Darkmoon Extinction (Werewolf)

By LSmiles101

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This is the continuation of the 'Darkmoon Pack'. You must read the first one to understand this one. The war... More

Chapter One - Final Part 2
Chapter Two - Hope
Chapter Three - Change
Chapter Four - Confusion and Pain
Chapter Six - Back To School
Chapter Seven - The Meeting
Chapter Eight - Hero's
Chapter Nine - Bad Times
Chapter Ten - The Change
Chapter Eleven - Big Problems
Chapter Twelve - Taken
Chapter Thirteen - Something Isn't Right.
Chapter Fourteen - New Life
Chapter Fifteen - The Rescue.
Chapter Sixteen - The Truth!
Darkmoon Extinction - Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen - Back to the Past
Chapter Nineteen - Moon Goddess
Chapter Twenty - Meeting The Queen
Chapter Twenty One - Time to Train
Chapter Twenty Two - The Video
Chapter Twenty Three - Field Meeting!
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Authors Note.
Authors Note #2
Authors Note #3
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Five - Feelings

350 23 6
By LSmiles101

I can agree that this chapter is a bit random and probably doesn't even revolve around the main story line. I hope you enjoy it either way and let me know what you think.


Darkmoon Extinction - Chapter Five.

(Jason's POV)

''Okay, Alex. I think you should stop now. Jason will kill me if he found out you were doing this.'' I hard coming from the bedroom.

        ''It feels so good, though. Just a little longer.''

        ''No. I don't want to, it's wrong without Jason.''

        ''No it's not. It's alright, he doesn't have to know about it.''

I stood outside the door, different thoughts coming to mind as they're speaking. I couldn't take it anymore, I opened the door and I saw Alex standing up with Hailey supporting her.

They haven't noticed me yet so I lean on the door frame, with my arms crossed watching them. ''Alex, you need to get back into bed. Please? I really don't want to be killed by Jason.''

        ''You won't get killed by me.'' Their head spun around so they were looking at me. ''What are you doing?''

I saw Alex's expression change from happiness to anger, then back to a little bit of happiness. ''I'm exercising my legs. What does it look like?''

She just bit my head off. I guess she still hasn't forgiven me for yesterday. ''It was just a question, babe.''

        ''Don't babe me! Yesterday you could of stopped my parents from walking out! Now, I don't have them.''

Hailey stood back, I knew that she wanted to speak but I also knew that she didn't want to make the situation worse. ''I tried my best.''

        ''You're best wasn't good enough was it?''Alex shouted, he legs giving out. I saw it coming and I rushed to her side, catching her by the waist before she hit the floor.

She hit my hands as I moved her to the bed. ''You need to stay in the bed.''

        ''Get off me. I don't want you touching me! I can do what ever the hell I want.''

I lay her on the bed and then took a step away from her. Hailey walked forward, standing beside me. ''He's right, Alex. It's too soon to be walking. Take it easy okay.''

Alex sighs. At I know she's just angry with me and not with anyone else. ''So how was yesterday? Were you bored?'' Alex and Hailey exchange glances. ''What?''

        ''My parents sort of found out about Alex's parents-''

        ''They slapped me.'' Alex blurted out and I saw Hailey go tense. In fact, my wolf got a little angry know that someone layed their hands on my mate.

''They then wanted me to go home with them but I couldn't just leave Alex. Especially at a time like this. They've now kicked me out the house.''

I bring Hailey into a hug as I see tears in her eyes, she's trying to hold them back. ''You're welcome to stay here. Anyway, aren't you meant to be at school?''

        ''No. I've taken the day off to go and pick up my stuff. Could you help me please?''

She pulls away from me and looks up, trying to keep my the puppy eyes. ''You don't need to pull the eye trick. I'll help you. How much stuff do you have?''

        ''I don't know, my parents have packed them.''


''Okay a lot.'' Hailey says as we're staring at the multiple boxes in her room. ''I didn't realize that I had all this.''

        ''Maybe if you had sorted your room out you would of known about them.'' Her mother said, it took all the strength in my wolf not to turn around and hurt her.

