A Different Destiny

By LoveBelikov

5.1K 196 57

What happens when Lily goes to visit her old friend Severus when she has an issue? What happens when she gets... More

Chapter One - Accidental Perfection
Chapter 2 - The Journey Begins
Chapter Three - The Mysterious Professor
Chapter 4 - Meeting Malfoy
Chapter 5- The Boy who lived
Ch. 7 Dumbledore's Deception
Ch.8 - The Silent Journey
Chapter 9 - Hogwarts
Ch.10- Peculiar Circumstances
Ch. 11 - The Truth Unraveled
Ch.12 - Matters of the heart
Ch 13- Detention
Ch. 14 - Unexpected Discoveries

Chapter 6 -Lily Evans

333 12 3
By LoveBelikov

Lily Evans

Lily sat on the windowsill in her room looking out at the glistening lake birds flew in a flock above and the squid frolicked in the water. Lily wondered why no one was enjoying this fantastic day, not one single soul was outside. Hmm where was everyone? She got up and wandered around the room looking up at the bookshelf for something to read. Madame Pomfrey made her promise to not to leave the room and she had been waiting for her to come ever since. She sighed and pick up a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice she went back to her spot near the window sill she read the novel intrigued lost in the intricate words written by Jane Austen. She was so into the book she almost didn't notice the young red hair girl who had just gotten comfortable under the same tree she used to read with Severus under. She smiled softly as she noticed the young girl read just like Severus did. Her nose was buried in the book she was hunched over reading intensely lily chuckled wondering what Severus was up too and if he knew she was in the hospital wing. Lily got up looking once more to the odd girl and then she headed to the bathroom and as she was washing her hands she looked up at the mirror. Her eyes widened and she let out a loud scream startled at her own face in the mirror she looked old, the last time she looked at herself in the mirror she was fifteen now she looked like she was in her thirties no bloody way! She was staring at herself in the mirror when she heard a familiar voice "Poppy are you alright." Lily froze

Severus Snape

Severus had been waiting in the hospital wing for thirty minutes he wasn't a patient man and Poppy knew it so why was it that she was thirty minutes late for collecting the potions she asked of him before the students were to arrive. He started to contemplate leaving deciding to put the potions away as he finished putting them away he heard a loud scream Severus followed the noise and stopped as it led him to a wall with no doors he examined the wall trying to find a way inside and he did a few spells before it popped open. He came in curious as to why the room was hidden "Poppy are you alright" there was no response. He moved further into the room and swirled around when a noise came from the bathroom he made his way over to the noise and came face to face with the love of his life and he froze.

Lily was surprised and looked him up and down "Severus?" her voice sounded exactly the same she just looked the age she would have been but it isn't possible. He slowly raised his wand "who are you?"

Lily looked at him appalled "Severus Snape put down your wand I'm your best friend! I have no idea how we got older in a night but but I'm still your best friend and don't appreciate you pointing a wand at me!" she huffed annoyed a small pout on her lips and her hands on her hips Severus was taken aback she really seemed like his Lily... he shook his head thinking she was never his. He snapped back to reality and noticed Lily did not look amused and he lowered his wand still holding it tightly. "Lily" her name rolled off his tongue like if she had never died. Lily smiled at him and hugged him tightly "It's good to know that at least you are here Madame Pomfrey never told me anything about what was going on but I looked in the mirror and and I look I look so old and then you came in and you look old to so so at least that means I didn't mess up a potion or something." Severus just stared at her shocked not really sure what to do with his arms she hugged him, it had been a long time since he had been hugged. The last time he was hugged was by someone was at a faculty party were a drunk Burbage threw herself around him he would have hexed her had she been in her right mind he just manage to shrug her off before she tried anything else. But this hug with Lily felt warm and made him feel whole again. Just as he was about to hug her back she pulled back. "Sorry I know how you feel about hugs" he looked away collecting himself if only she did know how he felt... he watched her still thinking he had probably died and gone to heaven that's the only possible way she could be here in front of him. She snapped him out of his trance when she said " Sev are you ok?" he met her eyes her beautiful emerald eyes before saying "I I'm fine Lily just a bit out of sorts with seeing you again" he wanted to tell her everything he yearned for her forgiveness he longed to tell her all his mistakes... joining you know who..... how would she take it if he told her that? Lily observed him curiously then said "Sev...what do you mean by seeing me again? aren't we friends? We should see each other all the time....right?" Severus looked down at his feet Shit what do I say do I tell the truth and watch her leave again? or do I lie? Severus Snape was a man who could control his emotions and he knew how to respond to everything almost instantly but Lily always managed to stump him. She waited patiently for an answer she wasn't going to forget this. His answer was crucial. He opened his mouth to answer her but was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Severus.... Good now I won't have to explain this twice..."


Sorry about the late update I go to college so I have been writing when I could but most of the writing is assignments and I know how short it is but I will not give up on this fanfic I love you guys and hopefully you enjoy this update 

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