Illumination Of Souls[Complet...

By Official_Neha27

69.7K 6.1K 1.9K

Wordsmith Christmas Awards Winner It's easy to see someone and fall in love with them. But what happens when... More

Copyright and Introduction
Perception Of Lives
Resolves To Live
Insight On Her Heart
Institution Of Instincts
An Unknown Connection
A Trick Of Flowers!
Positive Attitude
The Tune Of Soul!
The Heartbroken You!
The Confusion Of Our Hearts!
Sneak Peak of the Coming Chapters.
The Touch Of You!
The Piognant Revealations!
Your Courage Is Unshakable!
Spicy Feelings Unleashed!
See, This Is My Heart!
A Speechless Sacrifice!
The Illuminated Souls!

The Final Decision!

2.5K 242 63
By Official_Neha27

Dwelling on past bad decisions, you've made only allows those decisions to keep defining you. Forgive yourself and move on.

                                                             Mandy Hale.

Pain is said to be integral part of human's life, but contrary to that belief, even happiness is one important aspect. When that happiness finally enters the doors of one's heart, all they feel is floating in the air, with a smile always plastered on their lips, and Karishma's state wasn't any different since a week now. Her lips were always curled up with a smile just with the mere mention of Udit's name or with just his presence around her.

At first, she found it unusually weird, but as his actions started to make sense to her, she felt herself liking his protective nature for her.

And how won't she, when he was the first person after her parents, who managed to touch her soul in a way that she felt it was always being lit up like a lamp! 

She was laying on her bed, in the night feeling the softness of the velvet comforter around her body, already excited for the next day since it was Diwali.

Her most favorite festival and much to her surprise, she just learned that Udit was her Cousin Yuvraj''s cousin too. She can't believe that he was the same Udit whom she had met years ago in Yuvraj''s marriage, but now that she analysed their all bickerings, she understood the depth of their every fight, which started years ago. (A/N: Check the Biggest Diwali Bash which is another book given on my profile for Clarification)

"But what if he gets pissed with me again? Though he is not brooding these days, but with me accompanying him to the resort, what if he goes back to his old self?" She mused sitting up straight on her bed, with a pout stuck to the sides of her cheeks.

He won't Karishma. Stop being so paranoid. He is changing himself. Can't you feel it?

I do, but I can't take his rude self anymore. It hurts.

She reasoned to her subconscious in a low muffled tone, whilst her subconscious mind gave her a shrug not pestering another thoughts any further.

Before, she could move further to her thoughts, there was a knock on the door, and carefully, she got up and received the person at the door, who happened to be Sheena And Ranveer.

"Happy Diwali". The couple wished her ecstatic, and she beamed at them, giving a small hug to Sheena.  Before Ranveer could hug her, Sheena warned dangerously, "Don't hug her or else Udit will break your all bones".

"What the? Do you have to take his name and scare me away?" Ranveer cribbed shooking his head at his fiancee who burst out laughing whilst Karishma blushed side ways.

"Ahaannn, someone is head over heels for that crazy man, it seems". Sheena teased catching Karishma red handed who bit her bottom lip suppressing a smile.

"Nothing like that." Karishma let them in and theysat down on the chairs kept opposite to the bed.

"Well here we got you chocolates!" Ranveer passed her the box and she took it with a grin. Sheena wiped off her tears that made their way out seeing her favourite student smile even when she has so much to worry about.

Indeed she was like an inspiration to all those who always cribbed and cried in their pains forgetting the fact that if they accept their life the way it is going, it won't be any different from those who lived normally. But it take guts to live like her, and she was sure that not many can cope up with this challenging life.

"By the way we heard that your cousin has requested for special permission for you to celebrate Diwali with them. You are going right?"  Ranveer inquired wanting to change the topic before Karishma could sense Sheena's emotional turmoil.

"Yeah. Even Udit is coming." Came the excited reply which confused the couple.

