I'm just kinda... Supernatural

By MollyLouise8

142K 3.9K 1.3K

Ace Short is what some would call supernatural. She's different. When she meets two hunters named Sam and Dea... More

Have you met the Winchesters?
Maning the phones
Bad Day at Black Rock
Red Sky at Morning
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Malleus Maleficarum
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Mystery Spot
Jus in Bello
Time is on my side
No Rest for the Wicked

Sin City

11.1K 298 124
By MollyLouise8

"Hey wake up." Dean shook my arm.

I was passed out in the backseat of the impala. As much as I hated sleeping it helped me heal faster and I wanted these stupid gun wounds gone.

"Yeah, where are we?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Elizabethville Ohio. A once sleepy town that now has prostitutes everywhere" Dean explained.

"Enchanting." I mumbled. "Where's Sam?" I looked up at the empty seat.

"Talking to a priest that watched the suicide."

"What suicide? How long have I been out?" I pulled my boots on.

"Two, almost three days." We got out of the impala. "We're insurance adjusters." Dean fixed his tie.

"You go in. I'm not dressed right." I sat on the hood of the impala.

"Go get me lunch." He tossed me the keys. "Mess my car up I'll kill you."

"Impossible." I laughed getting in the drivers seat.
I looked down at all the controls and laughed.
I've never drove a car.
Unless you count joy rides or getaways.

"Well this is a pickle now isn't it." I tapped the steering wheel. "Seat belt. Yup let's start there. And the key." I put my seatbelt on and started the ignition. I fumbled to figure out how to put it in drive and then I finally got it to move. "Just don't slam on the gas." I whispered to myself and pulled onto the road. "Don't hit anyone. Stop at red lights and stop signs. This is easy." Luckily no one was in front of me and I just coasted down the road without breaking 100mph. I was feeling pretty good until sirens went off behind me. Maybe I can just get him to let me go if I act like a stupid blonde. I pulled over and popped a few buttons on my flannel and pushed up my boobs.

"License and registration please?" He asked.

"Did I do something wrong officer?" I looked up at him all innocent until I saw his face. His face under his face. A demon.

"Hey Princess." He smirked.

"No. Ah nope nope!" I screamed pulling the car forward running over his foot. I backed up and ran him over. Got his head with the front tire. Score.

I went through the McDonalds drive through getting Dean a breakfast sandwich and me a Big Mac. As I drove back to the church I saw demon faces everywhere.

"We have a problem." I told Dean tossing him the sandwich.

"McDonalds is not real food." Dean muttered looking down at his sandwich.

"What's the problem?" Sam asked actually concerned.

"Demons. Everywhere." I bit into the Big Mac. "I gotta go or something they'll figure me out."

"How do you know they're demons?"

"I can see their faces. Like under the meat suit. And let me tell you we are not an attractive bunch." I finished off the burger tossing the wrapper in Dean's bag.

"Stay." Dean insisted. Sam looked at him odd. "She can see demon faces that will put us one step closer to figuring out what's going on around here."

"Yeah, stay." Sam looked at me annoyed.
I could tell he didn't like me just from a glance. Maybe because I was half demon, maybe because I'm just me or he wanted to be alone with his brother in their final months. But I was positive, Sam Winchester hated my guts.

We drove more into town, getting a motel room, finding one of Dean's old friends, then into town.

"Thought you said this was some old boarded up factory town?" Dean asked Sam.

"It is." Sam replied. "At least it's supposed to be."

Everywhere was strippers. Or prostitutes. Or girls with their boobs and vaginas hanging out. Just like high school.

"Looks like now it's the Capitol of prostitution." I commented.

"Well what are we waiting for let's do some research." Dean turned walking down the road. Walking through that town pretty much 4/5 people had their hand out. We went to a bar, Trotters. Load of demons in there. I tried my best to act casual, but let's face it I'm horribly awkward.

"What about that girl?" Dean pointed to a girl in a white jacket.

"Nope." I took a sip from my beer.

"That's Trotter over there." Dean's friend, Richie nudged his head. "He sits there all night, nobody can touch him."

"Oh we'll see about that." I cracked my knuckles. Sam and Dean went to the bar while I walked over with Richie following. I stopped near Trotter. Then I poured my beer all over me.

"Hey!" I screamed at Richie. Two guards came over. "This asshole just hit on me and then poured my beer all over my new shirt!" Richie shook his head as the guards took him out.

"Are you okay Miss?" Trotter turned to me. I looked up seeing if he was a demon, nothing.

"Damnit." I mumbled. "It's alright I'll just go to the bathroom." I turned into the bathroom sliding my jacket off and drying what I could off my shirt. That plan worked well until he wasn't a demon. A gun shot went off and there was a lot of screaming. "Winchesters!" Once I made it out there Dean was tackling a guy with a gun to his head.

