The White Ribbon & The Shadow...

By Val_Violets

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A story that starts off at the Grand Magic Games of how they met. The adventures of the Mermaid Heel and Sabe... More

Chapter 1: The Unexpected
Chapter 2: The Event Hidden
Chapter 3: Suspicious
Chapter 4: The Event Chariot
Chapter 5: A Wager
Chapter 6: Kagura Battle
Chapter 7: Friends? Family?
Chapter 8: The Event Pandemonium
Chapter 9: MPF
Chapter 10: Disqualified
Chapter 12: Ryuzetsu Land
Chapter 13: Trouble In Ryuzetsu Land
Chapter 14: The Caster Of Voices
Chapter 15: So Many Questions
Chapter 16: Wondering Thoughts

Chapter 11: Confusion

837 29 12
By Val_Violets

Author Note: Thank you guys for the wonderful votes and comments. I'm glad you guys liking it and I can't wait to make the Ryuzetsu Land Chapter.


Rogue sat on a chair all the way in the corner of the room with his arms cross against his chest and his eyes close. Yukino pull up a chair to sit beside Kagura who is still unconscious on the clinic bed. The room is in completely silence til...

"Laxus! You can't walk alone!" A female voice yelled at him.

Yukino and Rogue whirl around to see Laxus walking in the clinic, his one hand gripping at the door frame as he force himself to stand. Laxus froze as he notice Yukino and Rogue staring at him.

"Oh, it's you Sabertooth guys. " Laxus said a little surprised to see them both there, especially since none of their members are hurt or injured.

Mirajane appear next to Laxus once she heard Laxus said 'Sabertooth'. "Oh, hello. " Mirajane greeted with a smile on her face.

Yukino blink cup of times at Mirajane greeting. "Um hi... " Yukino greeted back with a confuse expression written on her face.

"Give me one moment." Mirajane then face her back towards Yukino. "Freed and Bickslow, can you help me get Laxus in the clinic bed? " Mirajane ask.

"Of course, anything for Laxus. " Freed answer, putting one arm on his shoulder and Bickslow the other shoulder.

Freed and Bickslow took Laxus in the clinic bed, laying him down gently and carefully on the bed next to Kagura. Then Freed, Bickslow and Laxus stare at Rogue and Yukino. Mirajane blink cup of times before glancing at Bickslow and Freed. "Where's Evergreen? " Mirajane ask.

Bickslow smirk. "Evergreen is spending her quantity time with her boyfriend Elfman! " Bickslow said it out loud for everyone to hear.

All the suddenly a light blue curtains that separates the other beds to make a small room for patients, open on Laxus side, roughly to show a very angry Evergreen who is gripping on the curtains. "Would you quit it?! " Evergreen shouted at Bickslow.

Freed pointed at Evergreen. "If you didn't want anyone to know about your relationship, it's best to keep quiet so we can at least expect that theory to be at least wrong. Instead we confirm our theory is indeed corrected. "

"A real man doesn't hide the truth, so don't just make false evidence if we are in a relationship or not! " Elfman counter.

"Eve! " A three man intruded the clinic with tears in their eyes, embracing Eve as they cry.

They briskly run pass everyone and Elfman bed to the bed next door to them. Rogue gritted his teeth, his eyebrows twitching in annoyance. "If you guys are going to yell, shout or argue do that outside the clinic. " Everyone whirl around and froze in there spots to see dangerous shadows surrounding Rogue along with a dark aura around him.

'Rogue... ' Yukino thought, shock seeing him like that.

Laxus study Rogue carefully. "Hey, that girl on the bed, I know she's from Mermaid Heel in all but why are you Sabertooth guys helping her? " Laxus question. "I mean you guys don't care about anyone else but yourself. "

Yukino flinch at Laxus words and Rogue calm himself down as he averted away from Laxus eyes. "I don't know myself... "

Mirajane blue eyes shift to Kagura unconscious form in bed, then she shift her eyes towards Yukino. "Is she alright? " Mirajane query.

