The Secret Admirer |BL|

By OmnipotentSadist

1.5M 53.3K 13.3K

|LGBT ROMANCE| When Marcus Berkley discovers that he has a secret admirer, he isn't quite too sure how to re... More

Chapter 1 - The Little Blue Box.
Chapter 2 - The Scarlet Ribbon.
Chapter 3 - The Velvet Rose.
Chapter 5 - The Pearl Envelope.
Chapter 6 - Dark Skies
Chapter 7 - Get You Home
Chapter 8 - Mors Vincit Omnia
Chapter 9 - Yours Ever Lovingly.
Chapter 10 - Have You Met My New PA?
Chapter 11 - Unaware
Chapter 12 - Obsession
Chapter 13 - Chrystal Glasses
Chapter 14 - Want
Chapter 15 - More Than This
Chapter 16 - So I'll Tell You Once.
Chapter 17 - Though his façade.
Chapter 18 - Fear of Loss.
Chapter 19 - Confessions & Frustrations.
Chapter 20 - Remember.
Chapter 21 - 10:18 AM - S U N D A Y
Chapter 22 - Vice-Versa.
Chapter 23 - Red as Blood, Lust and Love.
Chapter 24 - The Beating Heart.
Chapter 25 - Unpredictable.
Chapter 26 - Extraordinary.

Chapter 4 - Like Déjà Vu.

71.4K 2.4K 945
By OmnipotentSadist

Please do VOTE!

A/N Asterisks (*) -mark Footnotes- footnotes will be at the bottom of the chapter.


A freezing gush of cold wind blew past him as Marcus tugged on his coat inwards, wrapping it around his body and stretching it to its full extent. He rubbed his icy hands together trying to warm them up as he walked down the street and around the corner. The temperature had dropped significantly since the last time he was out. Keeping his head low Marcus watched the wet fallen leaves as they crackled under his feet and crushed under his weight. The condensing breath in the air amused him as he chuckled.

Marcus kept the steady and fast pace while being completely distracted and unaware of what was in front. When he crashed –head first— on to a hard surface, his hand shot to his forehead and a groan escaped his lips. The numbing pain from the collision shot through his scull. The crash that soon followed caught his attention and his head shot up, realization seeped in when his gaze fixed on the person before him. He immediately apologized and got down to his knees while picking up the white bags that were scattered on the side of the road.

"Marcus?" A familiar voice called curiously from above. Holding some bags he came up to his feet and looked at the tall figure that stood before him. Oh my god.

How had he not realized it before? Marcus's gaze fell on the Amber eyes that pierced right into him. Taken back with slight shock he blinked several times. It was definitely like déjà vu.

"Mr.....Dalton." He said in disbelief. Allen Dalton was the last person that he'd expected to bump into –quite literally—on the side of the road.

"Allen." He corrected Marcus with a smile "What are you doing out in the cold?" He narrowed his gaze in question.

"Shopping...I guess." Marcus lied. "What are you doing out in this weather?" Marcus questioned hoping to change the topic.

"The same I suppose. I was just about to carry those up." He replied pointing to the white heavy bags that Marcus still had in his hands.

"Oh...umm, sorry... here y-." Marcus began nervously, his cheeks heated with embracement. For once he was glad that it was cold and his skin had already tinted pink.

"No. there's more, maybe you can help me." Allen's tone sounded more like an order than a request. "Let me just grab the rest out of the car." He pronounced then jogged to the black Bentley and grabbed the rest of the identical bags from the boot.

"It's just here...." He said, emerging from the back and pointed to the town house. "And watch your step. These tend to get a bit slippery." Allen warned with playfulness outlining his tone. So this is where he lives! Marcus thought as they both walked up the short flight of stairs. Tilting his head up Marcus looked at three story building, it was impressive. Allen kicked the door from the toe of his shoe and grinned at Marcus. The black shiny wooden door slowly opened and a man dressed in black stood at the foot of it.

The man's expression was grim. His brown eyes widened from beneath his heavy graying brows as they flung from Allen to Marcus questioningly.

