Don't go changing - season two

By XxRoxannerawrXx

98.6K 1.6K 485

Rosanglea Rossi is back again with more problems than before as her feelings start to grow and change with ev... More

The one that got away
love game
Just another day. Sigh.
It's just not my day, but then when is it ever?
opperation moonstone
The life of Rossi
Creepy Guy
The Kat that couldn't keep a secret
House of Wolves
Big Mess
The Orriginal that was invited to dinner
Hehe <3
save me the last dance
I know I expect the unexpected... but you just said what?!
Dash to Vegas
Choice's and Promise's
Panic! Everyone do your own thing
graves to mourn are decided
if I offered you Eternity, would you take it?


4.3K 65 16
By XxRoxannerawrXx

*Damon POV*

I would say I dreamt the whole of yesterday, but by the fact that Rosa is lying next to me hugging me for dear life, with her head on my chest and a smile on her face, I am going to say... Rosangela Rossi is finally mine.

“stop it” Rosa muttered burying her face into my chest so all I could see is her hair.

“I have no idea what you are talking about” I chuckled and pulled her properly on top of me.

“and I am not a hybrid” she mumbled then kissed my nose.

“what’s on your mind” I asked as she moved onto my neck. I could see in her eyes there was something.

“we need to talk” she rolled off me and sat up.

“what are we doing if... never mind” I stopped half way through as she glared at me. I get the feeling she needs me to be serious for a few minutes, something that scares me to death since Rosa and I are never serious.

“this is how I think things should go. We are like we were before, except no sleeping with other people” she instructed.

“so like exclusive best friends with benefits” I clarified.

“yep, I don’t want us to go all mushy and romantic like Stelena” she told me and I nodded.

“me neither” I agreed and she jumped out of bed.

“but at the same time even look at another girl as anything but dinner and I will kill the both of you in a heartbeat” she warned and I felt a shiver go down my spine at the jealous look in her eyes. This was a side to Rosa I had never seen, but I guess she has never been in love with anyone before me so she wouldn’t care if they cheated on her.

“the same goes for you... only I won’t kill you I will just leave and you will never see me again” I stared deep into her eyes and I saw her shiver slightly. I knew exactly what that would do to her, since it would do the same to me. Knowing that she was alive somewhere in the world and I was never able to see her again would kill me. At least if she was dead I would know she wasn’t happy with another man, I would try and learn to cope without her.

After a couple of minutes of intense, deep staring she got off the bed, something I was not expecting. I was expecting her to say something back, like agreeing to what I said. Hell if she wasn’t going to say something back I was at least expecting a long heated makeout session since our emotions were pretty intense right now.

Oh shit... what if she doesn’t feel as strongly about me as I do about her. What if one day there will be someone that she falls in love with and I’m just a faze. One day she’ll leave me for another guy and I will never see her again since she will have this dude to be her best friend and lover. I couldn’t even kill him to try and take his place since it would hurt her too much. Then again as long as she is happy, be it with me or another guy, then somewhere inside I would be happy too. But it would suck to see her happy with another guy.

“What you doing” I frowned.

“shower, want to join me” she smirked and walked into the bathroom. Just forget all this love crap Damon, take it slower. Just make sure every moment with her is special, and pretend like it could be your last. Act your normal self and everything will be ok. Act too romantic and she will freak, she’s already said so. Just listen to what she says and follow, that’s the only way this will last.

“I don’t know, this bed is pretty comfortable, I might go back to sleep” I muttered and closed my eyes. That was normal for me, for us. Rosa and I are the typical players that everybody loves to hate... nothing else would be normal for us, even when we were human.

“fine” she shrugged and started the shower.

“then again, I need a shower too” I smiled and jumped out of bed to join her. And just like that, everything was back to normal, though I still have my doubts about us actually working as some sort of dysfunctional couple... I’ll just push them to the back of my head.

*Rosa POV*

“Damon, no... no Damon, Damon I need to get changed” I moaned as he kept trying to pin me to the floor after our shower.

“no, Damon, please” I begged. I could always jump out of the window, but I am just in a towel... actually that doesn’t bother me, I’m just having too much fun trying to beat him.

“you shouldn’t have called me cute again Rossi” he laughed then jumped at me again. He decided to stay the door side so it was basically impossibly to get out of his room, unless I went for the window.