Yukino averted her eyes away from Mirajane as she look down to play with her fingers nervously. "I don't know... Kagura seem perfectly fine a few minutes ago but all the suddenly she collapse on the ground right in front of Rogue and me. " Yukino explain the situation.

Mirajane walk towards Kagura form, staring down at Kagura face. Freed follow along as well and Hibiki analyzing her by using his Achieve magic, like he's taking notes what Yukino said and what he see.

"Is it possible that she's stress out? " Hibiki ask.

"Perhaps she's need more sleep." Freed added

"Needs food in her system? " Bickslow thought.

"Or maybe seeing someone she doesn't want to see, like how Erza fainted when she sees Ichiya. " Evergreen added.

"That isn't true, men! " Ichiya protest.

"Or fainted for seeing her crush. " Ren theory. Everyone look at Ren weird at that theory. "What? That's how Sherry was with me. Every time she sees me, she will automatically fainted while blushing. " Ren inform them.

Everyone still give Ren the weird look. "It's Kagura we talking about here, not Sherry. Sherry isn't the topic here." Freed reminded.

Rogue sigh to himself at everyone silly theories. "No, no, no and I truly doubt the last two theories. " Rogue answer.

"Let me check your friend. " Then a old lady with pink hair in the bun, blue eyes and wearing a red cloak, enter the clinic room.

"Porlyusica... " Mirajane whisper.

Porlyusica walk towards Kagura, she touch Kagura forehead then the pulse of her heart beat. Her eyes shudders as she felt something around Kagura. 'Interesting... This human girl isn't unconscious by any of these theories. It's like a spell but at the same time it isn't. Something must have overpower her to cost the collapsing. ' Porlyusica thought. "Tell me something, had you see anything strange with this human girl before she collapsed in front of you. " Porlyusica question directly at Rogue.

Yukino and the others all look at Rogue, waiting for him to answer. Rogue close his eyes in thought.

Kagura heart pulse, her hazel eyes haze, she froze to her spot when she hear a young women voice. Rogue unfolded his hands as he sense fear and security around Kagura. "Kagura? " Rogue call out.

Kagura couldn't hear Rogue, Yukino, or anyone. Not even see anyone. Everything is dark... 'Where am I? Who's that voice?' Kagura question herself.

"Um, Kagura... Are you okay? " Yukino ask with a concern expression.

All Kagura heard is a female giggling but then she zone out to be back in reality once she felt two hands on her shoulder that made Kagura shiver and jump back a little. Her hazel eyes unhaze. Kagura blink cup of times as she look up to see Rogue staring down at her with a emotionless expression but yet his red eyes reveal he is worry about her. She notice Yukino behind Rogue concern about her well being as well.

Kagura briskly look around to try to find the source of the voice. Rogue notice how strange Kagura is acting. "Are you alright, Kagura? " Rogue ask once more calmly.

"Yes... " Kagura lied.

Rogue narrow his eyes at Kagura, knowing she's lying but chose not to say anything about it. He let go of Kagura shoulders as he sigh out loud. "Let's continue to watch the battle. " Rogue change the subject.


Kagura held her hand in front of herself, and stare at the palm of her hand that is shaking a little in fear. Rogue narrow his eyes, watching Kagura carefully.


Rogue smile at Yukino cheerfulness but soon faded when he heard Kagura spoke. "Yeah... " Kagura spoke with a sleepy tone.

Kagura turn to look at Rogue. Rogue red eyes widen wide as he saw Kagura eyes. Her hazel eyes are now haze. Kagura slowly close her eyes and fall down. "Kagura! " Rogue shouted as he quickly ran towards Kagura to catch her body from hitting the ground. He caught Kagura by holding on to her by her waist.

End of Flashback

Rogue took a deep breath as he begin to speak. "Kagura seem not to hear us at the beginning but as I touch her shoulder she seem to regain consciousness. The second time she just watch the battle with us through the hologram, her eyes haze and her voice sound tired. " Rogue informed Porlyusica.

