat in the middle of the room. “Have a seat” The women said. Savannah looked at Ben and he just nodded.

Once sitting down on the chair Savannah felt uncomfortable and was suddenly on edge watching everyone in the room. “Relax, no one is going to hurt you. Besides even if we wanted to Ben would never allow it” 

“Mother” Ben warned his mother just smiled warmly at him. “My sons and I are werewolves as you have learned form your mothers letter I’m sure, My name is Karin”

Savannah didn’t say anything just listened to what Karin had to say. 

“We have a lot of stuff to teach you, First I will be training with you, You are going to need to learn how to defend yourself properly. Vampires are nothing to fool around with. Once you turn eighteen which is in fact three weeks away, is when your blood will be purified and immortal. That’s when the vampires will try to get to you. More importantly Payne and his gang of vampires”

“Savannah this world is very different that yours, I don’t know what those vampires have told you but we are no longer on the human world. We exist in a different dimension, sealed away from the humans prying eyes. You were captured and brought here, which was never supposed to happen but once Payne learned about you and found out you would have the immortal blood he was after you.”

Savannah sighed. “Why me, I didn’t want this. I was normal.. I thought I was human” 

Karin walked up to Savannah and placed a hand on her shoulder. “We will take care of you Savannah, you need to be strong. You learned the truth and now you have to accept it, there is no other way”

Savannah frowned. She had a lot on her plate right now. Who could learn so much in one day. It was a lot to take in and she could barely hold herself together at this point.

“You live with me now, it was your mothers wishes. I will take care of you, and protect you as your father wanted. I’m sorry you never met him. He was a wonderful man. He loved you very much.” 

“Mother, I think she needs to rest for now, she’s taken in a lot for one day” Ben cut into his mothers words, she frowned but nodded to him. “You’re right, get some rest sweetie, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask.. And we will be having a room ready for you in a few days..” 

Karin’s smile reminded Savannah of her mother, it made her feel secure and safe. “Thank you” she whispered as Ben held her hand. 

Bringing her to his room, Ben let Savannah get changed into some pajamas then he laid on the bed with her. “How are you feeling?” He asked softly.

“Overwhelmed” Was the simple reply.

Savannah had a lot she would have to learn and a lot she had to deal with. Her life was spiraling out of control, and she began to feel sick as she thought about everything she learned already.

“Sleep tight” Were the last things Savannah heard from Ben before slipping into a slumber.

[[ Author's Note :: Okay I needed to put this in here to clarify a few things because I've gotten a few comments below and I guess there was some confusion. Anyways, Savannah's mom wrote that note before she died. She knew that Karin (Ben's Mother) Would take care of Savannah after she died. Now the reason she knew she was going to die is because Karin (Ben's Mother) Warned her that Payne and Vincent were going to do so. Are we clear now? If there are still questions ask away. ]]


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