"Udit, how?" They both were clueless about the further developments since they were busy with arranging a small Diwali party for the primary batches in the other campus along with other teachers.

"Actually, he is my cousin Yuvraj's cousin.Our parents didn't got the chance to meet in Bhai's wedding because mom didn't accompanied me due to her work, so that is the reason that even when they met on first day, they couldn't recognize the other and for me, I was a kid then and top of that we didn't even knew each other's name then." She explained smiling to herself, and Ranveer burst out laughing.

"So it means he staked his claims years ago, only. Fast man!" He teased still laughing. Karishma looked down embarrassed as Sheena chuckled.

"Does he know that you two have a same relation?" Sheena inquired logically, worried how might Udit be handling the news. Though he was changing, but sudden new informations, were still a little off place for his mind to tackle.

"Don't know. I didn't met him today, since there were no classes". She replied worried about his reaction too.

"Don't worry, he will handle it well. By the way tell us how was Kid Karishma's meeting with angry kid Udit?" Ranveer changed the topic instantly making Karishma flush as she recalled their first meeting in the wedding venue, near the ice cream stall when they were just eight years old.

Dressed in a pink and yellow floral frock Karishma was roaming around the venue searching for her favourite ice cream, and when she finally spotted it, she dashed towards it, forgetting all about manners or anything which her mother preached about.

The second she approached the stall, she bumped into someone's back, whilst his ice cream fell down half on his clothes and the other half on the ground.

Karishma moved back scared as the guy turned around with an angry look.

"Can't you see and walk? See, what did you do?" Udit lashed pointing towards his clothes which had ice cream all over.

"Sorry". She apologized holding her tears which were ready to fall of her eyes at any moment, seeing the looks he gave. She started to sob uncontrollably shocking Udit who looked around to see, if anyone saw it or not because if they did then he would get scolded by his parents.

"Why are you crying?" He asked stepping forward and she took a step back from him, scared that he might hurt her.

"Stop crying. I don't like small girls like you crying". He ordered and stated running a hand through his neck. She looked up to see in his eyes, and that is when she realized that she looked actually way too small infront of his height.

Like a mini version of Daisy in the cartoon Oswald.

She again started crying, making him stare at her in amazement.

"What happened now?" He asked with confusion evident in his tone.

"Everyone calls me small, no matter how big I am". She replied showing her eight fingers to him, and he started laughing suddenly making her glare at him.

"Even I am eight but see how tall I am from now only, and you are a sweet little girl, doesnt look a day older to five". He explained and she made a face at him which he found way too beautiful.

"I will tell you a secret than you will look tall too!" He revealed gaining her attention.

"Really???" Her eyes lit up in excitement as she started to like him instantly. He will tell her the secret then even she will look like all her friends and no one will call her small.

"You want ice cream?" She nodded with a big smile and Udit got two ice creams for her, surprising her.

"You won't eat?" She pouted her lips cutely, making him stare at her with something unusual.

She forwarded her own cone towards him, and he gave her a puzzled look.

"Mumma says, we should share with our friends!" She replied understanding his query.

"I am your friend?" He asked or stated, he himself wasn't sure, but she nodded her head in affirmation.

"You stopped me from crying, then you even got me ice cream and you are even telling me secret, so you are my friend!" She replied logically smiling at him showing her white teeths, and he ruffled her hairs softly amused at her reasons.

"Now tell the secret, pretty please!" She pleaded blinking her eyes.

"Start cycling more and jump like a frog!" He revealed and started to leave, as he saw his parents, whilst she stood there excited and thrilled at her new Discovery.

As she felt someone gazing at her, she turned to look up from her cone to the front to see the same pair of eyes staring at her keenly.

She blinked her eyes several times, and he flashed his big smile to her, then to her utter shock, he winked at her and ran away from her sight.