"I see... She's perfectly fine but she needs to rest. "

Yukino smile hearing this. "That's good, I'm so glad to hear. "

"I recommend you all leave now. " Porlyusica demand.

Everyone look down not wanting to leave but left anyway. Yukino stop in her steps as she notice Rogue didn't move from his spot. "May I stay here with her? " Yukino heard Rogue ask.

Porlyusica study Rogue carefully as she try reading through his eyes, trying to figure out what is he planning or thinking. "That's fine. "

Yukino blink cup of times in disbelief. 'Rogue... ' Yukino couldn't help but smile at Rogue odd behavior.

"Yukino, do you want to come with Thunder Tribe Legacy and me to watch the last battle? " Mirajane offer.

Yukino whirl around and nodded with a big smile on her face. "Yes. I'll love to. "

Obra jump towards the open window and watch Kagura unconscious body from the distance. It tilted its head to the side to see Rogue sitting next to Kagura sleeping form, watching her carefully.


"Where am I?
Why is everything so dark? "

Kagura open her eyes to see a field that is bright green with a few colorful flowers.

"Obra! " Kagura heard a little girl call out.

Kagura whirl around to see a little girl or you could say her childhood self. Kagura blink cup of times as she sees Obra running towards her childhood self. The child hug Obra like a pet animal. "Obra?! " Kagura uttered with shock in it.

The little Kagura stare at Obra but still hugging him. "Obra, no matter what happens, would you stay by my side? " The little Kagura ask with a sad tone in her voice.

Obra nodded that bought the little Kagura to smile and hug him once more.

All the suddenly Obra and little Kagura slowly vanish with the theme. Everything is once more dark.

Kagura stand there, lost and confuse what she just saw. She sat down, pulling her knees towards her chest as she hug them tightly in stress. It felt like she was in here forever in the dark and... Alone.

Then she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, that brought Kagura to look up...

Kagura open her eyes slowly but narrow as sunlight had welcomed her from her slumber. "Your finally awake. " Kagura heard a familiar solemn voice.

Kagura shift her hazel eyes towards the direction of the voice, her eyes meet red. "How long I was out? " Kagura query.

"Only about thirty minutes. " Rogue answer.

"And Yukino? "

"Yukino went to go watch the battle with the Fairy Tail members." He inform her. "The next round is about to start. "

"Isn't it suppose to start exactly at thirty minutes ago? " Kagura question.

Rogue nodded. "It was but as I recall, Raven Tail is disqualified and got arrested. " Rogue reminded Kagura. Kagura stay in silence while sitting up on the bed. She had nothing to say and averted her eyes away from Rogue. "What happen? " Rogue ask, sensing tense in the air.

"It's nothing... " Kagura answer.

"It have to be something. "

Kagura whirl around face Rogue and clinched her fist tightly. She open her mouth to speak but no words came out, she hesitate to speak. "Can we talk about this... Some other time, maybe later on today. Please... " Kagura face Rogue with a sad and confuse expression on her face as she pleaded for Rogue to talk about it next time. "In reality, I don't know what's happening. In fact, I never went through this at all. "

As Rogue read Kagura expressions, he knew she's telling the truth. Her hazel eyes says it all. It shows how lost Kagura is about the whole situation. 'Kagura... ' Rogue thought, concern about Kagura. "That's fine. In due time we'll figure it out together... "

"Now the final round for today is... Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail A vs Sherria Blendy from Lamia Scale! " Mato announced.

Sherria has blue eyes and her amaranth hair is tied up in two short pigtails with orange bows. She wears a pale blue mini skirt, a pink, sleeveless top with a dark blue center and a folded collar with yet another orange ribbon tied around it and a heart emblem on her left breast and an "X" on her right. She wears short white gloves coupled with orange wristbands, on top of a longer pink fabric that reaches her upper arms and is kept in place by armbands that match the ones on her wrists. For hosiery, she has long black stockings and white leg-warmers atop black shoes. Her guild mark is located on the right side of her right calf.

Sherria wave to the audience with a smile on her face while running til she trip face flat on the ground by a rock.

