Decades Gone By Series: Insan...

By brina_writer8

13.3K 344 59

A year after the battle with Tartarus, the famous mage guild Fairy Tail disbanded. Now, Lucy Heartfilia has j... More

Prologue - The Meeting of Zeref & Lucy
Chapter 1 - X792
Chapter 2 - Killing in Era
Chapter 3 - An Entire Year & She's Gone
Chapter 4 - One Week
Chapter 5 - The Arrival of the Dark Guild
Chapter 6 - The Return of the Fairies
Chapter 7 - Morning Star
Chapter 8 - Let the Games Begin
Chapter 9 - Venom
Chapter 10 - Lucy vs Juvia
Chapter 12 - Countdown
Chapter 13 - Lissa's Magic
Chapter 14 - The Truth Outspoken
Chapter 15 - Activation Starting
Chapter 16 - Games Interrupted
Chapter 17 - Blood & Magic
Chapter 18 - Natsu vs Lucy
Chapter 19 - The Ruined Outsiders
Chapter 20 - Feeling of Betrayal

Chapter 11 - Anger Confusion

474 13 3
By brina_writer8

           "Alright everyone, that concludes our challenge for today!" The announcer boomed, but there was a shakiness in his voice when he spoke. "There will be two battles today, so take a break and get ready. We will announce the two competitors when the time comes." He stepped off, giving everyone relief from his loud voice. 

           Zenith sat in the infirmary, her back leaning against an arched pillow, making her sit up instead of lie down. Her forehead was wrapped in bandages, her black hair tied behind her. Her legs were covered with soft white sheets and she was the least damaged one of our the final three. Beside her laid Fairy Tail's Juvia, her stomach wrapped in bandages and her right hand as well. 

          Her blue hair stuck to her skin, the sweat making the paleness shine. She wasn't usually this pale, however, but after all the blows she had taken, she looked like death. Dark bags were underneath her eyes and her jacket hung on the edge of the bed. Her bare arm was exposed to a needle that dug into her veins, pumping blood into her system. 

          Zenith hadn't been present when Juvia appeared back in the arena but she had landed in her blood. She turned her gaze away from the bluenette, sighing when the screen in the corner of the room disappeared. 

         Suddenly the door banged open, smashing against the back wall as Fairy a Tail made their way in. Zenith saw Gray Fullbuster, the famous ice mage who never wore a shirt, his appearance showing that cliche now. Erza Scarlet leaned against the wall beside the open doorway, her blood red hair spilling over her armoured body. Nastu Dragneel, the Salamander of the guild stood beside Titania, arms crossed over his chest. 

          A little girl, Wendy Marvell, her pigtails swinging as she circled the bed to sit in front of Zenith, blocking her view from the dying girl. A blue cat fly beside the Salamander and Zenith had to rub her eyes to see if she was hallucinating. A white cat flew beside the little girl and Zenith looked away, batting her eyelashes as she tried to get a hang on reality. 

         Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer and Levy McGarden, a petite bluenette, entered after them, keeping in the doorway. All of them watched the unconscious girl, Gray sitting in the chair opposite Wendy. 

        Zenith couldn't stop herself from commenting. "Sorry about your friend." They all turned to her, seeming surprised that she was there, not that she spoke. Zenith had a Russian accent, it thick and rough. "Little blondie has anger issues. Look at me, I'm second strongest in guild yet she kicked my ass."

       Wendy turned in the stool, her legs sliding against the metal bar at the bottom. "You're from Tally Raid, isn't that a dark guild as well?" 

      "Yes but people in my guild are sane. Your little girl is not," they seemed confused by the little girl comment. "The Lucy. She used to be in your guild yes? Was she always so crazy?" 

       Wendy lightly shook her head, her eyes saddening. The white cat, who sat leaning against Juvia's leg, touched the girl's leg in comfort. Zenith's eyes drifted up to Salamander, his pink hair spiked and face neutral. "She wasn't always like that," he said, his voice easy. 

      Zenith raised an eyebrow. "What made her so crazy then?"

     "She's not crazy," Levy said.

     "Tell that to the water body and my throbbing bottom," Zenith argued. "That girl needs mental help, I say. I may be from dark guild but I have stable mind." She turned away, grabbing a magazine that sat on her bedside table. Opening it to a random page, Zenith saw Titania making her way over, sitting in the chair next to her bed. 

