Falling Stars

By writtenbymia

85 4 1

" I know he will and I never would've realized that if it wasn't for this night... Do you know that feeling y... More

Falling Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8


6 1 1
By writtenbymia

“I’m home!” I slammed the door behind me and started to walk toward the living room and I see my dad again drinking his glass of rum every night. He stays at the house all day long sitting at the same coach drinking the same rum and he doesn’t seem to care about anything but his drinking problem.

“Hey! Don’t you have manners? I’m watching television and you just walk pass the T.V set.” He was angry because I walked in front of him while he was watching his precious program.

“Look who’s talking, you sit here all day long, watching that crap on T.V and you don’t even bother cleaning this place. It smells like someone died in here” I picked up some bottles of beer that he placed on the living room floor.

“Shut the hell up! That’s not my job” he drank more rum.

“Then what the hell is your job in this house!? All you do in here is eat, sleep and drink.” I’m a minute closer to punching his face. He has no work; my mother pays all the bills and work overtime as a secretary at a local firm. He has no right to be my father; I’d rather have him dead and live our lives without him.

He got up from his chair approached me end grabbed my shirt, “You ungrateful bastard! Don’t you dare talk to me like that ever again or ill fucking break every single bone in your body” he was about to hit me when my mother and sister arrived.

“Ed! Don’t you hit Dean” my mother shouted as she ran to the living room and pulled my dad away from me my little sister Eileen rushed to me and hid behind my back. My Father just laughed and went back to watching T.V again.

“Are you okay? Did he hit you?” my mother asked while she inspected my face for bruises.

“I’m fine ma, and if he had hit me I’d hit him back”

“Don’t say that Dean he is your father” she lifted my face to make me look at her in the eye because I was gazing at my father angrily.

“My father died long ago.”

“He’s just drunk dear, I’ll go cook dinner so that we can eat” she walked to the kitchen to cook.

His is always drunk and forever will be until his human body dies.

“Di? Is everything okay now?” little Eileen asked while she peeped through my hands, terrified.

“Not yet poppy, but soon it will be” I lifted her and brought her upstairs to her room.

I’m at the legal age to move out and live my life away from this hell house but I can’t leave my mother and sister behind alone with my alcoholic father if I’m leaving this house in the future I’d bring them along with me and live a simple life. My dad wasn’t always like this back when I was 4 years old he was an entirely different person, a good father and a great husband to his wife. We would always go camping every weekend and we’d go to our secret place and he’d teach me how to paint the sky and the stars. He would go home from work, kiss my mom play with us, tell us bed time stories; he was once a perfect Father. But one incident changed all of that when I was 14 years old and Eileen was 2 years old my dad found out that his business partner sold the project that they have been working for, for 3 years without his knowledge and took all the money and left him with all the depths. He was the one who was facing all the investors explaining that his partner left him with no money. My dad was sued but did not go to jail because it was proven that he wasn’t guilty and has nothing to do with his partner stealing all the money of the project.  My dad wanted to start all over again but no one wants to invest in any business he would come up with. We saw our PERFECT Father die each day with every sip of rum in his glass. He lost all hope; he felt that he was a failure that no one would trust him. My mother tried to comfort him and help him create more ideas and introducing him to business men that could help him but he only got mad because he felt like my mother was trying to make him feel that his not man enough to find his own job and needs his wife’s help to get back on his feet again. I lost my Father that instant, he did not work he would just stay at home drank beer, and rum night and day. He would sometimes invite friends over and they would have a drinking session. My mom would go home tired from work and would nag my father about his drinking problem and that he should just get over about his personal problem and think about his family. When my Father and Mother would argue I would go get Eileen and treat her to the ice cream shop so that she wouldn’t hear our parents quarreling I wanted to protect my little sister that’s all I can do for now. We would go home from school and find mom crying because my father slapped her. I confronted my father and punched him as hard as I can but he just locked me at our basement. At that point I considered my Father dead and the person living with us now is a monster I never want to become when I have a family. I felt the responsibility to protect my mother and sister that’s why I’m not afraid and I don’t care whatever anyone says about me. I’ve become numb of the pain.

