Bluestar x Oakheart - What Co...

بواسطة leopardsky

7.5K 97 133


Chapter One ~ A New Leader Rises
Chapter 3 ~ Blur
Chapter 4 ~ The Welcoming
Chapter 5 ~ The Prophecy
Chapter 6 ~ Remembering

Chapter Two ~ Unsettled

1.3K 19 13
بواسطة leopardsky

a/n: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long! I had writer's block for a while and didn't know what to write, but I think this story is finally going to have some direction! Also, just a note; each chapter will alternate between Bluestar and Oakstar's pov's. This may vary sometimes, but that's generally going to be the structure. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

Oakstar watched as Bluestar raced up the slope, leaving him behind. Again. He sighed, closing his eyes. Their romance had never been as easy as he'd wanted it to be. He still couldn't understand why she'd given him their kits all those moons ago, in the depths of one of the worst blizzards the forest had ever suffered. Mistyfoot and Stonefur had grown into fine warriors, loyal only to RiverClan.

Completely unlike their father.

He quickly padded through the forest through his territory, contemplating their conversation. They had not spoken for many, many moons, and yet, it seemed that their feelings were still just as strong as they had been before. He rolled in some ferns to cover up Bluestar's scent. No cat should know what he had done.

As he entered the camp, his deputy, Leopardfur, came bounding across the camp, tail bristling. Alarmed, Oakstar padded forward. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Where have you been?" she demanded. "You just left the camp without telling any cat! You can't -" She broke off as Oakstar bushed out his tail and drew his lips back in the beginnings of a snarl. "Do not forget your place in this Clan, Leopardfur." He held his head high. "I made you deputy because I believed you and I would be able to work together to lead our Clan well, not to be challenged. Do you understand?" 

Oakstar could see the hairs on Leopardfur's pelt still bristling, but she nodded curtly. "The patrols returned a few moments ago," she told him, gesturing to the fresh-kill pile, which was covered in fish. Oakstar felt pleased. "Is all well on the borders?" he asked.

"There haven't been any reports of trespassing or prey-stealing, so I'm assuming yes," Leopardfur replied. "Should we send out more this afternoon?"

Oakstar paused, thinking. Would ThunderClan patrols be going out in the afternoon? What am I thinking? Shaking himself, he replied, "Yes, of course. Make sure to choose cats who didn't go this morning."

Leopardfur nodded and started to pad away, beckoning with her tail for him to follow her. They halted beside the warriors' den. "According to some of our cats, the den's roof has been damaged," she told him.

Oakstar was barely listening; his thoughts were filled with his reunion with Bluestar.


He jumped and shook himself before looking at his deputy, forcing his fur to lie flat. "Yes, um . . ."

Leopardfur sighed, and, rolling her eyes, she repeated what she'd said. Oakstar nodded, trying to regain control. I can't let myself be distracted from my Clan! "Get some of the warriors to rebuild it," he told her.

Leopardfur nodded, tail weaving. "Okay. Should they start now?"

Oakstar shrugged. "As soon as you can, I suppose." As his deputy began moving towards some warriors who were basking on the rock, Oakstar called, "And, Leopardfur?"

His deputy turned her head, amber eyes expectant.

"We need to talk. Meet me in my den once you're done sorting out the patrols and the den leakage."

Leopardfur's eyes narrowed slightly, head tilted. He knew she was inwardly questioning his reasons. After a few heartbeats, she nodded. "Alright, Oakstar," she mewed cooly. He watched as she moved to the middle of the camp, calling for the warriors to join her.

As he watched his warriors gather, he suddenly began to feel shaky. His legs trembled and his breathing became quick and shallow. Why am I feeling like this? He continued watching for a few more heartbeats when suddenly he couldn't take it anymore. He raced to his den, pushing past the reed fronds until he was submerged in the darkness of the cave. He stood there, tail weaving from side to side, desperately trying to calm himself down. "Come on," he whispered to himself. "Why are you feeling like this?"

Was it that he was a traitor, and had been ever since he fell in love with Bluefur - no, Bluestar now, he reminded himself? No, that wasn't it. He knew that wasn't it. There was something else. He padded across to the entrance of his den, staring out at the camp when he suddenly realised: his breath was coming quickly because he knew he would have to see Bluestar again in two days. He was shaking because they would be in front of their warriors; their warriors who would be watching their every move... What if he held her gaze for too long? What if her presence sparked those bittersweet memories of that one night they had together? They couldn't give themselves away. 

How was he going to do this? How could he ever be a rival leader to his former mate? He quickly realised his stupidity in calling Leopardfur to meet with him. He'd only done so because he had no idea how to handle this new situation that had presented itself to him. "You're the RiverClan leader," he reminded himself. "You can do this."


He jumped at Leopardfur's voice. He turned his head to look at her. 

"You wanted to see me?" she pressed.

