The Demoner Series: The Trails

By readingguys

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Joel is a thirteen years old orphan and has been bullied since young. One night, he found out he has magical... More

Author's words
Chapter One - War
Chapter Two - The Last Survivor
Chapter Three - Trouble with Raymond
Chapter Four - The Cold Riot
Chapter Five - The Escape To Playground
Chapter Six - Raymond
Chapter Seven - The Demoners
Chapter Eight - The Demoner Academy
Chapter Nine - The Demonic Tests
Chapter Ten - Accidents
Chapter Eleven - The Demoner's Uniforms
Chapter Twelve - Starubius
Chapter Fourteen - The Beginning Of A New Age
Chapter Fifteen - A Waste Of Time
Chapter Sixteen - Chronicle Map
Chapter Seventeen - Day One
Chapter Eighteen - Manart
Chapter Nineteen - Starubius's presence
Chapter Twenty - First Attack

Chapter Thirteen - The Call For Duty

91 14 2
By readingguys


  Mrs Krane sits behind her desk, her feather pen wavering around as she writes on the incidence.

  I burst through the door. I had waved Joel goodbye at the village with Chloe. Wonder how he's having his first dinner, I think to myself.

  "Mrs Krane, may I speak to you for a moment?" I ask with a polite bow.

  "Why sure, Zack. Tell me about it," Mrs Krane says, placing her feather pen into the ink container. Jack is standing at a side with a friendly smile at the sight of me. I smile back in return before turning back to Mrs Krane.

  "It is about the orcs," I begin, "Remember when I told you I found Joel from the orphanage? He was first discovered by an orc." Mrs Krane gasps in surprise. "He had disguised himself as a human, and had been threatening and bullying Joel. I suspect that the orcs are into attacking us again like last century's Cold War."

  The scene replays in my mind. I recall the moment as I was just walking down the streets home when suddenly I felt a strong urge to move towards an orphanage at the side of the streets. It was like I was sensing something, but can't place it anywhere.

  Just then, I spotted a silhouette jumping out of an open window, successfully doing a forward roll that I had just learnt a few days ago. There was clapping from the scene and another shadow appeared. The urge became stronger and distinct at that moment and I crept forward. My hand cautiously turning light green in the shape of a dotted lizard and turned invisible.

They began to talk, one of them is obviously confused and tended from the way he is standing firm and slightly shaky.

  "Then why did you attack me?" He asked. Then the other roared out that he was an orc Demoner. My eye widen in surprise at that. It was that moment I knew that the urge was a sense that a foe Demoner around.

A burst of red light appeared and the man turned into an orc, firing red fireballs in rapid succession.

The other was dodging the fireball fairly well. But I notice that trails of violets appear as he moved and instantly knew he is a rare Demoner who starts of strong and had the power of violet.

The violet trail of mana begin to flicker and the boy slowed down to normal. The orc's hand turned red in the shape of a fireball, charging up to shoot a strong blast of fire.

"They are also well trained, Mrs Krane," I add, "Despite the orc being a red Demoner, he can use spells like a graduated year six, where most of us would be already at green. He has perfectly learnt and mastered the Mimic spell which our Demonists have been trying to find. He even tried to kill Joel!"

  I remember that I immediately threw up a shield in front of Joel in the nick of time. The shot was stronger than I thought as I continuously fed the spell with mana. The fireball spell was finally absorbed and I quickly form a cross on my hand and fire mana through the image, forming an energy sword.

The orc was able to make a turn round to me and tried to form a jagged circle in a shape of a Mana Shield spell. But it was too late and I pierced the sword through his chest.

"Hm, this is serious," Mrs Krane says, slumping down on her chair, "We've got to be careful."

"We might need the Elves and Dwarves," Jack includes, folding his arms.

The elves and dwarves are other allies of the human race. They helped us in the Cold War. However, the elves and dwarves quickly left soon after the battle for unknown reasons. It has caused many of us human Demoners to drop further in population. Every age has approximately twenty to thirty five Demoners.

"They will be a great addition for us, numbers are a great advantage for our side. But they might escape from the battle again and care for themselves," Mrs Krane says, deep in thoughts.

  "I do agree about this. But they're our only hope and help we've got," Jack supports, nodding his head in understanding.

"What did our Demonist say about the papers we got from the albino org?" I ask, "We've got the papers, don't we?" I knew that they searched the albino org and found battle plans with the orgs.

"They suspect that the war was to test our capabilities, then attack again in another century," Mrs Krane says, taking a sip of coffee on her table.

"We've got to train the Demoners toughly from now onwards, especially Joel Lim," I say quickly, "The orcs are preparing themselves, Jack can help with asking the elves and dwarves for help."

  "Sure," Mrs Krane says, "Gather the Demoner Teachers and the black Demoners, it's about time to prepare."

