
By IsabellaCounts

5.9K 271 22

Complicated love. More

Broken (Justin Bieber Fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16-
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-
Chapter 20-
Chapter 21-
Chapter 22-
Chapter 23-
Chapter 24-
Chapter 25-
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28-
Chapter 29-
Chapter 30-
Chapter 31-
Chapter 32-
Chapter 33-
Chapter 34-
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37-
Chapter 38-Part 1
Chapter 39:Part 2
Chapter 40: The End

Chapter 7

176 10 5
By IsabellaCounts

Chapter 7-

Makinseys Pov-

It had been weeks and all I had done was sit and lay in bed almost all week I never ever wanted to do anything in the terms of "Love". My love with Justin was ruined and my life was ruined.

I walked over to my closet and put on my skinny jeans, high tops, and a infinity shirt/8. I put some light eye shadow on, eye liner, and masscarra on. I put my hair up in a bun and curled my bangs. After I was done getting dressed I walked over to my dresser to get my phone and leave when it vibrated.





What are you doing today?


Going to the mall and maybe walmart also. Why?


Oh. Im bored and was wonder.....Can I come?!? Plz?


Sure I could use a girlfriend. :)


KK. When are you leaving?


Right now but I can wait if you need me to.


Im ready. I had already got dressed trying to find something to do so .....Yea.


Ok by Alex-Boo?


I put that as my contact! :) You can be Makinsey-Bear! :) #yay


Ok see ya in a sec. Im driving to your house now.


Kk. :p


The phone conv. ended and I walked downstairs, grabbed a bannanna, and left. I got in my car and see a note in my car? I opened it and recognized what it was. It was the note that Ryan said I was to meet somebody behind the school.

"Shit!" I said under my breath. I forgot all about it. I ignored it and just drove to Alexs house. I got in her drive way and hopped out. I knocked on the door and then opened up Alex not even close to ready. She looked like she had just got out of bed and no I dont mean from sleeping either.

"Hey I thought you were ready?"


"You texted me and said can I come to the mall with you?"

"No I didnt."

"Yea see look." I said and took out my phone to show her.

"I didnt say that?"

"Um....Im kinda confused? Who else could it be?"

"I dont know Makinsey. Im sorry but it wasnt me."

"Its fine." I said before I was interuppted.

"Hey who is it?" I heard from behind Alex. It was familiar to. Then they appeared out from behind and met eyes with the same carmel brown ones I fell in love with.

"Justin?" I said almost tearing up. I knew me and him wernt together but he said he couldnt be with me yet he could be with Alex?

"Makinsey....." He started to say but I cut him off.

"Its fine um Alex im gonna go."

"Ok" Alex said.

"Makinsey wait." Justin said but I ignored him and continued on my way to the car. I got in and left heading to the mall. I sat in my car looking around the roads listening to my favorite song "Timber" by Ke$ha. I finally got to the mall, hopped out, and went to some shops that I liked such as Arepostale, Hollister, Rue 21, and American Eagle. I bought what seemed like a thousand outfits and then went to get some food in the other part of the mall. "Hmm? What do I want to eat?" I said to myself. I was walking around looking at food choices when BAM! I ran in to somebody and fell down?

"Im so sorry!" I said holding my nose witch was dripping some blood.

"Its not your fault. Im the one that wasnt watching where I was going." the mysterious boy I ran into said.

"No No its my fault. I was looking at the food choices and.....yea."

"Just forget it. Im Spencer and you?"

"Im Makinsey."

"Nice to meet you Makinsey."

"You to.....I guess."

"Ha well I gotta run but heres my number and maybe we can hang some time." He said exchanging numbers with me.

"Yea..." I said walking away. I was lost in thought of what I was doing when my stomach reminded me and growled.

"Shutup would ya" I said to my stomach. (HaHa I know its weird.) I decided on Chinease so I walked in and ordered some food and left. I wasnt in the mood to sit and eat so I ate in my car. I remembered about Walmart and why I needed to go there so I parked in the only lot I seen and went in Walmart. I only came here for one reason so when I got in the store I went to the makeup, shampoo, and hair aisles. I glanced around until I seen the Pads. I grabbed the pack and hid it under my jacket so nobody would see because its kinda embarrasing. I hurried to the cash register and layed it down for the girl to check.

