It's just tutoring, right?

By That_riter_Chick

282 14 3

•Kasey Williams has it all, the brains the beauty and the personality. •Carter James is a delinquent with t... More

It's just tutoring, right?
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

42 4 0
By That_riter_Chick

Hey guys sorry it has been so long, I have just been so busy that I forgot to post. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes. We appreciate all the votes and reads. Here it goes...

A broken leg,

Cracked rib,

and a broken nose.

Great, just what I needed. First I get asked to tutor some random guy, now I have this wreck. How can my life get any worse. Oh yeah, that I'm sitting in this hospital constantly in pain. They won't tell me anything about the person who hit me, just that he is a boy. I can't believe that he didn't at least you know.. break his nose.

The collision was pretty bad of course. They had to rush me to the hospital as soon as they got there. There was some internal bleeding, so they took me to surgery. They thought I wasn't going to make it, but something happened and I did. So know I am stuck in here for about 2 weeks. They said by the end of the 2 weeks my ribs should be healed but my nose and leg won't be.

Carter's pov

It has been a day since the wreck. Should I feel bad or good about it because I mean it wasn't all my fault. She should of stopped when I slowed down to stop. But I still feel bad. I didn't get hurt and she got hurt bad. I feel like I should go visit her but I don't know if I should. I was already doing bad at school and even worse at home now I have this problem. I can't concentrate on anything with this on my mind. Who am I kidding I can't concentrate anytime.

I was on my way out of class, when Mr.Knowles stopped me

"Carter may I speak to you"

"Sure" I say with a hint of questioning.

"Today for your first tutoring lesson, it will be at the hospital."

"Why the hospital?"

"Did they not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Carter the person who was involved in the wreck with you, is your 10th grade tutor..."

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