Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

By heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Vampire Diaries and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots... More

characters & trailer
character theme songs (main) & outfit links
chapter 1 - Rebirth
chapter 2 - Alive and Kicking
chapter 3 - Every Mother's Child
chapter 4 - Live and Let Die
chapter 5 - Red Door
chapter 6 - Wheel Inside the Wheel
chapter 7 - Chasing the Devil's Tail
chapter 8 - The Brothers That Care Forgot
chapter 9 - Map Of Moments
chapter 10 - Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire
chapter 11 - Brotherhood of the Damned
chapter 12 - Sanctuary
chapter 13 - The Devil is Damned
chapter 14 - I Love You, Forever
chapter 15 - They All Asked For You
chapter 16 - Save My Soul
chapter 18 - Night Has a Thousand Eyes
chapter 19 - When the Levee Breaks
chapter 20 - City Beneath the Sea
chapter 21 - Fire With Fire
chapter 22 - Ashes to Ashes

chapter 17 - Exquisite Corpse

446 12 10
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link 

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in the dining room of the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Freya were sitting at the table.

Auria: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

"Dahlia will come here," Freya told them. She looked at Klaus. "Drawn by your daughter. She will kill anyone who would defy her."

"Yet you would defy her," Elijah told her.

"My one chance is to align with you and kill her," Freya told them.

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in the courtyard, Klaus and Kassandra were talking.

"Should Freya betray us, what if Hope should be harmed through her actions?" Klaus asked.

"We have to consider every weapon at our disposal, brother," Kassandra told him.

From 2.15 "They All Asked For You", in the LaRue Mansion, Marcel, Caitlin, Auria and Josephine were talking.

Auria stepped closer to Josephine. "I will do anything to set things right between us."

"The Treme Coven wants Vincent Griffith returned," Josephine told them.

From 2.15 "They All Asked For You", in the cemetery, Auria used her fingers to lift the blue pendant on the soul catcher toward Vincent/Finn, casting the spell. The pendant started to glow bright blue. Vincent/Finn started to scream in agony as his body healed.

Finn's soul leaked out of Vincent's body into the pendant.

Auria lowered her hand to her side.

Vincent sat up in shock, looking at them in horror. "What's happening?"

From 2.15 "They All Asked For You", in Noah's guest bedroom, Vincent was lying unconscious in one of the rooms.

Two vampires were guarding him.

Noah: (voice over from 2.15 They All Asked For You) "Vincent Griffith is alive and free of Finn's influence."

From 2.15 "They All Asked For You", in the Quarter, Eva had a knife in her hand, quickly using it to slit the throat of the young boy, killing him.

Eva started to carve a sacrificial magic sigil into the girl's forehead.

Ruben: (voice over from 2.15 They All Asked For You) "A witch named Eva Sinclair was stealing children to channel their power."

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in the cemetery, Davina and Eva/Rebekah were talking.

"I think the rightful owner of this body is waking up inside me, and she's angry," Eva/Rebekah told her.

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in Rousseau's, Vincent and Auria were sitting at the bar. 

"I see Marcel and Noah let you out," Auria told him.

"I told you all what I knew," Vincent told her. "But, if Eva's coming back here, I don't want anything to do with her."

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in flashback to Kol's Playhouse, When Eva/Rebekah had been hanging out with Davina to figure out what was wrong with her, Eva had regained control of her body to go after Davina.

Davina looked at them in confusion. "Rebekah?"

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in flashback to the warehouse, Eva carved the sigil, a large "X" with a diamond shape around it, into Davina's forehead with a knife, deposited it in the warehouse with the other children she was channeling.

Eva/Rebekah: (voice over from 2.16 Save My Soul) "I'm having flashes of memory, but they fade almost as soon as I've had them."

From 2.16 "Save My Soul", in Noah's Loft, Noah and Caitlin were sitting at the table.

Caitlin was signing the documents that would put the loft into her name. She smiled, looking up. "And done."

Caitlin capped the pen.

Noah chuckled. "I feel like this is cause for celebration."

"Well, don't get too excited," Caitlin told him. "The deed keeps the vampires out. It doesn't keep the witches from getting in."

Noah and Caitlin looked at each other for a moment, starting to kiss slowly, sweetly and softly, building up passionately.


Eva's Mind Space 

Night - Warehouse

It was the same, darker version of the warehouse where the teenagers were being kept. Everything had a greenish-hue to it.

Kassandra: (voice over) "All of us live with a demon inside."

Eva was skulking around the warehouse, trying to find Rebekah, who had taken the form of her 5-6 year old self in Eva's mind. "Rebekah Mikaelson!" Young Rebekah was hiding in a dark corner behind some machinery, becoming scared, whimpering, standing, running away. "You can't hide from me!"

Young Rebekah continued to run away from her in fright.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Some days, you control the demon."

Young Rebekah ran right into Eva.

Eva grabbed Young Rebekah by the arms, shaking her violently. "This is my house!"

Young Rebekah screamed.



Night - Abattoir Compound - Rebekah's Room

Eva woke up with a gasp in Rebekah's bed, breathing heavily.

Kassandra: (voice over) "And other days, it controls you."


Marcel's Loft - Marcel's Room 

Marcel was sitting on his bed, shirtless, looking up at Auria.

Auria was standing in front of him in a tank top and underwear.

Kassandra: (voice over) "And it is always hungry."

Marcel rushed to his feet, putting his hand on the back of Auria's head, pulling her closer to kiss passionately and heatedly, spinning them around, putting her onto her back on the bed. 

Kassandra: (voice over) "It feeds on lust."

Auria and Marcel looked at each other for a long moment, smiling, kissing.

Kassandra: (voice over) "On longing."



All the children Eva had been channeling, including Davina, were still sprawled unconscious all over the floor in a corner.

Kassandra: (voice over) "And while you may slumber..."


Abattoir Compound - Hallway

Eva was wandering around the compound, stopping to stare at an old-fashioned painting of Rebekah on the wall for a moment. She heard the sound of Hope crying nearby, wandering over to her nursery, where she found a werewolf guard standing outside the door.

Kassandra: (voice over) "It tempts you into crossing every line you've ever drawn. All while it hunts you..."


Noah's Loft - Bedroom 

Noah and Caitlin were laying in bed. Caitlin was asleep, laying her head on his chest, looking the most peaceful and content ever seen. Noah had his arm around her, gazing off thoughtfully, smiling a small smile, stroking back her hair. Caitlin started to wake up, looking up at Noah. They both smiled, kissing slowly and softly but passionately, starting to become heated.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Haunts you."



Vincent was at a table with a glass of bourbon, looking sadly at a photobooth photograph of himself and Eva before she began hunting children.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Renders you incapable of telling friend from foe."


Abattoir Compound - Hallway

The werewolf guard outside Hope's room had been killed.



Eva stepped into the nursery to look at Hope, who was laying in her crib.

Kassandra: (voice over) "But once it's turned your loved ones into enemies, the demon would have consumed you whole."

Hayley walked in from her bedroom, finding Eva standing over Hope's crib. She saw the dead werewolf outside the room, realizing who had control of the body, transforming. "Get away from her."

Hayley grabbed Eva by the arm, pulling her away from the crib, slamming her head on the nearby dresser, making her fall to the floor, going to check on Hope. Eva used magic to throw Hayley back into her bedroom, making her slam into the wall.

Klaus heard the crashing sound from outside, walking in furiously. "Rebekah! What are you doing?"

Klaus walked closer.