     "You know Premonition well, right?" She didn't sound sure, her smooth voice full of questions. Zenith didn't look at her, flipping the page to a horoscope. "Tell us what you know about them."

   "What do you give me in return, Titania?" 

    "Anything you want," she said, desperation rising in her throat. "Name what you want." The Russian girl glanced her way, her face emotionless as the words left her mouth. Titania leaned back in the chair, confusion crossing her features. "What?"

     "You hear me right, or do you have bad hearing? I say date with you, that's my price, take it or leave it." Zenith turned back to her magazine, waiting for an answer. She heard Salamander laughing in the background, and a smile spread her lips when Titania agreed. "Tomorrow night, eight o'clock?"

     Titania sighed. "Yes."

     She shut the magazine, turning in her bed. "Premonition was made only year ago. Tally Raid was the highest dark guild in all of Fiore, but when crazy girl arrived, we were booted to second. Lucy Heartfilia began to stir the dark guilds all around, making them angry and confused by her sudden arrival. Everyone knew she used to be in Fairy and they had no respect for her." She wiped the corner of her lips. "Soon four more people were added to guild, and they become the smallest yet strongest dark guild ever, beating the very best that you folk destroyed. Their master though, was kept under wraps until today, where Zeref was discovered to rule over the minds of Premonition members." 

    Titania and her friends stiffened, their faces telling Zenith that they knew the Dark Wizard was the master, but didn't like believing it. She continued, "Premonition had a sub group though, known as The Ruined Outsiders. Blondie, creepy kid and man guy were involved in serious crime wrecking the cities. Those three are the worst of the worst. Of course be careful of small girl, her power is unknown " 

    She returned to her magazine as Fairy Tail pondered on what she said. When Zenith flipped the page, she hummed. "Looks like crazy girl used to model?" She flipped the book around to show her friends. It was of Lucy, her blonde hair tied into a high ponytail, her features having barely any makeup. No sign was on her cheek and the clothes she wore were plain jeans and a t-shirt that said her name on it. 

    She was laughing in the picture, her smile big and bright. Her left arm was limp at her side but her right hand pushed a loose strand behind her ear. They seemed emotional looking at the picture and Zenith decided to flip it back over. "Good memories turning to bad ones, yes?" 

     Levy was the first to speak after their moment of silence. "Is anyone from your guild visiting you?" 

     Zenith laughed, high pitched and abnoxious. "Of course not. They don't like me because I'm Russian. They are horrible people." The screen lit up across the room again and the announcer popped back up on the screen. "Better go, battles with start." 

    Fairy Tail started to depart, Titania rising out of her seat and following behind Wendy. "Can't wait for date tomorrow!" She called, making the red head twitch with fear. As soon as the door closed, the room was enclosed with silence, the only sound being the music playing in the arena. Zenith leaned back and breathed in the fresh air, shutting the magazine as the first battle was announced. 


      Lissa watched the first battle go down, the abilities between Siren Mouth and Quartro Cerberus matching perfectly. She predicted that Cerberus would win, just by how exhausted Siren looked. She didn't remember the two males' names but she didn't really care, her nails tapping against the mantle as she worried for Lucy. 

    She sighed, turning away and walking down the stairs. As she did, Lissa began pulling her hair into a messy bun, her body starting to feel hot as she circled the stairs, coming to the end. When she tightened her hair, the blackness swinging as she let it go, Lissa entered Lucy's room. She had gotten her own because the medics hadn't trusted her in the same room with Juvia and Zenith. 

   The room was empty, no one sitting beside the bed or leaning against the wall. An unconscious Lucy laid in the bed, her blonde hair wet and clean, a nurse having washed it quickly. A see through mask hugged her lips, making her air stable. Needles were jammed into her veins, pumping blood into her and her ring finger was covered with a bandage. 

     Lissa took a seat beside her bed, grasping Lucy's hand as the battle played in the corner of the room. She traced circles on the back of her hand, her small legs swinging back and forth from not being able to touch the floor. She heard the floor creak behind her and glanced behind her to find Natsu, Gray and Erza standing in the doorway. She cocked her head to the side, her face emotionless but moved her eyes away from them.

