Futbolista: An American Dream

Par JerseyImperator

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A recent graduate of The American Technical Futbol Academy, Alfredo Moreno leaves his sheltered life of futbo... Plus

Matchweek1: @ North Bend FC
Matchweek 2: vs New England Athletics
Matchweek 3, Part 2: vs Hammonton FC

Matchweek 3, Part 1: vs East Dakota

1 0 0
Par JerseyImperator

'Dee why are you vibrating me. I don't have practice today.'

iDroid: Coach Medina is holding an important press conference.

The day after the match?

'Bring it up, extra large screen.'

Coach Medina: ..and we have accepted the offer from Prince George FC for David Garcia. As of 0900 this morning. David Garcia will no longer be with the club. I am willingly to take limited questions.

Vlogger: Coach does this have anything to do with the fight between David Garcia and Alfredo Moreno in practice last week?

How did they find out about that?

Coach Medina: I assure you that this deal was in the work well before the argument. Frankly that's an unprofessional question. Does anyone have any questions worth my time? No? Ok, then I have to get back to work.

'Dee, end transmission.'

Wow...he stormed off quickly. So Garcia is gone?


Palma: I guess they broke down his locker while we were out yesterday. Man, they move fast.

He really is gone. Good riddance I say, although I'm not going to say that out loud. There's a lot of tension in the room. Everyone keeps looking at Garcia's empty locker and cutting their eyes at me. Well it's not my fault that I'm better than him. Like coach said. I had nothing to do with it.

Coach Medina: Hurry up and get suited up. We're having a half practice since we have East Dakota tomorrow. They mean business, so we're going to have to go over a lot of film. I need my backs to be as strong as you guys have been.

Munoz: Don't worry about us Coach. We certainly don't want to get sold off.

Coach Medina: Excuse me Munoz? WHy don't you focus on getting off of those crutches instead of coming up with ways to piss me off. Why aren't you at physical training?

Munoz: I'm going...I'm going. I was, you know, hoping to see my boy one last time before he left you know. Sucks to be fired on your day off.

Coach Media: Munoz! Front office!

Munoz: Well it was nice knowing you guys.

That was disrespectful. And no one spoke up for Coach. Not even Ray, you would think if anyone would diffuse the situation it would be the captain. This is bad.


So I guess passing me this note was Villanueva's way of leading the situation. 'Club tonight, I've scheduled the transport'. I don't know if he meant for it to come off as a threat or if that's how it read in it's brevity, either way, I didn't have a choice. With everything that's been going on, I stand to get out of my own head for awhile.

I wish I could invite Mia, but she's at an away match. And an exciting one. 2-2. She's already scored two goals and it's only the 53' minute. Mia is an exciting futbolista to watch. No wonder so many people love her.


I guess I can thank Tristian for Priming some new clothes for me, even though I didn't ask. I walked in by myself and got nothing but love from everyone I passed. Not like the jokes I got the first time.

Villanueva: Hey Moreno! Hey, hey you, dock on the first floor.

They're already here, and already drunk by the looks of it. Villanueva is swaying with a bottle in his hand, Gallerne has a girl in each arm, and Renson looks passed out. What are they thinking, we have a match tomorrow.

Villanueva: Moreno, it is good for you to join us.

'You knew when I would be here. You scheduled the transport.'

Villanueva: Yeah yeah yeah. Hey. They're having some sort of North Mexican Reggae concert on the fourth floor. Let's check it out.

'How long are you guys going to be out tonight. We have a match tomorrow.'

Villanueva: Well what do you expect, we're in mourning.

Gallerne: Yeah because of you asshole.

Villanueva: Whoa easy there Frenchman.

Gallerne: SO that's what this is. You're the first.

'First of what. What are you talking about?'

Gallerne: You know damn well what I'm talking about rookie.

Villanueva: Easy, easy. Let's all sit down and relax for a minute. Zone out to the tunes of NK3.

Gallerne: North Kardashian is performing tonight?! Man We gotta get her in our VIP.

'First of what?'

Villanueva: Ok, rookie. Sit down, have a drink. Here's the deal. There's a superstition

Gallerne: A curse.

Villanueva: Whatever, it's not true.

'What's not true?'

Villanueva: They say that no Division 2 team that gets promoted to Division 1 can make it to the Premiership without selling at least half of their squad.


Villanueva: That's right. The investors are paranoid.

Gallerne: Yeah. Winning every single league match last season wasn't enough. Being the Undefeatable Diamond wasn't enough.

Villanueva: They don't care. Either way most of the team think that you're signing, Moreno, is the first of those transactions. Why Garcia was let go.

'But that's not my fault.'

Villanueva: They don't care. Most of the team are planning on proving to the investors that they don't need to be replaced.

'By shutting me out...'

Villanueva: Basically. Sorry it's not you. It's the team.