Eva cast a pain infliction on Klaus, making him fall to his knees and yell in pain.

Hayley ran back into the room.

Eva cast another pain infliction on Hayley, making her fall to her knees and choke.

Klaus forced himself to lean forward so he could claw a set of deep gashes into Eva's thigh with his fingernails, making her scream in pain.

Eva realized she was overpowered, letting go of the spell, jumping out of the window, leaving them too busy recovering from her assault to follow her.

Hayley and Klaus stood, going to check on Hope instantly.

Hope was sitting calmly in her crib, completely at ease.

Hayley and Klaus looked at each other worriedly.


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)


Day Two

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla, Auria and Marcel had gathered to talk about what had happened the previous night.

Auria set a box on the table, opening it to pull the magical manacles that prevented  a witch from using magic while they were chained with them.

"You should really stop packing these away, Auria," Marcel told her. "There's always a naughty witch or another in need of a good shackling."

Auria tilted her head at Marcel, handing the manacles to Kassandra.

Marcel smirked.

"Find Rebekah, or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was," Kassandra told them. "Use those to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister."

"Noah's gonna be looking, but he won't be the only one," Auria told them. "She killed the witch kids. The 24-hour hold that I got the covens to agree to ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her."

"Auria, Marcel, go to Josephine," Elijah told them. "Get Caitlin to charm your elderly witch again, this time into calling off the hunt."

"How ironic that we're all counting on Caitlin Harris to charm a witch elder into helping us stop a witch hunt," Mikayla remarked.

Everyone else also found it ironic, smirking in agreement, amused.

"Yeah," Hayley agreed.

"Jackson and I have been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with the werewolf army," Mikayla told them. "We'll stay here and protect Hope."

Hayley looked at Klaus and Kassandra. "But what will you two be doing while Marcel, Caitlin, Auria, Noah, Mikayla and Jackson are doing all the dirty work?"

"Why, Kassandra and I will be attending to the even dirtier work," Klaus answered. "As usual."


LaRue Mansion - Living Room 

Caitlin, Auria and Marcel were waiting for Josephine.

Josephine walked closer.

"Mrs. LaRue," Auria told her.

"Miss Rayvnne," Josephine replied, kissing Auria on each cheek in greeting, sitting down in an armchair. "Have you come to impress me once more with young Caitlin's rare talents?"

Marcel shook his head. "No, Josephine. We came to offer you another deal."

Josephine looked at them curiously.

Caitlin nodded.


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were looking at the painting of Rebekah in her Original body.

Freya walked in. "Our sister was quite the beauty."

"You said that you could put Rebekah back in her Original body," Elijah told her. "We would like you to do it."

"We?" Freya repeated.

Kassandra nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"So, Niklaus has come to his senses?" Freya asked.

"My senses have not faltered," Klaus told her. "They still demand you are not to be trusted." He turned to face Freya. "However, circumstance dictates otherwise for now. Elijah will remain here in the compound for the safety of our family, and of course, Kassandra will remain with us to make sure that I don't kill you and anger you. Again."

"What's changed?" Freya asked.

"Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless," Kassandra answered. "So, will you please make with your spells and enchantments, and put our sister back in her true body?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Freya told them.

"More stalling," Klaus told her. "Very well. I know I can't kill you, but I shall have a fun time trying. Tell me. Have you ever been skinned alive?"

"Niklaus, do you have to be reminded of what you just said not even a moment ago?" Elijah asked.

Klaus sighed, backing away.

"The problem is, Rebekah's condition has worsened," Freya told them. "When I offered to help, she was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that can reach Eva's mind and find her."

"Fortunately for all of us, I know someone well-versed in such spells," Kassandra told them. "Let's go meet her, shall we?"

Klaus rushed toward Freya with the magical shackles, locking them around her wrist. "For insurance."



(Song:) A Taste of Silver - Until the Ribbon Breaks 

Vincent was sitting at a table, surrounded by multiple empty glasses of bourbon and small plate of French fries, looking at the photo of him and Eva together.

Noah walked in, sitting across from Vincent. "A little early, isn't it?"

Vincent sighed. "You know why I'm sitting here day-drinking in the Quarter all by my lonesome?" Noah shook his head. "Because I'm pretty much done and through with the vamps, wolves and witches of this town. And, from some of the looks I've been getting, they're through with me, too. So, if I'm sitting here, they don't see me, and if I drink..." He held up his full glass of bourbon, tapping it with his fingers, chugging the whole glass down. "After a while, I don't see them, either."

Noah picked up the photo of Vincent and Eva, holding it up. "And how many is it gonna take before she disappears?"

(Song Ends)

Vincent reached for the photo.

Noah pulled it out of his reach.

"Come on, man," Vincent told him.

"Uh-uh," Noah told him. "You need to know that she is back and on the loose, and I need to find her before the witches do so I can save my friend who is trapped inside of her. And I came to you, because you are the only person in this city who knows her inside-out."

Noah held the photo toward him.

Vincent quickly snatched it from his hand, pulling out his wallet, returning the photo to one of the pockets. "Look, Noah. I'm sorry about your friend. But, if Eva is back in control of her body..."


LaRue Mansion - Living Room 

Josephine, Auria, Marcel and Caitlin were sitting down.

"Then you need to let the witches put that body down," Josephine told them. "Eva will use up Rebekah, just like she did the others."

"The others?" Auria repeated.

"You were gone for a long while before you decided to come home, Auria," Josephine told her. "You weren't here when this all began."



Noah and Vincent were sitting at the table, talking.

"First of the kids were missing two years ago," Vincent told him. "Feels like a lifetime. I was clocking in college, work, coven. It felt like a normal life, but I had this woman. Met when we were 16 years old, did our first bit of magic together, and it was on. Insanely intense."


LaRue Mansion 

Josephine, Auria, Marcel and Caitlin were sitting down in chairs, talking.

"Eva was a wild beauty practicing a wild magic," Josephine told them. "But, she and Vincent were so happy, we let them be."

Marcel sighed. "And then the children began to disappear."



Noah and Vincent were sitting at the table, talking.

"First was a little girl named Amelie Dupres, from Algiers," Vincent told him. "Then LuAnn Hughes from the Ninth. Nicolas Alsace from the Treme." He kissed his fingertips as a sort of prayer for the children. "All young kids, all witch prodigies. Phew. Vanished into thin air. So, I put together a posse of guys from each of the covens, but the killer cloaked the kids so quickly, our locator spells were useless."

"But I heard because of your tenacity, she was caught," Noah told him.

"It was a fluke," Vincent told him. "I was able to slap a locator spell on one of the kids right after he got snatched, and I got nothing at first. And then a car, and then a face... but that face, Noah... it was Eva." He chuckled bitterly without humor. "The love of my life. So, I caught her, confronted her. And then I saw the truth. She kept pleading with me." He began to imitate Eva. "'Vince, just three more little girls, Vince. Just three'."

Noah looked at him in confusion. "Why three?"


LaRue Mansion - Living Room

Josephine, Auria, Marcel and Caitlin were sitting in chairs, talking.

Auria put the pieces together. "To complete the Rite of Nines." 

Josephine nodded. 

Marcel and Caitlin looked at them in confusion.

"The Rite of Nines?" Marcel repeated.

Auria nodded. "Eva thought if she sacrificed a witch from each of the nine covens, it would create a new witch order in New Orleans. She would have been more powerful than any Elder, any Harvest Girl."

"Wait, wait, wait," Marcel told them. "But why kids?"

