Must I Trust The Bad Boy?

By Dreamy_badgirl

318 60 24

Well,for all those who read Badboy stories most of them end with weddings but here it's going to be after the... More

The beginning of my new world
Lost of trust
Flirt with me
Emcounting an angel
Me cupid?
A date!!
A deceiving lie
Encounting a ventriloquist
Generosity can be a flaw
New members in the family
Father and daughter relationship
A mistake
Uncover the mysteries
Reality check

Our love story

32 5 5
By Dreamy_badgirl

It's a general idea of their love story how it all started before getting to the true story !                
Jane's POV
        “Jasper freaking Andrews,the ultimate badboy of the school is dating the nerd Jane Smith! Can't you believe that!"students of Walmord (fictional) gushed about this unbelievable news. It was the main talk among the students. Screw students even teachers were gasping at the heard of this breaking news.

         In each and every corner ,students were gathered and whisperings like birds about the news. Even the geeks and the nerdy ones got to know about it as the news flew in the speed of light. Boo! In a flash,everyone got to know about the relationship between Jasper and Jane.

        As cliché as it may sound,we met each other by colliding against other. I was hurrying to my class while revising because I had an upcoming assessment and oops! This minor accident turn my whole world upside down in a good or bad way,I don't know. “What the bloody heck?" He asked with his sexy hoarse voice but the words were dripping with pure annoyance. However, as our gazes met each other , I was captivated into his deep blue eyes that were staring at me with awe. Instantly butterflies were flying in my stomach and I feel giddy in a good way. It was the first time that I ,the quirkiest geek in the school felt this way. As sheer as I may sound, i believe it was love at first sight!

         The next day itself more precisely on the 23 of July ,I morphed into another girl. All this was to impress Jasper.Of course my behaviour did remain the same but I completely changed my look for him and I badly wanted him to notice me. Believe it or not I even pretend as if my books fell in front of him. As expected,being the gentleman he was,he bent and picked the books. It was then that we started talking and eventually became friends. I was head over heels for him.

         Everyone was beyond shocked to see the change in me. I was the biggest news of the week. However,I sticked to my old motto ,“Stay out of trouble! Remember what happened to your mom!"That single thought was enough to control my feelings and emotions.

            We started hanging out and I was his first girl friend he ever had. For me it was a great achievement as I had practically no friends let alone a boy friend. During that period,I seized every single opportunity to impress him and I doubted if he knew about this. For instance when we went to the party I dressed elegantly with intensive effort yet not slutty. I started to have a better sense of fashion.

        Unfortunately for me,he didn't even flirt with me like he does with each and every girl. That stabbed me directly in the middle of my heart. In fact it was the other way round. I tried to flirt with him but I bet he didn't even realise that.

           Then,I decided to try to make him jealous by flirting with James. James was my childhood crush and compare to Jasper,he did gave me a lot more attention. But Jasper was never jealous. In fact,he purposely left me alone with James.

          In this process,I didn't even realise how much I was hurting James. He had a girlfriend which I wasn't aware of. His girlfriend was really jealous of me talking to James as she didn't knew what was the ultimate motive. They were on the verge of breaking up but then I decided to fix it up. I told both of them and eventually they did understand. Nevertheless, James was a little bit hurt but it was not a big deal.

However, I'll never forget the night where I confessed my feelings for him although I was the girl I asked him out.


    We were at a party and as usual all girls flung themselves over him and in the corner of my eyes I could see that he was enjoying it. I grabbed some drinks and gulped it with a terrible jealousy. My blood was boiling and I bet red fumes would be coming out of my nose if I was a cartoon character. With my high heels clicking, I paved my way through the crowd of his fan girls like a needle and pulled him away from them. I brought him outside and just at that moment  rain started pouring heavily.

     We were both soaked and his white shirt stick to his perfectly sculpted body and his well built abbs and muscles. My fingers were itching to feel them not only that ,his brown disheveled hair were all over his head,scattered messily adding to his looks. However,it was not his most brilliant feature ,his piercing eyes bored into mine with a puzzle looked that give away a cute small frown on his face.

      “Do you have any idea that I FREAKING like you sice forever! "I exclaimed furiously while poking at his chest. Instantly I felt my whole body relaxed as if I hot rid of a great burden. “What!" Jasper exclaimed breathlessly. By now ,tears were streaming down my face. I bet I looked like a drenched rat! Without guard,he clasped his mouth to mine. His lips were soft like a jelly against my mouth.

     It felt so amazing! Our mouths moulded perfectly into each other and moved with an indescribable sync. Everything felt perfect! He kissed me so gently like handling a broken doll but eventually it grew into a vigorous kiss where we badly wanted each other. We fought for dominance which he easily won but I gladly gave up. A volcano was erupting in my stomach and I ran my hand into his hair. He hugged me even more closing the inexistent distance between us. Eventually, due to lack of stupid oxygen, I backed out with a smile forming on my face.

     “Go out with me!" I demanded more like a question. He gulped at my sudden question but after comprehending my words ,he nodded vigorously ,earning a small but sweet peck from me. Well, in this scene I was the bad girl and he was the good boy.
                                 End of flashback

Well this was how I ended up here waiting for Jasper by his lockers. By the way,he stopped his bad boy manners and stopped hooking with ever girl. Let hooking he would not even flirt with anyone. He was very sincere to me and i could not ask for more. I felt flustered when I think about it. “Hey my star girl!"

       I smiled like a baboon monkey when I saw him and crashed hug. “Go easy,girl!" I smacked him in his chest  while giggling. We went on our table for lunch after offering a ham burger. Yes,he left the popular table to sit with me as I always say alone. I must declare him as the best boyfriend ever.

        He doesn't really do good with words. He rarely expresses his feelings for me but actions speak louder than words. His small little cute things that he does for express it all. He helped me with every single problem. We are opposite but we tried to adapt to each other.

      Every Saturday night, we go on a long drive. This I must say is perfect. All windows are open and the fresh air blows into car ,sending my hair all over the place. The loud music blast and we do lot of crazy stuffs like crazy dance moves. Jasper drives the car like in a speed of light and it sends thrill down my spine. I like taking risks with Jasper as I know that he's never going to allow something bad happens to me.

        Then we reached our destination which is a lake in the middle of a forest. Their are poles of light in each corner to illuminate the thing. There we sit on the ground and we face each other's back. He draws while I write. After we see each other things and I must say that he will be a prospering artist.

        That's how our relationship work. These small clichés things make our love special and spectacular. I really like our thing  and I hope that it is going to stay the same in the future.

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