Warrior || Jasper Hale {1}

By CreativeDreamerL

620K 16.4K 2.1K

Ellie DuPree has been through more than she'd like to admit. From werewolves to vampires to creepy guys who j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Battle Wounds

Chapter 4

27.4K 681 108
By CreativeDreamerL

Ellie paced around her room debating on whether calling Mike was a good idea or not. If she called, she could ensure he would at least be capable of running if her past caught up to her again. If she didn't call, she could potentially keep him out of her monstrous life. However, knowing that she couldn't keep him completely out of her life because for some reason he had decided she was his best friend, she picked up her phone and dialed his number. It was better for him to be prepared if something went wrong than for him to be vamp bait.

The dial tone rang for a couple of seconds before he answered, his tone excited, "Ellie DuPree, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I can't call you without a motive?" she questioned, knowing he had caught her.

"Well, you can," he started, sensing the blonde had other thoughts on her mind besides conversing.  "Unfortunately, I have this feeling that you didn't call just to talk though. So, what is it?"

"Alright, you caught me. So, I was wondering if you were doing anything, say around, five tomorrow morning?" Ellie questioned into the phone receiver, not bothering to hide her motives any longer.

"Five? Tomorrow morning?" Mike replied, wondering what exactly in the world the strange blonde could possibly want from him at five in the morning. "I'm generally sleeping at that time."

"Do you want to do something besides sleep at that time?" she tried to coax him.

"Like prank Tyler something or what?" he suggested. "Because I haven't heard a good enough reason to get out of my bed at that time since, I don't know, ever?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of joining me for a nice jog," she explained, getting to the point. "I don't really want to go jogging alone because of all of the killings I've read about in the papers recently."

"You want me to get out of my bed... and go jogging... at five in the morning? Five A.M.? Is that what I'm hearing?" he frowned. This call was not sounding like a good time.

"Wow. Your hearing is impeccable. You deserve a reward," she deadpanned. Looks like she might be going for that jog by herself.

"Oh, ha. Ha. Very funny, Els," he said, rolling his eyes before acquiescing.  "Why not? But you will definitely owe me."

Ellie cheered in triumph,"Breakfast afterwards? My treat?"

"That'll do. My choice though!" he accepted.

"Perfect! I'll see you then," she exclaimed hanging up the phone.

Mike flopped back onto his bed sighing heavily. This girl was going to be the end of him.

Ellie's breaths were steady in the cold air as she pumped her legs forward. She heard Mike huffing behind her as he tried to keep up. The duo was currently on their third mile, and Ellie knew it was going to be best to stop soon or the blond behind her wouldn't make it through the rest of the day.

Turning to the boy behind her, she said, "We should probably head back. You know, to get cleaned up and buy you some breakfast."

The boy stopped in his tracks, hands on his knees attempting to take air into his lungs. He threw a thumbs up in sign that he was good with that plan before Ellie giggled and gave him some advice,"You'll get more air in if you lean back."

He took her advice, sighing in relief when the burning in his lungs subsided, "Do you do this a lot?"

"It helps me keep my mind clear. Plus, I've got to stay in shape somehow. You're not going to get me to exercise many other ways," she grinned at the exhausted boy. "Think you can make it back?"

He grimaced before nodding, and the two turned around and began jogging back towards their cars.

After they had finally made it back to their cars, cleaned up, and had a hearty breakfast at Mike's favorite diner, it was time for school to start.

Ellie frowned when she noticed Bella was still watching for the Cullens. They were apparently all the girl could think about. She didn't bother trying to dissuade her from her thoughts though. The brunette was going to pine for the bronze haired vampire no matter what she did. Rolling her eyes, she dragged Bella to class before she missed the bell.

The day seemed to drag by for Ellie. At this rate, she believed she could teach the classes herself. Mike was exhausted when she saw him in second period, and Bella was so consumed by her thoughts of Edward, that they were absolutely no help for Ellie's overactive mind. So when she saw Alice in the gymnasium, she was overly thrilled.

"Thank goodness you're here!" she trilled excitedly, not caring at the moment that she was a vampire.

Alice grinned at the girl, "I told you we'd be great friends. What's made you so excited?"

"You can actually hold an actual conversation. Those prudes I call best friends are out of it today," she explained to the dark haired vampire. "All Bella can think about is Edward, and I pretty much killed Mike this morning so he's useless..."

Alice giggled regardless of the blonde's reasons, "At least you're talking to me of your own free will. Now if we can just get you to talk to Jasper freely."

"Jasper and I are, hopefully, at an understanding," Ellie stated, receiving a look from Alice to which Ellie rolled her eyes. "We're going to be friends for now."

