Fun and Games

By LilMissJaylene

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Join the energetic Marchi and her friend while she lives her somewhat simple life at Hucio Mundo... or is it... More

Fun and Games
Fun and Games (Chap 2)
Fun and Games ( Chap 3)
Fun and Games (Chap 4)
Fun and Games (Chap 5)
Fun and Games (Chap 6)
Fun and Games (Chap 7)
Fun and Games (Chap 8)
Fun and Games (Chap 9)
Fun and Games (Chap 10)
Fun and Games (Chap 11)
Fun and Games (Chap 12)
Fun and Games (Chap 13)
Fun and Games (Chap 14)
Fun and Games (Chap 16)
Fun and Games (Chap 17)
Fun and Games (Chap 18)
Fun and Games (Chap 19)
Fun and Games (Chap 20)
Fun and Games (Chap 21)
Fun and Games (Chap 22)

Fun and Games (Chap 15)

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By LilMissJaylene

Chapter 15- The cave

Disclaimer- I don't own Bleach just the oc's Oh

I have my art up on deviant art plz check it out

Chapter 15 wow. Go me! Haha well I'm still unsure where this story is going so yay... Anyway I'd like to appologise for the late update first I got writers bloke but then when I got going again I had no time haha just my luck anyway... Thanx for being patient so with that, Let's start.


Grimmjows POV

We did as we were told and stayed a good distance behind the red haired witch as she lead us to her masters hidout. I had decided that we will stay back for another couple hours and keep an eye on the entrance for any movement. We have to keep our gaurd up I'm still suspicious that this could be a trap, but it still seems to good of an opportunity to let slid.

"There's movment at the caves entrance." Grantz said.

I got up and looked where his fraccion was pointing, squinting I noticed that it was a guy. He is about my hight hair about the same length as Szayelporros (maybe just a little longer) although unlike the scientist this guys hair is straight. Dead Straight and white, it hung across his face (I wonder if he can see anything through it?) however because of this I couldn't see his eyes. He wore dark jeans with a bagy white shirt that was hanging open at the top. He was walking around as if he was casually taking a stroll, although I bet he is scanning the area. Great! So he is suspicious of his 'lover' so that means that our job just that much easier.

"Ok, what are we going to do, Grimmjow?" Shawlong asked.

"Really? You've been with me long enough to know I never have a plan." I smirked at them before turning back to the creep scouting the area for any possible threats.

My smirk turned into my signature maniacal grin, tilting my head back so I could look at my fraccion over my shoulder.

"Ready? Could there be any better chance than this? I'll attack him while you two go into the cave and get Shiva. Oh tie that other one up don't want anyone coming after us. HA HA. TIME TO PLAY!" I said or practically yelled as I jumped out of our hidding place bringing my sword down over his head. (YES, I seemed to get him off gaurd. What an idiot, if your going to scout and scan the area for any threat, you would think his gaurd would be up. He's just lucky he has quick reflexes.)

I continued my assault not giving him any time to recover, I threw a couple more overheads at him. Driving him back a little as he finally started to stand his ground and throwing his own swings to meet mine. Time to up the anti, I set a slow rithem of overhead, underhead, left then right before ending with another overhead. I kept at this past until he seemed to be getting the hang of it and I add a right cut in between the underhead and left.

This continued for the next five minutes, I picked up my speed sparing a glance towards the caves entrance. This fight is boring me I hope my fraccion have got her, this guy couldn't possibly be Shizas brother. She's so much more fun to spar with right know if I was fighting her we would already be using our powers. (Well me using my ceros and her using...what was it called again?...Ki...arrggg, it was something stupid... Why can't I remember? KIDO) Yer thts it. But this guy hasn't done anything other then block and maybe counter every now and then. Does he think this is a joke?

Wait a minute, he smirking at me?

Somethings off, did that red headed bitch double cross me? I really thought she wouldn't have, she wants Shiva gone the most, right?

"What are you smirking for?" I asked.

"Oh, just your stupidity!"He said as his smirk turned into a wide grin.

"My stupidity? Don't underestimate my power! I assure you, you will regret it. I promise." I said as I raised my reiatsu as I charged him again.

He side stepped my attack (so he was just toying with me before) know I'm pissed. Great, know I might get a better fight now or is he going fuck around some more. Grinning manically I ran at him again and as I brought my sword down it was blocked again. However this time it wasn't his blade that stopped me it was Akahana (Arggg! I almost had him too.) I smirked as I watched a huge crater form under her as an effect of my awesome power.

Looks like your fraccion failed came Pantera

Those ideots better be dead or I'll kill them myself.