“you know, I should really move my stuff in here” I mused jumping out of his way again.

“you should because I’m not moving rooms” he smirked at me and I found my opening, so I darted for the door. His arms wrapped around my waist at the last second, pulling my back flat against his chest.

“you know I could just put a temporary spell on you to stop you from being able to move” I told him, as he playfully nibbled at my neck.

“you won’t if you want me to help you move into my room” he smirked and I sighed. He had gotten me there, he knew full well I would want him to help me because I am the most laziest person ever.

“Rosa, Damon, we need to talk” Stefan called from his room and Damon let go of me so we could both put some clothes on.

I decided to go for a grey three quarter length sleeved top and a pair of dark blue skinnies and black converses. I looked in the mirror and dried my hair off with a spell then curled it. I quickly added some eyeliner and mascara then I was done. I walked out of my room and bumped into Damon who was walking out of his at the same time.

“seriously” we muttered looking at each other. We had both gone for basically the same outfit, as he was also wearing a grey long sleeved top and dark blue jeans with black shoes.

“we have bigger problems that you two managing to accidently wear basically the same outfit” Stefan scoffed and we looked at him.

“which are” we asked together.

“stop that” we frowned at each other.

“that is going to get old really quickly” Stefan sighed.

“like we mean to do it” we both shouted at him then glared at each other.

“so, the problem we have?” I asked covering Damon’s mouth so he couldn’t say anything. I removed my hand and all three of us started to walk down the stairs.

“Isobel just turned up at Elena’s door step” Stefan told us.

“what she doing here” Damon asked.

“I don’t know, that’s what I am going to go find out” Stefan answered.

“I don’t think you should tell her I am here” Katherine stepped in front of us.

“why” Stefan frowned at her and I walked off, not bothered with whatever the cow was up to.

Stefan left and Damon joined me in the living room, followed by Katherine.

“what are you up to” he accused her and I felt extremely confused. I had totally zoned out of their conversation that included Stefan so I had no idea what was going on.

“do you get what I mean by poetic yet Rosa” Katherine looked at me and I frowned. Back when she was in the tomb she said she told me about Kristen because I was slowly figuring it out and she loved the poetry of...

“Damon and Petrova women” I guessed as it clicked into place and she nodded.

“difference is, I love Rosa” Damon snipped and hugged me.

“but you were so sure you loved me Damon, how do you know that you love her” Katherine smirked.

“that wasn’t love, you compelled me” he accused, his arms tightening around me. I stiffened and stopped breathing as Katherine’s smile grew.

“she never told you then” Katherine chuckled.

“she never compelled you Damon, she promised me she wouldn’t” I whispered and he frowned.

“she has always chosen you, just as I have always chosen Stefan... Miss Mystic Falls 1864, she chose you to be her escort when I offered both Salvatore’s to her” Katherine smiled at me and I looked at Damon.

“you thanked her that day, you were thanking her for letting you choose. How many other times did you choose” Damon asked letting go of me. Shit! He’s pissed with me over this. I can’t believe I let myself fall so hard for him, he’s still in love with Katherine.

“just that one time, I promise” I mumbled as my chest tightened. Am I second best to Katherine? Third if you include Elena. What if this is just a strange, uncontrollable lust? or is that all love is?

“we need to go see Bonnie now” Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door. So now he is just going to blank what was said, that just made my heart hurt more. Even if he doesn’t love Katherine or Elena, there will be a girl sometime in the future that turns his head away from me. A girl that he will love with all his heart and then I will be gone. She will be his best friend and his lover. There would be no need to have me around and one day I will wake up to find him gone with her, never to be seen again.

“you know she is just stirring things right” I asked Damon as he drove to Bonnie’s. He was being too quite, had a frown line to rival Stefan’s and refused to look at me. Every second it felt like another splinter was being pushed into my heart... if this is love, do I really want a part in it?

“Damon, so what you just going to ignore me now” I muttered, my hurt slowly turning into unbelievable rage. Brilliant. Thanks a lot bitch, I just get him and you have to go and mess it up. Having enough of the silent treatment I made the car slam to a stop. His hands tightened on the steering wheel slightly and his lips pressed into a single tight line, possibly angry that I just stopped the car without any warning. Most likely because I had taken his distraction away and now he was being forced to either talk to me or leave his car.