Wendy haves brown eyes. She wears a purple long sleeved dress with a flower pattern adorning the sleeves. She has a small tie with ribbons holding her dark blue hair in pigtails and stockings.

Wendy running towards Sherria with worry expression on her face. "Are you alright? Your not injured are you-" Next thing that happen Wendy fall down too.

The audience laugh at both of them. Wendy and Sherria both blush in a embarrassment but they still smile. "Hi, my name is Wendy. It's nice to meet you. " Wendy greeted.

Sherria nodded in agreement. "Yeah, same to you too. "

Kagura blink cup of times at Rogue words. 'Together? ' Kagura repeated to herself. Her face begin to beam red as she repeated it again and again to herself.

Rogue blink cup of times at Kagura. He place his hand on top of Kagura forehead that made Kagura froze. She glance at Rogue, shock at his actions. "Seems your perfectly fine. You don't have a fever. "

She sigh in relief. 'I should be thankful that Rogue is a idiot to think I had a fever. ' Rogue remove his hand from Kagura forehead. "That's good, I guess. " Kagura muttered, with a straight face now.

Kagura heart pulse, her hazel eyes widen wide as she felt something or someone that have a evil aura. Kagura glance back at Rogue once he got up, looking around his surroundings. "Is this what you been feeling? " Rogue ask.

"No, this is way beyond what I had felt earlier. " Kagura check her surroundings, seeing only Eve, Laxus and Elfman sleeping.

Kagura grab Archenemy and got out of bed to ran out of the bed but was stopped when Rogue hand grab Kagura hand, stopping her for going anywhere. "Where are you going? " He question, even though Rogue knew where she's going.

Kagura glare at Rogue. "Where do you think, I'm going find whatever it is that had this- disgraceful aura. "

Rogue clinched Kagura tightly and narrow his eyes at Kagura. "You need rest and besides that I'm pretty sure we are not the only ones that sense this source. Rune Knights are here remember. " He reminded her as he manage to make Kagura let go of Archenemy and getting Kagura to sit back on top of the bed.

"Your right... " Kagura sigh. "Anyway we can still see the battle through the hologram. "

Lyon and the others smirk seeing Sherria going against Wendy. "I can't wait to see Gray reaction to Sherria, he'll freak."

Gray smirk with a confidence look on his face. "I wish I can see Lyon face when Wendy wins the match. "

"The last battle for the day three of the Grand Magic Games, may begin! " Mato announced. Wendy and Sherria both stare at each other with determination to win for their teams.

Wendy close her eyes as the nice fresh air of wind blew pass her. Her long dark blue hair dances with the wind. 'This is what I had been training for. I have to give it all I got! ' Wendy reminded herself. She quickly reopen her dark brown eyes and held both her hands up by her sides. "Ready?! " She shouted. Sherria smirk as she nodded her head. Wendy lift up both her hands in each side of her direction as each one heavenly blue magic circle appear in her hands. "Echant Vernier and Arms! "

Sherria watch amaze as wind begun to gather up as Wendy put both her hands on one side. "Sky Dragon Wave Wind! " Wendy shouted once she swing both her arms. Slashes of wind shot out of Wendy arms, aiming at Sherria who is standing there. Then as the wind got closer to her, Sherria briskly jump back, dodging all slashes of wind Wendy threw at her with incredible speed. "She's so fast. " Wendy panic.

Sherria jump high enough as she rise one hand, black wind forming around Sherria in a spiral, to gather up in her hand. "Sky God's Boreas! " Sherria extends her one hand, threw the wind that had gather up in her hand to a ball that hit the ground costing the ball of wind to break. The black wind form into multiple tornadoes that is bigger than Wendy and aim at her.

The tornadoes hit Wendy, lifting her up in the air.

"That's black wind. " Kagura blink cup of times as she glance over at Rogue. "Is that the similar type of magic your teammate uses? " Kagura ask.

Rogue nodded. "Yes. It's God Slayer Magic but she's sky not lightning like Orga. " He inform her.