"Welcome back sir." He said in a monotone voice. Without another word the old man stepped aside allowing Allen to walk in.

"Just put them in the corner," Allen said pointing to the corner near the door.

The idea was to leave as soon as he had helped Allen but as soon as Marcus tried to step back out Allen's voice made him turn.

"Wait... Are you going? Why don't you come on in, stay for a bit?" Allen raised a brow and smiled enthusiastically, hope in his eyes. Handing some of the boxes to the old man he grasped Marcus by the hand and dragged him inside.

There was no hallway as Marcus had expected, only a large lounge. It was decorated with touches of gold, red, brown and black that added an antique feel to it. Everything looked expensive and rich and glowed with cleanliness. It was quite the sight.

"This way...." Allen said, tugging Marcus towards the stairs. "Charles will get us tea?"

Allen led Marcus through the lounge and they passed portraits and paintings that hug on the white washed walls in gold frames. A magnificently large glass chandelier hung from the ceiling and the stairs coiled around it. Once up stairs Marcus gaped at the lounge. It was as if he had walked into a library, a rather large library. The walls were bookshelves themselves and hard covered antique looking books were placed in them.

As Marcus admired the room Allen excused himself and ran up the second flight of stairs to the floor above him. Marcus' gaze traced across the room as he absorbed every tiny detail when his gaze landed at the room that was filled with darkness and solitude. His eyes journeyed across the walls to the parallel shut door as he approached the room. It was an office. The blinds were drawn yet there was just enough light for Marcus to see what was inside. A mahogany table sat at the center with piles of paper work on it. A single item caught his attention and it sent chills down his spine.

A single withering red rose that looked like the ones he had received sat on the table. It brought back the unpleasant feelings. Cautiously he approached it almost transfixed on the object. Suddenly a shadow fell over him snapping him out of the abnormal trance.

"Sir. Tea is ready." The Charles said in a stern objectionable tone. Charles didn't seem to like Marcus one bit. The look on his face said one thing: 'you shouldn't be here'. The threatening aura around him continued to manifest as he lead Marcus out of the office.

"Hi," Allen said, walking down the stairs and taking a seat in front of Marcus. Marcus jumped when he unexpectedly heard Allen. He seemed intrigued by the absorbed expression on Marcus' face as he stared at the room with his brows drawn together. Allen's gaze curiously followed Marcus's. It was when Allen cleared his throat that Marcus was, yet again, snapped out from his trance. Awkwardly he turned to Allen and said: "It's nice office," Then face palmed himself for sounding like a moron and a creep. Yep. This is awkward. He thought while fiddling with the hem of his coat.

"Oh, well thank you!" Allen said laughing, the awkwardness melted away instantly. Relief washed over Marcus.

After what felt like a long discomfited conversation Marcus was led back to the front door with Allen tailing right behind him. He could not resist but take a final glance at the deco.

"Well, thank you for helping me Marcus. I'll see you at work on Monday." Allen said while reaching for the door knob and opened the door, the grin still on his face. Satisfaction overwhelmingly gleamed from his grin.

It was the sudden sight of the tall handsome man that took him by surprise. Marcus involuntarily gasped. Dressed in black dress pants and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the man looked incredibly familiar. The tip of his well polished shoe tapped on the ice crusted floor impatiently as He studied Allen and Marcus. With confusion and question he moved his gaze from one to the other. Marcus's widened as he realized who stood before him.

"Julian. You're early!" Allen's exited voice came from behind.

"I said I was going to come and drop these off, didn't I?" Julian said and handed a large bulky envelope over to Allen who studied it before shrugging and placing it on the table.

With tightly pressed lips Marcus's looked the handsome man up and down. He was as good looking –possibly better looking—than he had expected. It was intriguing how Julian and Allen shared the same eye and hair characteristics. Even though they were born years apart they had such rare and captivating features.