     She watched Lucy's eyes flutter and hope filled her, but she didn't wake.  Natsu walked around the bed and sat down on the other side. Erza leaned against the foot of the bed while Gray stayed in the doorway, reluctant to go near her, even though she was unconscious. They didn't speak, just listened to the beeping of the machine that kept track of her heartbeat. 

    Lissa squeezed her hand, shaking her ever so slightly. "Miss Lucy? Please wake up," she said, trying to keep her voice from cracking in front of the Fairies. "Miss Lucy?" She could feel Natsu'/ eyes on her, studying her as she kept calling Lucy's name. "Your wounds are healed, you can open your eyes Miss Lucy." 

     Her arm, where the acid had hit, was wrapped in a purple bandage. Apparently they had run out of white ones. "When she wakes up," Lissa dragged her eyes away from Lucy to Natsu, his hands folded as he leaned forward in his seat. "Tell her something, will you?" She knew that Lucy wouldn't like it but the curiosity numbed her.

   She nodded. "You tell Lucy, since she won't listen to us, that we're not going to stop. I'm going to get her back, I promise her that." Lissa watched him rise and begin to walk out the door. She turned in her seat, watching the three Fairies exit the room. She jumped up and ran after them, calling his name loud enough it echoed in the hallway. All three of them turned in surprise. 

    "I'll tell Miss Lucy, but I won't let you take her. I promise that." She walked back inside, not waiting for Natsu's reply as she shut the door behind her. 


      The second battle was Diamond Rouge versus Tally Raid, and it ended in a flash. No one understood how Marina did it, but she swiftly made Wel Radner collapse into a seizure. Erza was surprised, leaning against the balcony's mantle so her ribs dug into it. 

     Medics ran in and dragged Wel out as Marina turned and disappeared back into her balcony. The announcer struggled with his words as he was as shocked as everyone else. "Okay, that concludes today's competitions. Guilds, you must return to your lodgings by twelve tonight, other than that, have an amazing rest of the day." 

    As the audience began to departure, Erza, Gray and the others left the balcony to meet up with Natsu and the rest. Some returned to the motel, some out for drinks while others stayed and began walking to Juvia's room. 

     Erza, Gray, Natsu, Cana, Mavis and Makarov were the only ones who stayed, entering the bluenette's room quietly, her eyelids still fluttered shut. It seemed a third dose of blood hung beside her and Erza sighed with relief when she noticed how light her skin was, the pale greyness completely gone. 

        Gray sat down beside her, Mavis beside him as Erza and Cana leaned against the wall behind them. Everyone seemed in a daze but when the brunette bumped into her shoulder, Erza turned. "You know I saw Jellal this morning," Cana said, her voice steady and serious but a small taunting was in order.

      "What? Where?" She hasn't seen him for a long time and right now, she would need the comfort. 

       Cana smiled. "Outside the lodge. He couldn't speak with you, was a little busy with something but he wanted me to tell you that he's sorry about Lucy," she whispered the last part, not wanting the others to hear. 

       Erza parted her lips, slowly nodding. She understood he couldn't see her but for some reasom the thought crossed her mind. He might not want to see her at all, probably giving her space with everything that is happening with Lucy and the Grand Magic Games. She only wished they could talk in person. 

      "Don't worry," Cana said. "He's still in town, will be the whole time just keeping a down low. He's most likely watching the Games for your support." 

       Erza smiled, it reaching her eyes. At least he'd get to see the horror for himself. 

        Everyone one in the room jumped when Juvia coughed, blood slipping from her mouth like a waterfall. Gray flew to his feet, his chair falling on the ground and echoing through the room as it crashed. 

       Juvia's eyes weren't open, and the way she struggled in the bed told Erza she was having a seizure but instead of foam, blood poured. Cana ran out of the room to grab a doctor while Gray and Natsu grasped her arms, nails digging into her skin as they tried to hold her down. 

      Mavis stood beside a horrified Erza, watching the entire incident go down. "I said it before and I'm saying it again," she said, Erza's eyes traveling down to the tiny blonde beside her. "This is going to be a bloodbath, and Lucy's right in the middle of it."

     The doctor arrived late. 

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