Alice huffed in annoyance, "So should we be expecting you at lunch?"

"Not today. I'll probably end up having to feed Mike... Or keep him from suffocating in his food. I'd rather do the second," she said, a thought coming to her mind. "I'll sit with you —"

"When Edward gets back," Alice finished.

"Yes," Ellie nodded, hearing vague instructions about the sport they were playing spewing from Coach Clapp's mouth. "When Edward gets back, but do tell Jasper hello for me."

A wide smile grew on Alice's face at the mention of Jasper. She must really have high hopes for them.

Lunch was spent exactly how Ellie had expected it. The blue eyed boy beside of her was nearly sleeping in his lunch while Ellie held his head up in her hand.

"Did you not sleep at all last night, Mike?" Jessica Stanley, a brunette girl, asked the blonde boy who lazily looked at her.

"Ellie's a monster," he replied, letting his head find Ellie's shoulder and causing the slightest of frowns to appear on Ellie's lips.

Jessica looked at her like she was the worst creature in the world, "Ellie? What?"

Ellie rolled her eyes, "Oh, quit looking at me like I just ran over your favorite puppy."

"Five A.M. Running. Six miles," Mike muttered, cozying into her side. "Killer."

Everyone at the table looked at her with different expressions.

"Six miles?" Eric Yorkie, a dark haired, spunky boy, asked. "Are you Superman?"

Ellie laughed loudly, "Of course not. I'm obviously female."

A laugh was shared around the table.

"So how are you not as exhausted as Mike?" Angela Weber, a shy girl with a camera around her neck, asked.

"I used to do track at my old school. I definitely didn't have that kind of stamina to begin with," she answered, thinking to the time David, her sister's old boyfriend, signed her up for the track team.

"Where did you move here from anyway?" Jessica asked, curiosity filling her features.

"Well, my most recent move was from California, but before that Canada," she answered.

"Ooh like LA?" Jessica questioned, excitement clear in her eyes.

Ellie smiled at the girl, "About two hours south of Los Angeles, but I definitely visited."

Soft snores interrupted the discussion, causing everyone to look at the boy they were coming from.

"I'm going to guess trying for seven next time isn't a good idea," Ellie giggled, but continued to allow Mike to nap on her shoulder.

Ellie walked into biology and plopped her book onto her desk, wondering how Mike was going to handle gym this period. She felt kind of bad for torturing the poor guy, but she did need a running buddy. It probably wouldn't hurt for him to build his stamina though. Especially if he was going to be friends with her. Speaking of which, she should probably get Bella to start running with them.

"Hello, Ellie, what's got your mind in a knot?" a bell like voice chimed.

"Hello, Alice," she smiled kindly at the vampire. "Just debating on whether or not I should get Bella to start running with me."

She looked up at the blond vampire beside of Alice and offered him a smile, "Hello, Jasper. How are you today?"

The corners of his lips tugged upwards, "I'm well. Thank you for asking. How are you today?"

"I'm well, thanks," she replied, watching him closely. He was truly a beautiful man, tall and well built. He seemed quite reserved for the most part. She'd never really given him much thought. She knew her two vampire friends wanted to change that, however. She should at least get to know him to be fair to the poor guy.

Alice grinned at the small interaction between the two. It wasn't much, but it was more than it had been. She just couldn't wait until Ellie actually decided to let him in.

"I don't think it would be a bad idea to get her to run with you," Alice chirped.

"That's what I was thinking. I'd rather her be exhausted a few times a week and prepared than for her to be helpless in a situation. Especially if she's friends with me. I'm a walking magnet for trouble, and if her infatuation with Edward is any indication, I'd be willing to bet she is, too," Ellie explained to the duo.

"I think it's smart to work with her," Jasper stated, taking his seat.

"I've always insisted upon having a battle plan. You never know when you'll need it. So preparation is key," she grinned, feeling a small blush creep up her neck at his compliment.

"I agree. I don't think I'd start her on six miles though," he chuckled. He liked knowing that he was the cause of the flush on her cheeks, and her smile, he definitely liked her smile.

"She'd never make it. I've seen that girl trip over thin air. Running six miles through the forest would be like murder," Ellie commented, the possibilities coming to mind. "I'd better start her on something easy."

"It might be for the best," said Jasper, his golden eyes finding her green.

She didn't shy away from his eye contact, finding herself awestruck by the way the different hues of gold mixed perfectly. It was breathtaking. She wondered how exactly his eyes came to be gold, actually how all of their eyes were gold. The only other vampires she had ever met had red eyes. She supposed it would just have to remain a mystery for another day.

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