Karishma replayed their meeting again and again in her mind, as she walked in the corridor the next morning with a smile on her lips. She had earned several teasings from Ranveer and Sheena, the previous night, but it all was worth as she realized that they were already connected to the other, years ago.

"Bloody hell!" She bumped into Udit, who cursed loudly stumbling on his feet, and immediately held Karishma on her forearms before she could fall down.

She bit her lip in embarrassment. Nowadays it was the most common, thing for them to bump into the other, every now and then, because she was always lost in his thoughts.

"Are you planning to break my bones or what? Already I am getting late, and on top of that, you just have to bump in me like I am some pillar". He cribbed totally pissed at himself because he couldn't deny Yuvraj''s wish who was persistent on celebrating the festival with him.

Yes, you are her personal pillar, Shenoy! His subconscious threw back a sassy remark at him, flaring his nostrils.

"I am coming with you that is why even I was in a hurry!" She replied and started to walk ahead of him before he could tear her eardrums apart from his yellings. She was sure with his temper, Yuvraj didn't told him about the common relation they had with him.

"Wait, why the hell will you come to meet my cousin?" He yelled taking long strides after her, but she ignored him. Halfway through, the driver was waiting for them along with Sheena who came to bid them bye but seeing the infuriated Udit, she shut her mouth.

The whole drive Karishma tried to tell him the truth, but he didn't gave any heed to her words, and hence finally, he got the shock once they reached the resort in the noon.

She wanted to remind him of their first meet so badly now, but she had to leave to join the girl gang in the mall, but her thoughts were only filled with him and his words, which didn't go unnoticed by her sister in law's, but they didn't forced her much to talk about it.

In the evening when he surprised her like all other men, she felt the luckiest girl in the world. He made her favourite Jalebi which was more special because it had the taste of his sweetness in it.

When he wished her Diwali in his own unique style, she just wished for the time to stop right there, so that she could rest her head on his chest, and take away all his pain and fill his life with true eternal love which is the best cure to every wound one gets on their heart.

She wanted to assure him that he wasn't alone in his troubles, she was there to hold his hand in every step he will wish to take, but she knew, he didn't trust her enough to share his darkest of secrets.

And with the same feelings still lingering in her heart, their evening came to an end, and they once again started their journey sitting on two sides of the car.

The ride to the institute was a silent one. None of them spoke a word, but their hearts were fighting constant battles, of their past and present scenarios.

They stepped down silently, and started to make their way after the guards who were guiding them.

On one side where Karishma was feeling some happiness coursing inside her soul after long agonizing months of pain, contrary to her, Udit was dissolved in making the righteous decision.

He craved to let the haunting memories out of his mind, but the fear of losing himself in that shell of turmoil and remorse. The remorse of hiding the truth from his parents till now, but can he trust Karishma in this matter to not reveal his secrets to anyone? It wasn't like he was the one at fault, but the reason was he didn't have the heart to traumatize those who brought him to the world.

Once, they reached Udit's room, they left as Karishma assured them that she can manage herself.

She heard Udit sighing and turned around to leave to only be held by him, at her wrist, and his next words, jolted her in the state of utter shock.

"I want to share my past with you but only if you promise to not tell it to anyone, not to even Sheena".

She gasped hearing the order as well as restlessness in his tone, and she knew that the damn was ready to break, but can she support the bridge from breaking down infront of her?

"Come in!" He ordered opening the room door ajar for her, and she entered hesitantly, with her breathing going faster than necessary.

She heard him sighing as she sat on the bed waiting for him to begin.

He dragged the chair near to the bed and sat down on it, with his face completely torn apart.

He was going to break the shell finally. The final Decision was made by his soul!

Trust is the most important element of one human's life, and when they finally decide to let it in, then nothing can push them away from their resolves, isn't it so?

Finally, the time has come for the biggest mysterious yet painful past to come out. Are you excited? How was the kids meeting?

Those who haven't read Diwali bash, I repeat please read it, I am not going to repeat anything in the books.

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