Maybe they got Shiva and ran. Pantera said sounding uncertain of it herself.

Yer I doupt it, know I have two people to fight.

Pay attention! He's gone! She roarded in my head.  


I franticly looked around hoping he was somewhere close so I could stop him, I don't care what this red head said.


She's mine! I growled as I ducked under another of her attacks.

"YOU BITCH! I thought this was your plan. You know to get rid of Shiva and have that guy all to yourself! So why are you attacking me?" I yelledvat her.

"SHUT UP! If I hadn't intervened you would have killed him!" she screeched back

"I will KILL him and if you get in my way I Will kill you too." was my cold reply as I jumped at her using more power then last time.

Even though I could see her knees buckeling from my blow my mood only darkened, this chick is confusing. My first priority is to rescue Shiva, so wouldn't it make sence that if she let my fraccion take her then I would (maybe) have left her 'boyfriend'. I growled at her yelling idiot as I charged her again, I herd a small whimper escape her lips as her knees failed her. Yet she still managed to block my my attack and stand her ground (or rather sat her ground), I could hear here repeat over and over as tears slid down her cheeks. 

'I'm not, I'm not an idiot.'


Daichis POV

I knew it! She betrayed me, but I guess I should be glad she likes me so much. His last swing would have seriously hurt me if I had been hit. (Maybe that is why she likes him.) I took this chance to escape and get Shiva, as I neared the cave I slowed my pace tip toeing as quietly as I could. I stopped just around the corner from our hid out listening intently for any signs that anyone was conscious.

I don't hear anything.

Guess either no one's there or everyone's unconscious (well I hope. If she is dead then everyone associated with this "plan" will die.) I slowly peeked around the corner letting the breath I hadn't noticed I was holding out, as I noticed three unconscious bodies laying around. I 'tsked' with distaste as I stepped over the two weaklings fraccion,  I bent down picked up Shiva and flash stepped away from the fight (I did think of taking Aka but now that I know she betrayed me I don't think I can trust her, specialy know that I have got Shiva.) I looked down assessing Shivas condition, she still seems to be in a deep sleep or rather comatose state that I put her in.

Frowning as I thought how much nicer it would have been if I didn't have to use my power on her and she came willingly. I sighed deeply as I softly placed her down against a tree as I opened a gate to the soul society. Unfortunately I have not the powers to open one when and where ever I want, like the way espada open a garganta. No I had to steal this device that the ex-captain Kisuke Urahara had invented, although he hasn't perfected it because well I had to get it before he submitted it to the soul society. I smirked at the memory of his face as he discovered his experiment was missing (even though he had only put it down for a couple seconds).  


I had herd that there was this guy that owned a small store but that wasn't what caught my attention. No, what did was that he was supposedly an ex-captain from the thirteen court gaurds. But what shocked me the most was that he still did research and experiments for them. So I thought I would check it out no harm in it (specialy if there is anything that'll help move my plans along). You see I had heard that my long lost sister had appeared in Hueco Mundo a year ago and since then I've been trying to come up with a plan as to how I will get her back. I had managed to steal a prototype of this portal making experiment and I made the mistake of letting my "girlfriend" go in first.

Not knowing only one person could use it and it only works once. So in other words I was left alone again in this stupid human world, and my red flower is free to attack my beautiful purple eyed monster. I regret running away from her it's not like she knew what was happeneing to her. She must have been so scared and I just left her, later did I hear she had killed everyone in our home town.  

I must admit she does scare me but I love her so much and everytime I think of her I see her big smile and my fathers words run over and over in my head.

"You and Shiva are arranged to get married once she turns seventee. So I advice you to stay with her, love her and teach her how you want. Because nobody else will due to her...differences. Don't tell her though she is not to get told till her sixteenth birthday. Git it?" Was the last thing he said to me. No body really knows how he died we've been told so many different stories, I'm not sure ehat to believe, not that I care.  

~End Flashback~  

I know understand what my farther ment by teaching her, he wanted me to teach her so that she wouldn't be able to live without me. Well no matter I can still do that I'll just erase her memories well most of them (I'll decide which ones she keeps) again using another machine that Kisuke Urahara was working on. Again taken without his knowing, haha yer that one was alot more difficult then stealing this small machine/teleporter took me almost a full day. Lucky for me they had gone somewhere that day something about research for some Ichigo...I don't remember.

Not important anyway, unfortunately I had to take apart some of the memory erasing machine apart to get it out and on to this big machine.

What did the humans call it...a ute?

