Behind Blue Eyes (Charles Xa...

By HollieXavierSykesWay

44K 1.3K 470

Charles Xavier and his new friend Erik Lehnsherr were looking for special people, with gifts much like them... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

4K 112 37
By HollieXavierSykesWay

You all waited by the assigned jet together, you were in-between Charles and Alex. Raven was in her natural beautiful blue form and everyone was silent. "Wheres Hank?" Raven broke the silence and then you heard Hank as he walked into the carrier, "I'm here." Everyone was confused, Hank was blue and furry. Like a beast. "The serum didn't attack the cells, It enhanced them." You knew that Hank didn't like his appearance but you never knew that he would actually take the serum, Charles held your hand as he knew what you were thinking. You thought that it was your fault but obviously Charles was going to convince you otherwise. Hank had gotten angry with Erik and picked him up by the throat, "Hank, Hank put Erik down please." Charles' way was not working, so you walked up to Hank and slapped him. Just a slap. Hank growled at you a little bit but in reply to that you said "Hank pull yourself together, you're a scientist not a high school girl so stop being one!" 

Everyone was starstruck by your sudden outburst but they couldn't help but agree with you, "I think I've got a new name for you Hank, Beast." You thought it was actually really badass, "So you can fly this thing?" You said, Hank replied "Of course I can, I designed it." 

After that you were all strapping yourselves into the seats, you sat down in between Alex and Erik. "You nervous?" Alex said, "Yeah, a bit." He patted your shoulder and replied "Don't worry, we will all survive this." "That's not what Im worried about." You were opposite Charles, he put his fingers on the side of his head and in your head you heard his soothing voice. 'Remember don't leave my side today, I love you.' You thought of your reply in an instance 'I love you too Charles and I won't even think about leaving you no goodbyes for anyone.' He sent you a comforting smile as the plane was starting to move, you weren't good on planes. There was just something about being in a metal container thousands of ft in the sky that put you off of it. 

'Calm your mind (Y/N), planes are not all that bad. We had our first proper conversation on one remember?' 'I know except we were not heading for a war, we were heading to West-chester.'  Everyone was very tense, everyone in that plane were scared that they were going to die. But you were planning to keep your promise, no one on your watch is going to die today no matter what.  After what seemed like forever, you finally saw the two teams made up of vessels. The USA and the USSR. 

A Russian cargo ship was headed for the line, the same lane that if any boat crossed then a nuclear war would began and so would they end of life as you knew it. Before you knew it a missile was headed right towards the jet, Beast managed to swerve it but he had to turn the jet upside down which made you feel a little queasy. The missile swerved and landed onto the cargo ship, blowing it up into a million pieces. "A little warning professor." Hank shouted from the cockpit, Charles replied with a subtle apology. 

Charles couldn't locate Shaw, no one could. Anything unusual wasn't showing up on the radars or anything, so Hank concluded that he must be underwater. "Obviously we don;t have sonar." He said, Banshee spoke up and went to take off his belt, "Yes we do." Charles and Erik done the same, they walked up to the floor doors and the plane was tilted "Hank level the bloody plane!" He did so. Charles was next to Banshee with Erik opposite, "You back right off." Banshee said pointing to Erik. "Beast open the bomb-bay doors!!" The doors opened and wind came rushing through, "Remember this is a muscle! You control it, you will be in here the entire time. Good luck." You were nervous, but no more nervous than what Banshee probably was. Jumping out of a moving jet and flying by screaming was some pretty intense stuff. Banshee jumped out of the plane feet first and started screaming before diving into the sea. 

"Banshee has a location on Shaw." Charles stated, the planes wheels were out and Erik climbed onto one with Charles watching. You watched carefully as Erik was rising Shaw's sub, but out from the top came a man with long black hair with tornadoes swirling from his hands. "ERIK TAKE MY HAND!" The tornadoes were twirling towards the jet and Erik was more vulnerable, Charles held out his hand but Erik held onto the leg of the jet. "Charles!" You shouted but he couldn't hear you, Hank shouted out to you all "Hold on tight, It's gonna be bumpy!" Of course he was right. The jet started to spin and tumble towards the ground, everyone was screaming and you were too.

Everything went black.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up love!" You woke up and saw Charles in front of you with blood dripping down the side of his head, "C-Charles you're hurt!" He reached for your belt as you were upside down, "That doesn't matter at the moment love, be careful." He unbuckled your belt and you pushed yourself onto your feet, "Wheres Shaw?" He shook his head, "I don't know but we will find him I promise, he is somewhere in the sub, somewhere I can't reach." "I can get to him." Charles immediately shook his head and replied "No Shaw is dangerous, he could kill you. Erik is going to do it. He needs peace." "I'm just as dangerous as Shaw, no one wants to get on my bad side Charles." He chuckled and responded, "I won't let you go (Y/N), you and Raven will stay inside the plane where it's safe." Charles knew you were stubborn but you had a plan, before Charles could start talking again you quickly kissed him with such passion and love, he kissed back with just as much love but dominance. You whispered "Sorry." to him before holding your breath, resulting in you disappearing. 