"Time?" She said smiling.

"Yea." I said.

"You look familar" She said.

"Your....Peyton?" I said looking at her name tag.

"Yea, you?" She said.

"Makinsey. What school do you go to? You seem familiar too."

"I go to WestWay High." (Note that I made it up<)

"Thats weird. I go to that school but I never seen you"

"I only have a few classes because im in College early."

"Oh......Well I have to go but we should hang some time."

"Ya heres my number." she said handing me a piece of paper.

"Ok see ya." I said giving her my number also. I walked out to my car and was unlocking my front door when I was knocked out.


I woke up with a spin of dizziness in my head swirling around like birds on a clock. As soon as I came out of my dizzy stage I seen that the room I was in was not mine. I tried to move thinking I was just sitting when I recognized that I couldnt because they were tied to a chair as for my legs also. I felt a swift wind of fear come over me in the two seconds I looked around because I spotted a bomb. Counting down from 10. Not ten minutes it was hours but still in the pit of my stomach I have a feeling I wont be getting out of here in ten seconds, ten minutes, or ten hours. I sat there thinking trying to come up with a plan and everytime it dissappeared. Its like my mind was blocked from thinking about anything or any plan. Im sure it was just me being so nervous that I couldnt think but I dont know. I just felt....different. It was maybe 20 minutes before somebody came in the room I was in. I didnt want to look at them so I tilted my face and just got a glimpse but not enough to recognize who they were. Staring at the wall when cold hands move your face in their direction. I tried to talk but it came out fuzzy and frightened because I knew who they were.

"W-Who a-are you?" I pretended like I didnt have a clue who they were.

"Oh like you dont know who I am." He said in a angry smartelic voice

"I d-dont." I stuttered.

"Well thats weird because I remember you. We exchanged numbers Makinsey."

I chose to give up and admit I knew him.

"Yes I know who you are but why? Why did you put me in a room with a bomb. I did meet you and exchange numbers witch I shouldnt have done in the first place cause look where you got me now physco."

I sat there waiting for a reply and I never got one. Instead I got a swing on the face or as you would call a slap.

"You bitch! Dont call me a physco! You hear me?"


"Good girl."

I sat there frightened and scared in a mixture wondering what he was gonna do next. He stood up to sit next to me and I thought he was gonna do something to me again. He must of noticed.

"Im not gonna hurt you Makinsey." He said putting his hand on my arm in a friendly way?

"Then why am I in a room with a bomb. That sure makes alot of sense."

"I see. Well let me explain. Then you wont be scared."


"Your boyfriend Justin wel-"

"He isnt my boyfriend. Not now anyway. He cheated."

"Im sorry."

"Its nothing."

"Ok well even if he is your ex he did care about you. He knows that if he dont give me what I want that I can easily kill someone he cares about."

"You said you wouldnt hurt me."

"Im not let me continue."


"I was probally a little 6 year old. Im not exactly sure of the age but anyway. I knew about the gangs and everything. My grandpaw told me about them. He said that they were trouble, and to never be in any sort of gang. I never ever would hurt anybody. I told him that I would never be in a gang and that gangs were stupid because they killed people for no reason. But soon after that my grandpaw, mom, and dad was killed because of a fire that your beiber boy was in. And thats when I understood. I understood why they killed. I made this gang and I plan to get my revenge. I will never kill for the fun of it but I will kill for their own good and then maybe they will understand what its like to have their family be lost as a child."

"I didnt no."