Kagura look back up at the hologram. "I wonder how did that child weld Lost Magic. "

"You mean he's not the only one? " Natsu question.

Erza cross her arms underneath her breast as she frown at Natsu. "You know this type of magic? " Erza ask.

Natsu cross his arms against his chest. "The Grimoire Heart guy, I think his name was Zapcrow. "

Gray sweat drop at Natsu. "I'm pretty sure you got that wrong but close enough. "

"He use God Slayer magic like Sherria? " Lucy ask, making sure she heard right.

"Yeah he did. " Natsu smile with a victorious look on his face. "But if you'll ask me, he was really a push over, no biggie. "

"God Slayer or not, Wendy is force to face this new opponent on her own. She might be in her toughest fight in her life time. " Erza added.

Wendy swings both her arms outward, casting winds around herself like a barrier to break Sherria black winds away. Sherria landed on the ground at ease with a big smile and a huge admiration for Wendy. "Oh wow. You can actually dodge them. " Sherria complement Wendy. "In that case. "

Sherria did exactly how Wendy first attack was but the winds are black instead of white. The black wind slashes aim directly at Wendy. Wendy use her wind once more to break Sherria wind. Wendy turn around fast when she sense Sherria coming at her on her left. Sherria ran towards Wendy. "Sky God's Dance! " Black spiral wind hit Wendy that turn to a whirlwind, lifting up Wendy up in the air.

Sherria jump up to attack Wendy but Wendy quickly flip over to face up in the air. "Sky Dragon Claw! " Wendy swings her legs downwards that shot out slashes of wind that hit Sherria. Sherria hit the ground by Wendy wind but somehow Sherria manage to gain her balance as for Wendy fall on her knees. Wendy got up and her cheeks puff up. "Sky Dragon-"

Sherria puff up her cheeks as well. "Sky God's-"

"Roar! " Both said in a unison as they both shoot winds. Wind and black wind collided together costing tremendous wind everywhere, costing a lot people around them to hold on tight to something strong enough that won't let them go flying off.

Wendy is on the ground cover in bruises glaring at Sherria. "I know what you are. " Sherria who doesn't have a single scratch on her, smile at Wendy. Wendy got up slowly and hold her left arm in pain. "I wasn't really expecting this. "

"Well, Lyon told me all about you. I was really excited when I learn you use similar magic like mine. Maybe a little too excited. Sorry, did I went overboard? " She somewhat apologize.

"No I'll be fine. It's a fight after all... " Wendy assured.

"Well since we are here, we may as will have some fun, right? " Sherria ask, putting both her hands behind her back.

"Yeah I guess so but I had never figure it out fighting others can be a source of entertainment to some people... But I'll do my best for Fairy Tail! " Wendy said that show she have faith in herself.

Sherria wink at Wendy. "I like your attitude Wendy. Then I fight for extra, for love and Lamia Scale. " With that said, Sherria threw slashes of black wind at Wendy with so much speed that she manage to hit her.

She begin to run towards Wendy, and threw black wind at Wendy once she got close to Wendy but Wendy counter block Sherria black wind using her own wind to collide with Sherria. Sherria smile at Wendy, she quickly use her black wind that form into a small ball on the ground and using the other black winds as a distraction. Sherria rise one arm up fast that costed the ball of black wind that is below Wendy feet turn into a whirlwind, lifting Wendy up in the air and sending her to the other side of Domus Flau.

Wendy trying to hold on as the black whirlwind begin to plush Wendy away. 'I can't give up. Everybody else fight so hard to get us this far. It's my turn now, especially after Elfman put his trust in me. ' The black whirlwind vanish. 'I don't like fighting and I honestly hope I never do but in the end of the day, when it comes to standing up for Fairy Tail... ' Wendy rise both her hands as she begin to suck on the air. 'I fight for everything I got! '

"Oh wow, you really do eat air. " Sherria said amaze by Wendy. "This would be a blast! I'll do it too!" Sherria begin to suck some air too.

