TTB Four - Changes

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"I try to hold this, under control

They can't help me, 'cause no one knows

Now I'm going through changes, changes

God I feel so frustrated lately

When I get suffocated save me

Now I'm going through changes, changes

I'm feelin' weak and weary walkin' through this world alone

Everything I say, every word of it, cuts me to the bone

I've got something to say but now I've got nowhere to turn

It feels like Ive been buried underneath all the weight of the world

I try to hold this, under control

They can't help me, 'cause no knows!"

Yes I am totally rocking out to 3doors down. Hey it seems appropriate seeing as how today is not only the two year anniversary that my family was murdered or the anniversary that me and my brothers were exiled by the ones we considered family and pack. But today is my birthday, my 16th birthday. I am suppose to shift for the first time and let's just say my nerves are in a complete wreck, and that's putting it lightly.

'Knock knock' I turned to watch the twins walk in my bed room, so much has changed in two years but the best part was getting these two in our pack. "Happy birthday Daph!" They sang in union as they pounced on me, tickling and squealing. Yes that's right the three trespassers are now part of our pack and I have loved every minute of it. The twins Brandon and Dalton are my best friends. Trenton is still hot as ever but he is more like my brother Damon then anything, I guess that's why he became beta once they joined. Looking back now so much has changed in the past two years some I wish I could go back and change but others, I wouldn't change for the world.

"Come on! It's your big day! Get up get up, your not the runt of the pack no more your going to be officially one of us!" I laughed as Brandon rattled on with his excitement. He truly did keep everyone on their toes, never knew what was going to happen with him around. Dalton sat beside me on my bed and gave me a 'hurry-up-or-he-will-never-shut-up' look. I grinned at him and shooed both boys out of my room. Yes that to has changed in the past two two years, no more sleeping on ground or cave floors. Once Trenton, dalton and Brandon joined our pack, we worked really hard and built us a pack house on our territory that we still claimed. Nothing big or fancy just a two story wood house with 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. More than enough room for us and some extra space in case we took in more wolves.

"Daphnia, hunny you up?" I smiled widely as I opened the door. The one thing that hasn't changed in two years is my bond with my brothers, Damon and I have always been close but not like we are now. Even Derek who still picks at me some is closer than ever, but we know that we are all we have left. "Are you kidding me with those two crazy twins running through here who wouldn't be up?" Damon laughed as he made his way into my room. He sunk down on the corner of my bed and motioned for me to sit with him. "Are you nervous?" I knew what he was talking about, my first shift, hell yes I was nervous. But I couldn't let him know just how scared I was, "nah I mean a little but hey if Derek and them sissy twins can do it then I got this one in the bag."

He swallowed me in a huge hug and kissed the top of my head, "you will be fine, I promise you, nothing will ever happen to you when I am around, you know why?" I grinned at his words, "because blood is thicker than anything and we are as thick as thieves." He laughed and kissed my forehead one more time before he stood and nodded at me. I could tell he was giving me a look over but I didn't care, Damon was alpha now and he played the role of both alpha and big brother to a tee. Though I can handle most any rouge wolves we have come across or hang with the boys in practice and fights he still watches me with a worried eye. Maybe once I shift for the first time he will stop treating me like I am a expensive glass piece that a can easily break.

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