Whilst holding your breath you ran towards the sub with Charles in your head saying "(Y/N) come back! You don't know what you're doing, Shaw is a dangerous man and will kill you as soon as he sees you let Erik do this!" You ignored him and carried on running towards the submarine, but you had to breath eventually. As soon as you breathed out and reappeared, you were tackled to the floor by Hank, "Hank get off of me! I won't let anyone die today." You screamed, "No let Erik do this." You gave in and pushed Hank off of you and stood up, "Get back into the jet now (Y/N)!" Charles shouted, "I'm perfectly capable of handling Shaw!" "I never said that you weren't!" You stood with Raven as Shaw's little mutant army came into view, you looked over to Charles and quietened your voice. "Do what you need to do Charles, but I will be fighting. No need to worry about me." 

Erik ran into the sub with Charles guiding him and you walking towards the tornado swirling mutant, he ran towards you too. He flicked you out of the way with a little tornado but you got up off of the sand and kicked him in the face, "Thanks to you I no longer like flying you dickhead!" He smirked and punched you in the nose causing it to bleed, in return you punched him in the groin making him bend over a little. Somehow your knee found its way to his face as it flew him backwards. You held your breath suddenly and saw that he couldn't see you when he stood up, "Where did you go you little bitch?" You walked behind him then reappeared before kicking him in the back making him collapse, "Can a little bitch do that?" You ran towards the sub following Erik.

The sub had to have been expensive, there was a tv, a bar full of liquor and according to Charles a secret room. "He's not here Charles!" Erik shouted in the air, him and Charles were probably communicating by mind. "I'm telling you Charles, Shaw is not here." Erik saw a small button in a box and pressed it, revealing Sebastian Shaw in a metal helmet in a blue room. Erik joined Shaw in the small room with the door shutting behind him, "No!" You shouted. Charles' voice echoed in your head "(Y/N) this is Erik's fight, not yours. Come back outside my dear." You replied "Charles I made a promise that no one will die today, no matter what. Erik going in there will be sure to end in death." "Death for Shaw, yes. But (Y/N) you made a promise to me first, that you won't leave my side today." You sat on the white couch and continued to talk to Charles "I love you Charles, but Erik is going to need some help in there. I will come back." You stood up and walked towards the button and gently pressed it, the door opened and revealed Erik fighting with Sebastian Shaw. They stopped and stared at you, "Excuse me doll but you have the wrong sub." Shaw said, "Oh believe me I have the right one." You walked in with Charles in our head shouting 'no!' until the room blocked him out, "2v1? This hardly seems fair especially since I'm more powerful." Shaw stated, you and Erik looked at each other then at Shaw. You punched Shaw then kicked him in the stomach, Erik sent him flying into the wall smashing the glass. Shaw punched you and tripped you up, him and Erik were throwing punches before he threw Erik into the wall again. Erik used his mutation to take Shaw's helmet off his head and just as he went to grab it, he froze. Charles had gotten in. You watched as Erik counted to three before slowly moving a coin through Shaw's forehead and fall through the other side, Erik held out his hand for you but you were unsure to grab it or not. So you got up yourself. 

Erik had made Shaw's dead body float and drop outside of the sub onto the beach, with his followers watching. You saw Charles and ran towards him, he engulfed you in a hug and kissed your forehead, "Are you alright?" He said, "Y-yes I'm fine, I'm okay. What about you?" Charles smiled and replied "I am now." Charles held you close as Erik started to speak.

"Today our fighting stops. Take off your blinders brothers and sisters, the real enemy is out there." Erik pointed towards the nuclear filled navy ships then continued, "I feel there guns moving in the water, there metal targeting us." He walked towards everyone as you and Charles got closer to him, Charles was in front of you. "Americans, Soviets. Humans. United in there fear of the unknown, we will have them running scared my fellow mutants." Erik turned to Charles as they moved closer to the water, "See if I'm wrong Charles." Charles' grip on your hand become tighter as his other hand made its way to the side of his head, he turned to you and nodded slightly. 

