Heavenly Holmes • Sherlock x...

By SeraSki

22.4K 1K 521

This is the sequel to one of my most popular books: Haunted Holmes. It's highly recommended you read that bef... More

1 • anything
2 • serenity
3 • doll
4 • rain
6 • dead
7 • dust
A/N • important!
8 • home
9 • mind
10 • bask
11 • hue
12 • reflection
13 • easy
14 • sunshine
15 • fog
16 • alive

5 • warmth

1.2K 61 14
By SeraSki

Sherlock's POV

Currently, I am sitting on the sofa. Reading something. But I care not to define it. Not yet.

Mary had visited me earlier. She yelled and scolded at me, before taking William away.

I cared not, of course I knew I was not in the best shape to care for William- but I know I'll feel much more better soon. I just need to solve this case.

As I am thinking, I see Y/N walk into the room from the kitchen. She is radiant like always.

"Sherlock you need to stop wasting your time on that dumb book. Where's William?" She sits next to me on the sofa and glances around.

"Mary took him. She said I'm not fit to be a parent." I sigh and slouch back on the sofa.

"Well that's just absurd." She scoffs and I look at her with a chuckle.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe she's right..." I mumble, and I hear Y/N laugh.

When I see her smile, my chest relieves like I just exhaled the entire blood circulation from my heart.

"Sherlock?" Lestrade's voice rings my ears and Y/N disappears.

I sigh and stand up, straightening the wrinkles of my shirt as I look at him standing by the door.

"Who were you talking to?" Lestrade asks as I stare at the excessive gel on his hair.

"I wasn't talking to anyone. Don't you know how to knock?" I look him up and down, not to deduce- that's too easy- but to make him uncomfortable so that the topic is averted.

"Right, well- you're needed back at the Yard. There's a tough nut; our team can't quite crack it. You coming?" He asks, not bothering to step inside.

"I can't. I'm already working on another case. It requires my full attention." I turn around and pick up a few papers from the floor.

"What case?" He recoils.

I sigh and shut my eyes in irritation, before turning around approaching him with a glare:

"Shouldn't you be with your wife? Oh, nevermind I forgot how she already has company ready whenever you're out."

"Sherlock, If this is about Y/N-"

"Y/N? Why her? Why does everyone always associate me with her? Because she's dead and I'm supposed to be sad? That won't work, you know why? Because she's not dead. And I'm not sad." I say finally, and slam the door shut on his face.

Silence follows before I hear his deep sigh and footsteps fading down the stairs.

"That wasn't nice." Y/N sighs, and I turn to see her sitting in my chair.

I shrug and she smiles playfully at me:

"Did you see how much gel he was wearing on his hair? I almost felt bad for his follicles!" She made a dumb joke.

I stared at her unable to contain my laughter and shook my head:

"You are ridiculous...where are you?"

"I'm right here." She said softly.

I shook my head and gazed at her with a longing to touch her. She looked so real...

"But you're not." I said with my throat now gone dry.

The warmth evaporated from my body.

And the fraction of a second where my eyelids decided to flutter was when she disappeared again.


Klaus opened the door to the cabin and slid his tight grip on my arm down to my hand, where he gently entwined our fingers as we stepped inside the dimly lit hall. It was much bigger than it looked from outside.

It was festive and when I looked down at my dress, it wasn't damp anymore- completely dry in fact. As well as my hair too. It was as if we hadn't even stepped outside. There were bright lights at the end of the hall as well as strange music blasting on.

I looked up at him and his face was blank. He had a dead stare ahead of him as we walked and I kept my eyes locked onto his face.

When we made it to the more festive room at the end of the hall, we were greeted by all kinds of people who were happily drinking and dancing with not a care in the world.

The entire thing was just a bit high class, and seemed private and expensive. I kept silent as he greeted people- still with those dead eyes even though his smile was shimmering.

Often times the people who greeted him would ask for my name or rather who I was- but he would simply flash them a smile and they would move on.

There were assortments of tables in velvet cloth hemmed with silver lacing, he chose the farthest to the left and told me to take a seat. I complied, sitting down as I watched him go off and dance with others.

My gaze wandered everywhere- every corner, every turn of the walls without moving from my seat as my eyes tried to find a potential exit or escape route while he was distracted.

Just then I felt two cold hands on my arms and my shoulders stiffened.

"You are with Klaus tonight are you not?" An intimidating voice cracked.

I nodded quickly after swallowing dryly.

"Why has he left his pretty partner alone here then? Come dance!" He said excitedly.

I shook my head and he chuckled, moving his freezing hands up and down my arms gently.

I shuddered. I didn't know where I was. Who this was. If I was dead or alive.

I held my head down, sighed, and let my body go weak to the stranger's cold touch on my arms and shoulders where he massaged me to my discomfort.

I needed warmth. I longed for something to hold and warm me. Something soft, something sweet and familiar. But all I am getting is cold, unfamiliar, sickening.

My eyes began to water, and the tears were hot, so they felt nice on my cheek as they rolled down.

The warmth helped to relieve me as I felt those icy hands violating my body, touching my hair, stroking my neck, rubbing my sides and pinching my waist with a dirty laugh.

But the laughing soon stopped, his hands were off of me and I lifted my head, brushing the strands of hair that we're sticking to the tears away from my face, and tucking them behind my ear.

I saw Klaus in front of me, he was staring at the cold-handed man behind me.

There was silence between them before I heard the footsteps of the one behind me fade away. I stood up and straightened my dress while rubbing my eyes.

Klaus looked down at me with pity, his frosted face was flushed light pink. Those dead eyes were gone for the moment, and I took my time to look at his eyes that were strikingly similar to Sherlock's.

"He was cold." I barely managed to crack out of my voice.

"I know." He replied as he pulled me inside a warmth that I didn't think I would feel for a very long time.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope this chapter was to your liking! My other stories will be updated soon as well!


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