Jura cross his arms against his chest. "If I'll be, I don't think I had ever seen Sherria eat air during battles. Young Wendy must be a worthy opponent."

"Take this seriously! Or you end up losing your favorite sock! " Toby shouted at Sherria.

Yuka look at Toby like he wanted to laugh at him. "I doubt that. Your the only one that have a weird sock obsession. "

Lyon cross his arms against his chest, smiling as he watch Sherria proudly. "Keep watching, Sherria powers have yet to come. " Lyon brought his teammates to pay closely attention to the battle.

Wendy open her dark brown eyes and rise both her hands by her side, a huge magic circle form underneath her. "Sky Dragon secret technique... Milky Way"

Wendy wind gather up, surrounding herself and Sherria by her wind, creating a somewhat vertex. "What are you doing now? Are you trying to trap me? But your in here too. " Sherria shouted at Wendy in confusion.

"Shattering Light: Sky Drill! " Light and wind shoot out like a tremendous beam, that hit Sherria directly. Sherria back hit the ground from Wendy attack. Her whole body haves bruises like Wendy does. 'I haven't fully master the Milky Way yet but I give my Sky Drill everything I got... This is my full strength. I hope I didn't over do it but this means... '

Mato ran towards Sherria checking is she still available to stand and fight. "It looks like Sherria is down. " Wendy smile as Mato continue. "The winner of match four is Fairy Tail-"

"No wait, don't count me out yet! I'm up, I'm up, this fight just gotten started!" Wendy smile faded and her eyes widen wide hearing Sherria voice.

Sherria stand up, the wind surrounded Sherria body. Her bruises begin to disappear from her skin and along with her black wind. Sherria tilted her head to the side and smile at Wendy gently. "You really are something else, that was so fun! " Sherria complement.

"Oh how embarrassing, my apologies. Um you lady's can keep going now. " Mato apologize before taking off running.

Natsu gritted his teeth, his dark brown eyes widen wide and sweat appear on his face. "How is she standing? " Natsu question.

"Oh no, all her injuries have been heal. " Lucy said, shock watching the battle.

Erza watch with full of concern for Wendy. "I had no idea she is this strong. "

Gray narrow his eyes in disbelief. "Dammit Lyon. I should've known you'll had a trump card. "

Lyon smirk and his face darken evilly. "Sky God Slayer magic allows wizards to heal their own wounds while during battle, something that Wendy can't do. In other words, she have no chance losing." Lyon explain.

Jura smile watching Sherria with curiosity. "I wonder what holding Sherria back like that. " Jura wondered.

Yuka just smirk. "It's really hard to believe that she's not fighting seriously. " Yuka added.
"She got some bite to back up her bark! " Toby shouted who is still angry about what happen to his sock.

Sherry put both her hands on her cheeks while blushing happily and proudly. "Well, the little darling is my cousin after all. "

Ooba quickly pointed at Sherry. "That have nothing to do with it and you know it! " Ooba disagreed with Sherry.

"Your not hurt are you?" Sherria question. "I was really hoping we can play more. " Sherria smile soon faded as she notice that Wendy is struggling to catch her breath. She sadden seeing Wendy in that state. "You're... Not giving up, are you? " Sherria ask worried. Sherria put one hand on her hip. "I don't hate fighting, but I have no love for one sided violence in a match with a clear outcome. It's okay to surrender, you know. Okay? " Sherria explain and trying to convince Wendy to give up if she's injured pretty bad.

"I can't! " Wendy shouted in pain. "The fact that I'm standing here means that I'm prepared to fight for my guild too! I don't need pity. Please fight me with everything you have until I fall and can no longer move! Please!" Wendy begged.

Sherria sighed at Wendy, putting both her hands on her hips. She couldn't help but smile at Wendy. "Right. That would only be proper. "

Wendy smile, happy Sherria accepted her request. "Yes! " Wendy got in her fighting stance.