The guns and missiles were fired and heading straight towards you all. You closed your eyes bracing for impact and immediate death, but there was none. Erik had halted them but had a darker plan. He twisted them around so they were facing the fleets that had fired them in the first place, you whispered to Charles "We have to stop him." "I know love, I won't let him hurt anyone." Charles broke the intense silence and said "Erik you said it yourself, we are the better men. This is the time to prove it." Charles raised his voice and grew angry, "There are thousands of men on those ships, good, honest, innocent men. They're just following orders." Erik glimpsed at Charles and you with an evil glint in his eyes, "I've been at the mercy of men following orders, never again." The missiles were now flying straight for the fleets quickly, "Erik release them!" Charles shouted but Erik ignored.

Charles let go of your hand and shouted "NO!" before tackling Erik to the ground, the missiles began to fall into the sea. "I don't want to hurt you." Erik exclaimed before elbowing Charles in the face. You, Raven, Banshee, Alex and Beast were walking towards the fight to intervene but Erik pushed you back. "Stand back!" He shouted. Charles was trying to get the helmet from Erik's head but was failing as he carried on with his plan to implode the fleets, "Erik stop!" Charles screamed, Erik then punched Charles in the face causing you to intervene. You held your breath and ran towards the fight, pushing Erik off of Charles and kicking him. You reappeared and Erik tripped you then standing up to force the missiles, Moira Mctaggert appeared from the jet with a gun and started to shoot Erik's helmet. Erik was moving every bullet away from him and you saw Charles getting up  but soon seeing a bullet fire into his back.

His screams were loud and painful that is what like you couldn't hear him, Charles fell back onto the sand with a thud and you crawling over to him "Charles! Charles!" You cried. Once you reached him, you put his head on your lap and said "It's going to be okay Charles, I promise." Erik came rushing over and cradled Charles from you, you let him seeing as you saw the friendship between them. Erik took the bullet out whilst you were slightly crying, Erik looked at Moira and gave her a death glare then shouted "You! You did this!!" He started to strangle her with something from her outfit until Charles spoke up, "Please! She didn't do this, Erik. You did."

You were still next to them, not leaving Charles' side. Not after everything that just happened. As Charles lay in Erik's arm and you crying Erik said "Us turning on each other. it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us together. Protecting each other. We want the same thing." Charles shook his head and replied with a tear falling, "My friend, I am sorry. But we do not." Erik stood up and you took his place in holding Charles, you whispered to Charles "Don't worry Charles, I know that face and I'm not leaving." He smiled softly and was about to reply until Erik made yet another announcement. 

"The society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me?" Erik held out his hand and waited for people to join him,  "No more hiding." Raven walked over to Charles in to which he said "You... You should go with him. It's what you want." "You promised me you would never read my mind." She replied, "I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry." Raven looked at you and said "Take care of him." Before walking away and joining Erik and his new team of mutants, Raven shouted to beast before they left, she said "And Beast? Never forget, Mutant and Proud!" They all teleported away from the disastrous Cuba. 

Everyone who was left walked over to check on Charles, Hank said "Charles, don't move okay?" "I won't. Actually, I can...I...I can't feel my legs!" You were shocked, to the point of near tears. Moira had the guts to speak up and say "What?" Charles replied, "I can't feel my legs, I can't feel my legs!" 


You were pushing Charles outside the house in his new wheelchair with Moira by your sides, "So, how many students do you think you'll have here, once you get the academy up and running?" Charles smiled and said "As many as we can manage. Possibly more." You were beaming a smile, even though Charles may be paralysed from the waist down you still loved him and you were going to carry on by his side, no matter what. You loved him and he loved you. He held your hand as all three of you stopped, "We're still on the governments side, Moira. We're still G-men, just without the G." You nodded in agreement, "No. You're your own team, now. It's better. You're... X-men." All three of you laughed and you smiled then responded, "I like that." 

You decided to say one thing before Charles did his thing, "Moira, for us anonymity will be the first line of defence." Moira replied clearly looking offended by your comment, "I know. They can threaten me all they want, Charles and (Y/N). I'll never tell them where you are. Ever!" You looked away knowing what Charles was going to do and knowing it was only to take her memory of them away. "I know you won't, I know." They kissed and Charles removed her memory of Cuba, of the team, of the manor. Everything involving them and you.

"You know Charles, I have a feeling that this school will do great things for a long time and do amazing things for mutants generations to come." He smiled and nodded, "I know my dear, that is my intention. Now Hank would like to see us." He pointed to the distance and shouted "Onwards!" Causing both of you to burst into laughter, you ran with the wheelchair into the manor and into Hank's lab...

-The end-

Authors note:

If people enjoy this then I may write a continuation of this, taking place in X-men Days Of Future Past. But only if people want it. 

Please comment if you enjoyed or what I could improve or what your favourite moment was, vote if you like it and maybe recommend to someone

Have fun and enjoy!

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