Remember Me? {Andy Biersack F...

By Harley_Is_Batman

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Julia Angelo was Andy's girlfriend before he moved away to follow his dreams. While he was gone, Julia was in... More

Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction}
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 1
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 2
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 3
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 4
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 6
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 7
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 8
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 9
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 10
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 11
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 12
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 13
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 14

Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 5

2.7K 32 12
By Harley_Is_Batman

"Well, isn't this a lovely surprise?" Chris smirked, leaning against the wall. I smiled and looked back at Danny and Andy.

Danny still looked as if he were in shock.

I regretted looking at Andy's expression.

He looked straight at me. His expression was so sad, so hurt. When he looked over at Chris, I could see pure rage and hatred.

Then, it hit me. I forgot that I used to know Andy. I forgot he said we used to be in love. I must've hurt him.

He turned away, but not before I saw the tears gather in his eyes.

I'm a horrible person.

I looked back at Chris and then Andy again.

"Chris, I have to follow him..." I said.

He nodded, still smiling in joy.

"Talk to you later, babe." he said, pecking me on the lips before walking away.

I immediately ran after Andy.

"Andy!" I yelled.

No reply.

"Andy!!" I yelled again, speeding up.

He just walked faster.

I kept following until he ran into a dead end. He wasn't too happy about that.

"Fuck!" he said, exasperated.

I walked up to him. He tried to turn away but I wouldn't let him. I took his hand in mine and made him look into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I forgot about everything you told me. I was living in the moment I guess you could say. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way." I apologized, rubbing circles on his hand with my thumb.

"I understand. I'm sorry for overreacting." he said, pulling me in for another bone crushing hug.

"Your hugs are amazing!" I said, chuckling.

His eyes filled up with tears. What did I do? What did I say?

"Andy, what is it?"

"You used to say that all the time to me." he chuckled. "In fact, that was the first thing you ever said to me."

The tears spilled over once he recalled the memory of our first meeting. Maybe I'll remember someday.

"Oh, Andy..." I said, wiping his tears away. I hugged him again and rubbed his back. It took a while but he finally calmed down.

I looked at a clock on the wall and realized Andy and I had been here for almost an hour.

Then a thought occurred to me.

"Oh my God! Danny!!" I exclaimed.

Andy's eyes went wide.

"We forgot him!!" I yelled.

"Here, hop On my back!" Andy said.

I did as I was told and Andy took off running. We went to the place where we left Danny but he wasn't there.

We looked out in the parking lot for his car. It was gone. That meant Danny left without us.

I hopped off of Andy's back and we looked at each other. Immediately, we started laughing. And hugging. And hugging and laughing.

It triggered something. In my mind. A memory maybe. I would have to think about it later.

Andy an I kept joking around. We hugged a lot. His hugs really were amazing.

But what we didn't know was that Chris was watching the whole thing.

Chris's POV

I was sitting in my car waiting for Ricky to come out. I looked up and saw Julia and Andy.

They were hugging a lot. Kind of like those cliche best friends in love. It made me sick.

I growled. Julia's mine, not his. I'll fight for her. Andy won't have her.

This means war.

Author's not:

Next chapter will be back to Julia's point of view. :) Hope you liked it.

<3 Blade

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