"Yah well im not going to kill you. I plan to set a bomb here and tell him to either get his but over here. If he came we would exchange. I would give him you and he would give me what I want. If he dont come then I tell him im gonna kill you. Im not really gonna kill you though. I have this bomb here for when the time comes and if he doesnt come I will tell him your in here and when he sees the place go into bursts he will be sad, lost, and scared just like I was when I lost my parents. I know what your thinking. Your probally thinking 'What! Your gonna let me burst to peices.' but im not. Im gonna take you right before the bomb goes off and fled so he will never see you and he will think your dead. So beiber has two choices. Either to come or to stay at home."

"So if he doesnt I have to go where you want me to go and stay there forever!"

"No I will let you go but you will never be able to come to this town ever again."

"But I love this town. Its my everything!"

"I dont care. I loved my parents guess we both dont get what we want."

I just sat there listening to two paticular noises. My crying, and the traffic. I never wanted to just leave my town but now I guess I have to. Forever and ever. Never to come home and sit in my room, to never snuggle in my blankets. And to never kiss Justin. I know he cheated but that hurt he gave me from cheating is less as strong as the love and sparks I felt when I was with him. I was broken and hurt not Justin. Spencer wasnt hurting Justin he was hurting me. For all I knew Justin could be at Alex's house still sleeping with her. He didnt care. I tried with all my might to think he cared and to think he might come to save me but thats in fairy-tales. He didnt care and he couldnt. He dont know where I am and he certainly didnt care to come after me when I seen him with Alex so whats the difference now? Spencer finally left after watching me cry for like 5 minutes. I looked through the window of my room. It was small but it was enough for me to see outside. I seen a pretty blue bird. Those are my favorite birds and whenever I was little my grandpaw would say that every time a blue bird was around it meant that I was in luck. He always said that blue is true. My eyes are blue and he always said they were a pretty color for eyes. I guess what he meant by that was that blue is true just like my eyes and that I was in luck. "Blue is your lucky color." He used to say. I love to think that but I was three its when you believe that santa claus is real. Until you come into the real world and you dont believe in Santa Claus because theres way worse in the REAL world. Theres demons, murders, killers, and rapists. There real world is nothing compared to a three year olds fairy tale mind. Nothing At All.

Justins Pov-

I felt guilty, nervous, and angry. I felt guilty because I slept with Alex. I felt nervous because of Makinsey and the things I put her through. And I felt angry because I was mad at myself for doing anything stupid and getting involved with her. But I needed to get rid of those thoughts. I never loved Makinsey. I have to deal with the new gang and thats all that needs to be on my mind. Not a fuckin girl. I needed to get rid of them and now. I wasnt gonna kill em but I wasnt gonna let them take everything I have. Never in a million years.

I ran out of my thoughts and got in my car. I backed up to almost run over a man. I couldnt see because the man had dissapeared. I got out and he hadnt dissapeared he just had gotten out from behind the car to in front of the car. I tried to get up there as fast as I could but I was too late. He hopped in my car and drove away. I noticed who he was when he jumped in and this wasnt gonna end. Spencer wanted a war and thats what I will give him.

I walked home event though I hated walking it kinda helped. I thought and came up with plans. I sorted out some ideas and hopefully they will help. I released my anger and calmed down by the time I got to my house. I walked in and seen that Bruce, Mark, and Jordan wasnt here so I went up to my stairs and picked up my laptop and did some research. I got bored of it so I got on Twitter. I seen that Makinsey hadnt been on since yesterday and she normally is on in the morning.


Kinseyluvsyou! Hey guys I have a question and a statement.

Q: Why are guys players?

S: Men deserve to be in another world. They cant handle a relationship and when they do they blow it off like they cant be with you. Lets just put them on a krater and call them all players. If they cant be with us then we cant trust. :) *Smirk*


@RyRy Not all of them! :(

@Kinseyluvsyou! Not you but most of them are. :)

@RyRy Good :)

@Spencer Um some are missy........but some arnt

@Kinseyluvsyou! I know, I know some guys arnt. Better?

@RyRy and @Spencer

Yah! :)

End of comments/ Type in your comment @JustinB.

