Always Remember

By K_26ss

153K 2.7K 356

Nathan and Autumn been bestfriends for a really long time. Autumn always liked Nathan in a way that she doesn... More

Always Remember
Always Remember...2
Always Remember...3
Always Remember...4
Always Remember...5
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Always Remember...7
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Always Remember...11
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Always Remember...21

4.4K 83 9
By K_26ss

Autumn's P.O.V.

I hate contacts they annoy my eyes. I hate high heels, I always trip and fall with them. I hate wigs, they're ichy. I hate thick layer of make up, it's too much make up. I hate tight close, because they are too tight. Ok, I see you understand that I hate all this stuff, but if I hate it so much why am I standing in a diner wearing all of this?

Well, Cole thought it would've been a smart idea to lean more about Kourtney motives of marring Kendal but I don't think it's that hard to figure out. When people see Kendal they see lots of money and gold. Plus, he an attractive guy, what girl, not counting me, wouldn't jump to the opportunity to marry a young attractive millionaire? Especailly if she's a whore.

Anywho, I'm here in this five star diner dressed in a tight blur skirt and a white blouse that shows too much. My boobs are literally hanging out the top of this blouse and you could see the edge of my blue bra. The heels that I'm wearing are four inches tall with straps. My wing is thick red curly hair going down my back and I have brown contracts in. 

" Autumn are you ready?" Cole asked looking at me from up and down, I nodded. "What ever gets me out of this sluty get-up," I told him. Cole glanced outside the window before looking back at me. "Trust me five minute with her and you'll probably know he life story, now here she comes, go!" Cole said pushing me towards the door causing me to stumble a bit.

Turning around, I glared at him and he mouthed 'sorry' before pointing behind me and walking away to go sit in a booth in the back with Nathan. Nathan---God, I love him so much, but now isn't the time to gush over him. 

I walked quickly over to the door and right when she opened the door, I plasted a fake smile on my face. " Welcome to Marandas' Garden, follow me to your booth," I said pointing the direction Cole told me to bring her in. The blonde gave me a bitchy smile before flinging her hair over her shoulder and walking in the direction I told her to walk in.

You see, not even thridy seconds and she's already treating me like this. I guarantee you that if I really worked here I would get fired just because of rude people like her. Sorry but today is not my day---you yesterday.

Ever since we followed Kendal and Kourtney into the woods on their little date or sex scene, Nathan haven't kissed me ever since that day. I wouldn't even kiss me on the check. It's like he's just trying to be friends again and I don't like it at all. 

" Here is your booth," I told Kourtney pointing to the booth at was two booths away from where Nathan and Cole were pretending to be customers. "Here's a meun." I handed her the meun and fake gasped before she took it away from me. "What!" she asked looking around to see what happened.

" Your ring, it's like---the most beautifulest thing I've ever saw," I gushed in enthusiasm. Taking a seat in front of her I grabbed on her hand a starred at the big blue diamond on her finger. I'm not going to lie, that baby was huge!

" I know, isn't being angaged great," she said flipping her hair over her should again and starring down at her ring. " Engaged?" I asked. " This guy must got alot of cahs for this. All the men I've ever sleep with a loser. Can't ever take me out to McDonalds," Yup, he's rich alright---he's a prince," My mouth literally dropped. 

Ok, I knew Kendal was rich, but this is the first time I'm hearing of him as a prince. " Kendal Aaron Syprus, heir and prince to the Syprus thorn," I quickly pulled myself together. " Woah, girl you hit the Jackpot with his one. He's a keeper!" I gave her a smile before she lean in a whispered. " If you want I could hook you up, he's an only child but he has a hot young cousin that's 22 and he's to die for!"

"Really?" " Yes, I tried to get with him a couple of times but he's just a tough cookie to crack. I'm sure a girl like you could crack him," she said wiggling her eyebrow at me with a devilish smile on her face. WHORE! " Girl I need detail's, what's his name?"

" His name is Cole and he's the prince to the Leon thron," I gasped again but this time it was real. Cole's a prince and he didn't even bother to tell us. If Cole's a prince, shouldn't he be doing thing like banging any girl that he wants and buying everything money can buy. He's young, he's rich, he's royalty and he's a vampirer. So why does he act so---- normal. Anyways, when we get out of hear Cole got alot of explaining to do!

I made it seem like I was thinking for a minute before shrugging and saying. " I'll pass, so what you want from the meun," Kourtney, looked at me funny before shrugging and saying, "Oh, well your loss." Yeah, right I got someone way better, Nathan. " I want a frozen mocha, extra chocolate and caramel sauce and a cherry on top.

"Alight, I'll be right back eith your order," I said smiling at her and walking to the kitchen. On my way past Nathan and Cole's table, Cole gave me a two thumbs up but I just glarred at him. If he was hiding the fact that his family is Royalty than what else is he hiding. All of a sudden I'm not trust Cole anymore. 

It wasn't long before the guy beind the counter shouted my order . I took the tray and brought it over tio the booth Kourtney was sitting. I gave her the frozen mocha and left after taking the money from her. I went back into the kitchen and gave the manger the money before going back out and clearing table. I know I really don't work here but just until Kourtnet leaves I have to make this look realistic.

" Hey waitress!" someone called. Turning around I saw Cole waving over for me to come over to the booth. Stacking the dirty plates on top of each other, I walked over to their table and smiled. " How may I help you gentlemen this evening?" 

"Your doing a great job Autumn," he told me. "But I don't like the way these guys are looking at you," Nathan growled. Nathan's emotion are really confusing me. Cole rolled his eyes at Nathan before say, " You should probably get back to work Kourtney just left the bathroom."

I took the dirty dishes to the kitchen and gave it to the guys that are washing them. Leaving the kitchen I walked back out. " Hey, Beth," someone called, I walked over to another table and start clearing it. Someone tapped me on the should and I turned around and it was Kourtney. " Beth, right?" she asked looking down at my name tag, I looked down and to my suprise the name tag said 'BETH'.

" Yes?" I asked her. " If, you ever change your mind---" she handed me a piece of paper and it took it from her. "--call m, my name is Kourtney." she said before giving me a devilish smile and then turn around and walking out of the diner. 

As soon as I reached the bathroom, I threw the piece of paper in the garbage and went into a stall and changed. I shoved all everything in the bag and walkled out the bathroom. I didn't even stop to wait for the guys, I just shoved the bag in Cole's hands and walked out of the diner. 

It wasn't long before Nathan and Cole, meet me outside and we all got into the car. No one said anything but I couldn't help but to keep this to myself anymore. " So it's prince Cole Jacob Leon isn't. Heir to the Leon thron?" Cole looked shocked before looking away from me and clenching the steering wheel. Nathan looked at Cole confused before looking back at me, " What are you talking about?" 

" I'm talking about how Kendal's entirer family is royalty, including Cole. Both of them are princes and heir to throns. Apparently Cole forget to mention that little detail to us," I said crossing my arms over my chest. Boy, do this guy have alot to explain.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment, vote & fan!!!!

Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!!!


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