"Because their magic's untapped," Auria answered. "It's pure. And they're a hell of a lot easier to subdue."

"That's why she went after Hope," Caitlin realized.

"She would have killed that baby, channeled her powers, as she did with those other poor children," Josephine told them.

Auria looked horrified.



Noah and Vincent sat at their table, talking.

"I never found those kids," Vincent told them. "They died, unconsecrated, unable to be with our Ancestors. Used as a source for Eva's magic."

"So, help me find her before she takes any more lives, including Rebekah's," Noah told him. Vincent looked torn, considering for a moment. "Help me stop her."


LaRue Mansion - Living Room

Josephine, Auria, Marcel and Caitlin were sitting in chairs, talking.

"We agree she must be stopped," Josephine told them. "No more of our youth will die." She stood. "That is why, Miss Rayvnne, I will not extend your 24 hours." Auria, Marcel and Caitlin stood, stunned. "Eva Sinclair now has a bounty on her head."

"You're putting Rebekah Mikaelson to death with her," Marcel told her.

"I dislike the term 'collateral damage', but there it is," Josephine told them. "If one or two must fall to take Eva down for good? So be it."

Auria and Caitlin were horrified.

Marcel looked at Josephine angrily.


Lafayette Cemetery - Lyonne Tomb

Klaus, Kassandra and Freya walked in.

Freya was still shackled with the magic-disabling manacles. "I fail to see the need for these. I'm not your enemy."

"Oh, they're not to protect us, sister," Kassandra told her, leading them into the tomb, gesturing toward a corner. "They're to protect her. The one who knows more about mind-invasion and body-jumping than all of us put together."

Kassandra heard Lenore/Esther behind a statue, tossing two blood bags toward her.

Lenore/Esther quickly grabbed one blood bag, taking it, drinking.

Kassandra smirked.

Lenore/Esther quickly grabbed the last, taking it, drinking.

Freya realized who it was, turning to leave. "No, no."

Klaus grabbed Freya. "Mother?" Lenore/Esther leaned her head out of hiding. "Freya. Freya, Mother."

Lenore/Esther looked at them in confusion. "It can't be."

Freya looked at Klaus angrily. "You won't trust me, yet you would trust her?"

"I trust our mother about as much as I would a stuck snake," Klaus told them. "Fortunately, she is now a vampire, and as such, vulnerable to Original compulsion."

Kassandra pulled Lenore/Esther out of hiding, making her stand, compelling her. "You will answer all of our questions truthfully." She pulled her by her arm toward Freya and Klaus. "There. Now at least everything that comes out of her wretched mouth will be honest. Let's raid mommy dearest's mind for spells, shall we?"

Klaus and Kassandra smirked.


Ida Mae's Shop

Eva was in an abandoned shop, hiding, making a paste with a mortar and pestle. Once it was finished, she spread it out over the deep gashes in her thigh, sighing in relief. "Okay."

Eva took a small red bottle, using the dropper to drip some liquid onto the paste on her leg, making herself groan in pain. After a moment, the potion took effect. Eva sighed in relief, sitting back in her chair, relaxing.

Noah rushed toward her, slapping the magic-disabling manacles onto her wrists before she could react, laughing. "Not really keen on a witch headache."

Eva looked at the shackles in anger. "Dark objects? How did a damn vampire find me?"

"I had a little help," Noah answered. "Someone who knew where an injured witch on the run might go to heal up."

Vincent walked in, looking at Eva.

Eva looked at Vincent in horror, whispering. "Vince?"

Noah rushed toward Eva, pushing her against the wall. "No time for catch up. Release Rebekah. Now."

Eva smirked. "Best not damage the package, or you may never see her again. Or your little girlfriend Caitlin's best friend, Davina."

Noah looked at her in shock. "What did you just say?" Eva laughed. Noah turned around, slamming Eva against the table. "Where is she?"

Eva continued to laugh. "Release me, Noah, and you can have what's left."

Noah squeezed Eva's uninjured leg with his hand until his fingernails dug deep into her flesh, making her scream in pain. "I think I'll just torture you until you give me what I need."

"Torture ain't gonna do it, man," Vincent told him. "Half the witches in this city went after her. She ain't said a thing."

Noah groaned in frustration, reluctantly releasing Eva from his choke hold, turning toward Vincent. "You got a better idea?"

"Yeah," Vincent answered, walking toward Eva. "Let me talk to her."

Eva gave Vincent a look, but couldn't help but smirk.


LaRue Mansion - Living Room

Josephine, Auria, Marcel and Caitlin were sitting in chairs.

Marcel looked at his phone. "Noah and Vincent found Eva." He looked at Auria and Caitlin worriedly. "She has Davina."

Auria and Caitlin were extremely worried.

Auria turned to Josephine. "I'll put a stop to all of this myself if it means you accept this deal."

"Marcel and Noah have every vampire in the Quarter kissing your ass, I have put on more than one talent show, and Auria has done everything you have asked of her since we struck our deal, and your final answer is 'Screw you'?" Caitlin asked.

"You have a way with words," Josephine told her. "I like you, Caitlin. I really do. You remind me of what I was like in my youth. I was a rebellious teenager, such as you are. But circumstances all but extinguished that part of me." She looked at Auria. "You do realize, don't you, Auria, that the Ancestors didn't really want Esther to erase you from your body? They were testing you, to see if you could stop it. And you did."

"You've been talking to the Ancestors about me?" Auria asked.

Josephine nodded. "Everything that they've done, every witch they've sent your way, it was never to harm you. It was to prepare you."

"For what?" Auria asked.

"They know that you're different from the others, Auria," Josephine told her. "You're different from me. You're one of the good ones, no matter what's happened in the past. Everything that you've done to stand against us was because we were in the wrong, and you were trying to do the right. I understand. Not all of the witches, and not all of the Ancestors understand, but I do. And while most witches and most Ancestors hate you and want to see you punished, Auria, I don't."

"So all of this was some kind of test?" Marcel asked skeptically. "For what?"

Josephine didn't answer. "I'm afraid that I can't give you want you want. Not this time."


Ida Mae's Shop 

Eva was still shackled, sitting in a chair, looking at Vincent. "I heard they'd gotten you, that you'd been taken over by the crazed brother of the other one that's still inside me."

Vincent nodded. "Hmm, yep. But, I'm back now."

Eva smiled. "So you are." She looked at him coldly. "The man who sold out his own girl and gave up on their future."

"Don't start with me," Vincent told her angrily. "Now, Noah said that--"

Eva laughed in amusement. "Oh, Vincent, are you kissing vampire-ass now?" Vincent rolled his eyes. "This city could have been free of their kind if you hadn't been such a weak little coward."

Vincent raised his voice. "You left me with no choice. I couldn't let you go on doing what--"

"Oh, please!" Eva told him. "You saw how beaten down we've become. Covens from every ward fighting each other, half of them working with vampires. Now, change was necessary. Unity was necessary."

"Killing kids was necessary?" Vincent asked in exasperation.

Eva was hurt. "Vincent, I didn't kill any kids." Vincent gave her a skeptical look. "They're still alive. Just asleep. Cloaked, of course."

Vincent looked torn, seeming to be debating whether or not to believe her. "All of them?"

Eva spoke quieter and calmer. "Uh-huh. I just need their power. They don't have to die."

Vincent looked at her in confusion.


Lafayette Cemetery - Lyonne Tomb

Klaus, Kassandra, Freya and Lenore/Esther were talking.