“why did you never tell me” he asked. His tone confused me. It was something I had never heard from him before; he was hurt, angry and confused. I just wished that he was upset. Upset that there was a giant iceberg separating us and it refused to melt. Upset that we weren’t flirting, laughing or even just talking.

“what you felt for her was real. For well, for all I know my entire existence, I have hoped you would feel that way about me but you never did. I was scared you would hate me...” I breathed looking out of the window. I don’t know why I said that, but I decided to just go with telling him how I felt. I already threw myself out in the open yesterday... now I was really exposing myself and risking everything. I felt out of control and hated it, I felt like I was already losing the best thing in my life.

“I could never hate you Rosangela, and I have always loved you” Damon breathed and took one of my hands in his. I took a deep breath and used almost all of my courage to look at him.

“The day Katherine told me to choose my escort for Miss Mystic Falls I knew straight away I would pick you, but I faulted. I knew how much it would hurt you to think Katherine had chosen Stefan over you again and I didn’t want you to have to go through that. I told Katherine I couldn’t choose so she grabbed a coin and told me heads was you, tails was Stefan then flipped it. The coin made the choice for me and I am sure that Lucinda was involved in making it land on heads” I mumbled, remembering that day.

“what you saw was me settling for second best. But I will admit that I got so caught up in that, that I forgot about my love for you” he sighed.

“you’re, you’re not angry with me right” I breathed.

“Rosa, love, I could never be angry with you” he smiled.

“because I’m so sorry” I whispered, wanting to cry my heart out.

“Rosa, honestly I’m fine, I have you now... nothing else matters” he grinned and cupped my face as a couple of tears threatened to break free.

“Mater Salvatore, are you saying that I am the only thing that matters in your life” I grinned, trying my best to get out of the rut I found myself fall into.

“yes Miss Rossi, I do believe I am” he chuckled. And just like that the iceberg melted into an ice cube that buried its self in the back of my head in a locked box, hopefully never to be opened again... though I felt as though it would be opened again very soon.

“We need to be getting to Bonnie’s” I reminded him.

“you can’t even let me have one small moment of just being slightly romantic” he scoffed.

“you starting another fight” I accused. This was us, the way I liked it. The playfulness of us just being who we want to be, not what others expected us to be.

“no” he breathed quickly then started the car again.

“you sure” I glared at him and he just shook his head at me.

After collecting Bonnie and Jeremy we headed to the Martin’s place. Apparently they have quite the collection of grimoire’s. The inside of the apartment had books all over the place and baby Martin was laying in the middle of the room covered in burn marks.

“Yep, everybody’s dead” Damon announced after waving an arm about in the apartment.

“we need to collect all the grimoire’s together, they spent years collecting them and I want to make sure there safe” Bonnie instructed.

“you know we could just get another match and cremate him” Damon suggested looking at baby Martin.

“don’t be disrespectful” I scoffed, hitting him in his stomach.

“fine, I’ll burry him” he wheezed, then coughed slightly. Bonnie and Jeremy both just stood by a book shelf with their backs to us, obviously trying not to laugh.

“what exactly are we looking for” Jeremy asked as Damon started to wrap up baby Martin’s body.

“according to Lucas’ dad one of these contains a spell that will let me harness the energy left behind when a witch dies violently” Bonnie told him.

“As long as it is Bonnie doing the harnessing of dead witch’s powers” Damon muttered looking at me.

“Damon, I have my powers, Emily’s powers, Lucinda’s and her mothers... I think I’ve master harnessing witches powers” I scoffed.

“well...” he began.

“shut up before I take your voice box away with a simple two word spell” I demanded and he closed his mouth, killing his protest. Bonnie and Jeremy let out a small snigger and Damon glared at them.

“Wait, you know where the witches were burned” Bonnie accused.

“yes, did we forget to mention that” I sighed. Bonnie rolled her eyes at me and shook her head.

“are we going to have to look through every one of these till we find the spell” Jeremy asked.

“no” I laughed. Bonnie walked over to the bookshelf and muttered a few words, then a book flew out and landed with the right page open.

“Great, pack the rest up and lets go” Damon demanded.

I decided to let Bonnie take all of the grimoire’s since she was more likely to remember they were there and look at them. She said I could borrow them whenever I wanted, but reading through old spells wasn’t my favourite thing to do to pass the day.

