Purpose - Rucas

By Cleopatraspalace

1.5K 53 21

Everyone has a story. Some don't live to tell and Some tell their's everyday. Lucas Friar fell in love with R... More

His Story
She's Worth It
First Date
Boy-ish Feelings

Meeting The Brothers

163 10 0
By Cleopatraspalace

Riley's brothers were like a pack of wolves, fighting for their territory, or in this case, fighting for someone in the pack. To this day though, I will always appreciate the fact that they were so protective over someone I fell in love with.



That was the only thing I heard before rolling off my bed and onto the floor in fright. I stood up quickly and saw Zay holding a bullhorn and smiling at me as if he hadn't just given me a mini heart attack.

"Morning." He said calmly. I wanted to punch him. "What the Hell Babenuix!" Farkle walked in a moment later with a cup of orange juice in his hand. "Drink this." Farkle said handing me the cup. I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet, but nothing stopped me from drinking juice. I grabbed the cup and glupped it down quickly.

"Okay, so would you idiots care to tell me why you're acting like I'm a student at boot camp?" I asked them. "Well, Riley called me and said that you'll be hanging out with her brothers today so you have to be prepared." I felt like crying. I wasn't ready for that, who in the world would be ready for something like that?

"Lucas dont worry, we'll be there too." Farkle said calming me down a bit. "Great, but how do they even know about me?" I asked. My first thought was that Zay probably ran his mouth again, but then I remembered that Zay didn't know them personally. "Farkle, you told them?" I asked in a whiny tone.

"I didn't. Riley told Maya about the date, Maya told Josh, Josh told the twins, the twins called me, and Zay told them over the phone with some extra details."

Farkle explained. I looked to Zay with a straight face and my arms crossed. "L-Lucas they made me." He said using his usual excuse. "How the hell did they make you?" I asked. "I said you wanna hear a great Lucas story," He began. I knew what was coming next so I just rolled my eyes in annoyment and sat on my bed. "They said yes." Zay finished.

"Zay, what extra information did you tell them?" I asked hoping so damn hard that he hadn't mentioned the kiss to them. "He told them about the kiss." Farkle told. My eyes widened and I fell back on the bed and moved my fingers through my hair stressfully.


After I washed up and got dressed, I wen't downstairs where Farkle and Zay were watching Pretty Woman on Freeform.

"Okay, so how's this happening?" I asked walking over to them. "We're meeting the twins at central park and we'll go from there. Josh has class so he won't be there, but he said he will certainly meet you another day." Farkle explained. "Can Mikey come?" I asked. I needed some brotherly support. "I mean, they're friends so I guess we can call Mikey and ask him if he wants to go." Farkle said. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Micheal. It only rung about twice before Mikey quickly picked up.
"Hey Luke." Micheal said answering the phone. "Hey Mikey, good news! The date went great with Riley, and we even made out for a bit," I blurted out quickly. "Thats great Lu-"

"But word got around about it and Riley's brothers found out, now they want to meet and spend the day getting to know me." I blurted out again, interrupting him. He sounded so excited before I said the last part.

"I'll be back at the house in 30." He said before hanging up. Micheal was so supportive it was insane. I didn't know how he dealt with me sometimes. "He's on his way." I told Farkle and Zay.


Micheal got to the house in under thirty minutes and we still had about an hour before we were supposed to meet up with the twins, so we stopped by Riley's place for a quick chat. It was about 11.

After knocking on the door, it opened with Mrs. Matthews standing on the other side. "Good Morning, Mrs. Matthew, is Riley here?" I asked with my hands together infront of me. "Yes, she's in her room, go on up." She said letting us in. I was suprised she didn't twist our arms about going to Riley's room. We were a group of teenage guys asking for her very attractive teenage daughter, and she just let us go to her. Then again, Farkle was with us, and she was like a second mother to him so that made sense.

"This is Zay and that's Lucas' brother Austin."Farkle introduced as we walked in. "Yes, I know Austin from NYU, he's friends with the twins and Josh, but I haven't met Zay here." She said smiling at Zay. "Hello Mrs. Matthews. I'm Zay." He said awkwardly. "Do you happen to have any cereal?" Zay asked. I quickly slaped him on the head and we all started walking up to the room.

"Nice Meeting You Ma'am!" Zay said while walking. I could hear a little laugh coming from Mrs. Matthews from down the hall. "You too!" She yelled from the living room.

Farkle was the one leading us to the room. He stopped at an open room. It looked like a teenage girl room. I stepped in a little and turned to my left where I saw Riley sitting at a bay window by herself looking out the window and smiling. She looked like she was deep into thought. She looked so peaceful, it was a shame I had to interrupt her.