Lenore/Esther looked at Freya. "My beautiful girl." She reached toward her. "My firstborn."

Freya backed away angrily, pulling on her manacles. "Touch me, and I will use these chains to strangle you."

"Yes, well, now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, let's begin, shall we?" Klaus asked. He looked at Lenore/Esther. "It appears your delightful sister Dahlia is on her way to New Orleans and hell-bent on stealing my child. We need Rebekah back in her Original body so she can help us destroy her."

"Your--your child?" Lenore/Esther repeated in confusion.

"Ah, yes, I suppose it is difficult keeping up on current events whilst rotting inside a tomb," Kassandra told her. Freya walked closer to stand by Kassandra's side. "Very well. The short version? Klaus' daughter, my niece, is alive. Dahlia is on her way. But now the previous tenant of Rebekah's body has seized control and isn't keen on giving it up. Freya here, and our friend Auria Rayvnne, although powerful, lack the spell to put Rebekah back in her true body, and that's where you come in." Kassandra rushed toward Lenore/Esther, gripping her throat, making her gasp for breath. Freya and Klaus smirked. "I need you to be a dear, and dig deep in that ex-witch mind of yours." Kassandra pulled out a pad of paper, holding it toward Lenore/Esther. "Give me the spell that puts Rebekah back."

Lenore/Esther hesitantly took the pad of paper.

Kassandra let Lenore/Esther go, smirking.


Ida Mae's Shop 

Eva was still shackled and seated in the chair.

Vincent leaned against the nearby wall, peering out the window, processing this newly-learned information.

"You know, even when you betrayed me, I didn't blame you," Eva told him. Vincent turned to face her, walking closer incredulously. "You just couldn't see the light." Eva hesitated. "But, you see it now, don't you?" Vincent sighed. Eva went from calm to furious, rattling her chains manically. "Now that your body was stolen by the same family of vampires that are trying to steal mine!" Vincent looked at her warily. Eva calmed down, pleading. "You see what's gotta be done." Vincent shook his head in disbelief, starting to pace. "Now, I just need one more girl, and then we can finish the ritual. Together. Take all the power we need, and then those kids can go home to their moms." Vincent looked at her in surprise, seeming to be considering her offer. "And then we need never be under their control ever again."

Vincent walked toward her.

Noah walked in, annoyed. "I can hear her yapping, but clearly, she's not talking. I guess we're back to square one."

Eva looked at Vincent anxiously.

Vincent sighed, turning to Noah. "Actually, she did talk. And I decided to listen."

Noah lunged toward Vincent.

Vincent clapped his his hands together, pushing them together, casting a pain infliction spell on Noah, making him groan a scream of pain and fall to his knees. He used magic to throw Noah out of the wall of windows and out onto the sidewalk, walking toward the wall, using magic to snap Noah's neck.

Eva looked at Vincent in surprise, clearly impressed and relieved by his actions. 

Vincent turned to face her.

Eva stood, holding out her shackled wrists.

Vincent sighed, reluctantly snapping his fingers, using magic to unlock the shackles from around her, making them fall to the floor.

Eva smirked.


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla, Auria, Marcel and Noah were talking.

Mikayla was holding Hope. "Great. Eva is in the wind, although now, she has a sidekick."

"The charming Vincent Griffith," Noah told them sarcastically.

Auria sighed. "It gets worse. If Eva has Davina, then she has eight of the witches she needs to finish the ritual. She just needs one more."

"Where's Caitlin?" Noah asked.

"I sent her back to your place," Marcel answered. "Noah, Caitlin is safer where vampires can't get to her than out in the open."

"If Eva comes after Hope, Rebekah or no Rebekah, I will put her down for good," Hayley told them.

Elijah ignored her. "Mikayla, fortify this house. When they do come, kill him, capture her."

Mikayla nodded.

"Capture?" Hayley repeated incredulously.

"I will not abandon my sister," Elijah told her seriously. Hayley looked embarrassed and guilty for her words. She took Hope from Mikayla, holding her protectively. "Mikayla, gather what wolves you have. With Vincent by her side, she will strike with considerable force."

Mikayla nodded. "Of course."


Noah's Loft - Living Room

(Song:) Hero - Jessie J

Caitlin was listening to the song through a speaker system in the walls, getting herself a drink, starting to dance a little. She was clearly incredibly worried about what happened to Davina, but she knew that she couldn't do anything about it, drinking to take the edge off. 

Her phone was ringing on the table.

Caitlin turned the music down, picking up her phone to answer.

The phone sparked in her hand, making her groan in pain and drop it to the floor. 

The speaker system shut down.

(Song Ends)

Caitlin knew that this was witchy interference, turning around to see Eva behind her. She started to back away. "I know who you are."

Eva smiled, stepping closer. "It's always nice to be recognized. Especially by someone such as Caitlin Harris. How are you on this very fine day, my dear?" Caitlin backed away toward the ladder leading up to the balcony above the living room. "You look nervous. Are you nervous, Caitlin? You should be. You see, I just needed eight witches from eight covens. And then I needed an object, a person, of pure power, to complete my circle." Eva stalked closer. "Now, the hybrid child was a target of opportunity. You? You're a target of choice."

"If I was an object of pure power, don't you think I would use it against people coming after me like you?" Caitlin asked.

Eva chuckled. "You know why I chose you. It's why Finn Mikaelson chose you."

"Yeah, I know why," Caitlin told her, pushing the sliding ladder toward Eva so hard with force that it hit her full on, making her fall to the floor. "See ya."

Caitlin ran up the ladder, up to the balcony, running toward the door.



Caitlin ran out of the roof access door out onto the roof in the sunlight. She sighed, knowing she couldn't call anybody for help since Eva destroyed her phone. She ran toward the fire escape ladder leading to the ground below, climbing down quickly into the alley behind the loft, running down the path until she was brought up short.

Vincent was standing in her way.

"Vincent, you're not actually working with her?" Caitlin asked what sounded like a statement. Vincent looked completely blank. "You haven't been yourself lately."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "You're right. I haven't been. But, now that I'm back, I realized something. The only time I've ever really been myself..." He looked behind Caitlin. Caitlin turned to see Eva standing behind her. "Is when I'm with her."

Caitlin looked between them angrily.

Eva and Vincent both closed in around Caitlin on either side.


Lafayette Cemetery - Lyonne Tomb 

Lenore/Esther was writing the spells on the pad of paper.

Klaus was pacing impatiently. "What is taking so long? You didn't tarry when you attempted to kill my child."

Lenore/Esther looked up. "I took no joy in that. I knew if your daughter lived, Dahlia would come, not only for her, but for all of you. And however you may despise me, I would not wish that upon you."

"How touching," Kassandra told her sarcastically.

"Isn't it?" Freya asked, walking toward Lenore/Esther. "I always wondered what maternal compassion sounded like. Of course, I wouldn't know, since you sold me into slavery at the age of five."

"When I made that bargain with my sister, I had no idea what it meant to be a mother," Lenore/Esther told her. "I thought if I had a dozen children, I would not miss the one. But then you were born. You were beautiful. You had a light about you. You put a smile on the face of the hardest man I had ever known. And when Dahlia took you, I believed that same light might warm her embittered heart. That you would lead a good life."

"A good life?" Freya repeated angrily. "You were my mother. You should have come for me."

Lenore/Esther nodded. "Yes, I should have. But it would have been a mistake." She looked at Klaus and Kassandra. "The same mistake you'll be making if you let this girl help you."