Yer a car that has a tray on it. Know that was a good invention! Shaking my head out of my daze I smirked as I felt Akahanas spiritual pressure rise, hmm now I'm really confused did she betray me or him? Oh Well, no time to think about her I have to get Shiva away from this place befor someone else comes. Ok so the right codes and couderments however just as I was about to press the last button I had an uneasy feeling as if danger was close.

Turning around I barely had enough time to whip my sword out to bloke an unsuspecting attack.

"Great! I forgot about you." I grumbled.

Only receiving a deep throaty growl from the big black and white creature who's sharp teeth were stopped only centimeters away from my neck. I stumbled as my last memory of Shiva crossed my vision freezing me in my spot as I stared at its sharp teeth and his blood thirsty glare. I'm so angry with myself for freezing up like that, what if it WAS Shiva I would only hurt her feelings again. I physically shook myself and unsheathed my zanpakuto swipping it across it's face, grinning in satisfaction as I watched some blood drip onto the sandy floor. But he didn't give me long to bask as he was pouncing towards me again both teeth and claws directed at my face.

I brought the sword up horizontally aith my riht hand securely wrapped around the hilt with my left palm resting against the blunt side near its tip. I could feel my feet slide back as I took the Adjuchas attack head on. Using all my strength I brought the hilt down while I pushed up and out with my left hand, sending the cat flying off to my right. Acting on instinct I ran at the cat bringing my zanpakuto down and across its side, giving him a deep cut across its ribs.

"Give up! If you don't you will die, actually if you move you will die from that laceration I just gave you. Ha if your lucky and you do survive how knows you may be able to see us again." With that said I turned and walked back to Shiva picking her up turning back to the machine pressing the final buttons.


Grimmjows POV

"The Fuck? Only an idiot would follow that ass hole." I yelled at her

"You're wrong! I would follow him anywhere. I...LOVE...HIM. I told you that you wouldonly get her back if you took her just as he opens the portal." she screeched back.

"Stop fooling yourself. You know all along that s soon as he got her he would ditch you. Know you've given him a chance to get away... With MY LOVE!" I yelled running at her again. This time I'm not holding anything back, I have waisted enough time on this chick. Wait what did I just... That growl? It seems farmiliar some how...It's definitely not Shivas so whos?

"Bankai!" I whipped my head back as I watched a giant rose bud sprout out of the ground, I stared wide eyed as the rose slowly opened. Revealing my opponent (who was considerably different) her red hair had grown really long (past her feet) the colour had faded almost like a pink colour and it wasn't curly it rather had a soft wave through it. Her clothes had changed alot as well she was wearing this white belerina tutu with a white feathers goning around the waist. It was almost sleeveless, only having white feathers around the top across her arms and goining at the back. She wore no shoes but had a white feathery half band around the back and sides of her head.

Bankai? Is that the  shinigami equivalent to my resurrection? Cool, this is going to be a good fight or is it?

"Come on! Come at me with everything you got." I yelled She opened her eyes (seem to be neon pink) but unlike myself she was not grinning, her eyes, are theu always this colour. I don't think so maybe another effect of this Bankai form (yer if I remember I think I sore her with white eyes when she was sparing with Shiva once). She was running (or rather shunpoed) behind me but her speed was still nothing conmpared to mine or Shivas. I kept smirking as I continued to block her attackes, she jumped back quite a fare distance (don't tell me she's exhausted just from that.)

"Come on, I thought you where going to give me everything you've got? What happened to that huge rose like attack you used on Shiva? You can't be done already!" I snickered at her, hoping to anger her.

I watched her carefully smirking when I watched as her eyes seemed to darken and her forhead wrinkled as if displeased. Was she mocking me? She will pay for underestimating my power. I roared at her as I apeared behind her catching her by surprise,  not waisting any more time I sliced her right across her back. She gasped and tried to shunpo away from me.

"You are going to die here. Today. You thought you were stronger then me? I will kill anybody that looks down on me." I said as I sonidoed infront of her stabbing her through the chest, watching as she fell to the ground.

I 'tsked' with distaste at her for waisting my time and just for good measure I brought my sword horizontally through her neck. I heard another growl and that's when it clicked, the growl belongs to the black panther adjuchas that follows Shiva around. I sonidoed in the direction of the growling and whining cat, apon arrival I noticed a pool of blood under and around the cat. On closer inspection I noticed the huge cut across its ribs and another down the right side of its face. It looked like it was really fighting a losing battle I growled knowing that if I didn't do something then it would die. If it dies Shiva would most likely kill me for not trying to save it, on the other hand if I do save it then I loose Shiva.

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