"Sam he's not-" I started as Sam threw holy water on the guy.

"He slept with my wife." The guy cried. "The bastard slept with my wife." The police came, arrested the suicidal man and the bar was left with two demons sitting at a table and us. Also the bar tender.

"I need a drink." I sighed leaning on the bar. "But I don't have money." I looked over at Sam and Dean. They shook their heads no. "Ugh." I stood up straight and began to walk over to the two demons at the table.

Sam grabbed my arm. "Didn't you just say they were demons?"

"Yeah." I pulled my arm away.

"Then why are you walking up to two demons?" Dean added in.

"They look like the perfect people to buy me a drink." I ruffled my curly blonde hair and walked up to the table. "Hello boys."

I didn't know where Sam and Dean went. I was much too busy getting drunk. I was there for probably two hours until Dean came back.

"Come here." Dean pulled me away from my new demon friends who had been buying me drinks all night.

"Sorry Dad." I laughed. My words slurred together. "Am I out after curfew?" I laughed at every word Dean or I said.

"How much have you drank?" We leaned on the bar where a pretty girl with black hair worked. The room was spinning and I couldn't really tell demons from humans anymore.

"I have no idea. Isn't that great?" I laughed stumbling backwards.

"She's had thirty-five shots and fifteen beers." The bartender girl said. "I was about to cut her off."

"Why! I am perfectly fine! I feel like so sober." I rocked back and forth.

"Go out to the impala. Sam and I will meet you out there in a few minutes." He patted my back pushing me towards the doors. I laid down in the backseat considering Sam would most likely stab me in the face for sitting in his seat. Being me I fell asleep there due to my drunkness. Who knows how long I slept before Sam got in the car.

"Ace? What are you doing?" He turned around. A priest sat in the passenger seat.

"Shhhhh. I'm sleeping." I held my one hand towards him the other over my head.

"Are you drunk?"

"Just a littl- okay yeah I'm wasted." I sat up looking at the Priest. My vision was still messed up due to the amount of drinks I had so I had no idea if he was a demon.

"Have you seen Dean?"

"A while ago. He pushed me out of the bar, saying I 'drank too much' or something. Said he was going to meet me out here but I don't know where he is now." I shrugged. Sam started the car pulling out of the bar.

"So is this your..." The Priest trailed off.

"Our cousin. She's a drunk." Sam answered. I rolled my eyes. They talked about Insurance and Dean while we drove.

"Dean is...here?" I stumbled to get out of the car. "This place looks like a creepy place."

"You're so drunk you can't even make good jokes." Sam commented walking up to the door. They knocked for a while and yelled Dean.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled from the basement.

"I'll get you out of there Dean, I'm with Drunk Ace and the Father." Sam yelled down to Dean.

"Sammy be careful." I leaned on the hood of the car watching and trying to regain a little bit of sobritity to tell if the damn priest was a demon or not. I got my eyes to focus enough that his demon face flashed under his meatsuit.

"Sam!" I yelled. A gun shot went off next to me hitting a statue. Bobby. The Priest threw him through the air and on the ground near me.

"You." The father turned to me. "Don't worry I'll make sure I give daddy a call." He then proceeded to throw Sam onto the windshield of the car. I couldn't do anything or really move without stumbling or falling. Never have I regreted thirty-five shots and fifteen beers until then.

Sam got off the ground running over to Bobby who handed him the colt. Sam grabbed my arm running in and I fell down the stairs a little but made it. Down the stairs The Demon Father held Dean off the ground by his neck. That was until Sam shot him. Then he shot the girl and I fell into the wall a little.

Sam and Dean slept in the motel room that night as I went back and forth between reading and throwing up my entire stomach.

I'm never drinking again. Until next week.

"Wake up boys!" I yelled opening the curtians.

"Four hours Ace. You couldn't have gave me four freaking hours!" Dean yelled into his pillow.

"Actually I gave you six."

"Eight. Do your math right." Sam corrected.

"I didn't graduate high school what do you expect." I furrowed my brows together.

"For you to know basic math." Sam sat up groggily.

"My baby brother went to Stanford." Dean rolled over smirking.

"Dean, Bobby wants to talk to you before we go." Dean sighed getting out of bed.

"You're going with Bobby?" He asked.

"Just for a week or two. Demons saw me, the words going to get around I'm with the Winchesters. Figured I should sit off my hangover on the comfort of Bobby's couch all safe and sound." I shrugged.

"We'll see you in a week then." He patted my shoulder walking out to talk to Bobby.

"Bye Sam." I slung my bag over my shoulder. He mumbled bye as I walked out. I tossed my bag in the back of Bobby's car.

"Hey babe." The familiar female voice spoke from behind me. I turned around knowing exactly who it was.
Heeled boots, black shorts, black tang top and a glitter scarf. She dressed like a hooker which was odd for her personality.

"What are you looking for Tyler?"

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