Kassandra rolled her eyes. "For God's sake, speak plainly."

Lenore/Esther stepped closer to Klaus and Kassandra. "The light I saw in Freya as a child? It's gone. While she was mine for five years, Dahlia was her mentor for a thousand. And like her mentor, she will offer to solve your problem, but for a price."

"There is no price," Freya told her angrily. "I love them."

Freya lunged toward Lenore/Esther.

Kassandra held Freya back. "No violence until she's finished writing the spell, please."

Klaus looked at Lenore/Esther, holding a hand toward Freya and Kassandra. "Honestly, it's all temper and no timing with these two. Although Kassandra has had a thousand years to learn control and timing, Freya has had only ten."

Klaus chuckled.

"Actually, Nik, I've had 483 years to learn," Kassandra told him. "You kept me daggered for 518."

Klaus chuckled, shaking his head. "You've got to let that go."



Vincent and Eva had just arrived to the warehouse where Eva had been hiding the children she had taken for the Rite of Nines.

Vincent was carrying Caitlin's unconscious body in his arms.

Eva pointed to the corner. "There."

Vincent walked up to where Eva had indicated, placing Caitlin on the floor. "Where are the others?" Eva thrust out her arm, waving it in front of herself, using magic to reveal the unconscious bodies of the eight other children she was channeling. Davina still had Eva's channeling sigil carved into her forehead, slumped over next to where Caitlin now laid. Vincent looked around at all of the children he had searched for years ago, horrified. He pointed to Davina with concern. "That's the Harvest Girl."

Eva pulled a small knife out of her boot. "Davina Claire." She walked toward the teenagers with the knife in hand. "Once I link Caitlin, we can begin." She was about to start carving the symbol into Caitlin's forehead, but sighed, standing to look at Vincent. "Though, I should admit, I told a little lie earlier. In order to save the many, we've gotta sacrifice a few." Vincent didn't seem surprised by this confession. "You understand, Vince."

Vincent nodded.

Eva smiled in appreciation, turning to Caitlin.

Vincent turned around, picking up a large pipe off the ground, hitting Eva hard across the head with it, making her groan in pain and fall unconscious, breathing heavily in anger. "Yeah. I figured as much." He walked toward Caitlin's unconscious body, kneeling next to her. "All right, Caitlin, time to wake up." He put a hand on her head, closing his eyes. "Excitate vos e somno."

Caitlin woke with a gasp. She coughed for a moment, looking around, getting her bearings. She realized where she was, seeing that Davina was on the floor next to her with the channeling sigil in her forehead. She looked at her worriedly, sitting up. "Davina?" She tried to get her to wake up. "Davina!"

Vincent sighed. "She's not gonna wake up." Caitlin turned to Vincent defensively, sliding back away from him, angry. "Not until we deal with Eva the right way."

"You know what?" Caitlin asked. "I'm gonna give Noah a little call, and have him deal with you the right way."

"I get it," Vincent told her. "You're angry. I would be, too, if I wasn't let in on a plan like this." He looked at Eva's unconscious body. Caitlin looked at her, stunned. "I'm sorry. I had to make it look convincing. If you were in on the plan, Eva would have known."

"Yeah, kidnapping me in broad daylight really sold it," Caitlin told him. "All right, round of applause. Now what?"

Vincent noticed Eva's nose was bleeding, looking at Davina, realizing that her nose was now bleeding, too.

Caitlin looked around at the other seven teenagers to realize that they all had bleeding noses. She knew what it meant, closing her eyes in frustration.

Vincent rubbed a hand over his face. "Now, we got a problem. These kids--"

Caitlin opened her eyes, shaking her head. "Don't say it."

Vincent sighed. "They're all linked to her. If she dies, they all die."

Caitlin looked at him in annoyance. "I said don't say it. And I know what it means, moron. I'm in a link. Does that mean I'm linked to all them, too?"

"No," Vincent answered. "I didn't let her get that far."

Caitlin sighed, standing. "What do you want, an award? Look, we can't unlink me from Marcel because the whole coven that linked me to him is dead, ergo, no living descendants. But Eva's still alive. If Rebekah has control of her body again, can she unlink herself from all of them?"

Vincent nodded, sighing, standing. "Yeah, she should be able to."

"Great," Caitlin told him. "Then all we have to do is save Rebekah and give her control of Eva's body again so we can save all these kids."

"Oh, is that all?" Vincent asked sarcastically. Caitlin nodded, looking away. "And how do you suppose we do that, teenage mastermind?"

Caitlin sighed, looking at Vincent. "Call Auria."

Vincent realized that Auria was only way out of this, nodding in agreement.


Lafayette Cemetery - Lyonne Tomb

Klaus, Kassandra, Freya and Lenore/Esther were talking.

Freya was looking over the spell, looking concerned and anxious. "I can't do this. This spell requires and enormous amount of power."

"Which you have," Lenore/Esther told her.

"And that power needs to be anchored, or I'll be lost inside Eva's mind along with Rebekah," Freya told her. "Unlike your magic, mine isn't anchored to any one place. Because of you, I have no home."

Elijah and Auria walked in.

"But I do," Auria told them. Klaus, Kassandra, Freya and Lenore/Esther looked at them. "I'm a very powerful witch, and my power is anchored here in this city. I won't be lost in Rebekah's mind." Auria looked Lenore/Esther. "And I got to say, considering that you were going to wipe me out of my body, seeing you in the shape you're in now gives me so much pleasure."

Kassandra smiled in amusement. "And there you go. Auria Rayvnne, the answer to all our prayers and problems."

"Auria needs more power than she has," Freya told them. "She can't do this alone, but I can't do the spell with her, or I'll be gone forever."

"Then allow Auria to channel you," Elijah told her. "She'll have access to more power, she is anchored here, and she'll fulfill the deal she made with Josephine LaRue in spades. Saving Davina, Caitlin and every one of those children will be far more than redemption for Auria."

"So, you'll trust this whelp that we only just met to be aligned with Auria, the witch that we've known for a year now that's saved us all and protected Hope while she was away?" Klaus asked. "Elijah, Kassandra, I think not."

"Brother, whatever this is, nothing must prevent us from saving our sister," Elijah told him. "I will not lose Rebekah." Auria was growing increasingly annoyed and frustrated, knowing that they were running out of time. Elijah pointed at Lenore/Esther. "And since when do we heed the words of this serpent?"

Auria lost all of her patience while she was desperately in a hurry to save Davina and Caitlin. "Enough." Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Kassandra and Lenore/Esther looked at Auria. "Davina is dying, Caitlin is waiting for us to save her and those kids, and we don't have time for this. All of you are so protective of Hope, and you'll do anything to protect and save her, so what do you think Marcel, Noah and I will do to protect Davina and Caitlin?" She looked at Klaus. "Your paranoia is hold using us back and wasting time to the point where they and all those kids can die."

Klaus pointed at Freya. "Auria, I understand your concern and urgency for the two girls you look at as your daughters, but I will not trust this woman with anything. You will just have to wait a moment--"

Not taking any more of this, Auria raised her hand, twisting her wrist, using magic to snap Klaus' neck, making him fall to the floor, unconscious. "I'm done waiting." Elijah, Freya, Kassandra and Lenore/Esther looked at Auria, stunned. Auria looked at the no-magic shackles that Freya was wearing, snapping her fingers, using magic to unlock them, letting them fall off of her, using magic to pull the manacles into her hands. "Let's go save those kids."