"Gallerne? You're going along with this? You saw what we did out there on the pitch. We could connect like that all season long. We have chemistry.'

Gallerne: We do. I want to keep my job too. I don't want to be sold down to Division 4 or 5 after working so hard to get here.

'Well Garcia is still in our Division.'

Gallerne: Garcia was younger. Clubs like their strikers young and spry or old with a storied history with their club. The only clubs that spend money on an aging striker those looking to make a push for promotion in a lower Division. I'd probably be headed to Trenton Juniors.

'You're good Gallerne. You're way too good for anything less than Premiership. C'mon I grew up watching you guys play. Every single match of the invincible campaign I watched you guys. Your blowouts, your last minute goals, Villanueva. I remember. We're good, together. I know how you guys play. The rest of the team, Renson over there, are afraid because they aren't good enough. Together, we can let the investors know that WE are an unbreakable diamond. Breaking us apart would mean ruining any chances of making it to the Premiership.

Villanueva: So go against the squad's protest?

Gallerne: I get it. Moreno. You're right.

Villanueva: Really?! You guys are crazy. The whole squad will turn on you.

'Well they already turned on me'

Gallerne: And he's right. I am better than the rest of those chumps. Let's drink to it. To the new Undefeatable Diamond.

'What about Renson.'

Gallerne: That lightweight! Ha! We'll tell him later.


Who is banging on my door at 4am! Where's my disabler.

'Dee, who is at the door'

iDroid: Eric Gallerne, Ray Villanueva, and four women who are not in your contacts.


'WHy are you guys banging on my door. I left early for a reason. We have a match tomorrow. Today!'

Villanueva: Lighten up rookie. The transport took us here. I must've made a mistake. Oops!

Gallerne: C'mon Moreno, let us sleep it off.

Villanueva: You're damn right the rookie will. Look at these couches. Nice digs rookie. I guess that's what a massive signing bonus gets you.

'What's with the girls?'

Gallerne: Relax rookie. They're friends. Go back to your bed upstairs. Two floor loft, very nice rook. We're going to sleep down here.

'Don't mess up my stuff. Just sleeping! We have a big match in twelve hours.'

Villanueva: Just pay a cleaner. You're the rich one right rookie?

'Yeah, yeah'

~That morning~

They were making noise all night long. There's no way that they got any sleep. It's only been four hours since I left them in. I might as well go down there and kick them out since we have to be on pitch in three hours warming up and speaking to the press.

They're already gone, and my living room is ruined! I can't believe what they did to my white couches. Those stains are never going to come out. One of them is still here, one of the girls.

'Hey, get up, get out.'

Girl: Huh? I need a transport. Where's my PDC?"

'You didn't come here with one. Dee, call this woman a transport to wherever she needs to go. The transport system here is responsive, one should already be pulling up. Let me get the door for you.'

Mia: Oh, hey Alfredo.

'Hey Mia, I caught your match last night'

Girl: Thanks for kicking me out asshole.

Mia: Oh wow! You sure you had the time to watch me play?

'No, no wait that's nothing.

MIa: Yeah I bet it's nothing.

She slammed her door in my face. Damn you Gallerne, Villanueva.


Commentator: East Dakota is in the house! Good afternoon, I'm Michael Anthony welcoming you to this midweek cup matchup between two high level competitors of Division 1 futbol. Tech FA seems to be bringing their unbeatable momentum into the new season while East Dakota claims to have made all of the off season signings they need in order to make the leap to Premiership. Who goes home and who goes on? The first leg of the Cup starts after these short messages.

I am so tired that I can barely stand. Even my mascot is looking at me like something is wrong. I do not see how Villanueva and Gallerne can be so energetic. I didn't get chance to talk to them about last night but after that look Mia gave me before she slammed the door in my face, this needs to be addressed. I've heard of clubs that try to stress out their rookies by making them adhere to ridiculous hazing, I'm not going to stand for this. I'm the highest paid player on this squad, I'm not some run of the mill rookie.

And East Dakota looks ready to play. The steely gaze their goalkeeper gave me was almost a challenge. At least the home crowd is pumped. I like these walkouts where they sing our names and we get to see the thousands of fans wearing our colors. Wow, fireworks, that's new. I see Mia isn't here, she never told me why she came to the last match, or why she left early.

Gallerne: Anthem is over, get in gear rook.

SO it is, I must've been lost in thought. No time for that now. Time to focus. My first Cup match.

Commentator: And there's the starting whistle to signify the start of the match. One that has been hotly anticipated even by Premiership clubs. Two teams who look ready for Premiership playing in the earliest stages of the Domestic Cup. You can't ask for a better matchup to kick off this competition.


Commentator: Moreno is streaking down the left flank, defenders on his heels. He fires off a cross into the box but his footing is poor and it goes over the crossbar.

Gallerne: Rookie! Get it together! This is not the match to make mistakes like that.

