By PiNK327

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P!NK Lies
P!NK Lies
P!NK.....{11 pt 2}
P!NK .......{14.1}


92 8 2
By PiNK327

Chapter 12: Possesion

*2 weeks later*

I turned on my Pc and headed straight to my email. I looked in my inbox and it was 2 new messages. I smiled and clicked on amber's email.

Heeey Jen! Miss ya! How's New york? How's Robbie? How's school? Is it up and running yet? Let me know about graduation! Loves ya!

Amber aka Ambi

I clicked reply to her email and it felt like i had so much to tell her even though I pretended like everything is ok. Um I'm fine. Robbie's great. New york is...crowded. School starts monday and graduation is in 3 months. I miss you. How's Ian and you? Where are you? Email me soon ok? Loves Ya too.


I clicked send and pushed myself away from the PC. I picked up mom's old picture when she use to model. Her long black hair always made me smile. I was proud to be her daughter. I felt anger inside of me and ripped the picture up in little itty bitty pieces. I threw them in the air and tried to remember a time when she didn't piss me off. How could she do this! I picked up the little piece of notepad paper and sighed. I read it over and over again until my frustration got the best of me.

Dear Jenny'

Look I'm not good with things like this but, I cant do this. I've never been a good mother to you, we both knew that. Its pretty obvious I cant even look after you without making a mistake. I turned back to modeling and I wont be able to see you for a while because of traveling and all. I bought the apartment for you...its yours to keep so you can do what you want with it. I'm sorry for everything. take this and hold it over your heart. I know there's some goodness in you yet. When you finish reading this check your bank account. I know you will use the fortune well. I love you.

Your mother - Alyson

I balled up the paper and threw it over my head. I looked in the mirror and pulled at my blonde curls. Why do bad things happen to good people? Well that's a question I have an answer for. Bad things happen because we're all bad people and I'm the biggest one of them all. I grabbed my purse and keys and drove to the nearest bank. I slid my prada shades on to be discreet and silent. When they pulled up my account I nearlly fainted over. "Uh-I- this....has to be a mistake! Thats to manny zeros!" The teller over the counter took the paper from me and pulled at his necktie. "Um wow.....and who are you again?" I slowly sli the shades out of my face and smiled at him. "I'm Alyson's daughter." "Oh my god! The model??" "Yes and she gave this money to me so I'm gonna walk away and your gonna pretend I never came here ok." I shot him another smile as he threw the paper in the trashcan.

"I'm sorry about this but can I get your autograph?" "Really? Um ok...sure. I signed my name on his notepad and smiled. "There you go." "Thanks so much!" "No problem. you know what can I have some of the money?" "Sure how much would you like to withdraw?" "20 grand." He smiled and brought me money in a nice little stack with a pink band around it. I smirked and left with he twenty grand in hand. I could feel my cell ring in purse and it didnt stop until i finnally answered. "Hello?" "Jen?" "Yeah hey kathy." "Get over here...right now." "Um ok." "Hurry!" "Ok damn I'm coming.

(Kelsey's POV)

I groaned as I sat over the toliet trying to slowly breathe in. Head first into the toilet I threw up...for the 4th time. I slowly started to cry as I reached for the pregnancy test Kathy handed to me. "What the hell were you thinking!" "I- it happened so fast i- i brought this on myself." I was crying harder now as the pain wouldnt cease inside of me. "Kelsey you realize he'll kill you if he finds out your pregnant." "I know-" I breathed in slowly and shut the door. I opened the box and pulled out the test. I tugged at my blonde curls afraid... what the hell did I do?


I looked at the est as the plus sign slowly appeared. I started breathing heavily and called him."Kelsey hey." I opened my mouth but nothing came out but a slight breath. "Kelsey? you ok?" "I- This wasnt suppose to happen." "Calm down and tell me what's wrong." "I'm pregnant."