Auria walked out, leaving. Elijah, Kassandra and Freya exchanged a look, stunned by what Auria had done but knowing that she did what she had to do to get Klaus to stop trying to stop them, following her.


Night - Abattoir Compound - Hope's Nursery 

Hayley and Mikayla were in Hope's nursery.

Hope was crying and screaming.

Hayley was sitting in a rocking chair, trying to get Hope to calm down.

Mikayla organized Hope's toys.

Hayley sighed, looking toward the window. "You and Jackson have a whole platoon of werewolves out there, don't you?"

Mikayla smiled a small smile. "Just to protect us. You. And Hope." She held Hope's music box, walking closer. "She has more than one enemy, Hayley. If someone manages to make it through outside, you and the baby run, I stay and stall them."

"You're not dying for us, Mikayla," Hayley told her. "You can think again. If we're leaving, you're leaving."

Mikayla smiled a small smile, sitting down next to them. "All right."

"Just... distract me, please," Hayley told her.

"All right," Mikayla told her. "What's going on with you and Elijah?"

"Find a new subject to distract me with, Mikayla," Hayley told her.

"Why?" Mikayla asked. "What happened?"

Hayley sighed heavily. "You know that we hooked up at the safe house." Mikayla nodded. "But since then, nothing's happened between us. He said that he needed time... to sort through what Esther has been putting him through. Making him see the girlfriend of his past. Nicola Salvatore, and he clearly still has feelings for her, just like Klaus still has feelings for her great-great-great-great aunt Kaylin. I guess it must be tough to spend a thousand years being the shoulder everyone else leans on. Maybe he... just needs to live his life for himself, for once. And be able to live it without me."

Hayley looked down sadly.

Mikayla looked at her sympathetically.



Kassandra, Elijah, Auria, and Freya met up with Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Vincent in the warehouse.

Marcel was carrying Eva's unconscious body.

Freya looked at Caitlin and Vincent. "Lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand. Auria will act as a bridge into her mind."

"Auria, why is Caitlin going into the psycho's mind?" Noah asked.

"Because she is the only target of Eva's that she didn't link to her," Auria answered. "She will have strength in Eva's mind that no one else will. Caitlin will be fine, Noah."

Marcel laid Eva's body in the middle of the salt. 

Caitlin looked at Noah. "It's okay. I'll do it. It's not like I have anything better to do, Noah. Anything to save Rebekah and Davina and the others."

"Elijah, Kassandra, listen," Auria told them, walking closer. "Freya will need you to anchor her to the channeling trance. Just like for the spell, if she doesn't have an anchor, she can be lost if she does this. Hold her hands when she does." Elijah and Kassandra nodded. Freya turned to Auria. "I'm trusting for you to let me channel you."

Freya nodded. "Do what you need to do."

Freya pulled out a knife, handing it to Auria. She knelt to the floor in front of her.

Auria carved the channeling symbol into Freya's forehead, seeing flashes of her life as she did.

Freya started to fall unconscious.

Elijah and Kassandra caught Freya as she fell, lying her on the outside of the salt symbol on the floor, holding either of her hands.

Auria looked at Caitlin and Vincent. "Rebekah's buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight."

"Then she gets a fight," Caitlin told them determinedly. 

"You're entering Eva's mind," Auria told them. "If she kills you in there, you will be lost. And if you kill her before you free, Rebekah, then Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then and only then can Eva be dealt with."

"We got it," Vincent told them.

"Caitlin, be careful," Marcel told her.

Caitlin nodded. "I got this."

Caitlin laid on one side of Eva.

"You'll need a weapon," Auria told them.

Vincent laid on the other side of Eva.

Auria knelt next to Vincent, still holding the knife.

"How am I supposed to take that with me?" Vincent asked.

Auria held the knife in both hands, closing her eyes, chanting over it. "Lamina ferri in mentem. Lamina ferri in mentem. Lamina ferri in mentem." She looked at Vincent. "This is going to hurt."

Auria stabbed Vincent in the side, making him groan in pain.

Caitlin and Vincent fell unconscious.

Auria stood, walking toward Freya's unconscious, channeled body, Elijah and Kassandra who were still holding her hands to anchor her. She knelt next  to them. 

"You ready, Auria?" Marcel asked.

Auria nodded, holding her hands over Freya's unconscious body, closing her eyes, starting to chant. "I got this, Marcel." She started the spell. "Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus." Wind started to blow through the warehouse, toward Auria, blowing back her hair fiercely. Auria kept her eyes closed and hands over Freya, continuing to chant. "Pontem paesidio anchora immortalibus. Pontem paesidio anchora immortalibus."


Eva's Mind Space

Night - Warehouse

Vincent and Caitlin woke up on the floor. 

Eva was no longer nearby.

Vincent groaned in pain, pulling the knife out of his side.

They heard a little girl scream.

"Rebekah?" Caitlin asked, running off in the direction of the scream.

The lights started to flicker around them.

Vincent stood, trying to keep her close so they wouldn't lose each other in case Eva found them. "Caitlin!"

Vincent held his injured side, starting to stumble around the warehouse, visibly frightened, looking around for Caitlin, Young Rebekah or Eva.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Lyonne Tomb

Klaus woke up on the floor of the Lyonne tomb with a gasp to everyone but Lenore/Esther had vanished. 

Lenore/Esther walked closer. "You recover fast, but they're gone."

Klaus looked at her in annoyance. "Kassandra compelled you to tell the truth, not state the bloody obvious."

"Freya will poison them all against you," Lenore/Esther told him. "Elijah, Kassandra, Rebekah, Hayley, Mikayla. Your extended family within Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria. You know that."

Klaus stood. "And you suddenly care, do you?"

Lenore/Esther looked at him in exasperation. "Niklaus! Lying here, starving in the darkness, I have thought of nothing except what could have been if I had left you to live a single, mortal life."

"We would have burned bright for a while, and then burnt out," Klaus told her. "You see, you think of turning us as your greatest sin, but the truth is, it's the only one of your many faults I've come to forgive." Lenore/Esther frowned. Klaus smirked. "I prefer us as we are."

Lenore/Esther shook her head, caressing his face. "No, my son. We are a macabre echo of a family, and I take all the blame for that." She was near tears. "I only wanted to undo my evil, that you might love me again."

Klaus glared at her, pushing her hands away. "My mother, the comedian. Enjoy the darkness."

Klaus turned around, walking out, leaving.

Lenore/Esther started to cry.


Eva's Mind Space

Night - Warehouse 

Caitlin looked around, intrigued more than anything.

The lights continued to flicker.

Caitlin heard the sound of Young Rebekah hyperventilating in fright nearby, following the sound, coming upon a small closet, opening the door to reveal Young Rebekah. "Rebekah?" Young Rebekah was curled up in fear, gasping in fright at first, recognizing her, running out of the closet to stand in front of Caitlin. "Hey. It's okay. Believe it or not, I'm here to save you."



Vincent was looking around.

Eva appeared behind him. "You people just don't give up, do you?" Vincent turned to face her. Eva thrust her arm out to him, using her magic to cause him so much pain that he clutched his chest and screamed at the top of his lungs. "You're here, in my world. I'm the one who makes the rules. I'm the one who says how. you. die."

Eva twisted her wrist.

Vincent began writhing on the ground in agony.



Night - Warehouse 

The wind blew around fiercely, blowing around Kassandra, Caitlin, Auria and Freya's hair.

Vincent, Eva and Caitlin were still unconscious, lying in the salt circle.

Marcel and Noah stood nearby.