“do you think Isobel could be telling the truth and that word has gotten out about the doppelgänger” Elena worried. Her and Stefan had taken one sofa while Damon and I took the other.

“I don’t trust a word she says” Stefan shrugged.

“but it would be stupid to ignore the warning” I added.

“you know, you should just stay here, it would be better for us to keep an eye on you” Damon suggested.

“what in a house where vampires can enter whenever they want, no her house is safer” Stefan scoffed.

“so we stay there” Damon shrugged.

“so that’s the plan, I can never be out of your sight again” Elena frowned.

“let me know when you come up with a better one” he commented.

“stop being so snarky” I scorned.

“stop being so demanding” Damon retorted.

“urgh, you’re so annoying” I snapped jumping out of his lap.

“trouble in paradise already” Katherine sung as she walked into the room. I ran over to her and pinned her against the wall.

“you listen here Miss Peirce... Damon is mine, you got that. You even think about going near him or trying to take him from me and I will kill you, whether we need you or not... Got it” I snarled in her face.

“I think I got the message” Katherine smirked.

“make sure you have got it, because I will make sure your death is slow and painful” I warned and then gave her a small aneurism to prove I meant every word.

“when I say slow Katherine, I mean you will desiccate like you were meant to 145 years ago and only when you can no longer beg for mercy will I take a stake and slowly push it into your chest where your heart allegedly is” I smiled and then let go of her neck.

Elena, Stefan and Damon all just sat looking at me with their mouths open wide.

“wow you’re a psychotic bitch” Damon commented with a nervous laugh. Stefan and Elena just looked petrified of me.

“awww, you say the sweetest things” I grinned and pulled him to his feet.

“what did I just witness” Elena whispered to Stefan.

“a moody female claiming what is hers” Stefan shrugged.

“we need to go see Jeremy” Damon reminded me.

“oh, Katherine” I called and she popped her head around the corner.

“yes” she sighed.

“same goes for Stefan, you try anything to break him and Elena up again and I will end you” I smiled.

“sure, sure, no more messing around with the Salvatore’s... I’ll find a new plaything” she yawned.

“Rosa, we need to leave” Damon muttered.

“come on then” I grabbed his hand and started to skip away with him lagging behind.

“is this the spot that Emily Bennett was killed at too” Jeremy asked as we walked towards an old house.

“the founders thought it was poetic, burning her where the other witches were burned” Damon shrugged.

“how do you know where the witches were burned?” Bonnie asked. I stopped walking and doubled over, clutching my stomach.

“Rosa” Damon panicked, running over to where I was a few meters ahead.

“what’s wrong with her” Jeremy asked.

“Rosa” Damon breathed.

“I’m fine, there’s just a lot of power here” I breathed, straightening up. Bonnie and Jeremy walked over to us and Bonnie looked at me.

“I can sense it, but only just” She told me.

“yer well, being a vampire heightens everything” I shrugged.

“can you go any closer to it” Jeremy asked.

“yep, it was just the sudden intensity... I wasn’t expecting it” I smiled then grabbed Damon’s hand to drag him closer to the house, leaving Bonnie and Jeremy behind us slightly.

“so how did you know about this place” Jeremy wondered as we stood outside the front door looking at it.

“because we tried to save her. Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back, before I knew what a nasty little bitch Katherine was” Damon muttered.

“but I thought Rosa was your key?” Jeremy commented.

“I was the powers, Emily had the knowledge that we needed to open the tomb” I shrugged.

“what do you mean? Surely Emily could have just done it all alone” Bonnie frowned.

“before they took her away, she gave me her powers... She said something about them being better with me than with her... I’m guessing it has something to do with what we are doing today” I shrugged.

“you mean Emily knew this was going to happen” Jeremy gasped.

“before a witch dies, they see a great deal of the future... I’m guessing that she saw this as a possible one. If you think about it, us all being here right now might never of happened, the amount of other paths we could have taken” I lectured.

“and if it wasn’t for that sort of power...” Damon breathed and then his hand tightened around mine.

“I would be dead right now” I finished. He nodded slowly and I could see in his eyes that he was thinking about that possibility.

“but I am still here... I’ll always be by your side” I breathed and smiled at him.