  "Yes, Mrs Krane," I say, heading out of the door in a hurry. I scrabble down the stairs to the main hall of the castle.

"Hey Zack!" Shouts a young voice, "Wait!" I turn my head to see Joel with Lynch. "Where are you rushing to?" Joel asks, running towards me.

"Sorry Joel, no time to talk now," I say with disappointment before turning to Lynch, "Lynch, please help to ask all teachers and black Demoners to report to Mrs Krane's office now, there's an emergency."

"An emergency?" What is it about?" Joel asks immediately.

  "Got to go," I dismiss, running to the media office. I turn on the PA system and hear the familiar crack of the PA system. "Sorry for the interruption. All Teachers and black Demoners, please report to the headmaster's office. All Teachers and black Demoners, please report to headmaster's office. Thank you." I turn off the PA system and left the media office.

  A trail of Demoners enters the castle and towards the staircase to Mrs Krane's office.

  Finally a use of her office's large size, I think to myself. Joel is running towards me.

  "What's happening?" He asks, a mix of worry and panic expressed in his features.

Joel should know about what's happening around. But he's still young, I think to myself, bah, it's never too young for a Demoner in a war.

  I grab on his arm and bring him with me as we ascend up the stairs. The air is filled with moisture as the officers hurry up the stairs.

"Hey, Zack! You haven't tell me about it yet," Joel says from behind me. I decide to ignore him for the time being. Mrs Krane will let him know, I think to myself.

  Mrs Krane had her table changed into a long conference table with a map in the center. We have reach the entrance of Mrs Krane's office. "Wait here," I tell Joel.

  I push my way through the crowd to Mrs Krane. "Mrs Krane, is it okay if Joel is here. He might be young but he's going to be a part of the war," I whispers to her.

  "Okay, bring him in then," Mrs Krane replies. I head back to the door where Joel is waiting, pushing my way against the flow of colleagues.

  "Okay, you may come in," I say to Joel, who's confused with what's happening around. I bring him to the two empty seats next to Mrs Krane and sit down. All Teachers and black Demoners had already gathered and sit in their seats.


  "What is this all about?" I whispers to Zack. The flow of unfamiliar adults stopped as the last of them enters Mrs Krane's unusually large office.

  "Shh," Zack shushes as he leans closer for me to hear, "Mrs Krane will tell you."

  Mrs Krane knocks a small wooden hammer on the table for silence.

  "You must be thinking about why I called you here," Mrs Krane begins, "We suspect that the orgs are attacking again."

  That earns a wave of gasps for the shocked adults. And me.

  The orgs? Like Raymond? I think to myself. Mrs Krane knocks the table again. The gasping reduces to a silence.

  "We've got a battle plan from the last albino org Zack and Jack had killed from the Cold War. And we found that the "war" is not a war to the orgs, it was a test for us. To see how strong we are, so they sent only one-fifth of their total forces against us," Mrs Krane continues. A soft sound of "ooh" comes from the audience as she mentions Zack's and Jack's names, followed by concerns expressed by the Demoners.

  "One-fifth? Are you kidding?" A person asks from the end of the room.

  "Ya, that "one-fifth" was enough to destroy us," another Demoner adds.

  Once again, a chorus of chatter begins and so does the knocking of the wooden table.

  "There are four things I need to talk about," Mrs Krane says, "One, we need to train our students for an upcoming Org War in one century." The Demoners nod their heads. "We need to teach them skills and techniques against the orgs."

  "Two, we, of course, need the help of the Elves and Dwarves." The Demoners nod their heads again. "I would be asking for Jack and four other Demoners as our representatives to convince them to help us, who's in?"

  Elves and Dwarves? They exists? I think to myself.

  Most people raise their hands in an instant. I can tell that everyone is eager to meet the oddly-born people. "Jack, I'll leave it to you to decide," Mrs Krane says to the black Demoner, who nods in acknowledgement.

  I look at him, noticing some familiar features on his face.

"Is it fixed to us black Demoners or can I include some other Demoners, it might be necessary," Jack asks, taking a quick side glance at me. I look at Mrs Krane who seems to have an understanding of what Jack is talking about.

"Very well, of course, as long as it is not the teaching officers," Mrs Krane says, cueing groans from around the room.

  "Thank you, Mrs Krane," he says with a low pitched voice, bowing forward before taking his seat.

  Immediately, I remember him. He's the man whom I met in the village! I think with surprise. I remember he said he had a demon named Andros, his name is Jack.

  "Three, we need some people to spy the orgs," Mrs Krane continues. The rows of hands drop like tumbling cards. "Our Demonists have studied the dead orgs from the war and learnt the Mimic spell they had used." Still, the room is filled with uncertainty.

"Lastly, we need resources. Food, weapons, camps and the likes, but don't spent too much, we don't want to end up like the orgs, do we?" Mrs Krane says, glancing around the quiet room.

  "So what's the plan?" Zack asks.