Looking up at Julian, Marcus wondered whether he should introduce himself, he wanted to. Marcus had never had the pleasure of actually meeting Julian Dalton in person. They worked on completely different sections of the office. This was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. But before he could muster up the courage to do so, Allen intervened.
"Oh yes, how rude of me," He joked punching his brother on the arm, earning him a glare. "Julian this is my friend Marcus, he works at our office."

Marcus smiled politely while wonder what he should say. "And Marcus, this is my brother Julian." Allen continued with a wink. "Have you two met before?"

"I don't think so," A small smile pressed to Julian's lips as he spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you Marcus." Julian said as he stretched his hand for a handshake to which Marcus complied. His eyes were still locked on Julian's. Wow! The liquid gold in his Amber eyes seemed to shift and glisten even in the dark. Was it even possible for someone to have such good looks, money and brains! He wondered.

"Well I should get going..." Julian and Marcus said simultaneously, causing an awkward silence. His eyes fell to the sky behind Julian. It was getting darker by the second. Looking at his watch, he sighed. It was still early in the evening and it already looked like it was midnight. He cursed himself for not picking up his car from Craig's place. He'd just have to catch a taxi home now. Rain droplets fell from the sky warning everyone of the heavier rain that was on its way. Julian cleared his throat and shifted his weight.

"Yah sure..." Allen said, shifting his gaze between the two. "Hey Julian, why don't you give Marcus a ride home?" Allen suggested turning to Julian and raising an eyebrow. Marcus stiffened and watched the brothers.

The expression that swiped across Julian's face made Marcus intervene and decline the offer as nicely as he could. Even IF Julian agreed to it he could never accept something like that from someone like him. Julian Dalton was his superior; he was not going to use him as a chauffeur.

Julian narrowed his eyes warningly at Allen for a moment. "Sure, why not" Julian answered shaking his head. He didn't seem pleased at all.

"No, its ok, I can just walk or catch a taxi. It's no problem, really."

"Oh stop being so modest Marcus, Julian already agreed." Allen said teasingly.

"Yeah it's fine." He simply confirmed his brother's proposition. He looked down at his feet for a moment and rubbed the palms of his hands trying to spread warmth though them and said: "I have to go now, so Marcus it's really no problem. Come with me." Julian nudged his head motioning Marcus to follow him. Casually after checking his watch again, he walked down the stairs. Marcus tailed right behind after waving Allen farewell.

Following Julian silently down the cold street Marcus felt the water droplets fall on him, slowly and damping the top of his hair. It made his coat almost sparkle when the droplets of water reflected the light from shops. He wondered whether he should say something Julian, make conversation perhaps. Marcus watched him from behind. His tall stature was cloaked with the long black coat woolen coat that dropped all the way to Julian's knees and swayed as he walked. The wind picked up the edges and made it dance to its rhythm.

"You don't have to walk from that far away." Marcus heard Julian speak. It took him a moment to realize that Julian was talking to him. To much of his embarrassment in that single moment when he was distracted his foot slipped and brought him crashing down. He landed on his behind on the cold wet pavement. The sound that escaped Marcus's lips when he lost his footing made Julian swing around to face him. He sat on the wet pavement with his hand on his back and he felt the coldness on his skin. 'Oww!' Marcus groaned trying to stand up on the slippery floor. Twice in one day...

"You should watch where you walk. Here..." Julian chuckled as he spoke. Calmly he gave Marcus his hand for support and hoisted him off the wet floor. Julian's hands were warm against his cold skin, and their hands lingered in one another for longer than they should have. When he stood up pain shot from his back. The sudden impact had an almost sizzling feeling to it when he stood up.

Looking down at his hands he noticed light cuts that diagonally cut across his palms. The cuts were covered with the melting snowy water, crackled leaves and dirt. Wiping his hands on his coat Marcus looked up at Julian, whose eyes almost cut through the darkness and pierced into him like Allen's did, but unlike Allen's, Julian's gaze made Marcus shiver, and not in a bad way either.

"Are you ok?" Julian asked... a worried expression was on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Marcus replied, embarrassed. He tried to mask it from his voice and make it sound like he was not embarrassed, as if he was okay. He could feel his face slowly heating up. He knew it would not be noticeable. The cold had already reddened the surface of his skin, making him look like he was permanently blushing.