Elijah and Kassandra knelt on either side of the unconscious, channeled Freya.

Auria knelt next to them, holding her hands over her unconscious body, channeling her, her eyes closed. "Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus."

Vincent's nose started to bleed.

Marcel and Noah knelt outside of the salt circle symbol next to Vincent and Caitlin, exchanging a look, concerned.


Eva's Mind Space

Night - Warehouse 

Eva was straddling Vincent on the floor of the warehouse.

Vincent used magic to push Eva off of him. "Eva! That's enough! It's over."

Eva looked at him incredulously, hurt. "Not a bad bit of acting, fooling me back there." Vincent stood, holding his hands up in a non-threatening position. "Pretty slick, and cold. Colder than I remembered you." Vincent swallowed nervously. Eva looked at him. Her lips twitched into an affectionate half-smile, though she was still incredibly angry. "Aw, it's your eyes. Those damn sexy eyes. Making me think you love me, right before you bury a knife in my back." She caressed Vincent's cheek. Vincent sighed. "You break my heart, Vince." Vincent reached down to his belt, where the knife was tucked away. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice--"

Vincent tried to stab Eva.

Eva used magic to stop him, forcing him to drop the knife to the floor.

Vincent started to choke from the force of the spell.



Night - Warehouse 

The wind blew around fiercely, blowing around Kassandra, Caitlin, Auria and Freya's hair.

Vincent, Eva and Caitlin were still unconscious, lying in the salt circle.

Marcel and Noah stood nearby.

Elijah and Kassandra knelt on either side of the unconscious, channeled Freya.

Auria knelt next to them, holding her hands over her unconscious body, channeling her, her eyes closed. She chanted louder when the wind got louder, nearly shouting over the wind. "Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio anchora immortalibus."

Marcel and Noah watched warily, noticing that Auria was expending much of her own power and Freya's to cast the spell, looking worried. 

Klaus walked in, seeing the scene before them, looking worried.



Night - Warehouse 

Eva was using magic to choke Vincent.

Vincent used magic to throw Eva backward, looking angry and offended. "Is that what you think heartache feels like, Eva? Oh, but you have no idea. I wanted to rip my own heart out every time I woke so I couldn't feel what you did to me. That bone-deep hurt, knowing that I could not save those kids from you. The woman I loved more than my own life."

Vincent gripped Eva by her throat. 

Eva took his wrist, twisting it so hard she broke it, making him fall to his knees. "We could have had everything. You chose this. It's on you." Vincent shook his head to try to stop her from killing him. Eva let go of his wrist, putting both hands on his cheeks. "Goodbye, Vince."

"What?" Vincent whispered.

Eva started to use magic to kill him.

Caitlin picked up the knife from the floor, stabbing Eva in the back, to the heart, killing her forcefully, taking the knife out, letting her fall to the floor. 

Vincent looked at them in shock.

Caitlin looked at the knife in her hand in surprise of what she had just done. She looked over her shoulder toward where Young Rebekah was standing.

Young Rebekah nodded thankfully in relief.



Night - Warehouse

The wind blew around fiercely, blowing around Kassandra, Caitlin, Auria and Freya's hair.

Vincent, Eva and Caitlin were still unconscious, lying in the salt circle.

Marcel, Noah and Klaus stood nearby.

Elijah and Kassandra knelt on either side of the unconscious, channeled Freya.

Auria knelt next to them, holding her hands over her unconscious body.

Vincent and Caitlin gasped awake.

The wind around them dissipated.

The spell ended.

Auria opened her eyes, gasping. She looked at Freya's unconscious body in front of her, holding her hands over her again, only this time to bring her back. "Maintenant que le mal est fait, de ramener ceux qui sont partis."

Freya gasped awake.

Elijah and Kassandra let go of her hands, helping Freya sit up.

Everyone looked at Eva's body.

"Did it work?" Elijah asked.

They heard Davina's voice. "Where am I?"

Caitlin, Marcel, Noah and Auria exchanged a look.

Caitlin and Auria stood, running toward the back.

Marcel and Noah followed.

Everyone was waking up. All of the kids, Davina.

Marcel looked toward the front. "They're okay!"

Davina looked at them in confusion. "Caitlin? Auria?"

"Hey," Caitlin told her in relief.

Davina and Caitlin embraced in relief. Marcel and Auria wrapped an arm around them to further the embrace.

Noah smiled a small smile at the somewhat-familial scene between the four of them.

Davina smiled. "Marcel. Noah."

Davina, Marcel and Noah embraced.

Kassandra looked from Eva to Freya. "Why isn't she waking?"

Freya shook her head.

Eva/Rebekah gasped awake, sitting up.

Everyone looked at her.

Eva/Rebekah looked around, sighing. "Bloody hell."

Everyone smiled, knowing it was Rebekah.


Day Three 

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Eva/Rebekah was looking at the portrait of herself.

Kassandra walked closer.

"Thank you, Kassandra," Eva/Rebekah told her.

"I don't want a thank you, Rebekah," Kassandra told her. "Come on. Let's get you back in your proper body. Though, I'll likely have to torture Esther to do so, which actually might be quite fun."

Eva/Rebekah shook her head. "No, Sandra, I'm staying put. Eva's gone for good, but her body... this body... is still linked to Davina and those children. I can feel it. If I leave it, then it dies, and Davina and the others die with it. And I happen to like Davina. I'm not about to let her die. Besides, do you really want the wrath of every New Orleans witch upon us just as Dahlia arrives? We need them on our side, or, at the very least, not siding against us. That's why Auria is so adamant about making peace with them. I'd like to help her with that. And there's also the matter of Kol. I vowed I'd bring him back. I can't even attempt to do that if I'm not a witch."

"Okay," Kassandra told her. Eva/Rebekah smiled, walking upstairs. Kassandra smiled a small smile, turning to leave. Klaus walked in. Kassandra smiled. "Oh, here we go." She looked at Klaus. "Nik, if you're cross at Auria for snapping your neck--"

"I'm not," Klaus answered. "Surprisingly, I'm not angry at Auria for snapping my neck, Kassandra. Like she said, we would have done the same for my daughter. She was fighting for her own, even if not by blood. Davina and Caitlin." Kassandra nodded in agreement. "What I'm a little irritated at is that you, Rebekah and Elijah seem to trust Freya, even when Esther, our own mother, told us not to."

"Like I would listen to a thing that wretched bitch has to say," Kassandra told him. "Freya doesn't have my complete trust, Nik. I'm just giving her a chance to earn it. I suggest you do the same. And when will you stop treating me like the baby sister that needs to be looked after? A thousand years of killing the ones that I fell for so I wasn't hurt or devastated when Mikael or Esther killed them, or we had to leave because Mikael found us, because having to run after he found us and leave behind my first love was what hurt me the most. I can make my own decisions, Nik. And I can certainly do so without psychologically scarring me for the rest of my eternal life. Say, I don't know, like having the inability to fall in love. Niklaus, just for one second, can we just be what we need to be? A family united?"

 Klaus sighed, hesitating, putting a hand on Kassandra's shoulder. "For now. For you." Kassandra smiled a small smile. Klaus kissed her forehead, backing away. "And I will never stop treating you like the baby sister needing to be looked after, Sandra. I will always do just that."

Kassandra smirked.

Klaus walked out, leaving.

(Song:) Save Me - Listenbee 

Kassandra looked at a painting portrait on the wall of Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Finn and Kassandra from way back in the day, a little after they had turned into vampires.