She walked away and left Hailey and I to move the boxes into the Mitsubishi Lancer. Moving them wasn't so much of a problem, it was just trying to fit them all in the car.

It was basically a giant tetris puzzle to put them in the car. We placed all the different sized boxes beside the car and I was working out to put them in so they fit.

''Should we put the big boxes in the trunk? Then the small boxes in the back seat?'' Hailey suggested and I nodded.

It didn't work. We still had five boxes left to be placed in the car. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. ''Can't we just chuck some boxes out?''

        ''No!'' Hailey practically yelled at me. ''I don't know what's in the boxes.'' She said softly, I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. ''I have an idea.''

She picked up two small boxes and walked round to the passenger side of the car, I followed her and saw her place the small boxes on the floor in front of the seat.

She walked back around and gathered the other three boxes and then proceeded to get in the car and place them on her knee. ''Comfortable?''


I laugh and close the passenger door. I walk round to my side and get in the drivers seat, while she's fastening her seat belt. ''You're going to have to share a room with Alex.'' I say, starting the ignition.

''It's okay, we've shared a bed before.'' Something that a guy doesn't need to hear another person say about his mate. ''Not in that way obviously and by the look on your face, you were thinking it.''

        ''You need to stop doing that, this morning didn't sound too nice either.''

        ''You've got a dirty mind.'' Hailey smiled. ''So?''

        ''So?'' I stopped at a red light and turned my head to look at her.

        ''So why does Alex hate you so bad?''

I sigh, I didn't expect her to ask me that. Well, I did but not at this time. ''You heard her this morning. I told her about her parents leaving and she says that I didn't try my hardest not to let them leave.''

Hailey was quiet, which at the present time, I was glad because I didn't really want to have a conversation about yesterday or this morning, it's a new day so it starts new.

Well that's what I thought. The light turned green and I drove off down the road, stopping when I saw reporters and police surrounding the outside of the forest, nearby my house.

I parked the car and got out, Hailey followed suit. We walked up to the nearest police officer. ''Excuse me?''

The police turned her head to look at us. ''Sorry sir, you can't be here.''

        ''What's going on? I live next door.''

        ''A wolf sighting sir. A neighbour saw it and rang us straight away, the news reporters traced the call.''

I looked at Hailey and we rushed into the house, finding everyone in the living room. ''Jason!''

        ''What's going on? Who was the wolf?''

        ''The wolf is Alex! She said she needed to go for a run and she changed in the backyard. I don't know what's the matter with her.'' Aiden replies.

I sigh and start to remove my necklace, passing it to Hailey. ''This girl is going to get herself killed.'' I removed my shirt and took off for the back door.

Running into the forest without being detected by the police. Once safe, I shift into my wolf and start running through the forest, trying to pick up Alex's scent.

Must of been running for ten minutes until I made it to the river, I walked over and started drinking. Stopping when I saw a white reflection in the water. 

I lifted my head up and saw Alex standing on the other side, looking at me. *Jason? What are you doing out here?*

        *Looking for you! You have no idea how worried everyone is.*

Alex sprang up and jumped over the river and stood beside me, I couldn't help but get lost in her brown eyes. *After everything I've said to you, you still come out looking for me?*

        *I love you, Alex. I don't care how many fights we have, I'll never stop loving you. I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you're safe.*

Alex lay down on the dirt, placing her head on her paws and moved her ears back. *Now I feel terrible. I can't believe you would say that. I've treated you like crap.*

I mentally laugh and lay down beside her and place my head on top of hers. *Don't beat yourself up. I should of tried at least a bit harder to stop your parents but they were just going for your safety.*

        *But they were still my parents, Jason. I might not see them again. Do you know how that feels?*

        *Yes. I lost my parents, remember? That's why I promised your parents that I'd look after you for them.*

I feel for Alex, I know how she feels loosing her family, considering I lost mine due to a wolf fight and David is all I have left from my blood related family.

I know exactly what Alex is feeling and is trying to get past right now. Even though there's still a hole in my heart from my family that no one can fill. Alex will always be here to make my day brighter.

