The Mafia's Police Girl

By beyondgrey

97.5K 4.4K 362

Lizanna Marvel was a twenty-five year old proud, upstanding, law abiding citizen that always held admiration... More

Getting Situated
Prison Break
Smooth Sailing?
Cornered Yet Again
I Remember
Stupid Children
Little Bro
Authors Note
The Vito Mission
Ivan Bianchi and the Orphanage
The Deal: I Accept!
The Game Plan
Chaos Underground (1)
Chaos Underground (2)
Chaos Underground (3)

The Deal: Accept or Reject?

4.1K 186 11
By beyondgrey

I reacted quickly to the sudden cold touch around my neck by grabbing the arm of the person behind me and throwing them over my shoulder. During the process of my attack, I noticed three things. One, the weight of the person was significantly light, as light weight as that of a childs. Two, I did in fact harshly throw a child against the ground. And three, a maid charging at me in mock battle cry with a dagger in hand.

"Signora Fiammetta!" (Lady Fiammetta) She screamed, her murderous eyes locked on me as I quickly gathered the unconscious child in my arms and rolled out of the way. The dagger missed my throat by a small margin, slicing the fabric of my shirt instead. The maids' dagger made contact with the wooden floor with monstrous force, demonstrating how skilled she was with a blade.

I gently dropped the child on the bed immediately before the psycho maid retrieved more knives hidden under her uniform. She positioned all six of them between her fingers, her eyes literally making note of where she planned to embed those deadly weapons into my body.

"W-Wait a second, t-this is all a huge  misunderstanding. I-I didn't mean to do that--" I stammered, putting my hands in the air. My heart was beating uncontrollably and my oxygen intake was strained. Never had I ever fought against an opponent that wielded blades, I was always used to wielding guns and hand-to-hand combat. And to make matters worse, her fighting stance was in many ways different from my own so it was close to impossible for me to read her movements.

Shit! What do I do? There was no where for me to run and nothing to use as a weapon besides this lamp on top of the wardrobe.

That's it, the lamp!

"Come osi mettere le mani sporche su Signora Fiammetta. Si muore pezzo di merda!" (How dare you lay your filthy hands on Lady Fiammeta. Die you piece of shit!)

The maid released her knives, all of them heading straight for my heart. I quickly snatched the lamp from its socket and used it to block her attack. She looked surprised by this, but I used that opportunity to charge at her and tackle her to the ground.

Initially, I only intended to subdue her and hold her down so that I could explain myself, however, that soon changed when she spat in my face and used her feet to launch me off of her. I went tumbling to the ground a few feet away from her, landing on my back.

From that point onwards, I was done playing nice!

Andrés's POV:

We all rushed out of the meeting room and toward the source of screaming and expensive things being shattered.  My sister and Ambrogio led the way, with me and my men following close behind.

"What the fuck is going on over there?!"

"I don't know, but that scream came from Nicoletta," Beatrix yelled. "I put her in charge of taking care of my daughter. Something must have happened for her to shriek like that and it better not involve my Fiammetta!" At the thought of that, we ran faster and retrieved our weapons.

Once we got there, a body came flying out the room and into the wall, creating a huge crater. "Nicoletta!" shouted Beatrix as she stooped down to her side, helping her ease out of the hole in the wall. "What the fuck is going on? Where's Fiammetta?!"

Nicoletta coughed and spat out a glob blood coated in her saliva. "That intruder, the bitch on the ground right there placed her filthy hands on Lady Fiammetta and threw her to the ground. I saw it all happen right in front of me! The Lady and I were playing Hide and Seek when she stumbled into this room, found the intruder and got hurt. She's lying unconscious on the bed."

Ambrogio barged into the room and pulled out his gun, angling it at the ground. I chose that moment to peep inside myself when I noticed Lizanna breathing heavily on the floor and before Ambrogio could pull the trigger, I slapped the gun out of his grip.

He turned his murderous green eyes at me. "Why the fuck did you do that," he roared. I rushed passed him and stooped down to Lizanna's level. "Remember that flaw I was talking about? Well, here she is."

~30 minutes later: Vito Infirmary~

The sound of a door bursting open and loud commotion made me open my tired eyes and groan.

"Time to wake the fuck up!" yelled Beatrix, Andrés's so-called frightening sister. She stormed her way beside the bed I was currently lying on and took a fistful of my shirt, yanking me up to her eye level. "What in the hell possessed you to put your hands on my daughter, girl!"

Tired of this bullshit, tired of always getting hurt, and tired of my affiliation with the entire Vito family, I snapped. "Get off of me," I sneered. "I'm sick of you all thinking you have the right to put your hands on me when I've done nothing wrong, you're just asking for a fight!"

In the midst of my rant, I attracted the prescence of a few people, both familiar and new.

"I never asked to be here, in fact, I never asked for any of the shit I'm in now. Why is it that every time I'm in proximity of anyone affiliated with this cursed family, I'm the one always fighting bitches and  getting stitches?! It's not right or fair. I just want to go back home and put everything here behind me, is that too much to ask," I emphasized. "And as for your daughter, I never meant to hurt her. She came from behind me, placed her hands behind my neck, and my reflexes kicked in. Everything that transpired in that room was all a huge misunderstanding and I deeply apologize if she was hurt in any way. As for your maid--fuck it--I don't regret a single thing I did to her becuase it turned out all along that she could speak English. I tried repeatedly to explain myself, but she ignored me and initiated a fight that could have been avoided."

I ended my rant with a satisfied huff, earning a mixture of shocked and thoughtful facial expressions.

"Well, damn, this family is cursed," Leo uttered to dispel the awkward silence in the room. Donatello and Diamonte gave him an unimpressed glare.

"Andrés, who is this woman?" Asked an elder version of Andrés. His father, I concluded, stepped further into the room.