(Jenny's POV)

I pulled up at Kathy's house and rang the doorbell. I waited and waited until Kathy opened the door with her hands folded across her chest. "Kath hey what's wrong." "Don't give me that innocent BS! Where is it!" "Where's what? wha- what are you talking about!" "My book!" "I dont know what the hell you're talking about." "Damn you! you know exactly what I'm talking about!" "No I do not what the hell is wrong with you!" She snatched my purse out of my hand and out fell a little book that was different shades of Pink and had P!NK written across it. She reached for the book and looked at me with eyes with anger and rage. "How could you Jen! Kelsey was right about you! You sneaky ass bitch!" "How did that get there I dont know but you have to understand I-" "Shutup! You innocent little thing! I can't believe I let you- Ugh!" I could see robbie running downstairs in the backround wrapping his arms around her. "Babe calm down." "She-" "Shhh its alright let her go." She smiled at him and kissed him right in front of my face! "What the hell is this! I slammed my stuff back on the ground and I yelled louder than ever before. Robbie kissed her again and laughed at me.

"Sweetie you've been played. Don't take it the wrong way. We planned it out every since the day you walked inside. I made you feel special and lied and said david was hers and i was yours. This is my girlfriend not my sister. Are you really that stupid!" I was dying inside. I gave up who I was for some boy that didnt care about me. I gave up being me for some stupid- clique ugh! "Aww hney dont be upset. We do this to everyone! well- no we dont!" She laughed harder than ever before. she thought she broken me but she was sadly mistaken.

"Hey Kathy thank you. And robbie thank you. Thank you for making me realize that I never should have changed me. I didnt need to change me. Amber was right. I was wrong. Kath you and your little clique can go to hell and you bitches will all rot in hell and I wont and wait no I dont give a damn." She scoffed at me and Robbie's smile went away fast. " Oh yeah robbie I forgot. See I had this surprise for you later but it seems that your girlfriend is a bitch and you we're the real player." I pulled him to my face and slapped the shit out of him. He hit the tile floor holding his cheek groaning. I laughed and picd up my purse and left.

My phone rang again and it was Amber. "Hey!" "Hey babz." "What's up?" "I wanna tell you that I was wrong about evrything. Robbie and the clique 6 just a sham but they didnt break me. They only made me stronger." "Alright! My bitch is back!" I laughed and pulled up to the mall. "Hey I'm about to go inside the mall so I'll call you later?" "Yeah sure I'm um with Ian anyways. And you.....find a new man who will treat you right." "I am girl." I hung up the phone and let the wind blow across my face like I was the shit. The sun was shining on me like a beacon of light. I was paying attention to my phone not even noticing who I bumbed into. "Oh I'm so sorry. Here. Our hands reached for my phone at the same time. I breathed in when our hands touched. He grabbed the phone and looked at me. I swalled hard as my throat slowly dried. I couldn't even think.

Damn he is cute. I bit my lip as he handed me the phone. "Um thanks I'm such a clutz these day." He flashed a million dollar smile and I was truely in love. "It's no problem at all." "Um I'm Jen." He smiled again and took my hand. "I'm Mark. It's nice to meet you Jen." I blushed when he kissed my hand. "Do you do that with all the girls you meet?" "That depends are you sure we haven't met before?" "I'm very sure we haven't met at all." I smiled and looked at me feet. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" "I'm getting ready to do a little shopping. I'm tired of people always playing me like a song on the radio." He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I shouldn;t keep you from your girfriend." "Trust me I dont have a girlfriend considering I just moved here." "Really? so you're going to PHS?" "Yeah." "Me too!" "Aw cool it'll be nice to know one person." "Yeah....it was nice meeting you." "You too. Um can I see you again?" "Sure. How about coffee tomorrow?" "Sure I'd love too." I smiled and bit my lip. So what the hell do I do hug him or wave. I smiled and gave him a hug. His hands were around my waist. something just clicked. AS he walked away I was dark red in the face. I went inside the mall and bought everything from Red to blue to white to black. I bought every color besides Pink.

When I got home I rushed inside my bathroom and grabbed the flat iron. I was on the verge of getting a makeover. I was doing this for me and I was changing for me not for a stupid clique. Just for me.

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