  "The officers will be busy with the students, so the black Demoners will be scouting the orgs territory and get resources," Mrs Krane states, gesturing to the rows of Demoners before her for any question.

  One man in blue raises his hand, "May I suggests having a tournament to choose the skilled students to be leaders or officers? The black Demoners prefer independence and fight in small groups," the black uniformed nods their heads in agreement, "While we officers can't maintain control for, approximately, a thousand students each."

  Murmuring begins in the headmaster's office as the group of senior Demoners share their opinions between each other. The table makes its familiar cry as Mrs Krane knocks it with the miniature hammer.

"I had the same idea in mind," Mrs Krane says, to most people's surprise, "but when shall it be? The war will be coming in a century!" Again, everyone murmurs in agreement. "So, I'm planning that from now onwards, we'll have multiple rankings for students. Then an annual competition to improve your rank. In eighty years time, we'll have the tournament where the Demoners gets their position in the war. This way, it keeps everybody eager and willing to train and serve the Demoners of Mankind," Mrs Krane announces. All the Demoners begin to consider, turning to each other for support.

"What do you think?" Zack asks, giving me a nudge at the shoulder to catch my attention.

"It's not a bad idea, I guess," I say, uncertain if I have any rights to comment. This is Mrs Krane's plan after all! I think to myself. But still, the urge for some competition is boiling in my blood. Of course this is a good idea, I think to myself.

"Judging from your smile, I'll take it as a yes," Zack comments, "I'll agree with Mrs Krane too."

"Any questions?" Mrs Krane asks, spreading out her arms and glancing from side to side.

"The competition will there be any fighting involved?" One of the black Demoners questions, "I mean, in a war, there have to be violence but we don't want our soldiers to be injured before any fight."

Soldiers, I think to myself, it'll be what I am in a century. There is a rush of pride and confidence throughout my body as I sit straighter upright in my chair.

"Agreed, I'm deciding that the competition is categorised. Stamina, strength, skills. We will be working on that too. As a finale, there will be physical fights but," Mrs Krane says and puts up a hand before anyone objects, "We, as their mentor and coaches will help provide them with a Barrier spell. It won't be deadly as a real fight but painful enough for the victim."

That's the cue to another round of conversations.Mrs Krane kept quiet for the Demoners before her to consider.

That's a risk we have to take, I think to myself. Unknowingly, I am accepted as a part of this conference.

"So," Mrs Krane begin as the noise dies down, "What do you think?"

Jack stood up from his seat. He had been walking around for everyone's opinions. "I, representing as the Demoners, shall accept this plan," Jack says with a loud confident voice and everyone cheers.

"Then we shall begin with this new era to defend our species!" Mrs Krane announces.

The officers and black Demoners left the large office as the conference meeting ended. The sky has darken as dark clouds envelopes the sky, bringing in a cool moist air into the castle.

Zack had left the office to his room while I scrambles down the stairs, getting used to the new method I had learnt this afternoon.

The corridor is filled with darkness, a cold wind blows through the air. As if I had practised it many times, my vision became clear as I use the Night Vision spell. Using spells are like second nature to me, the mana flow was more controllable now, if not still uncontrollable. I walk down the corridor, Starubius wraps around neck loosely.

"Brr," I shivers, "It is sure cold at night." As if he sensed my thoughts, Starubius' body begins to glow dully and becomes warmer than before, sharing his body heat with me. I smile to myself, what a cute demon.

Finally, I reach to my room. No one is there, everyone had went to sleep. I point my finger to the wooden door and my mana wiggles in the air towards the door. With a click, the door unlocks and I push it open to the left, revealing a room of tough timber. A wardrobe stands at the left end of the rectangle room, a bed lay beside it. A bathroom is built on the right, next to the entrance. A wall blocks the door from opening more than ninety degrees. There is even a table at the gap in the wall.

I could use it for studying, I think to myself. An empty jar stands on the table. A note is left beside of it.

"Add mana in the Lantern," it says. I frown in confusion. My finger lights up and violet mana begin to tread towards the Lantern. As it gathers in the jar, the room begin to light up in a violet colour as the lighted Lantern illuminates the room. I put a stop to my Night Vision spell, not wanting to waste any extra mana.

Well, it's time to sleep then, i think to myself as I turn off the Lantern by sucking back the mana. I lay down on the cushioning bed. Starubius tucks itself into the soft pillow next to my face.

Good night, Starubius, I think to myself, before getting sucked into a sleep.

  Hi guys! Hope you've enjoying this story so far. I'm targeting a thousand views and a hundred votes by this month, so help me, your fellow friends and family by letting them know and read this book!

  At the same time, enjoy yourselves. The end of the year and holidays are coming. Happy Holidays to everyone. Stay happy and supportive for the rest of the year! CHEERS! \(•>•)~¥*¥~(^<^)/

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