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Jane POV

          I was feeling really comfortable but I was having a dreadful headache and my stomach was churning. I felt horribly sick and my back was aching. I tried to remember what happened and little by little, I started recalling everything. I felt tears threatening to fall but I composed myself.

        “Good morning!"Nishita chirped in a joyful way but behind it ,a hint of nervousness was hidden.                  “Morning!"I replied grudgingly and faked a lazy smile on my face. “Here,chocolate milkshake at your service madam! "She faked a British accent which she succeeded pretty well. I giggled at her. That girl never fails to make that smile appear on my face. She was looking at me expectantly as if cuing me to spill the beans.

         The thought of that incident overcame my feelings and I wanted to cry. I told her everything from the start till the end. I already had two breakdown during the story telling. She absorbed everything and was miraculously calm. “That liar had the guts to lie to me!" “He had a freaking child with another woman."How dare him!And he hugged that b*****in front of me."“God,I'm so pathetic and I fell for his charms!" Now I was really angry.

            “Maybe,you need to see the bigger picture!"Nishita told me. “There is no bigger picture! Everything is clear like crystals!" “You know what's worse...I still love that bloody man whore." “ I need to divorce him!"I said in anger. That word felt so foreign in my mouth. Nishita was shocked and said sympathetically ,“Please don't take any rash actions!"

         I nodded and gulped my chocolate milkshake. I needed to see him and settle that matter. So,I've made up my mind to go to my house to talk to him. My house...now I was feeling scared!“Nishita!"I said searingly. She nodded encouraging me to continue. “Do you think that Jennifer is going to stay in our house and replace me. They'll be the perfect family if I'm out of the picture. And Jasper will no longer need me!" I stated.         "Be positive girl!"

           “Go and talk it out with him!"she said thoughtfully and I agreed. I did my toilet and I tried to look more presentable. I walked to my apartment which was just in the neighbourhood. I walked upstair and I was reassured myself that everything going to be alright.

       “Do I need to knock at the door?"i whispered to myself. “ Hell no! It's my house and it's Jennifer to knock at the door not me. I entered the house with all my gust but I was crushed when I saw that Jasper was happy and laughing with Janifer. I can't stand the sight of Janifer right now and I know that I'm not being fair.

           He looked at me in shock and looked down ashamed. “Janif baby,go inside!"She nodded and ran away. Jeniffer was no where to be seen and I heaved a sigh of relief. “We need to talk!"i said courageously. He nodded and I continued,“What's happening?" “ I dunno myself." I snorted at his reply and he glared at me but I was not intimidated. “What's your relation with Jennifer?" I asked hoping for an accurate answer. He shook his head and dared to say,“That's for me to know and for you to find out!" Now I was fuming,“Don't pull out that crap with me!"I snapped. “I can't tell you anything right now. It's not the right time!"

            Reality crashed into me. He was never honest with me. I trusted him blindly ,telling him my shabbiest fear and secrets. And today,he has the nerves to tell me that crap. I feel so stupid and made a fool of myself! “I want them out of my house!" I asked. He shook his head and added,“It's also my house and I give them the permission! "“You're a jerk whom I trusted and devoted my whole life with you. Now,now Mr Jasper reality check! I will give you divorce and we'll go on our different paths. Then you see how many kids you want and with whom you want to have sex! You f******* man whore!"He tried to stop me but I continued.

             “You don't deserve to be loved that's why your family left you stranded on the road. You ingrate! Bloody hell! I married a loser like you!" I didn't even gave him the chance to reply when I heard the voice of that b*****.

            “Jas,I'm home!"Jennifer said. She smirked when she saw me while Jasper glared at her. “Look what we have here!"she spat venomously. “Reality check queen bee ,you're in my house right now and I can kick you out!"I smirked at her. She mocked hurt and placed her hand on her heart,“You've hurt my ego!"“Actually if,you'd ego,you wouldn't be here under my roof!"I scorned at her. “Watch out that dirty mouth of yours"she spat warningly. “Or else...?"I challenged her.

         That ticked her but before she could speak out her inner monologue, Jasper interfered,“That's enough!" I looked at Jasper with a disgusted expression, “You're a pathetic excuse for mankind!"I spat and with that I walked away with much divinity I could gather.

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