"Her name is Lizanna Marvel and she was an officer at Juggernaut before shit hit the fan and we burned the place to the ground. She was hired two days before we finished our mission, which assured that she wasn't an accomplice of the Bianchi's. Due to unexpected circumstances," he emphasized as he glared at Feliciana, who began whistling, "she ended up in our care."

"I was kidnapped."

"Same thing."

"Why you--"

"Enough," Andrés's father cut in. "Look, we can try to sympathize with you, but we all know that that wouldn't go well at all. So, why don't we offer you a deal."

I rose my eyebrows. "What deal?"

"If you promise to work for us until we are able to resolve a major thorn to our city, we promise to send you back home not only safe, but with enough money to last you most of your life time. It would be fair considering the fact that you're currently unemployed."

"W-Wait! Why me? I don't want to get involved with your mess. Plus, this conflicts with my morals as an officer--"

"Ms. Marvel, believe it or not, we are like you. We do exactly what you do for your own country, for your own people, it's just that we take on the name mafia rather than officer. For Milan, we protect our city, its people, property, peace, and even extend our services in order to prevent the exchange of illegal substances by patrolling the border of this city. From the inside and outside, we fight corruption and crime alongside our own city's police force. Though Milan may be far from perfect, we do our best to ensure the safety off all who make their homes here. I decided to ask you this simply because of your skills, but now I can see that you share the same ideals as our organization."

Andrés crept forward and placed his hand on his father's shoulder. "Lizanna, please understand that our fundamental duty is to protect people, to safeguard lives and property, to protect the innocent against deception, and the weak against intimidation and oppression.We are a unique organization in which we don't partake in organized crime, we operate much differently. In more ways than one, we are the police...and you could be our police girl. What do you say?"


Agent Hawthorne's POV:

"This is tape number one, the day of the prison break," I voiced to my underlings as I placed the tape inside of the recorder and fumbled with a few buttons. "We will watch the whole thing in its entirety before rewinding back to analyze every second from start to finish."

Bell released a sigh of impatience. "This is gonna take forever."

"Yeah, well that's why you're an agent. You signed up for this so you should know the risks and inconveniences this job has," Light retorted. He looked annoyed as always, no surprise there.

"Ah, lighten up Light--ha, you see what I just did there." Bell joked. "Your name--"

"Not funny. Trust me, you aren't the only person I've heard that from."

They continued to banter even after I was done setting everything up. They behaved like children, with one being overly jealous (Light) and the other being just childish (Bell).

"Hey, you guys--" I tried.

"Oh, come on Light you need to live a little," Bell interrupted.

"Hey, quit interrupting--"

"The last person I would ever accept advice from is you, thank you very much." Light said with a hint of sass.

Repeatedly, I tried to gain their attention but time and again I was unsuccessful. So, fed up, I exploded. "Shut the hell up and listen to your superior, godamnit! How are we going to solve this case if you two morons won't stop behaving like children?!"

They were silent after that and I released a sigh of relief. "Like I said, tape number one."

Bianchi Famiglia Meeting:

Yelling, arguing, and screaming had filled the large meeting room since the meeting began and hour ago. Important members of the Bianchi family were all in attendance and seated in their respective seats, the leader of the family seated at the head of the large, round mahogany table.

"They got away with destroying our drugs and our base! If that's not careless, I don't know what is!"

"You were in charge of that base Enzo, so tell me, how did you manage to fuck up so miserably?"

"Shup up Giovanna before I break your neck. Don't try to pin this all on me. If anyone had as much involvement with the American base as me it was you, you bitch. Have you so easily forgotten that those were your men?"


"Signor Bianchi, your son is here," whispered a nearby butler into Gastonne Bianchi's ear. "Should he be allowed admittance into the property?"

Gastonne grimaced at the thought. "Do not allow him inside--"

In that moment, the doors busted open and in strolled none other than his son, Ivan Bianchi and his badass posse. Nicknamed Ivan the Terrible as a child, Ivan never failed to express how truly terrible he was not only as a son, but as a human being.

The room was silent upon his entry.

"Well, well, what's all this Pops? Did I not receive an invitation to this meeting?" He asked "saddened". "That's just cruel."

Gastonne sighed. "You know exactly why you weren't invited here Ivan so quit the act. You're not welcomed here anymore, you're out of control, so take you and your sewer rat rag-tag gang out of this house!"

Ivan frowned and placed a hand on his chest as if he were hurt. "Father, how could you say that to your own son? Have you no heart?"

"Just get out. We are in the middle of something important."

Ivan smiled and sat into an empty chair beside Enzo, completely disregarding his father's order. "Hey Enzo. I hear you fucked up and lost not only our base and men, but the drugs. Why's that?"

Enzo clenched his teeth, turned to Ivan, and exploded. "I don't fucking answer to you, child, " he spat. "You aren't even a part of this whole ordeal, let alone this family! Don't think you can just prance in here like you own the godamn place. You don't know a thing--Ahhhh!"

In this midst of his rant, Ivan calmly took a ball point pen placed beside Enzo's paperwork and used it to stab his hand. With such monstrous strength, the pen succeeded in piercing through his bones and embedding itself halfway inside of the mahogany table.

Enzo howled, clutching the pen embedded into his hand as blood pooled onto the table and floor.


"I would kill him, but I don't want to get you madder than you already are at me father. So, to console you, I'll find those Vito bastards and destroy them. I'll finish everything that you and your pathetic men could not. Arrivederci!"

"Fuck, Ivan don't you dare go after them," Gastonne yelled after his son as he and his gang retreated. "This does not concern you, you'll ruin everything."

"Ta-ta father." Ivan called back as he waved goodbye.

Phew! So, what do you think? Comment & Vote. 

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