Snap. A twig in the distance snapped and I brought my ears up and looked into the forest. Alex lifted her head up as well, unaware of the danger. ''I've found two! They're beautiful.''

A person emerged from the trees, holding a rifle. It didn't look like a tranquilizer rifle either. I stood up and growled. *Alex. Run!*

Alex quickly stood up and took off running into the forest. The guy aimed his gun towards her and I pounced, knocking him to the side and causing him to fire a random shot. No doubt the others had heard it.

As the man stood back up, I was crouched low, ears back and showing him my canines, drool dripping onto the floor. This guy has chosen the wrong wolf to hunt.

He sits up and looks at me, fear washes through his eyes. I didn't want to kill him, I wanted to show that us wolves are not here to kill them.

Instead of staring him down, I took off to the right, running into the forest and running home, keeping in the shadows. *Jason. Where are you?*

        *I'm coming home. Why?*

        *I heard the gun shot. Did you get hit?*

        *No, baby.*

I made it to the edge of the forest and crouched as low as possible in the shadows. There were people looking towards the area where I was. This is why I like being a black wolf. *Jordan, I need your help. I'm by the outline of the forest but people are looking my way, I can't get in the house.*

Jordan appeared at the back door moments later, looking out into the forest, probably trying to located me. I couldn't move to show him where I was because a guy walked next to me.

''Johnny! Get back over here. The chief wants to speak to us!'' Someone shouted in the distance. The guy stopped and turned around, heading back towards his co-workers. I took this as my chance and ran into the house.

Heading upstairs to get my clothes on. As I walked back into the living room, Alex rushed into my arms. ''When I heard the gunshot, I thought something bad had happened.''

She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest; I wrapped my arms around her, trying to calm her down. ''It's okay, babe. I should be the one worried, he was aiming the gun at you.''

        ''Really?'' She mumbled into my chest. ''What happened?''

        ''I jumped and pushed him to the ground, causing him to press the trigger and fire a random shot.''

Alex pulled away from me and looking into my eyes.


(Alex's POV)

Why have I been taking it out on him? It's not his fault that my parents went. He could of tried harder to stop them but he did try none the less.

He gives me his trademark smile before settling his lips onto mine. I've missed them so much. Disappointment ran through me as he pulled away but still kept eyes contact.

''What the hell were you thinking?'' David shouting pulling Jason and I out of our trance.

''Huh?'' I reply, turning around not fully knowing what he said.

''What the hell were you thinking going outside in wolf form?'' David practically shouted, loud enough for everyone to hear outside.

Jordan placed his hand on David's mouth, stopping him from talking and shouting something else that the police might here. ''Stop shouting. One, you have no right to shout at the Luna and secondly, what she does is none of our business.''

        ''Look, guys. My wolf was sick of being in that bedroom, she wanted to have a run around. I didn't mean to trigger a disturbance.''

Jason wrap my arms around my waist and pull me back towards him, where he rest his chin on my left shoulder. ''It's dangerous to go out by yourself now. If you want to go for a run just speak to me and I'll come with you.''

I nod and he kisses my cheek, pulling away and walking to sit on the couch. I on the other hand, slowly walk to the kitchen, still feeling a little uneasy on my feet. 

Lola walks in a couple of minutes later, finding me making myself something to eat. ''You shouldn't of rushed things, Alex. Remember what happened last time?''

I turn my head and find her smiling at me but concern is still visible on her face. ''Yes but I just needed a run. I didn't things were like this.''

Lola nods. ''Can I talk to you for a second please?'' I nod and Lola closes the kitchen door and sits at the table; I sit opposite her. ''You know how me and Jordan have been together for a while now.''

        ''You're the perfect couple.''

        ''Well, I'm just thinking what if I tell him something that he doesn't want.''

        ''What do you mean? What could he not want?''

        ''A child.'' I blurt out and Alex's jaw drops. ''I mean, we've talked about it and everything but at this present time, I don't really want to bring a child up in a world where the humans are hunting us wolves.

''I love Jordan so much and having a child will hopefully bring us closer then ever before and hopefully make us stronger.''

They way Lola is speaking, it's as if she's scared to have a child. ''Are you pregnant?''