I saw all everything and guilt rolled up on me smothering me. Who is Spencer anyways? Did she already have herself a new boyfriend. I dont blame her. She needs someone better than me plus I dont care. Now that she aint around to bother me and drive me nuts I can be with anygirl I want and do what I want. I dont know why but the rush of guilt and anger mixed and instantly I decided to make a comment myself.



Maybe we wouldnt be players if you wernt stuck up our buts all the time like security watchers. We wanna do what we wanna do without yall watching our everymove.

She instantly replied.



Yah well when we dont watch your everymove you cheat. I come to know that because I experienced it and you have no come back Beiber. Oh and pay attention to the hashtag.


The words she replied back to me didnt sound like her. I got confused and looked over the words. She must of been reallly angry cause she never called me a FUCKIN bastard I dont think. But then it clicked the only person who call me Beiber is our new gang enemy. I wasnt gonna just start a riot on comments so I sent a message to her.

To: @Kinseyluvsyou!

I know who you are. "Beiber" rings a bell ya know. Why do you have Makinseys phone? And whats your real name?

From: @JustinB.

To: @JustinB.

Oh Beiber Beiber Beiber. You showed a very hateful response to her status and well it seems that you dont care about her so why do you care that I have HER phone? Its Spencer. I did comment on her status. I met her at the mall and I acted like a nice guy, she fell for it and thought I was a innocent person, and then she fell in my trap.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

To: @Kinseyluvsyou!

I dont care about her. I dont love that bitch but that doesnt mean that I cant wonder why you have her phone? I wondered who Spencer was.

From: @JustinB.

To: @JustinB.

Oh you dont care about her. Ok that makes it simpler because if you dont care then you dont care that I have her phone, that I have her car, and most of all that I have HER. You dont love her so it makes it easier for me to kill her.

P.S I dont give up.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

To: @Kinseyluvsyou!


From: @JustinB.

To @JustinB.

Theres nothing you can do........unless. By the way I thought you didnt care. Why do you care that I have her and that im gonna kill her.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

To: @Kinseyluvsyou!

Oh theres alot I can do. Unless? I dont care but I dont think that you should just take people and kill them. She didnt do anything. And let me rephrase your words. "Theres nothing I can do......because. By the way im a fucking stupid bastard that dont care. Why do I wanna kill Makinsey? And that im not going to kill her." *SMIRK*

From: @JustinB.

To: @JustinB.

You cant do nothing. She told me everything from the love to the kiss to you cheating. You walked out on her Beiber. You let her walk into my trap the minute you killed my family and the minute you let her walk away in hurt from seeing you in bed with some girl names Alec. You dont think I should just take people and kill them? Well thats funny because Beiber thats what you did and do. You took my innocent family for nothing and you have tooken peoples lifes for simple regrets and things they did. If they dont do this........BAM there killed. If they dont do that.....BAM there killed. Beiber YOU kill people for no reason not me.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

I thought about that reply he gave me and it hit hard inside me. It knocked me down like a pile of bricks. He is right. I cant do anything because I dont know where the hell she is and its because I didnt stop here from leaving when she saw me and Alex. Its because I walked her into my fucked up life. I didnt mean to take his familys life but it happened. I do kill people for no reason and thats just ME. I dont think I will ever be able to live a normal life again and its all because one simple mistake of being in a gang.


Unless what?

From: @JustinB.

To: @JustinB.

Thats more like it. Unless.....You either come and exchange her for what I want and if you dont come I will kill her just like you killed my family. Thats your two choices.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

To: @Kinseyluvsyou!

What do you want?

From: @JustinB.

To: @JustinB.

I want your money. Im sure you have alot from what all you do.

From: @Kinseyluvsyou!

I didnt reply. I needed my money. If I gave him my money we would lose the gang and would have NOTHING. I wouldnt be able to get a job to get money because that would be more trouble and I would probally end up in jail. I had no clue of what to do. I knew I needed to get Makinsey safe but my money? I will have to make a decision.

(Authors Note: Hey guys. Be aware that I dont have a twitter so I dont really no what its like. I just made up what I thought it would be like. How is the book so far? Plz comment and vote. I know its not that much but I try to update as much as I can.)

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