Pumpkins and Punches

By harrypanther

27.2K 776 611

Modern AU. Astrid Hofferson first noticed Hiccup Haddock at a Halloween Party when they were eleven but she n... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6

Part 4

4K 114 136
By harrypanther

He'd missed much of the last part of Senior Year but the School had sent him school work and organised it so he could take his final tests, still ending up graduating on the Honour Roll. Astrid had given the Valedictory speech for the Senior Year and he had attended on crutches, stump still too troublesome to wear a prosthesis but unwilling to miss High School Graduation. 

Of course, Snotlout had tried to muscle in on the Graduation Photograph...but Astrid had determinedly made her way to Hiccup's side and managed to brush her hand against his, meaning his Graduation photo captured his dorky, astonished lopsided grin for posterity. She had determinedly put the couple of braids in his hair again at Graduation and ordered him not to remove them. He had goofily nodded and promised...before his enormous, red-bearded father had swept him into his arms and spun the lanky shape round like a small child.

"SON!" he had boomed. "I couldn't have been prouder! My boy-a High School Graduate!"

"Dad..." Hiccup had gasped. "AIR! Need...air...to breathe..." Stoick had stopped and gently put his son back on his leg and crutches, noting as Astrid leapt forward to steady the young man. His big face folded into a smile.

"Sorry, son..." he apologised. "But you haven't introduced me to your friend..?" Hiccup wanted to face-palm...but knew that would end him on the floor. He had to content himself with rolling his eyes.

"Dad!" he said through his teeth, warning him to be discreet. "This is Astrid Hofferson. Astrid-this is my Dad, Stoick Haddock..."

"Pleased to meet you, sir!" she said politely as he crushed her hand in a vice-like handshake. She carefully inspected her hand when he finally released it to check she still had all her fingers.

"It's a pleasure to meet one of Hiccup's friends..." There was a pause that just asked 'you are a friend, aren't you?'  She smiled.

"I'm so glad he's here," she said genuinely and the huge man sighed, his grey-green eyes briefly sad. 

"He nearly wasn't," he said softly. "After his mother was lost in that plane crash when he was so young, Hiccup has been all I have. And to see him so wounded after saving that boy..." Astrid grasped Hiccup's hand as she saw his expression fall at the mention of the accident. 

"Sir, Hiccup was a real hero," she said determinedly, "and he's strong. He'll be back on his feet in no time..."

"You mean foot!" Snotlout commented, swaggering up. "I'm amazed you're here, Useless! I mean, Graduation is for proper students, not nerds and..."

"What did you call my son, Snotlout?" Stoick growled. The stocky boy spun round and just noticed the six foot ten four hundred pound man with the huge flaming beard...and he back-pedalled at top speed.

"U-Uncle!" he gabbled. "I-er-I didn't see you there..." Astrid and Hiccup shared an amused glance: Stoick was so large he almost warranted his own zip code. 

"He's your cousin?" she asked in astonishment. He nodded with a wry smile.

"Great family dynamic, right?" he commented dryly.

"But he's bullied you forever!" she hissed. 

"Yeah...but he's sweet as pie whenever he sees Dad...and I didn't want to cause a family row so..." He shrugged and she took his hand. 

"Well, he's done that all to himself this time!" Astrid reminded him smugly.

"How DARE you call my son Useless?" Stoick boomed. Snotlout backed up another five paces, his face white.

"It-it-it's a term of endearment!" he gabbled and Hiccup almost choked with laughter.  

"Yeah...all those times he was making my life Hel...it's nice to know it was all meant as a term of endearment!" Hiccup commented sarcastically. 

"I think you need to go and find something productive to do," Stoick growled. Snotlout backed away, not daring to argue. "Contact my office. They can find you some work to do, nephew!" 

"Poor Snot," Hiccup whispered. "My Dad has a very long memory...he'll still be fuming about it when I graduate College!" And then the Mayor turned to his son and the gorgeous blonde standing by him. 

"Hiccup...Gobber will be meeting us at the 'Meade Hall' Restaurant for a celebratory meal," he announced. "Astrid, may I invite you and your parents to join us?" She blushed, knowing her parents would do whatever she wished. 

"Sir...I really don't wish to intrude..." she said self-consciously, feeling Hiccup's hand curl around hers.

"Please, Milady," he begged her softly. "Otherwise, he and Gobber will have you married to me by the end of the meal and honestly, I don't feel up to facing a two hour interrogation about you. They won't dare if you're there...!" She met his wide green gaze and she smiled.

"Anything...for my best friend..." she promised.


Despite Astrid's confidence, it had taken far longer than expected to get Hiccup on his feet. Problems with his stump had necessitated a second operation that had set him back and wasted much of the summer. In fact, when she had packed up and gone with her parents to Archipelago University on Dragon Island, he had been in no fit state to go with her. She had visited him before she had left, promising to scout the place out for him so she could show him everything when he finally arrived. He had his dormitory assignment and the Faculty had already agreed to forward his course work until he was able to go in person.