"Hey." I said after knocking on the door. Her attention striked on me and she quickly got up and walked over to me while saying an extended "Hey".

She slid her right hand behind my neck and her other hand in my hair, and gently smashed her lips onto mine, catching me by suprise, and probably taking the other three teenage boys standing by the door, by suprise as well. She mostlikely didn't even see them standing there. My natural instinct, of course, was to wrap my arm around the bottom of her back and cupping her face with my other hand. As she pulled away slowly, she once again did the thing with my lip and it felt fucking amazing.

"Wow." I said after she completely let go. "Sorry. I didn't know if I was allowed to do that, but considering how you responded, I don't think you mind." She said, lightly sliding her thumb over my bottom lip. "Oh, please, never apologize for doing that." I said with my arm still wrapped around her.

"That's my boy." I hear Austin say quietly. Riley snapped her head to the right, finally noticing our audience. "Oh my-" She stopped midway her statement and covered her face with her hands. It was undoubtably the most adorable thing I had ever seen in my life. At that point, I couldn't help but smile and pull her into my chest for a comforting hug. I just didn't know if I was doing it for her benefit or mine.

"Lucas, you animal!" Zay said using his hand as a claw like a tiger and adding a creepy sensual face. "She really does look like a good kisser." Micheal said, trying to whisper to Farkle, unsuccessfully. Riley removed her hands from her face and I released her. "Oh my gosh, Micheal, how are you?" She asked as she went over to Micheal, giving him a hug. "I'm good, but you seem better." He said teasing her. "Well, that was a bit awkward...So lets change the subject for my self benefit, what's up?" Riley said going back to her bay window and taking a seat. Micheal, Farkle, and Zay walked in and we all took a seat at the bay window with her.

"We have a date with your brothers in like 45 minutes." Farkle said. "Oh yeah. I told them that they were over reacting but they didn't listen to me. They just laughed and threw pillows at me. They might be protective, but they're still older brothers." Riley said playing with her fingers and smiling.

"So, what do your brothers look for in a guy?" Zay asked. It was extremely funny how he was asking the question as if we were actually going on a date with them. "Well, they love personality, you gotta make them laugh, they really love that." Riley said, responding to Zay's question, nodding her head in a joking manner. We all laughed at their short dialouge.
"But really, just be yourself and they'll love you, well, like you atleast."


We arrived at Central Park five minutes before noon, just to be thrurogh. Nolan and Stiles arrived at the park about 10 minutes after we did. As they got closer, I couldn't help but think about how good looking they were. They looked nothing alike, but they had some features that gave obvious hints of them being twins, or atleast brothers. The Matthews family had some strong ass genes.

They both walked up to us and one brother went to Farkle and the other went to Mikey and they gave eachother hugs, then switched.
"Farty-Farkly!" One of the brothers said while giving Farkle a hug. I had to bite my cheeks to keep me from bursting out into laughter. Zay on the other hand, had no problem releasing his laughter. "Stiles, you said you wouldn't call me that in public anymore." Farkle whined.

At least that let me know who was who. "Ohh yeah! Sorry!" Stiles apologized. "Nolan, Styles, this is my brother Lucas, and one of his bestfriends, Zay." Mikey said introducing us.

"Hi, I'm Nolan, and this is my brother Stiles." Nolan said. Zay and I shook their hands and stood their in slience for a few seconds until Stiles broke the silence.

"So, we hear you made out with our baby sister."

I wanted to shoot myself. I had absolutly no clue what to say. How would one even respond to that. It became silent again.

"Dude, its fine. We knew it was bound to happen at some point, we just didn't prepare ourselves." Nolan said. I didn't realized I wasn't breathing until a strong, but silent, breath was released from my mouth. "You should've seen your face." Nolan and Stiles said simultaneously. I let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"So, where are we going?" Mikey asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "How about the arcade?" Nolan suggested. We all agreed and started walking towards the subway.


The subway ride was full of Zay telling his jokes and Stiles laughing his ass off at them. I could tell that Stiles was the goofier one. Farkle and Mikey were talking about modeling and photography, and Nolan and I were trying to solve eachother's riddles. It was going way better than I thought it was going to go. They were so chill and funny that I almost forgot that I was suposed to be scared of them.

When we got to the arcade, I imeadiately raced to the basketball game. "So, you're a basketball kind of guy huh?" Styles asked. I nodded. "I also dabble in a little football, and bull riding." I said proudly. I may have exaggerated just a tad about the bull riding part but whats done is done.