“Dean, get your sister dinners ready” I heard my mother shout from downstairs. I went out of my room and went to Eileen’s room to see if she was ready for dinner.

“Poppy dinners ready lets go down and eat” I call Eileen poppy because she has big brown eyes just like puppies have.

“I’m coming Di...do I look pretty?” she asked me while turning around to show me her costume for their play on Monday.

“Hmm… well you look like more of an angel then a fairy.”

“Umm but my role at the play is a little fairy Di” she looked at me with a sad face.

“Well you could be an Angel Fairy then, how does that sound?” I lifted her off the ground and we headed for the kitchen.

“That would be perfect… I would be the Fairies of all Angels”----she kissed my cheeks as I put her down on a chair at the dinner table—“Mommy Di said I look like a Angel Fairy” she was now getting the attention of my mother.

“That’s true a very pretty Angel Fairy and Angels finish their food because papa Jesus would be mad if we waste food” My mother is pursuing my sister to eat all the vegetables on her plate.

Eileen looked at me and pouted her mouth in disagreement. I laughed for a while and started to eat my dinner because I was so hungry we did not eat at the diner because of the commotion between Caleb and Leah. Me, Eileen, and my Mother ate dinner without my dad because at this point he would be sleeping on the coach because his so drunk. He doesn’t sleep in the master bedroom now where my mother sleeps it’s as if he has his own world on that coach leaving us behind.

“Dean go help your sister with her assignments and ill clean the table and dishes and make sure she goes to bed at 9, okay?” she turned to me while she was putting all the dishes in the sink.

“Sure ma” I was tickling Eileen and we were about to go upstairs when my mother called me again.

“Dean?” she went near me with her soapy hands because she was washing the dishes.

“Yep?” I asked in confusion

“Thanks, I’m glad you’re my son” she touched my face and kissed my forehead.

I smiled at her and went on upstairs to help Eileen with her assignment and put her to bed and red her bedtime story. When Eileen fell asleep I kissed her goodnight and went to my own room to take a bath. While I was taking a shower  Sam’s face just suddenly appeared in my mind, and I remembered how she cried on the bus before I walked her home and how she shouted that she was sorry because she messed up. I did not understand why I brought her to my secret place I just thought that if that place made me happy then it would make her happy and I love seeing her happy and smile all the time. I can’t explain how I felt when Caleb shouted at Sam and like he was blaming her because she did not tell him about Leah. I wanted to punch Caleb because he was being a baby about what happened but I remembered him saying “you just don’t get it” what he said seemed to echo inside my head. He was right I don’t get it, maybe because I haven’t fallen in love with a girl. Yes I had girlfriends but it wasn’t that serious, I haven’t really fallen in love, at least not yet, my whole life is still a mess and I think no girl would be happy to be a part of my life like now well, except for Sam she knows everything about me and my problems my flaws and even if anyone else thinks I’m evil she just treats me like any other guy out there.

I dried myself and brushed my teeth and wore just briefs to bed. I still can’t get the face of Sam off my mind, I knew she liked Caleb even if she did not tell me personally, she always had a little crush on Caleb I noticed it when we were 6 years old because she would always right her name as SAMANTHA BROWN JONES and the whole class at school would tease her even I would tease her. Her eyes always looks at Caleb, she always would defend Caleb to those guys who would tease him that his a daddies boy. He would always own her heart. And that doesn’t bother me, honestly, Sam’s beautiful with her green eyes and long brown hair but I never looked at her that way I never thought of her that way but earlier when I saw her crying my heart felt something, I really can’t put a label on that feeling yet but it broke my heart when I saw her crying, I remembered my mother the night I went home and found her crying because my father slapped her. It got me confused about my emotion toward Sam.

I closed my eyes and wished that Sam and Caleb would be okay tomorrow at school then I fell asleep.

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