"Good, well Get in." Julian said nudging his head towards the black Maserati Quattroporte.

Marcus felt his eyes widen and his jaw drop at the sight of the car. His exact thoughts were: Oh god, why? He was stupefied by it. Marcus was undoubtedly jealous of Julian. He had always wanted to be in one of the Maserati Quattroportes, and it was not likely that someone like him would ever really get the chance to go in one unless of cause he was hired my the mob or won the lottery. This was a dream come true.

Coming to the realization that he was just standing there gawking like an idiot he shut his mouth and composed himself hoping that Julian had not seen him drool. But hoping did not do much good. Julian had already seen his expression, and chuckled with amusement which made Marcus want to crawl into a hole and die.

Sliding in to the car and feeling the softness of the leather seats he could not help but grin. He tried to hide it but it was useless, Marcus was a bit too exited to be seated in such an amazing car.

Wait! If this is his car, how come I've never seen it at work? He knew that if he had seen something like this in their car park he would have definitely noticed it.

"Because I never take it work?" Julian answered with another chuckle.

Marcus turned to him gaping. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes. You did say that out loud." Julian full, out laughing now. Embarrassment seeped though yet again. Oh god.

"Could you maybe put your seat bet on?"

"O-oh. Yeah sure, sorry." He spoke, slightly stuttering.

It wasn't turning out to be a particularly good embarrassment free day for Marcus. He realized this as he nervously fumbled with the seat belt, failing each time. Once Julian caught a glimpse of Marcus's failing attempts he laughed and reached over Marcus for the seatbelt. With Julian so close to him he could smell the tinge of his aftershave and cologne. He smelled nice, Marcus though and then wanted to bang his head against something. Marcus's heart raced and his body stiffened when Julian's hand brushed over his before Julian clicked Marcus's seatbelt.

Best day ever! He exclaimed with excitement as he left the care roar into life. Everything else was forgotten and he continued to grin.

They didn't have anything particular to talk about. After all –what was there to talk about? After a few minutes of silence in the car Julian spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking Marcus, what were you doing-."

"Oh, I just ran into out side his place and All- I mean Mr. Allen Dalton wanted me to help him with something." Marcus answered interjecting. His eyes were glued to the passing cars and buildings as the car raced through the streets.

"Oh... okay... so where would you like me to drop you off." Julian said.

Marcus noticed that when ever Julian spoke he let out no emotion through his words; they were almost cold and stern. Turning to Julian he caught a glimpse of Julian's eyes as they studied the road.


"I can drop you off home. If you'd like," Julian said.

"Sure, I live close to Washington Heights," Marcus explained where he lived and gave Julian his address.

"Really? I'm going that way so shouldn't be a problem." Looking at Julian, Marcus saw a small smile dance on his lips as he said so.

Julian was nothing like what Marcus had expected. He had hopes of meeting an arrogant jack ass, but Julian seemed completely different. The opposite, in fact.

A loud beeping caught Marcus's attention. It sent him into a small panicking state and looked around for the source of the sound.

Juliann pulled out a Bluetooth ear set from a small compartment in the car and put it over his ear. "Hello? Well hi Haden*... don't ask me! ..."

Marcus studied Julian as he spoke on the phone. Julian sounded like a completely different person, as if he put all of his defenses down when he spoke to this 'Haden' person. He felt a hint of jealousy, it was completely stupid.

Julian sighed and shook his head; a laugh escaped his lips. "You are hopeless, stop harassing that kid! I know I know, but Derek** sounds so nice...what! why would you do that? Were you born an idiot?" He sighed, disappointedly then chuckled "You are a moron, you do know that right? Ok fine. That seems ok. Well I'll be flying there soon... so will I get to meet him? God, it can't be that bad. Well you do have a way of fu*king things up. Well I wouldn't be surprised if he hated you after that. FINE! Okay...bye." He chucked before ending the call. He pulled out the ear piece and threw it back into the compartment. Julian chuckled again and turned his head towards Marcus then wiped the smile off his face. His personality regressed. Marcus felt a pang of jealousy shoot through him, again.