They had skype'd and texted a lot at first but Astrid's responses had become slower and more scanty and Hiccup couldn't blame her: she was in a whole new and exciting environment, with so much more going on. Archipelago U  took students from all over the Barbaric Archipelago and was a huge school. Astrid's course was heavy with very few spare periods and lots of course work. So he waited and trusted his friend, letting her know how he was getting on and reassuring her that he was coming back...and soon. But as the leaves changed and fell and October melted away, he grew frustrated and worried that he hadn't heard from her for two weeks.

Finally, the cab dropped him and his bags off at Vinland Hall and he cautiously walked up to his room, still limping slightly on his prosthetic. It was the middle of the day and most students were in classes...but one was waiting for him, blonde hair and blue eyes familiar. The face twisted in a smile as he arrived at his door.

"Hi, Hiccup," Fishlegs said. The lanky auburn-haired boy managed a small smile, glad his friend was waiting for him but crushingly disappointed that it wasn't the blonde he had hoped to see.

"Hey, Fish...how are things?" he asked brightly. The big, husky boy shook his hand. 

"Busy!" he said eagerly. "Wow, you'll really love the Dragonology course when you get going. The Dragon Category lectures are fascinating..." Hiccup limped closer to the door and fumbled with the key he had been given.

"Um...can I get into my room first?" he asked in an amused voice. He adored dragons but Fishlegs was an utter geek about them and would talk for an hour in the corridor while Hiccup really wanted to dump his bags and find his way around...and locate Astrid. 

"OOOH! Sorry!" Hiccup smiled and allowed his friend to help him dump his bags int he room, exploring the little accommodation-single bed, desk, wardrobe, drawers, shelves, small kitchenette and tiny shower room. He smiled.

"You're up the hall, right?" he checked and Fishlegs grinned. He had been so relieved that Hiccup was on the same course-because the auburn haired boy had incredible patience with the husky dragon geek. "Where's Astrid? I told her I was coming back today...I guess she has lectures and things..." Fishlegs suddenly looked shifty.

"Um...yeah, she's kinda busy," he admitted. "Heavy course...and new friends..." Hiccup glanced up from the desk, where he was unpacking his computer. He straightened up and stared at his friend. Fishlegs was very fidgety and looked incredibly nervous, meaning there was something he was concealing.

"Fish?" he asked in a warning voice.

"She's just busy, yeah..." the bigger boy attempted weakly. Scowling, Hiccup limped towards him.

"Fish," he said in an urgent voice. "Where is she?"

Fishlegs led him across campus to the social centre and the main canteen. The bigger boy was looking at Hiccup sympathetically, which made him feel even worse as he limped clumsily on his new prosthetic leg. He was under orders to keep his weight off it as much as possible, gradually build up his strength and get used to it-all things he was ignoring because there was a tight knot of fear on his stomach. He paused, taking a deep breath as he walked into the canteen, decorated with orange streamers and posters for the Halloween Dance due the following night. Fishlegs appeared at his shoulder...and then pointed to the far corner of the canteen and a table where he saw a familiar lithe shape with the blonde hair braided over her left shoulder, sparkling azure eyes and beautiful face, lit by a smile...

...that was for the powerfully built and handsome young man sitting next to her, his arm possessively around her slender waist. He was very built, muscles bulging through his tight back T-shirt. His dark hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail and his dark caramel eyes were filled with affection for the girl in his arms.

"So you're coming with me tomorrow night as my date?" he asked her huskily. She batted his arm playfully.

"Of course, babe!" she laughed. "I wouldn't go with anyone else! Only my fabulous boyfriend..." And she leaned forward to press her lips sensuously on his, grinding against him...but as she opened her eyes as she began to pull away, she saw an ashen face, framed by wild auburn hair, two small braids still poking out from behind the right ear. A pair of green eyes darkened with hurt as Hiccup abruptly turned and left, limping as he made it out of the canteen and vanished from sight. Eret felt the tension zing through her and tightened his grasp on her waist.

"You okay, Asty?" he asked and she blinked. She nodded, chewing her lip. She had forgotten-forgotten her best friend was coming back today...her best friend who was probably in love with her and who she had promised to go to the Halloween dance with just after he had lost his leg. The friend who had just seen her graphically demonstrate where she wanted to be...and who she wanted to be with. 

"Yeah," she said hoarsely. He lifted her chin with a finger, kindly eyes inspecting her stricken face.

"You don't sound okay," he told her gently. She managed a brave smile.

"No, it's nothing," she said slowly, forcing her eyes back to her boyfriend and smiling. "Nothing important, my love."

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