Thicker Than Blood

بواسطة living2write

529 25 0

Three siblings Damon, Derek, and Daphnia struggle through life together, out cast by their own pack and revok... المزيد

Thicker Than Blood
TTB Two - Lost & Alone
TTB Three - Own Territory
TTB Four - Changes
TTB Five - Meeting Him
To those who are reading

TTB One - Family

68 5 0
بواسطة living2write

"Daddy Derek threw mud on my new dress!" I yelled as I ran from older brother, I don't know why but he sure does seem to enjoy torturing me every time he gets a chance. I heard him closing in on me as my eyes darted frantically around the clearing for safety, mom, dad, even Damon my oldest brother would save me. Though he picks on me a lot to he beats Derek up when he's to mean to me. "You little rat get back here, don't run off to mom and dad sissy!" Yep he's mad and only gettin closer! "Derek!" A deep voice comes from behind us, thank god safety! I threw a glance over my shoulder to make sure Derek wasn't still hot on my heels. Once I was sure I was safe I stopped and watched with glee as Damon slapped Derek upside the head and began to holler at him. "Why do you always pick on her, and today of all days, it's her birthday you moron your lucky I heard her screeching instead of dad or he would wear your ass out!" I giggled at Damon for saying an ugly word. "Daddy would wear your rear out to if he heard you saying that." Damon shot me a playful glare before sending Derek off and coming up to me.

He squatted infront of me and wiped the mud off my dress and chin, "you stop teasing him and he will leave you alone." My mouth dropped open, "but Damon I didn't.. He.." Damon's finger pushed down on my lips, "I don't want to hear it, let's go get your cleaned up before your party." He stood and took my hand grinning down at me. I felt safe with Damon, though he still teased me he hasn't as much since he turned 16 last month. Mom says it's the alpha wolf that joined him, he sees me as someone to protect like daddy's wolf and her wolf. I don't care what it is, I'm just glad I only have one brother that makes my life crap instead of too. I can't wait till next year when Derek's alpha wolf joins him, maybe he will stop being such a jerk face then too.

"Daphnia are you listening to me?" I glanced up at my brother, "oh sorry no, what?" He grinned and ran his knuckles over my hair making me scream, "your messing up my hair!" He laughed, he sounds a lot like daddy when he laughs. "I said have you seen mom and dad around today?" Hmmm now that I think about it, "no not since this morning, they were getting my party ready and daddy had a meeting with Mr. Grumpy pants." Damon chuckled beside me, "how many times do you have to be told not to call him that, he's dad's beta you need to show him respect." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I don't care if he's the king of wolves he's still a jerk! But I nod and say nothing knowing I wouldn't win with Damon.

Finally cleaned up and clean clothes on I run outside to meet everyone who is gathering for my fourteenth birthday. The smile on my lips couldn't get any bigger, only two years left and I will shift into my wolf, that's what I can't wait for. Damon already shifted, Derek shifts next year. Yes as you have guessed I am the youngest out of three and the only girl. "Daph come here before you g dirty, yes young lady Damon told me all about your little adventure." My smile shrunk into an innocent grin, "but momma, Derek started it, I don't know why, I didn't do nothing I swear he hates me." My mom wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head, "no he don't, it's normal for brothers to pick on their sister." I just grunted, again no point in arguing, I never win!

What felt like an eternity later but was probably an hour my dad finally got done with 'work' and we could finally get my birthday started. Don't get me wrong I love dad being alpha I get all kind of advantages but sometimes, I wish he didn't have so much crap to do! "Daphnia come here." Yep defiantly an alpha, the crowd is loud and noisy but his voice cuts through all of it including my bones. "Coming." I squeeze through trying to make my way to the end of the table where my parents and brothers are waiting for our traditional picture and signing for the cake. A rough elbow catches me in the side causing pain to rip through my side and my body to land hard on he the ground. Jerking my headed up I immediately landed on the reason for my pain, "you!"

I gritted my teeth and tried to keep from growling at the stupid boy who pushed me down. My second most hated person in the pack after grumpy pants and that was grumpy pants Jr. none other then his son. He hates me, not like Derek but truly hates me, he makes my life at school a living hellfire. He's not as bad around the pack because my dad and brothers would whoop him but he takes cheap shots when he gets a chance, like now. A evil grin spreads across his too cute of a face making me want to mess his pretty face up for him. "Happy birthday loser." He said as he pushed me down again completely undoing my attempt of getting up in this stupid crowd.

A tan hand lands on his shoulder. "Lucas what do you think your doing to my little sister?" My eyes follow the arm up and land on Derek's face, his eyes are dark and he's staring down my attacker. Before I could grin and cheer another hand wraps around me and pulls me to my feet, I glance up and see Damon standing beside me holding my shoulders close to his body. "Go on punk before I stomp you for touching my little sister," Damon sends him a warning growl that makes my hair stand up so I know Lucas is scared. He turned to leave but Derek stopped him, "don't let me catch you messing with Daph again or I will personally make you regret it."

See both my brothers love me, even if they don't always act like it. Once Lucas is gone and Damon has gave me a once over to check for scrapes I turned to both of them, "thank you Damon and you to Derek." Damon squeezes my shoulders but Derek rolled his eyes, "don't mention it, and I mean really don't, ever, I don't want my friends thinking I'm going soft for taken up for you." Though his voice was rough I seen the grin on his lips before he turned and walked away from us. "Come on squirt time to do the picture and cake and if your really good presents."

I had an awesome birthday party, everyone got me tons of stuff but it ended short because of "pack buisness." Oh well I am exhausted anyways. My mom and dad kissed me goodnight and bye about an hour ago but I still can't sleep. I don't know why, I am truly wore out. I peeked out my window to the darkness that now covers our pack lands. I hate the dark, yes I know I am not a baby but hey I know grown men scared of clowns at least I have a reason, stuff hides in trh dark whats what's a clown got? Thank you point proven. Slowly I ease out of my bed and across my room. Looking both ways down the hall I move like a ninja to the last door on the hall. 'Tap tap tap.'

Come on, open the door! I listen and wait for footsteps that I know are going to come, they always do. Sure enough thumping of feet come from the other side of the door until it cracks open revealing a scowling brother. "Daphnia what are you doing?" I rolled my eyes and pushed my way into his room, "come on, you know I can't sleep in my room when mom and dad are gone." Damon shook his head but crawled over me and laid down. "You know I won't let nothing happen to you, regardless if your in YOUR room or mine." I smiled into the dark, "I know it just makes me feel better." I feel him laugh behind me as he throws a blanket over me, "go to sleep."

Sure enough I feel my eye lids get heavy almost instantly as my exhaustion catches up to me. "Damon," I mumble only getting a grunt in reply. "Thank you." I said closing my eyes. I felt him move and kiss the top of my head before laying back down, "that's what family's for, now go to sleep squirt."

MEET DAMON && DEREK! :) >>>>>>>

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