        ''Yes. I'm five weeks.''

        ''Is that why you haven't shifted into a wolf?'' She nods and I sigh. ''This is great news! You're going to have to tell Jordan. If you want I'll be with you but this has to come from you and no one else.''


(Sarah's POV)

Hailey and I have been sorting out her room together. Eve has even came in to help us and Tony has just sat on the bed.

Basically all I'm doing is taking stuff out the box and handing them to her, or she's telling me where to place them.

It doesn't really feel weird that Hailey is going to be living in a house full of werewolves. It more or less feels right. This way we'll be able to protect her if something happens.

Hailey had placed on the radio and was packing while dancing. She was currently shaking her hips as she placed some stuff on a shelf and I couldn't help but stare.

She's so beautiful and I'm extremely surprised that my wolf didn't figure it out earlier but it might be because she's a human.

She needs to accept me otherwise my wolf won't be able to handle being without her much longer.

She stops dancing and climbs off the chair and turns around to find me staring and smiling. ''What?''

        ''The way you were dancing, it was,'' I pause trying to find the right word. ''Entertaining?''

       ''For a minute I thought you were going to turn on.'' She laughed but then saw my expression and stopped. ''Perve.'' She joked, chucking a book at me.

''What's a turn on?'' Tony asked. Crap I forgot they were in here.

I looked at Hailey and she looked back at me with the same horrified expression. ''It's nothing Tony. Why don't you go and find Alex? I'm sure she'll want to see you.''

He smiled and jumped off the bed, running outside shouting for Alex. ''You two are so gross, I'm out of here.'' Eve say's dropping a box on the bed and walking out the door, closing it behind her.

I just remain standing in the middle of the floor, looking at Hailey. ''Stop it! Unpack those boxes.''


(Hailey's POV)

Stupid feelings. Why can't things just be simple? Well, I guess that's never going to happen when I'm friends with wolves.

I wonder if she knows how I truly feel. I don't even know how I truly feel. Am I bisexual because I like Aiden as well?

Aiden and I have kissed. It was a dare but it felt so right. Sarah and I have spoke and she's sending feelings over my body that I didn't even know where there.

I felt a hand on the bottom of my back and they were sending the familiar feeling through my. I step to the side waving my hands. ''Oh no, keep your hands off me.''

        ''Have I done something wrong?''

        ''I'm just really confused at my feelings right now, I don't want things to be more difficult then it needs to be.''

Sarah looked a little hurt. Probably because I pushed her away and stopped her from getting close. She's trying her best to stay on everyone good side and I'm not helping. ''I'm sorry, Sarah. I didn't mean to -''

        ''It's alright. I understand. I had problems finding my true feelings and it took me a while to come to the conclusion that I'm gay.'' I took a seat on the bed and Sarah followed me, not sitting too close. ''If time is all you need then I'll give you that.''

        ''Thank you but I really would like to speed up the process and not keep you waiting.''

        ''I could kiss you. Would that help?''

My jaw dropped. She liked being straight forward. It could probably help. ''Okay then.''

Sarah looked taken back. ''I was joking but if you really want to go through with it.''

        ''Yes. It might help me. It's just a quick kiss right?''

        ''Just a quick kiss and nothing more.''

Sarah moved closer and my breathing hitched. I could feel her warm breath as she brushed her lips against mine. 

It was meant to be a quick kiss but her lips were so soft and addicting, that I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her closer.

She must of felt something as well, as she placed her right hand on my hip and her left hand supported us on the bed.

Why was I enjoying this much more than I should. Sarah's lips tasted like strawberries which made me want more.

She pulled away and rested her forehead on mine, both of us panting and trying to catch or breath. ''Wow!'' I whispered and she smiled. ''I didn't -''

Sarah shook her head. ''You're the first person I've left breathless.'' She laughed and pulled her head away, and looked into my eyes. ''I'll let you have time to yourself to get your head around what just happened.''

She walked out the room and left me sitting on the bed. I just kissed a girl. And I liked it.


Like I said at the top, this chapter probably doesn't even go along the lines of the story line. I hope you enjoy it either way. Let me know what you think.

x Lauren x

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