He let go of my hand and opened the door. The building was just as old on the inside as it had been on the outside. My slight clean freak nature wanted to start a cleaning spell I had created to clear the place of the dirt and dust, but I held back. This must be one of the only old houses left standing. I stopped and looked up the stairs while the others carried on walking forwards. Something was wrong, really wrong. The air felt strange, angry almost, or maybe hostile. I closed my eyes and I could just about here whispers in Latin, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“whatever witch trick your trying... stop it, its not funny” Damon snapped. I opened my eyes and made my way over to where I heard his voice coming from.

“I’m not doing anything” Bonnie frowned.

“I can’t move” Damon told us. I sighed and walked pass Jeremy and Bonnie so I was standing in front of them.

“and now my ring isn’t working” he winced as his skin started to burn. I started quickly muttering a spell quickly in my head whilst pulling on his arm. He suddenly flew into my arms and I hugged him.

“I guess the witches don’t like you being here” Bonnie muttered.

“I think you should wait outside” I worried.

“as long as you don’t do anything stupid” he warned.

“I won’t do anything stupid” I promised and quickly kissed his lips, before sending him on his way.

*Damon POV*

Seriously, how long does it take for Bonnie to take some stupid witch powers off 100 dead witches!

“can you hurry it up in there” I shouted, walking towards the front door. It slammed in my face and I rolled my eyes.

“Screw you too... Emily” I shouted at a door. That was possibly one of the stupidest things I have ever done... I just shouted at a door. There again Rosa believes in talking to the dead, so she wouldn’t think I was being stupid.

“you’re on your own” I shouted and then decided to walk off back to the car and wait there.

*Rosa POV*

“are you sure about this” Jeremy worried.

“are you worrying about me” Bonnie asked.

“of course I am” Jeremy shrugged.

“well how about you go keep Damon company... I’ll look after her” I offered.

“I’ll be fine... go” Bonnie smiled and then gave him a quick hug. Jeremy left the room and Bonnie turned to give me a look that I ignored. She opened the grimoire and then frowned at me.

“can you hear that” she asked.

“the voices of the sprits that died here, I have been able to hear them since I walked in, but it is louder now” I nodded. We started to follow the voices and they got louder, until we found the right room.

“you set up the candles” Bonnie muttered and I nodded and started to pull them out of the bag I had been carrying.

I stopped moving and closed my eyes to concentrate on the voices. They were calling to someone, they were trying to say something, but I couldn’t quite make it out.

“what are they saying” Bonnie asked as I gasped.

“nothing” I smiled at her. She frowned, but went back to doing her part of the setting up. A fire started behind us and we looked at each other then nodded. The spirits were ready.

*Damon POV*

Seriously, Rosa sends Jeremy to come keep me company, thanks a lot. I manage to lose him back at his house only to be called to the Lockwood house because a vampire has ‘killed’ John Gilbert. Then I have to explain about the not so dead ring. I carry him back to the house and get blood all over me. Today is just one of those days where I am now wondering why I even woke up.

“looking hot, handsome” someone grinned, bouncing over to me.

“why thank you” I smirked and then opened my arms so that Rosa could jump into them. She wrapped her legs around my waist and then planted a massive kiss on my lips.

“I love you” she promised.

“what have you done now” I accused.

“nothing, why can’t I tell my amazingly hot and sexy boyfriend how much I love him, once in a while” she frowned.

“you have been drinking or taking drugs then” I guessed.

“Damon, you’re ruining the moment” she scorned.

“I love you too Rosa” I chuckled and then kissed her again.

“ignore it” Rosa muttered when my phone went off in my pocket.

“we have all night to hug” I smiled and put her back on her feet.

“so all you want to do is hug tonight Salvatore” she smirked. I rolled my eyes at her and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

*Rosa POV*

“Stefan, how did we beat you and Elena home” he answered the phone. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, placing light kisses on his back.

“what” he almost shrieked. I let go of him so I could move and see his face. He slammed his phone down on the side and started attacking the bowl of soap. Once he had emptied it, he threw it across the room.

“no, no, no, no” he muttered.

“tell me that wasn’t...” I breathed, remembering he had hidden the moon stone there.

“it was” he sighed and walked into his room to grab a new top. Brilliant, we have lost the moon stone again. Is it really that difficult to keep hold of? Really?

We met Stefan and then drove straight for where we know Isobel is staying, a large house on the outskirts of town. She had used exactly the same trick that Damon and I occasionally use, so it was easy to find her.