The need to know who was on the other end of the line grew with in Marcus. It was not like he could just ask and Julian would just TELL him, who was he to ask such things. Marcus kept quiet and looked out the window, silence took over the car again and the radio that played quietly in the background was barely audible.

Turning right from the second street they passed, Julian pulled the car up next to a brown brick tall twenty story building.

"Is this it?" Julian questioned, leaning over and looking up at the building.

"Yeah...Thank you..." Marcus said timidly, looking away. Clearing his throat he got out from the car and thanked Julian again; Julian however only smiled politely and nodded before taking off.

. . . .

Marcus didn't want to be in that position again. The position where he was staring down the one thing he dreaded seeing on his table. The feeling was absolutely dreadful. A cold and burring sensation pumped through his veins at just the mere site of it.

It was no longer 'just' a secret Admirer present. It had evolved. It was not something that felt entirely threatening, something wasn't right about it. The feeling was so strong that Marcus was not that far off from quitting his job. It was a drastic measure, but it would only be a small price to pay for what's left of his sanity.

Like every other day, he wondered whether he should open it and get the curiosity over and done with. He wanted to just throw it in the garbage and never even think about it again. But who was he kidding. Marcus opened it cautiously as humanly possible. He gasped at the sight of the object.


How or why, someone would ever gift something like that to someone was a peculiarity. Now, the questions were whether he should put it on his wrist and feels the grandness on his hands or keep it somewhere he would never see it again. The temptation was overwhelmingly strong. He held his breath, he didn't even realize it till he started to feel a bit light headed. He inhaled deeply; his eyes were still on the watch.

Marcus had resisted the urge to open it and just shoved it in to the dark bottom of his bag till he was home. Staring at the object now he was quite relived, in a way, that he had been able to open it in the privacy of his own home and not at the office. Oh what controversy that would have caused. Well, it couldn't get any worse. People were still constantly questioning him about the flowers that turned up in his office a couple of weeks ago. His answer was something along the lines of 'oh it was my girlfriend' or 'don't worry that was just my friend playing a practical joke on me' which of cause sounded down right stupid; even to him.

He wanted to relax, needed to get his thoughts straight so he went to the bathroom and began readying the bath.

After what felt like an hour only an inch of water had accumulated in the bath tub as Marcus stood before the tub and pulled himself out of his damp office clothes and chucked them into the washer. He stared down at the steaming inch of water in frustration then climbed into the tub anyway. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he could feel the water rise and aggravation melt away.

Marcus squeezed his eyes shut and tilted his head back. He leaned his against the cold porcelain. Someone, Please tell me what I'm supposed to do! He begged an invisible force.

The ringing phone snapped him out from a shallow sleep that he hadn't even realized that he had fallen into till he heard the noise. He'd been in the tub for two hours he realized when he looked at the small clock that sat on the side of the sink.

The steaming hot water had reached the maximum capacity of the tub and had begun to drool over the edges. Shutting the faucet he got out from the tub. The cold and hot air around him made his body shiver, but he ignored it and pulled on a robe and dragged his feet to the phone.

"Hello." He yawned into the phone and looked at his shriveled fingertips.

"Marcus?" The voice from the other end questioned. There was static on the line, but the voice was clear enough for him to hear what the man on the other side was saying. Who is this?


"It's Jonathan. Remember how I said I probably could get an address for you?"

"Uhu." Marcus replied without much interest and a yawn.

"Well, I might have an address for you."


~foot note~

*Full Name: Haden Parker. Those of you who read my other story "I don't love you; I Hate you" know who Haden is, because he is the second protagonist of the story.

**Derek is the main protagonist of "I don't love you; I Hate you"

If anyone would like to know more about them, you guys should read "I don't love you; I Hate you"

Your Votes & Comments give me strength and motivation to write more & quicker. So please Vote if you want more/ like this story and support it, Do leave me a Comment! ;3 I love reading them.

Thank You for read this story~


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