"Wow, bull riding? Thats cool. I'm more of a lacross kind of guy." Stiles said. "Nice." It was like we had been friends forever. "You wanna go a round?" Nolan asked referring to the basketball game. "Yeah." I responded. Nolan and I competed first then everyone took turns. Everyone was trash talking eachother, as if it would help them win. I learned that we are all horrible at trash talking.

After playing about 2 dozen games, we took a break and got some food. Farkle, Zay, and Mikey were betting over a game, which gave me the perfect chance to talk with Nolan and Stiles.

"So, whats going on with you and our sister?" Stiles asked. It wasn't in a threatening or harsh tone though, it was in more of a curious manner. "I really like her. She's the first girl I've ever had feelings for and I just want to be with her and make her as happy as I can." I responded truthfully. "Lucas, you wanna know the reason we get all harsh and protective when it comes to Riley,?" Nolan asked. I nodded and he continued, but I knew he would have continued even if I didn't.

"well, for one, its the obvious reason, we're her older brothers so we are always going to be protective over our baby sister, but the main reason is, we've seen Riley hurt too much in her life, and not in the way that you may probably think. And yeah, boys have tried in the past to get with her and some had good intentions, and most had bad ones, but we've always made sure to push them all away, and Riley never had a problem with it because she never felt anything for them," Nolan stopped talking, but I kept my mouth shut because I knew Stiles was going to continue.

We have seen, and watched Riley cry herself to sleep for her whole life and we were the ones comforting her. We were the ones holding her, and we were the ones watching her break slowly. Our whole family did. And none of that pain had to do with guys or anything sexual, or relationship related." Stiles said.

"So Stiles, Josh, and I vowed to do anything possible to make sure that Riley's pain got limited. And we made sure that the people closest to us knew that." Nolan finished. My head was racing with so many questions. But in that moment, all I wanted to do was get on the subway and go to Riley as soon as I could, so I could hold her. I didn't know what thpe of pain she was going through but it didn't matter to me in the moment.

My eyes quickly shifted down to the drop of liquid that had hit the table. I didn't realize I was crying until I touched my right cheek where one strand of tear had fallen from. I wiped the tear away and cleared my throat. I don't even remember the last time I cried. "Wow. I didn't know that." I finally spoke. It was the thought of Riley crying and being in pain, that was the reason for that tear.

"There's no way you could've have. Lucas, we like you, we really do. Its just that we've kept Riley from this type of pain, as in relationship wise, and we really don't want to see her hurt. And I know you're not obligated to get our approval, because Riley is perfectly capable of thinking for herself, but please help us know how much you care for her." Nolan added.

"I'll tell you whatever you need to know." I said confidently. I knew how I felt about Riley, and I had no shame in telling anyone that I was a fool for her. I may have been a bit scared of the feelings, but I damn right had pride in knowing that I could feel this way about another human being.

"What do you like about her?" Nolan asked. "I like that she's not an easy target. The first time we met, she refuse to tell me her name because she said that I had to earn it. It was so fascinating to me." I answered. "Yeah, she's always been like that. Our parents told us that nothing is handed to you without a little effort, and if it is handed simply to you, then you'll never really be satisfied with it. Riley took that on a completely diferent level." Stiles said releasing a little laugh as Nolan and I smiled along with him.

"Oh and I absolutely adore the fact that she is a complete weirdo who observes things. She figured me out after meeting me for 5 minutes. It was crazy, that had never happened before. I love the fact that she's a closed book. It reminds me of me. It's like you only know what she wants you to know. No more, no less." I finished. "You know you kind of zoned out while talking about her for a minute there Lucas." Stiles said. I got lost in the thought of her. I even had a stupid grin on my face.

"Sorry, she just makes me feel some type of way." I explained. "Don't apologize. We can see you really like her. You know, Nikita and Micheal told us that you're a bit of a troublemaker, and you get into a lot of fights." Nolan said in a serious tone. My grin disappeared. They both started laughing. "Lucas you should've seen your face!" I had no idea why they were laughing but I was too scared to ask.

"Dude chill, we're totally okay with that. You remind us of us. We get in trouble all the time. In high school, our parents had to come to the school atleast twice a week because of our behaivor, which was pretty awkward considering our dad was one of the teachers." Stiles said. I let out a deep breath. "We know you won't let anything happen to our sister, not that she can't take care of herself though. Remember, she grew up with many male figures, so she knows how to take care of herself." Nolan stated. The only thought that ran through my mind after Nolan explained that Riley can fight, was a very inappropriate imagery of Riley and I wrestling.