'Well maybe if you two would've taken your whores elsewhere last night I wouldn't be so tired this morning.

East Dakota player: Whoa! Trouble in paradise. Don't let me stop your argument.

Gallerne: Leave it off the pitch rookie.

'Leave it out of my apartment next time.'


Commentator: Gallerne is dribbling on the corner of the 18, three defenders on him. The press is on, he pushes to the back line. A quick cross right as the ball looks to go behind, no whistle. GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL!! Where was N'Diaye! N'Diaye leaves a trail of dust as he charges in from midfield past all of the defenders who were marking other players, to put a strong head on the ball that goes right past the keeper. Excellent execution.


Commentator: If I were to rate East Dakota's intensity up until now, it would be a 6. Since that Tech FA goal, it has been a 10 as the offense is confusing the defense and taking advantage. And now they're attacking again as a striker finds his away around N'Diaye. He passes to the corner, Palma is not able to stop the one time pass back into the box. East Dakota has a player wide open on the opposite side of the 18. The ball finds his feet, GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL! What a finish. 1-1.


Commentator: Moreno attempts a sloppy pass to Villanueva that's intercepted by East Dakota who are on the break. The ball is sent up the right baseline. The mid outruns Centouf who just earned his starting spot this week. It's crossed into the box, Palma tries to intercept but misses horribly leaving a defender unmarked. GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL! There is nothing Piney can do against the striker one on one as the keeper watches the ball glide past him and into the net. Tech FA is down for the first time this season! 1-2 to East Dakota.


Commentator: And that's the half here at Booker Grounds, the score, Tech FA 1, East Dakota 2.

Villanueva: Hey thanks for that pass Moreno, way to play.

'Save the sarcasm for your momma.'

Villanueva: what did you say to me rookie!

Coach Medina: Shut up all of you! You all are playing like this is a scrimmage out here. This isn't it! I am not pleased! I need some intensity out on that pitch. Moreno where are you today? Where's your head.

'I'm here coach.'

Coach: Well you sure as hell aren't playing like you're here...

He goes on but I'm not listening. I want to tell him that I'm tired because of what Gallerne and Villanueva pulled last night, but the way those two are glaring at me right now that might not be a good idea. East Dakota is fast, and aggressive. They came here today ready to play while our front four spent the night in a club. I'm getting passes but I can't do anything with it.Other than N'Diaye earlier, no one is moving into space, no one is making runs on the goal. Even though Renson is the only other starter who seems as tired as I am, Villanueva and Gallerne haven't been playing at their best either. Maybe their outward appearance is a rouse.


Commentator: We're back at it and East Dakota is on the offensive right away. From the kickoff they've charged the goal, taken two shots on Piney who came up with excellent saves, and are now in position to take a corner. East Dakota looks set. A lot of shoving going on in the box. The corner comes in, it falls at the feet of a East Dakota player. A quick shot! It rattles off of the bar and Renson clears it. Whoa that was a close call, the Tech FA defense was left standing still.

Villanueva: C'mon let's go! What's going on out there. I am not going out of the cup like this! We're better than this, I know we are.

'Well he is the captain after all. I wonder if he will deliver too. Everyone looks fired up. We needed that.'


Commentator: Renson dribbles the ball into the corner. Looks like he's looking to cross. Not a lot of movement in the box, Renson sends, oh wait, fakes the cross and dribbles in. A burst from Renson and the defense is scrambling to meet him as the attacking mid works his way up the goal line. He cuts in and fires a quick shot. GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL! It curves up and over the goalkeeper to find the top corner of the net. What an individual effort by Renson. That's our equalizer folks. 2-2 and we have a battle on our hands.


Commentator: East Dakota gets things going again. Tech FA is playing full press as the ball is pushed back. Oh that's a ugly pass, and Gallerne is there to intercept. The striker is on a full sprint to the net. Oh what an error on the part of the East Dakota backfield. The keeper runs out to meet him and GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL! Gallerne blasts a shot right past the stunned goalkeeper who is giving his fullbacks a mouthful. In two minutes, Tech FA went from struggling to stay in this game to going up a goal. 3 - 2 Tech FA.


Commentator: And the long awaited final whistle blows. The fans are on their feet as Tech FA looks barely able to stand on theirs. But the job is done, Tech FA has taken the first leg of the Cup out from East Dakota's fingers. Final Score. 3-2.


Tech FA ED

56 POS% 44

14 SHOT 13

7 SOT 9

43 SHT% 22

83 PAS% 83

1 FK 1

8 COR 5

3 SAVE 3

14 TACK 19

7 FOUL 12

0 YC 0

0 RC 0


Moreno's first bad performance, how will the fans take it? Is Tech FA planning on selling off the squad? What does Mia have to say about seeing a half dressed woman coming out of Moreno's apartment? It's only midweek and League Week 3 @ Hammonton FC awaits. Next Time on Futbolista.

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