Cold Canary AU

By Snartsass

24.1K 1.1K 555

Where Sara is a barista, going to CCU (Central City University) and is living with her mom for the the time b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 6

1K 43 32
By Snartsass

It was Friday night and Sara is currently lying awake, facing the ceiling to her room, and not finding the urge the to fall into a slumber.

She couldn't get him out of his mind. She couldn't help but count down the days, hours, and minutes it will take to get to their lunch date.

2 days.

1 day.

20 hours.

15 hours.

She turns to her side and faces the clock that sits on her bed side table.

1:08 a.m.

11 hours and 22 minutes.

This, by Sara's perspective, has been the longest two days she has ever experienced.

She's gone on lots dates before. It's not like she's new to this.

Sara let's out one more deep sigh, rubs her face into her pillow for comfort, and slowly drifts away into a sleeping despair.


Sara wakes to the sound of her mother's laughter.

At first, she finds it quite relaxing and smiles while her eyes are still closed and she's still in bed.

But than she realizes that there are two voices coming from the kitchen and before she can register and try to assign the voice to someone she already knows, she jumps out of bed and darts towards the kitchen.

When she halts in the doorway she finds the last person she expected to see there.


"Sara!" Laurel chuckles. "Nice Pajamas."

Sara's brow furrows and than she looks down at her outfit.

She's wearing an overly sized SpongeBob boxers and a small pink tank top that definetly does not go good together.

Sara crosses her arms over her chest like a small child would."What are you doing here?"

"I can't come by and visit my mom and baby sister?" Laurel stands in front of Sara.

" can. It's just....unexpected is all."

"I see. So, are you going to give me a hug or just leave me hanging?" Laurel smiles.

Sara tries to keep her facade on, but eventually her lips curve into a smile and her arms are extending to give Laurel a warm hug.

They giggle and release each other.

"Why'd you come so damn early though?" Sara said rubbing at her eyes.

"It's 11:57," Laurel said pointing at the clock on the stove top.

Sara read the clock her sister was pointing at and nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh my god...oh my god!"

Sara ran back towards her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

"Is she late for work or something?" Laurel asked her mother while pointing her thumb towards Sara's room.

"From what I know, she has a date."

Laurel rose her eyebrows. "A date? Already?"

Dinah nodded her head with a smile.

"Don't you think it's a little too...early?"

"I think it's a great idea," Dinah straightened her stance. "As for you, you need to stop thinking about Oliver."

"Mom, we were together since we were teenagers." Laurel sat on a stool around the kitchen island. "People just don't get over that, that easily."

"Oliver sure seemed to."

Laurel let out a sigh. "Who would've known my ex and Sara's ex would get together?"

It wasn't meant to be a question, but it was.

It was comfortably quiet in the apartment while they let the last sentence linger, until they heard a crash coming from Sara's room and a faint 'Ow.' Was heard.


Leonard waited at the Jitters table bouncing his knee trying to keep how nervous he was down to a minumum.

Leonard looked down at his watch on his left hand.

12:37 p.m.

It's fine, he thought, she probably got up late.

12:46 p.m.

She couldn't find the right outfit.

12:50 p.m.

It's a Saturday noon, there's traffic.

He hears the bell to the door ring, when ever someone one comes in or leaves, and his head snaps up.

The excitement that had risen in him in that very moment, gone. Only to find a man in a suit walking in for his everyday coffee.

He let's out a disappointed sigh. He knew he wasn't that lucky. He never is.

Leonard is still intently staring at nothing when he feels a soft hand grasp his arm.

His natural instinct, to pull away, quickly takes action.

"Woah, sorry." Sara sat down across from him. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Sara?...n-no it's a, it's fine." He recoils himself. "Just startled me is all."

Sara rolls her eyes. "Yeah, because there is such a major difference between the two."

Leonard let's out a small smile. "Coffee?"

"Uh..yeah. black with two sugars, please." Sara sat more comfortable. "Thanks."

"No problem." Leonard got up and headed to the counter to order their drinks.

Sara quickly pulled out her phone to find 5 new messages from Lisa

Did u find an outfit?

R u on ur way?

Hey cutie 😘


that last text was for Cisco...

Sara silently laughed to herself as she read her texts.

I'm with him right now. I'll text you after.
Leonard came back and set their two drinks down on the table and took his seat.

"Thank you." Sara brought the cup up to her lips.

Leonard did the same.

"So, you going to tell me how you and Mick met?" Sara leaned forward on her elbows.