“you think this is the house” Stefan asked.

“it is...” I assured him.

“I swear to god if she isn’t here...” Stefan began.

“don’t be such a pessimist” Damon scorned. I opened the door and Stefan headed straight for the upstairs, while Damon and I searched downstairs.

“this is Isobel’s stuff, this is defiantly the right place” Damon sighed and pointed to some bags as Stefan ran back down the stairs.

“well where are they” Stefan snapped.

“I don’t know Stefan” Damon shrugged as we walked back out of the house again.

*Damon POV*

Laying in bed with Rosa is all I want to do for the rest of time. Granted we would need a compelled human to bring us blood, but this is one thing I wouldn’t mind spending my eternity doing.

“I love you” I whispered into the back of Rosa’s neck then kissed it.

“I love you too” she smiled. She turned around so she was facing me. She pressed her lips lightly against mine and then pulled back and smiled.

“Damon, I’ve had an idea” she breathed.

“go on” I muttered.

“you know what you said about Elena moving in... why don’t we sign the house over to her... that way only she controls who comes in and out” she whispered.

“Rosangela... I think you are the smartest person on earth” I praised then we both jumped off the bed to tell Stefan and Elena.

*Rosa POV*

“you’re giving me your house” Elena frowned.

“Think about it Elena... that way only you can say who can come in and who can’t” I smiled at her as she looked at the deed with Zach’s name on it.

“although I will be super pissed if you don’t let me back in” Damon muttered. I chuckled slightly and Elena smirked at me, before we both just rolled our eyes at him.

Suddenly there was a gasp from the other side of the room and Damon was on his feet, running over to John. He picked him up and held him in the air by the collar of his jacket.

“I swear I had no idea what she was going to do” John rushed.

“Damon, put him down... it’s the truth” I sighed and Damon put him down, then came over to me, standing close in a protective stance.

“you and I need to talk” Elena told John.

*Jeremy POV*

“I told you not to worry about that” Bonnie muttered as she walked into the room.

“a warning... is that all you felt like telling me. Some sort of warning Bonnie. It says if you use too much of those powers at once it will kill you” I frowned. I paused as I thought through the same question that has been going through my mind since I worked out the meaning of the warning.

“how much will it take to kill an original” I asked.

“all of it” she told me without hesitation.

“no, I’m not going to let you do that” I protested. How can she be so calm about something that is going to kill her. I can’t lose another person that I care about, that I love.

“Jeremy, do you think I was born with these powers so I could float feathers and blow out candles... there is a reason I was called to do this” she sighed.

“no one is called to get themselves killed... plus Elena isn’t going to let you die for her” I scorned.

“that is why you are not going to tell her” she breathed.

“do you even understand what you are saying...”I asked.

“its not just for Elena, Jeremy, its for you, its for everyone. If I am the only one that can put an end to this, then it will be my decision, no one else’s” she lectured. Never mind how that would make me feel? She walked off and I threw the pieces of paper onto the table.

*Damon POV*

Rosa and I leant against a wall as we watched Stefan pour himself another drink. I snaked my arm around her waist and she leant into me more. I kissed the top of her head and smiled. I still cannot believe she is mine.

“Bonnie said the spell worked. She is locked and loaded” I commented.

“at least something went right today” Stefan sighed.

“Katherine has no idea that Bonnie has her powers back” Stefan muttered.

“mmm” Rosa and I agreed.

“and she had no idea what you two took Bonnie and Jeremy to do today” he continued.

“we’re the only ones that know” Rosa finished.

“that literally makes Bonnie our secret weapon” I smirked.

“well I want to go to bed now” Rosa shrugged out of my hold and walked off.

“Rosa’s hiding something” I sighed at Stefan.

“I don’t think she is” Stefan frowned.

“you don’t know her like I do... there is something different about her” I frowned.

“like what” he asked.

“if I know that then she would be crap at hiding things” I scoffed.

“you’re being paranoid” he muttered.

“you’re right... I’m just not used to us being together properly yet” I shook my head to dislodge the thought that she was hiding something from me. Rosa never hides anything from me... so if she is then it must be bad.


right, sorry for the long wait, hope this new chapter was worth it :D

is Rosa hiding something from Damon?

what do you think of Rosa and Damon together?

What about Rosa's little protective speech to Katherine?

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thank you

lovelove <3

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