"Why are you turning red?" One of them asked. I really didn't know which one. I was too distracted.

"You were having a dirty daydream of you and my sister weren't you"



They said simultaneously.

I didn't know why I told the truth and felt comfortable saying it to them, but it was freeing. I was suprised that they were so cool about it. Then again, they're guys too.

"You're pretty cool. If our baby sister is going to be with someone, we're glad its you." Stiles said. "Yeah." Nolan said agreeing.

"Thanks you."

"You guys ready for another round?" Zay said excitedly, after walking up to us, along with Farkle and Mikey. "You already know. Loser has to eat a rotton egg." I said as we all got up.


"Lucas, I know you don't need our consent, but we would be fine with you being Riley's first boyfriend." Stiles said as Nolan nodded in agreement. "If I didn't feel like I needed your consent, then I would not have spent the whole day trying to get your blessing to date your sister. I'm glad you guys accepted me." I responded. They both smiled and nodded their head.

It was just us on the train. Mikey went back to NYU, and Farkle and Zay went back home. I wanted to see Riley before going home, and Nolan and Stiles wanted to visit her as well, so we headed their together. It was about 10:30.

We got to Greenwich Village about 10 minutes later. Nolan opened the door and it was pitch dark until one of them turned on the lights. "Riley is here but My parents and Auggie are back in Phili for the weekend." Stiles said after closing the door. "Lets go." Nolan said signaling his head to the right, for us to go to Riley's room. I followed.

Riley's door was closed so Nolan twisted the nob and entered with Stiles, but I stayed at the door frame to observe for a second. "Oh My Gosh!! Its My Ugly Brothers!!" Riley yelled excitedly then jumped off her bed to hug them both. The twins had these smiles on their faces while hugging her. I recognized some of the look, but the other half was unknown to me. The part I did recognize was the same look Mikey and I had while hugging Nikita. They loved her more then anything, I could tell. If anything, it was obvious, and it was beautiful.

"Someone's here to see you." Stiles said looking over to me at the door. I stepped in the room and Riley's face lit up again. She walked over to me and jumped on me gaving me a hug. I wanted to kiss her but it was obviously not the right time.

"Ew." They both said, causing me and Riley to turn to them. "Oh sorry, we have to get use to it." Stiles said as Nolan nodded in agreement. "So I'm guessing that means that we guys are cool if Lucas and I are together." Riley said. "Yes. We really like him. Its a shame hes not better looking though." Nolan joked, making us all laugh. Riley got down and hugged her brothers again. "Thank you." She said.

"You won't be thanking us when we give you the sex talk." Stiles said after they let go. "What?! But I already know all about it." Riley responded. I felt very uncomfortable and didn't know what to do, but I was also secretly turned on by her saying she knew all about it. I was afraid they would want to have a talk with me about it too. "We don't care, we're still doing it." Nolan said. Riley just rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well, we'll leave you two alone, there's a party at a frat house that we don't want to miss. Have fun. Don't do anything that we wouldn't do." Nolan said.

"Don't say that! What exactly wouldn't we do?" Stiles said before they walked out the room. I had to hold back a laugh, but Riley surely didn't. "Oh thats true! Just don't do anything at all." Nolan quickly said then walked out with Stiles, who was shaking his head behind him.

I was about to speak until Riley put her fingers on my lip. I thought she was trying to get kinky.

"You're so stupid Nolan, why would you tell them that? I should slap you for that shit."

"Sorry, I forgot how bad we are."

As soon as we heard the front door shut, Riley lifted her finger from my lip. "Sorry, I wanted them to leave first." Riley said. "Don't apologize." I said before wrapping my arm around her waist to pull her closer to my chest then kissing her. The familiar flavor of her lips sent chills down my spine. "You have some sexy lips." I said stupidly after our lips moved apart. "Right back at you." She responded.

We just stood there saying at eachother. I didn't know if she felt the sexual tention, but I surely did. She was just standing there, staring at me with those big eyes of hers. "What are you thinking about?" She asked me. I didn't reply imeadiately. I just kept looking at her and smiling. It was like I was paralyzed by her beauty. Everyone structure on her face was perfect. It was so fascinating to study her ethereal beauty.

"Nothing" I finally replied removing a strand of hair that fell perfectly onto the side of her face. "Riley Elenor Matthews, I don't think you know just how beautiful you are." It just slipped out, I honetly didn't even mean for it to, but I didn't mind. "I wish I knew what to say to that." She said after a few seconds.

"Don't say anything,

Ju-Just, kiss me."

Sorry I took so long to post. I've been busy, but I hope you liked this chapter.
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