Kassandra: (voice over) "There's a saying in my family. 'Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow'."



Vincent took the photo of himself and Eva, lighting it on fire with a lighter. He laid the burning photo on a small plate, watching the flames turn it into ash.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Yet, even if you dance on that demon's grave, you can't help but wonder, was that demon alone?"


The French Quarter 

Various New Orleans covens, vampires, werewolves, the Mikaelsons, Hayley, Mikayla and Caitlin were gathered in the Quarter, as celebration in Auria's honor for saving all of the children and helping take down Eva Sinclair.

They were all looking at Josephine and Auria in the middle of the crowd.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Or did you have other deadlier ones to fight?"  

Josephine put a necklace around Auria's neck. "This yours now, Auria. It's a witch's talisman that will magnify your power immensely. While many may forgive, many may not, and this talisman will give you the power to protect yourself, and others."

The crowd applauded.

Kassandra: (voice over) "And though you celebrated having won the battle..."

Auria looked at her necklace, smiling.

"Your reward for rescuing the children, and putting an end to Eva Sinclair, like you promised you would," Josephine told her.

Auria shook her head. "I didn't do it alone."

"I know," Josephine told her. "You did it with the help of vampires, the Originals, and a human. Caitlin Harris, one more reason I like her. You might very well be what brings peace to this city. Or the closest thing that New Orleans has seen." Josephine and Auria smiled, embracing, pulling away. "You more than made up for the wrong you've done, Auria. It is we that haven't. You no longer have to fear the witches in this city. You won't have to run or hide. Your friends are our friends. Your enemies, ours. Welcome back, Auria."

They smiled.

The crowd applauded.

Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Davina were standing together, smiling proudly.

Eva/Rebekah, Kassandra, Freya, Elijah and Klaus were standing together, applauding lightly, happy that Auria had gotten the witches on their side at least for the time being, also admittedly happy for Auria herself.

Mikayla and Hayley were standing next to them, clapping, smiling, extremely happy for Auria, proud for their friend, and happy that she got the witches to their sides as well.

Auria looked over the Quarter, smiling.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Have you really prepared for the war?"


Night - Rousseau's

Auria was sitting at the bar at Rousseau's, holding the pendant of her new necklace, smiling.

Freya walked closer.

"What are you doing here?" Auria asked.

"I've come to congratulate you," Freya answered, sitting beside Auria. "You were quite the heroine yesterday. You're far more powerful than I thought you were. I felt the power that you have when you channeled me."

"And I saw some things when I did," Auria told her.

"I know, Auria," Freya told her. "Which is why we're having this conversation."

"Your aunt, Dahlia, the one that is coming for Hope..." Auria trailed off. "She's so powerful because she's channeling you. Because she's linked to you."

Freya nodded sadly. "Yes. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't realize this predicament until a little over five centuries ago."

"And you haven't told your siblings," Auria told her.

"I am planning to," Freya told her. "When they're not burdened by crippling paranoia. You've been in my head, Auria. You know that I'm telling you the truth. And you know that everything I told them was the truth."

"Like I know that you've been planning to kill your mother since the second you laid eyes on her in that tomb," Auria told her. Freya looked indifferent. "I'm not judging you, Freya. And I do know that you're telling the truth. And that is why I trust you. And why I'm giving you this."

Auria took the soul catcher necklace from her pocket, handing it to Freya.

Freya took it curiously. "What is this?"

"It's a soul catcher," Auria answered. "That's where I put your brother Finn when I took him out of Vincent Griffith's body. Now it's yours."

Freya looked at Auria. "You're doing this why?"

"Because I want you to trust me," Auria answered. "Because you know as well as I do that this is not the last time that the two of us will have to work with each other."

"You really are trying to build a peace in this city, aren't you?" Freya asked.

"I'm trying to prevent more death," Auria told her. "And I know that will be impossible without some help."

Freya looked at the soul catcher in her hand that held Finn inside. "Thank you, Auria."

Auria nodded. 

Freya looked at her gratefully, sighing, standing, walking away, leaving.

Auria turned back to the bar, taking a long drink, holding the pendant of the necklace that the witches had given her, smiling a small smile, knowing that she had achieved what she wanted, or at the very least, the first step.

Kassandra: (voice over) "So, as we dressed ourselves in the armor needed for this new fight..."

(Song Ends)


Lafayette Cemetery

Freya walked through the cemetery.

Kassandra: (voice over) "We must first tend to our wounds..."


Lyonne Tomb

Freya walked into the tomb.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Starting with the deepest."

Lenore/Esther was sitting alone, looking at her long-lost daughter in surprise. "Freya."

"You were wrong about me," Freya told her coldly. "I loathe Dahlia more than you could ever know." Lenore/Esther looked at her sadly. "You don't see that light in me? That's because she snuffed it out. I was five, and she was the devil. She took my light. My love. My will to live." Freya smiled bitterly. "My ability to die. You are no longer my mother, but I am not her child."

Lenore/Esther stood, walking toward Freya. "I am so sorry."

Freya closed her eyes, sighing in annoyance. "It's a little late for that." 

Freya opened her eyes, looking at Lenore/Esther coldly.

Lenore/Esther looked at her in confusion. "Why are you telling me this?"

Freya looked at her mother in feigned sympathy, taking a step closer. "Because you won't be around to see Dahlia's return."

Freya placed two fingers on Lenore/Esther's forehead.

Lenore/Esther was in so much agony that she screamed at the top of her lungs. She died, bursting into a humongous cloud of starlings. 

The birds fluttered around the inside of the tomb, falling dead to the floor one by one.

Freya looked around at all of the dead birds that was now her dead mother, stepping over them, walking out of the tomb.


2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes" Trailer 

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the church, Dahlia disappeared.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the Quarter, Hayley and Mikayla were walking along, pushing Hope in a stroller.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Eva/Rebekah, Hayley, Mikayla and Freya were talking.

"She's preparing for battle," Klaus told them. "My guess is sooner rather than later."

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the cemetery, Caitlin, Davina, Auria, Marcel and Kassandra were talking.

Marcel looked at Kassandra. "Don't mock the girl that is helping you."

"I can step out as easily as I stepped in," Auria told her.

Caitlin and Davina managed small smirks.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", outside the compound, Jackson, Mikayla and Hayley were waiting. Hayley was holding Hope.

Noah rushed toward them, looking at them suspiciously.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the Quarter, Klaus, Hayley and Mikayla stood nearby Hope in her stroller.

Mikayla was overwhelmed by an unknown force. Her eyes turned completely white.

"Mikayla!" Hayley told her in concern.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in Mikayla/Jackson's room, Mikayla and Hayley were talking.

"I don't back away from a fight, okay?" Hayley asked. "But this one started a thousand years ago."

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the church, Mikael and Kassandra stood together, looking toward the sacristy.

Dahlia stood there, beckoning them forward with a wave of either hand. "Let us begin."

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the church, Dahlia used magic to strangle Freya.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the church, a crowd of men and women ran toward Mikael and Kassandra from all sides.

Mikael and Kassandra fought back with ease.

Hayley: (voice over from 2.18 Night Has a Thousand Eyes) "It's not our war."

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Eva/Rebekah, Hayley, Mikayla and Freya were talking.

"I'm gonna find a way to murder that godforsaken witch," Kassandra told them.

From 2.18 "Night Has a Thousand Eyes", in the church, Dahlia used magic to push Elijah to the floor.

Klaus grabbed a knife from the floor, rushing toward Dahlia, jumping to try to stab her.


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