Forcing his fur to lie flat, he turned and settled himself, curling his tail around his paws. Clearing his throat, he spoke calmly, hiding his panic. "It's okay, Leopardfur." Rising to his paws, he padded over. "Have the afternoon patrols gone out yet?"

There was that questioning look in her eyes again. They narrowed as she studied his face. "Are you alright, Oakstar?"

"Answer my question," Oakstar snapped. He flinched at the tone of his voice; he hadn't meant to snap at her. "Sorry, Leopardfur... I'm just not feeling well."

"Do you want to see Mudfur?"

"No!" He inwardly cursed at himself. Why couldn't he sound normal? "No. I'll be fine."

Leopardfur sighed. "If you say so. And as for the afternoon patrols, I've sent out all of them except for one."

"Alright," Oakstar mewed. "Tell the patrol I'll be joining them."

Surprise etched across her features. "Are you sure? Leaders don't normally accompany border patrols. Besides, it can easily be done without you."

"I'm sure." Oakstar's mew was steady as he looked down at his deputy. He only held her gaze for a moment before returning it to the entrance of his den. "Let's go."

Together, they pushed out of the den and began heading towards the warriors that made up the patrol. Blackclaw, Shadepelt and Heavystep talked together, heads bent close.

The patrol looked up as Leopardfur and Oakstar approached. "Oakstar will be joining you," Leopardfur mewed. Looking to him, she added, "You lead the patrol." With that, the unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat turned and left.

Oakstar watched her for a few heartbeats, then turned to his patrol. "We'll patrol along the WindClan border," he mewed. Without another word, he began moving towards the camp entrance, his patrol following behind.

As they moved through the territory, Oakstar found the bubbling of the river both soothed him and gave him the confidence he needed. He lifted his head high as he led the patrol through the foliage. 

When they came to the border, Blackclaw began setting markers, nose wrinkled in disgust. "I've always hated the stench of WindClan cats," he muttered. Oakstar waited for him to finish before continuing along the border. Each cat's ears were pricked as they moved, listening and watching for any sign of trespassing cats.

As they continued moving, Oakstar thought it strange that they hadn't come across a WindClan patrol yet.

"We haven't seen any patrols from WindClan," Shadepelt noted, unknowingly echoing Oakstar's thoughts. Bending to scent the border, he added, "Their scent is stale, too."

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strengthen our side," Oakstar mewed.

Blackclaw's lips curled back into a snarl. "Let them smell us. Let them know how strong we are." He turned to face the border, his voice rising to a yowl. "You're all minnow-hearts!"

"Blackclaw!" Oakstar glared at the smoky black tom. "You don't just go yowling threats to other Clans! What if -"

A sharp nudge to his flank stopped him mid-speech. "Oakstar," Heavystep whispered. 

He turned to face the tabby. "What is it?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

"WindClan cats," Heavystep hissed, tail waving in the direction of the bridge. "The wind carried their scent from that direction."

"Trespassers," Oakstar growled. He exhaled sharply before mewing, "Keep close to me. No cat moves to confront them until we're sure they're across the border. Understand?"

His cats nodded, tails weaving and hackles rising.

"Alright. Let's go." Oakstar ducked his head down and began moving through the undergrowth. His patrol's paws thrummed against the ground as they ran, determined to catch the WindClan cats in the act.

As they came closer, Oakstar raised his tail for the patrol to slow. "We don't want them to know we're here," he murmured. If they are here.

Keeping his body low, he moved forward, the patrol following behind. Peering through the reed fronds, he growled. There were WindClan cats, all of them milling around the RiverClan side of the river. As he continued watching, Blackclaw growled, "Prey-stealers!" Oakstar's gaze flitted from cat to cat, searching for the familiar shine of a fish. Then, he saw it: a silver fish dangling from one of the cats' jaws. Oakstar looked at the face of the cat: the WindClan deputy, Deadfoot.

"How dare they take our fish?!" Blackclaw glared at the WindClan cats, then at Oakstar. "Oakstar, why aren't we attacking? They've stolen our prey!"

"Wait," Oakstar murmured. His gaze was narrowed as Deadfoot placed the fish down in front of his patrol. Deadfoot's mew floated across to where the RiverClan cats crouched. "Here. A nice, plump, fish."

Mudclaw made a gagging sound. "Deadfoot, do we have to eat this?"

"There's no prey on our territory," Deadfoot growled. "The Twolegs are doing something to the rabbits. This is the only way we'll get food."

A light grey tabby she-cat met Deadfoot's gaze. "But warriors aren't meant to hunt for themselves," she mewed. "Prey is meant to be taken back to the camp for the elders and -"

"I don't want to hear it!" Deadfoot stalked over to the she-cat, rising up to his full height. "We're the warriors. We're the ones who need to be strong to hunt!"

"How long are you going to sit there and wait?" Blackclaw hissed. As Tornear looked around nervously, Oakstar growled, "I've seen enough." He let out a yowl as he leaped forward, his patrol leaping behind. The WindClan cats looked up, startled, as the RiverClan warriors landed and moved forward as one, fur bushed out and lips drawn back into snarls.

