If Kennedy Lived: An Alternat...

By historynerd_

5.8K 69 5

Half a century has passed since JFK was murdered in Dallas,cut down by an Assassin's bullet.But what if every... More

11/22/1963 Ch.1
11/22/1963 Ch.2
11/22/1963 Ch.3
11/22/63 Ch.4
11/22/63 Ch.5
11/22/63 Ch.7
11/22/63 Ch.8
11/22/63 Ch.9
11/22/63 Ch.10
If Kennedy Lived: An Alternate History Extra!!!

11/22/63 Ch.6

171 4 0
By historynerd_

Day:November 26,1963

Charcther:John F. Kennedy


"Are you certain we're going the right way?"Stargazer asked,pushing yet another clump of vines out of her way.

"I only saw which way she was going when she went in here,"Striker replied."But I think we're getting close."

John,now recovered so that he could walk on his own,was silent.He was still worried about Jackie,and would be until he knew the First Lady was safe.

"I hope you're right,"the guard shot back."Because we're getting awfully deep in here,and this isn't excactly friendly territory."

Suddenly John stopped right into place.Raising his head for a moment,he took off into the trees,leaving a startled Stargazer and Striker behind."Well,"the man glanced at her."Let's go after him.It looks like he's found something."

John paused,and looked around,listening carefully.There it was!This time he defiantly heard her.Following the sound,the Presidnet stepped into a small clearing and saw Jackie.The First Lady huddled in the middle of the clearing,sobbing quietly.

"Jackie?"John walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.She flinched away."Jackie,I'm alright.Everyone's fine.I know you're scared,but please come back."

"Jack",her voice wavered as she spoke."They could have killed me back there."

"I'd never let that happen,"he replied.

"You should have let them."

"What?"the Preisdent was dumbstruck."What are you saying?"

"As long as I'm around,"Jackie choked on her words."As long as I'm around,I'll be considered a threat to the presidency."Her eyes were no longer dry.

"So you want to die."

"Of course I don't want to die.No one does.But I'm too dangerous;you saw how easily Darkness took control of me."

"Jackie,I know what you're feeling right now..."

"Do you?"Jackie's scream was strangled by her sobs."Do you really know what it's like to live in complete fear of yourself?To know that at any moment you might kill someone you love?"She looked at her hand.There was only a little bit of blood on her nail but in her eyes her entire arm was stained with crimson."Do you really know how I feel?"

"Yes,I do."John embraced Jackie,turning her around so that he could look at her straight in the face."You know about the nightmares I had on the 22?"She nodded.

"The ones of you dying?"

"Yes those ones."John shifted himself slightly."I never told anyone,not even Johnson that I would have dreams that I was shot in the chest twice and one time in the brain.I could see the blood seeping and spraying everywhere.It sprayed on the seat and your pink suit."

"Jack,"Jackie whispered.

"I love you,Jackie,and I won't let anything happen to you.No one will hurt you while I'm here.I promise that."Dark and light greenish greyish eyes met as the young couple gazed into each other's eyes.

"Jack,"Jackie leaned agiasnt him and collapsed into sobs.Her tears steamed down the coat he was wearing.John held her and tried hard to stop the own tears welling in his eyes and he held the woman he loved.

Day:November 26,1963

Charcther:John F. Kennedy

Time:7:23 pm

After a while,Jackie's exhaustion showed and she collapsed agaisnt his shoulder.She slept across his arm.He carefully settled her to the floor and turned to face Mary who was hiding in the bushes."You can out now."

Mary emerged."You knew where I was hiding?"

"I've been ambushed too many times to pay attention to my surroundings."

"Is she alright?"Mary walked over to Jackie.

"No,"John sighed."Hopefully she will be."

"You really do love her,"the attedent smiled,"don't you?"

"More than anyone my entire life.Since I laid my eyes on her actually."

"She's lucky then."

John remembered the third member of the hunting party."Where's Striker?"

"He went back to the village after we got her.I told you that he needed to get there and a healer to help out."

"Good,we probably shouldn't move till we find out if she's not hurt."

"He went to find a healer for you.Like you were dying an hour ago."

"I'm fine.Darkness healed me pretty well."The savageness in his tone showed that he felt no love for what the Dark Lord had done.

"All the more reason to check you out..."Mary glanced back at Jackie,who was still asleep on John's shoulder ."Look we can argue this all you want when you get back."She looked up,but didn't quite meet the President's eye."I'm just glad oth of you are okay.We cant afford to lose you...either of you."    

Uh,oh,John didn't know why,but he suddenly thought about something,or rather someone."Mary,"he began without thinking,then caught himself and stopped.Glancing back at Jackie,he looked back at Mary and waved her over,leading her to where he thought they would be out of earshot of the clearing where the young Firs Lady was was.

"What is it?"Mary asked puzzled.

"Mary,how well do you know  Stargazer?"

She cocked an eyebrow."Why do ask?"

"I just need to know...does she...does she have a boyfriend?"

"What?"'Shocked' would be an unstatement of Mary's expression."Didn't you just tell me how much you loved Jackie?"

"I know but ever since I saw Stargazer,I can't just stop thinking about her.I think might even be falling for her and I guess I'm kind of hoping for an excuse not to."

"She's been dating Bobby for about half a year now.As weird as it sounds,you'rein luck;she's taken."

John laughed weakly."I'm actually glad to hear that.We should get back:Striker shoould be back with that healer now."

They walked through the streets to the claering,where Striker and Stargazer were waiting.Of course,John thought,laughing soflty.

"What's sp funny?"Striker aked,noticing Mary was alo grinning.

"Nothing,"they said in unsion.

"Laugh,while you can,"Assassin watched from the bushes as Mary checked out Kennedy and Jackie,and the small group headed bak to the White House."When My Lord arrives,you will wish that Jackie had killed you herself..."Silent as a shadow,the Assassin faded into the street and made his way back to the fortress to await and report to Lady Talon's arrival.

Within in his prison in the Dark Underworld,Darkness seethed quietly.He had invented so much time into his plan;what had gone wrong?How could that sleemo have defeated Jackie?He shouldn't even been able to stand against her,let alone stop her.One thing bothered him even more than the battle between Kennedy and Dark Jackie.Somehow Kennedy was able to defeat me in a mental conflict;this should ahve never even been possible.Did I miscalculate?Were his feelings for Jackie not as strong as I thought?He had been pondering on this latest setback for the past several hours,unable to find a solution that made sense.What could have given Kennedy the strength to oppose him,the Dark Lord?After the battle,he had been at Death's door,and was distraught over Jackie...that's it!Darkness laughed quielty to himself.How foolish of me;his feelings for the girl actually harnded his reslove.I could have easily overcome Kennedy on his own,but fighting Jackie is a diffrent issue entirey.Darkness thought back to his days where he was a small child,to his frst love and how much he had been willing to sacrfice for her.You may not wish to beleive it,Kennedy,but we are indeed very much alike.

Mounted on his airplane,Talon flew through the night sky.She remembered her lord's orders clearly:she was to lead the Cubans waiting into the coastal fortress,along with the unit that was currently with her,against this 'hidden village'.Once there,she was to crush any resitance that she found,but also to take as many prisoners as possible.Talon did not plan on there being many surviors.One...two would kept alive to suffer her wrath.

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