"Then it's time for my big technique! " Sherria rise both her hands, letting black wind gather up in both her hands in a spiral motion. "I'll use this attack to ease your pain. " Sherria close her dark blue eyes, rising her hands more up in the air. Then she twirl around like she's dancing with the wind, following it's movement. "God Slayer Secret Arts! "

"Don't Sherria! "

"You mustn't! "

"You fool! Are you trying to get her kill?! "

Wendy heard Lyon, Jura and Ooba yelling at Sherria to stop but Sherria ignored them to do Wendy request. Sherria hands that have black wind spiral begin to transform into black feathers that is spilling out of her hands. "Responding to full powered feelings with full power of your own! That's love! " Wendy eyes widen wide as black feathers surrounded her, flowing around her. "Gathering Clouds of Heaven! "

Sherria put both her hands together, a beam of black feathers headed straight for Wendy in a spiral. Wendy briskly use her hands to guard herself but what surprise Wendy is that Sherria missed. The black feathers pass by Wendy without no harm to her.

"What a strategy. Wow! "

Wendy jump, and rise her hand for the wind to gather up in a ball. "Sky Dragon..." Wendy aim her hand at Sherria face. "... Crushing Fang! " Sherria briskly use her arm to protect her face giving Wendy a chance to scratch her at least on her arm. Then suddenly, the scratch that Wendy made on Sherria begun to heal quickly.

"You're incredible, Wendy! " Sherria complement Wendy strength and power.

Wendy immediately jump to kick Sherria downward. Sherria smile and mimic Wendy assault costing both to collide their attacks and pushing each other away from the amount of force. Both of them trying punching each other while using their wind to help them but both winds are canceling each other out, making impossible to leave a scratch on them. Mato decided to stop the battle since it'll take a long time to end than it suppose to.

"Times out! " Mato announced.

"That's the end of the battle, it's a draw folks! Both teams receive 5 points!" Lola announced.

Fairy Tail A 15 Pts

Lamia Scale 11 Pts

"Awesome! " Natsu shouted with a big smile on his face.

"Way to go, Wendy! " Lucy cheered.

Erza made a small smile. "They both fought splendidly. "

"Yep. " Gray agreed.

"Sherria and Wendy both did very well. " Lyon cross his arms against his chest with a big smile on his face.

"That was the sight to behold. " Yuka said.

Toby begin to sniff when his tears begin to fall. "A draw?! " He cry, not too happy about the results.

"Sherria is far superior if you only consider magic power, and yet... " Jura couldn't help but remember how the others and himself met Wendy. 'That girl back then... Has grown this much. '

Wendy fall to her knees, exhausted from the battle she had with Sherria. "Did that hurt? I'm sorry... " Sherria ask while at the same time apologizing to Wendy with a concern expression on her face.

Wendy couldn't help but smile at Sherria gently as she shake her head. "No, you don't need to keep apologizing. "

Sherria wink at Wendy with a smile on her face from Wendy response. Wendy wink at Sherria back. Sherria walk towards Wendy and got on her knees to held out both her hands out, black wind gathering in her hand in a ball form. "I had of fun, Wendy. " Once the black wind gather up, Sherria held it towards Wendy. The black wind begun to heal Wendy. Wendy watch with admiration for Sherria.

"Oh, my injuries... I-I had a little fun too. "

"Hey. Let's be friends Wendy. " Sherria offered.

"O-okay. If you don't mind having one like me... "

"No. That's not something friends say to each other. " Wendy blink cup of times at Sherria. Sherria got up and held her hand up to Wendy. "Let's be friends, Wendy. "

"Yes, Sherria. " Wendy answer with a small smile of joyfulness and accepted Sherria hand.

Rogue watch Kagura got up from the bed, he hold her Archenemy for her. Porlyusica came in, seeing Kagura finally up. "Your up. "

Kagura turn around to look at Porlyusica. "Yes... Thank you for everything you had done for me. " She thanked.

'She seems perfectly normal but I should confirm it if she really is. ' Porlyusica thought. "Kagura is it? " Kagura nodded. "How are you feeling? "

"I feel perfectly fine. " Kagura lied.