"What are you doing on our territory?" Oakstar growled.

Deadfoot stared at Oakstar cooly. "Hunting for fish," he replied.

Oakstar stepped forward, drawing himself up to his full height, eyes glinting in the sunlight. "You have no right to hunt on RiverClan territory," he growled, slowly unsheathing his claws.

"Oh, I think we do," Deadfoot mewed, padding across to Oakstar. The black tom's eyes were narrowed as he shoved his muzzle forward until their noses almost touched. WindClan scent wreathed around Oakstar as Deadfoot growled, "You can't control us. Besides... RiverClan is nowhere near as strong as WindClan."

Oakstar shook with rage. How dare the WindClan deputy lead his patrol onto RiverClan land? How dare he talk to a leader like this? We'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget. Bunching his muscles to leap forward, Oakstar screeched, "Attack!"

The RiverClan cats surged forward, screeching a battle cry. Yowling in fury, Oakstar leaped on top of Deadfoot, biting down on his neck. The WindClan deputy let out a squall of shock, rearing to throw him off. Oakstar dug his claws into the WindClan cat's shoulders, letting himself fall onto his back. Pulling Deadfoot on top of him, he battered at his belly with his hind paws. Deadfoot yowled in pain, black fur flying out. The scent of blood filled Oakstar's nose. Suddenly, Deadfoot raised his forepaw and lashed at Oakstar's head. Oakstar immediately stopped battering at Deadfoot's belly, baring his teeth. Before he could counter-attack, another blow came from the other side. Oakstar yowled in pain as Deadfoot rained blow after blow on Oakstar's head, ribbons of blood flowing into his eyes. The WindClan deputy snickered. "Not so strong now, are you?"

Oakstar's teeth were bared with a snarl of fury. I won't go down like this! Screeching, he flipped them over so he was on top of Deadfoot. It was only moments before the two toms were locked in a screeching tangle of fur and claws. Suddenly, Oakstar was underneath Deadfoot again. This time, he didn't wait for the WindClan warrior to attack him. He lunged for Deadfoot's throat, but the black tom dodged. Then Oakstar threw Deadfoot off him, staggering to his paws. Deadfoot did, too, and for a few heartbeats the two stood glaring at each other, chests heaving, growls rumbling in their throats. Then Oakstar hissed, whipping around to face his next opponent.

Oakstar surveyed the battle: Tornear and Heavystep were locked in a screeching tangle of fur and claws. Blackclaw chased the light grey tabby she-cat around the bridge, tail streaming out behind him. Just beyond Oakstar, Shadepelt was struggling to dislodge Webfoot's teeth from her shoulder. As she scrabbled desperately, she screeched in pain.

Racing forward with a screech, Oakstar leapt on Webfoot, tearing him away from Shadepelt, rolling them over until the tom was underneath him. He began raking at Webfoot's belly with his hind paws, Webfoot letting out shrieks of pain. Oakstar suddenly threw Webfoot away from him, signalling to Shadepelt with his tail. As Webfoot staggered to his paws, Oakstar and Shadepelt raced towards him. They split up, racing on either side of the WindClan cat. As Webfoot leaped forward to meet them, Oakstar dived beneath his belly. Just as he'd hoped, Webfoot landed just beyond him, where Shadepelt raked at his flanks. Oakstar got up, racing to the front of Webfoot, rising up on his hind paws and raking at Webfoot's face while Shadepelt nipped at his flanks. Webfoot screeched, tore himself away from them, and raced away.

"Good job!" Oakstar panted. Shadepelt was looking to where the other cats were. "I think the battle's over," she mewed. Looking over, Oakstar could see the two rival Clans in lines opposite one another, blood dripping from their wounds; tails lashing; growls rumbling in their throats.

"Come on," Oakstar murmured to her. He and Shadepelt joined the rest of their patrol, glaring at the WindClan cats. "You trespassed on RiverClan territory and stole prey," Oakstar mewed. Lifting his chin, he continued, "If we catch your patrols again, there will be severe consequences." He glared. "Now go!"

The WindClan cats turned, tails still lashing. They hissed at the RiverClan cats as they left. Before Deadfoot crossed the border to WindClan, he turned and stared straight at Oakstar, eyes narrowed. "This isn't over," he spat. Then, he turned and vanished.

Blackclaw let out a caterwaul of victory. "Minnow-hearts!" he screeched.

Oakstar nodded in approval of his warriors. "Well done," he mewed. "You showed WindClan that we do not show mercy to trespassers. I am proud of your efforts today." His cats purred, eyes gleaming.

"And we were proud to fight alongside you," Shadepelt mewed. The other cats nodded and meowed in agreement.

Oakstar nodded to her, a purr rumbling in his throat. They had won. "Let's go home," he mewed. 

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