"Oh come on! You can't just say you guys met in juvie and leave it at that." Sara joked. "Dont leave me hanging, Snart."

"You really want to know?" Leonard rose his eyebrow.

"Yeah," Sara took another sip from her coffee.

"Okay," Leonard sighed and started twirling his right index finger around the edge of his cup. "It was my first day in juvie. I was 14, the smallest kid in there by far. Some of the older kids wanted to make sure I knew it."

Sara's whole demeanor changed into a much more serious one.

"So, they jumped me. I fought back, of them had a shiv and....I had figure that was it." Leonard made eye contact with Sara. "Until Mick stepped in. And they didn't mess with me after that. We've been best friends ever since."

Sara was quiet for moment. Taking in everything the man just said.

"14? How old are you now?"

"Don't you know it's rude to ask someone their age,Sara?" He said getting back into their playful banter.

"I'll tell you my age!" Sara tried to offer.

"Nice try, but I know you're not old enough to drink yet."

"I could still be like, 17 and just have graduated high school a little early."

"True, but if that were true I would feel remorsed."

"And why would that be?" Sara sat back in her chair.

"Because...I looked at you the way most men my age shouldn't be looking at girls your age."

"Leonard Snart. Are you making a play?" Sara teased.

Leonard simply shrugged and took another drink from his cup.

"And what age would that be for you and most men?"

"I believe you said you were going to tell me your age first." He quipped.

"Ugh, I don't see why age is such a big deal right now." Sara sat up. "I'm 20."

Leonard silently let out a sigh of relief and felt a huge amount of weight being lifted off his chest.

"Told you, you were around Lisa's age."

"And your age?"

"34." He sat up.

"See? Not that hard."

He shrugged.

"So you and Mick have been friends for 20 years?" Sara realized. "Damn, that's a long time."

"Yeah, well we've had our difference in opinions in the past, but we've been known to sort them out."

They fell into a awkward silence that soon turn into more of a comfortable atmosphere as they drank the rest of their coffees.

"So Leonard, hu?"

He looked up from his cup with his eyebrows raised. "Hmm?"

"Who came up with your name?"

"Do you not like it?" Leonard tried to steer the conversation away from roots.

But when Sara didn't reply he realized she wasn't going to budge this time.

He sighed. "I believe my Father did. But than again, I can't be too sure."

"Don't you think it's...too long," Sara added. "And boring."

Leonard let out a small laugh.

A actual laugh. The first genuine laugh Sara's seen him let out. The lines around his mouth deepened, his eyes even smiled, and Sara knew right than, that she wanted nothing more than to keep that smile on that man's face for as long as long as possible.


"Yeah! Haven't you ever thought of a nickname, besides 'Lenny', since I now know that that is only registered to Lisa."

"And you know" Leonard rested his hands on top of the table.

"I overheard you threaten Cisco at the restaurant that night." Sara half shrugged. "What about...Leo?"

"Childhood nickname my father gave me when I was younger....never liked it." He looked down as if he had just done something wrong.

"Okay,...than what about...Len?"

"Len?" He looked back up at her.

"Yeah, it's not that long and more friendly."

"Okay, I guess you can call me 'Len'."

Sara smiled and finished off the last drop to her coffee.

"Refill?" He offered.

"No thank you," Sara's smile disappeared. "I gotta get back home. My sister's visiting and it'd be rude for me not to spend some time with her."

Sara stood and Leonard followed.

"You two don't get along?"

"No, we do. It's just recently my ex and her ex have gotten together so it's a little awkward right now."

"Ah...I see." He opened the Jitters door for her.

She walked to her car. "Thank you for the coffee."

Sara unlocked the door and Leonard opened the drivers car door for her.

"You've said that three times now." He chuckled as she got in.

She closed the door and rolled down the window so she can say goodbye.

"Sorry." She said shyly.

Sara started her car.

"Don't be," He leaned and rested his arm on the roof of her car. "I had a great time with you, Sara."

"As did I, Len."

Len smiled and took his arm off her car and let her drive away.

As she left she stuck her arm out to wave.

He waved back and smiled to himself all the way back to his apartment.


Sara watched the man in her Sideview mirror until she can no longer see him anymore.

She let out a tiny squeel that she had been holding in since she sat down at that table.

Bonjour ✋ I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter and hope you guys love this fluff - filled chapter! I have like so many ideas for wear this fic is heading but they're so far up ahead I don't know what to do in between. Perhaps I'll just stick to filling you guys up with fluff and than I'll just dump angst? I don't know, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. 😊

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