"I see... You must rest and don't stress out to much. "

Kagura nodded, walking to stand next to Rogue. 'Kagura is lying. She may be fine physically but mentally and emotionally she isn't. ' Rogue thought while looking down at Kagura. "Ready to go? " He ask. Kagura nodded at his response. Rogue look up at Porlyusica before they leave. "Thank you as well... "

Rogue and Kagura walk out of the clinic together, leaving Porlyusica alone in the clinic with only sleeping injured patients. Unknown to Kagura and Rogue, there was someone that heard their conversation early.

"The next round is about to start. "

"Isn't it suppose to be starting exactly at thirty minutes ago? " Kagura question.

Rogue nodded. "It was but as I recall, Raven Tail is disqualified and got arrested. " Rogue reminded Kagura. Kagura stay in silence while sitting up on the bed. She had nothing to say and averted her eyes away from Rogue. "What happen? " Rogue ask, sensing tense in the air.

"It's nothing... " Kagura answer.

"It have to be something. "

Kagura whirl around to face Rogue and clinched her fist tightly. She open her mouth to speak but no words came out, she hesitate to speak. "Can we talk about this... Some other time, maybe later on today. Please... " Kagura face Rogue with a sad and confuse expression on her face as she pleaded for Rogue to talk about it next time. "In reality, I don't know what's happening. In fact, I never went through this at all. "

As Rogue read Kagura expression, he knew she's telling the truth. Her hazel eyes says it all. It shows how lost Kagura is about the whole situation. 'Kagura... ' Rogue thought, conceal about Kagura. "That's fine. In due time we'll figure it out together... "

End of Flashback

'What cost that women to collapse? She must be afraid to talk about it in public... No, its more like she's doesn't understand it herself. I wonder if that Mermaid Heel chick is dating that Sabertooth guy, since he was here with her. If not, then why be here?' Laxus thought staring up at the ceiling. 'Neither way, it's none of my damn business...' Laxus frown once he remember something. 'I hope Mirajane doesn't forget to come get me from this dump because last time she did. '

Kagura and Rogue stop at the hallway, Rogue returning Archenemy to Kagura. "I'll see you and... Your friend later, alright?" Kagura ask, not sure to put 'friend' as a right word to put it since Rogue doesn't consider anyone as friend or doesn't understand the meaning.

"You could say it like that... I'll meet up with you in Ryuzetsu Land then, later on. " With that said, he left Kagura just in time when Kagura teammates came.

"Hey Kagura ready to head out? " Risley ask while they both begin to walk.

Kagura nodded. "Say Kagura do you want to do something together today, nya? " Millianna ask.

"No I can't... I had already made plans. " Kagura rejected.

Arana smirk, giving Kagura a weird look. "Are you on a date with a that Sabertooth guy? " Arana question.

"Kagura have a boyfriend? " Beth whisper in disbelief.

"No-" Kagura froze as she look what's in front of her with the Rune Knights surrounding the person. In front of him stand Lahar and Mystogen who is glaring at him. Her hands clinched Archenemy tightly in pure anger and hatred. Her heart pulse seeing the blue haired man with a red tatoo across his left eye and dark brown eyes. She had a feeling he'll disguised himself as Mystogen from Fairy Tail.

You had finally found the man that killed someone that we both care about. Kill him Kagura.

Kagura couldn't take the pressure anymore, especially with that voice in her head telling her what to do, that cost her to begin to cough violently. "Kagura?! " Her teammates shouted in concern.

"Are you okay, Kagura? " Millianna ask staring down at Millianna.

Kagura nodded, standing up straight. 'I can't let Millianna know that Jellal is here. ' "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. We should go. "

Millianna blink cup of times at Kagura. "Oh okay... " Millianna look up and it was too late. She gritted her teeth in pure anger and hatred once she sees Jellal there. "T-that's Jellal... " Jellal escape though because it was hologram of himself.

Kagura put her hand on Millianna shoulder. "Let's go, its not time yet... " Millianna nodded and walk away. 'I promise I will kill you Jellal, when the time comes... But that voice again, what does it want from me?'

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