The Dragon I Loved; A Sting x...

By Miplly

101K 2.5K 1K

She met a boy. She was fired. She ran to a guild. Little did she know... He would be there. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Ten

3.2K 92 37
By Miplly

Your P.O.V.

"Welp, here we are," Rami says.

Our group looks up at the small building in front of us. It looks really worn down. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it'll fit all six of us. There's a sign hanging from the siding that says 'Kaleb's Inn, Pub and Library' that's all rusted on the edges and creaks when it swings.

"Can it really fit all those things in there?" Lector asks.

"I think so too," Frosch says cutely.

"There's only one way to find out," I cautiously push the door to the pub open to be greeted by the sound of a small bell. "Hello? We're wizards from Sabertooth, here to take your job request."

I'm about to turn back to Sting, Rogue and the exceeds, when a hunched over old man comes hobbling over. He's holding a wooden staff with a dark teal gem on the top to help him walk. This must be Kaleb.

"Oh, thank the lord. You're finally here. Come in, come in. Is it alright if I change into something a little bit more comfortable?" He looks up at me with squinted eyes and smiles weakly.

"Oh, of course. Be my guest," I hold the door open as my group shuffles in.

All of a sudden, the old man starts glow a bright teal. Instead of a hunchback man in front of me, there's a young woman with long wavy brown hair tied in a loose braid and bright sparkling teal eyes. She wears a forest green dress that stops at her lower thigh, still holding her staff. Black knee high boots are on her feet.

"Sorry for my original appearance. My name is Katsi Fune. This is my inn."

"Holy..!" What the hell just happened? "You're a wizard?"

The woman known as Katsi laughs. She looks about eighteen to twenty years old. "Yes. I use illusion magic. In fact, this entire inn is an illusion. I made the outside look a lot smaller than it actually is. Please, come in."

Katsi leads us through a back door into a very large library. There are shelves stuffed with books and scrolls that reach all the way up to the ceiling, which is a good few stories high.

"Now that you know my name, I just realized I don't know any of yours," The illusion wizard smiles brightly.

I step forward first. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and these here are my partners Sting Eucliffe and Rogue..." Oh, crap I don't know Rogue's last name.

"Cheney. These are our exceeds, Lector, Frosch, and Rami," The dark haired Mage finishes for me. I'll have to apologize for that later.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you all. If you don't mind, I'd like to explain the job to you now," Katsi seems very impatient.

"We already know what we have to do. Slay the vulcans, right? Or was there something not on the request flyer?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"That's about it, but I just wanted to tell you that they live in the forest behind the inn. They've been there for years, but they just started getting active in the last two weeks. Here, I'll show you to your rooms," The brunette says politely.

"If it's okay with you, I think we're probably going to camp in the woods. We'll have a better chance of finding the vulcans quicker," Sting cuts in.

Katsi smiles brightly. "Of course! Take any supplies you need from here, or if you want to take a break, you can rest in the library."

Honestly, this chick is a little too nice if you ask me. All of a sudden, she furrows her brows and stares at me.

"Um, is there something wrong?" I ask.

"No, it's just that you look extremely familiar," She purses her lips and continues to stare me down. "Oh, wait! Were you in Sorcerer Weekly?" Oh god, not this again.

"Uh, yeah. I was's pretty embarrassing," I scratch the back of my neck and I feel a light blush on my face.

"Oh yeah! It was totally hilarious! (Y/N) didn't even know how to pose for the camera!" Rami, I swear I will kill you later.

"We should get going if we want to get those vulcans," Rogue says in his usual monotone voice.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Can I stay here with Katsi?" Rami looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"If you really want to, then of course. I'd love to have you along, but if you don't feel comfortable going, then of course you can stay behind," I smile warmly at my violet-red partner.

"I want to stay too," Frosch says pulling on Rogue's jacket.

"Same for me, honestly." Lector agrees. "We can't really fight so it'd be pointless to bring us along."

Sting shrugs. "If you say so. Katsi, can you give them a room?"

"Of course! Here, I'll bring them up there right now. Oh, and one more thing. Try to keep the vulcans away from the inn. They've been stealing my food and I would slay them myself, but there's too many important documents in this library for me to leave it alone," Katsi suddenly gets a worried look on her face.

"We've got this. Come on, guys. Let's go slay some vulcans," I say as I head for the door.

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