Kingdom Hearts: Quest For Mic...

By DaxtotheMax

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This takes place before KH3, before Dream Drop Distance, this is more or less it's own story, in it's own alt... More

Part 1: The Cold
Part 2: Into the Light
Part 3: Armored Shadows
Part 4: Out of Hiding
Part 5: Warmth of Light
Part 6: Seeking Destiny
Part 8: This Is It!

Part 7: Reaching Beyond

58 1 0
By DaxtotheMax

Mickey was taken by Xehanort and his goon Ansem right? Well you would think they went to either the Realm of Darkness or Castle Oblivion, of course that may be the obvious choice, but it leaves room for a trap. I think his plan goes beyond that and maybe Mickey really isn;t in any of those places, why would he put an important contender to his plan at risk...he may be confident in his strength but he knows that we are strong and that he will need to use not just strength, but strategy in order to win. If he takes Mickey out of the game, we're done for, he knows that...So how do we win? How do we find out information?

I head to a small place in what's now known as Radiant Garden. "You're asking me for help?!" "Oh Come on Merlin, you gotta know!" I urge him to help me. "I may have power but that kind of info is beyond my reach...good day." He tries to walk away. "You know I thought I could count on you, I even pulled that heartless out of town." He looks back and gives me a reassuring look "I-I know...maybe you have a point, I have been a bit harsh haven't I?" I shrug. "Tell you what, I know a cauldron that might come in handy..." "NO!" I assure. "I'm not going to have armies sent after me, are you nuts?" Merlin adjusts his glasses. "Was it ever a question?" he jokes. "Look I know your in trouble...and it just so happens your in luck, I was searching through one of my books and the most peculiar thing popped up...I've read it contains something to do with that 'keyblade' everyone's been using these days." I look in disbelief. "Let me see..." I read. "It's...a cook book." "Yes, yes, but not just any cook book, keep reading." I read on. "Sorry, I was looking for a recipe for corn stew..." He points. "Oh there it is!" I look. "The keyblade?" I ask unsure. "No, the corn stew recipe." I sigh and turn the page, and sure enough there it was. "Behold!" "Wow...this is...Wait! It can't be, I search through more of the book bookmarking the page with my finger. "It has to be!" I get up and shake Merlin's hand. "Thanks Merlin, I owe you one and have fun, but I've gotta run!" I take the page out of the book and set the cook book on his pedestal then head out the door. Merlin looks at the door and shrugs then turns around scratching his head "Hmm curious here did I put that spoon?" 

I return to the others revealing what I've found. "It's this!" I say excitably "Ooh what is it?" Lea asks. "It's a page from the Book of Prophecies, Merlin found it in one of his books." Sora looks in awe. "This page may not seem like much, even front to back, but it's all we have as a lead to Mickey." Donald raises his hand. "So what does a book have to do with the King?" "Glad you asked, before we went to meet with you guys, Mickey was talking about pages he found from the book of prophecies, he said Xehanort must have the rest, but not necessarily, which Me and Merlin just proved with this page!" "Sounds complicated." Goofy remarks. "Right, that's the problem, I'm having a hard time decoding it, but from what I can tell it talks about a secret entrance to a lab held by one of the masters long ago, this must be some sort of clue right?" "Only one way to find out." Lea proposes. 

We head to somewhere called Daybreak Town... hmmm never heard of it, surprisingly Donald and Goofy have..."Alright guys lead the way." They look at each other then look shocked and say "WHAT?!" "We never heard of no lab." Goofy responds. "Yeah, we only said we've been here before." I facepalm. "Well...shall we split up?" I offer. "Well, cover more ground, but where should we meet up if we find something fishy?" "Simple, everyone can see this lovely water fountain, this will be the meeting place if anything goes wrong or you've found the lab...Oh and everyone...try not to cause a commotion." We go our separate ways. I go in this back alleyway, silence."I see why Lea favored this idea." I say to myself. "I walk up to this crate, look under it...nothing. I want to search thoroughly, but I also want to do this quickly. I climb up on top of a building. "Well nothing up here...but maybe this will let me cover more ground." I look around the center of town. "Man, this place is deserted isn't it." I look behind me and Lea appears over my shoulder. "Figures, we'd have the same idea." I say. I look intently at the fountain, at all the cracks in it, it must be old, this town has seen some action...I jump off the roof and head towards the fountain, just to investigate, almost like something is drawing me nearer. I Look inside, no water. I take a glance up at the sun beating down and I see a shimmer. "What is that?" I reach my hand for the top of the fountain on my tip toes and grab a crystal. Lea jumps down. "Anything interesting?" "Not sure, could be useful...could be useless..." I hear what sounds like a dart. "Did you hear that?" the sound gets louder. "I hear it too." it's echoing through the alleyways, I can't tell where it's coming from. Walking down the path to the fountain comes a man in a black coat, eyepatch, scar and longer hair holding two guns. "Braig!" Lea can't help but stare. "Something told me you'd be here." he says holding out his guns aiming at us. I hold back from summoning my keyblade, it is too early yet, if I were to draw it now, it would ruin that element of surprise, not even Xehanort knows yet. "Why don't you just give up?" Braig suggests. "We've tried and tried to tell you, but you just won't listen...nothing gets in our way." He gives a serious darker tone of voice. I hear faint footsteps running this way, I identify them as Sora's. "I think it's time we get this over with." Lea summons his chakrams. "About time." Braig mutters zooming after Lea. Just as they are abut to collide, Braig disappears then reappears behind Lea. I think to myself 'I know this trick' I then ready for action. Sora appears with keyblad ein hand, making him the next target. I pick up a rock and throw it in the air behind Sora hitting where Braig's head, gaining Braig's attention. "Little brat!" he says. He teleports. "Gotcha!" I summon my keyblade and whif at him then close my eyes and do a spiral jump where Braig appears, I smack him under his jaw with my keyblade. He loses balance retracting his guns and falls to the ground. Before he can get up, Lea steps on his back. I land eyes still closed and retract my keyblade "I know you know where the lab is rat, tell us." he laughs. I look in the direction he's looking, Donald and Goofy approach armed and ready, I nod to them directing them to a nearby house with a broken door. They head and investigate. I turn back around at Braig. He smiles at me then groans with those yellow eyes, I can tell means corruption, he creates a black portal below him and falls through, Lea tries to catch him, but fails. "I expected as much, he's a coward when it gets down to business, he was outnumbered."  I suggest. "Hey uh you guys might want to see this." Goofy comes out of the vacant house. "It requires a key." Donald says. "Hmm" I hold up the crystal then shoot a beam of light through my keyblade at it, emitting a ray opening a door with the sound of it unlocking uncovering stairs that head downwards. As we head in I give some words of confidence saying "This is it, this might be where he's at...let's do this!"

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