Tears Dropped

By MomentarilyCaught

207 28 8


Tears Dropped
A "Brother"
A Cup of Hot Chocolate with my Brother's (almost) Assassin

The Letter

19 4 0
By MomentarilyCaught

I held Char's hand tightly as we headed down "Court Silver Avenue". It was a run down street, houses were falling apart at every corner. The rain only added to the effect.

"He we are."  Char breathed stopping in front of a house. It had once been grand, anyone could see that. Ivy scaled the columns, the balcony was hanging on a few pieces of wood, the once magnificent stone work had been cracked from years of weather and misuse.

I peered through the sheets of rain and double checked the address, Char was right. We were here.

I took a deep breath and began walking on the weeds and mud heading toward the porch. The stairs heading upwards to the door creaked unstably under my weight. I reached my hand up to knock on the door, but there wasn't one. Just a gaping black hold leading into the unknown.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Is anyone there?" Said Char with much more confidence. 

I stepped into the darkenss withChar behind me. I flicked on a lamp that I had ran into.

The light dimly illuminated the room, it was just filled with some old furniture, an old musty smell filled my nose as I coughed at the dust surrounding me. 

Suddely the light disappeared. And I was at the mercy of the darkness again.

"Char?" I whimpered.


"CHAR!" I screamed. Still no response.

I heard a creek of wood from behind me and I whipped around only to face the blackness.

"W-who's there?"

I heard a faint click,

the sound of a weapon.

I screamed, but it was too late. I felt searing pain surge up from my leg as my body crumpled to the floor. I felt blood seep through my jeans.

I blacked out. 

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