Call Me Klutzy Sandra

By CalliGali819

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2: Call Me Ungraceful
3: Call Me The Black Sheep
4: Call Me A Pessimist

1: Call Me Cinderella

155 5 1
By CalliGali819

Chapter 1

Call Me Cinderella

"Trust me, Sand. Your life is like the messed-up version of Cinderella's."

I threw the last can of soda I saw into the trash bin. I scanned the really large place for any hidden trash and joyfully took my apron off when I was positive that I've cleaned them all up. I sighed and crashed onto our large sofa. I stuffed my head into the fluffy pillow and inhaled its pleasant smell.

I felt so awesome, lying here on our soft and heavenly sofa. I took a look at what I've done again and felt satisfied and a bit proud of my job. I was getting even better at cleaning!

Well, considering the fact that I practically cleaned 24/7...

Metta should better not complain with that annoying pitchy voice of hers.

I inhaled the smell of lemon in the air deeply and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Freedom! Freedom! I demand freedom, Normetta!"

My voice echoed through the really large halls of our mansion.

Someone chuckled and I looked at the awesome boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes beside me. Charlie's eyes showed amusement and pride in them and that made me grin.

I took off my sandals, placed my feet on a pillow and rested my head on top of my best friend's lap.

"Evil mother and snobby sisters strike again, huh, Cinderella?" he said while stroking my auburn hair.

I snuggled closer to him, really comforted and relaxed at his touch. Oh, this guy was just the best best friend I could ever ask for!

Then I thought about what he said. Did I have a heartless, merciless, evil and demanding mother who didn't even give a flipping cheese when my nice and understanding Dad died? Did I have a snobby, stuck-up and conceited sister who was always jealous of me (even though I do not freaking know why) and tried to have everything I have?

Yes and freaking yes. Sometimes I wondered if I'm adopted or something... They treated me like dirt. Well Carsara, my younger sister who was 16 years old, was the nice one though. If only she'd stand up to Normetta, my mom and Mariette, my 19 year-old sister...

"At least Cinderella had a happily ever after..." I said.

Charlie chuckled. "I did say messed-up..."

I smiled in amusement. "Oh, and Cinderella has a step-mom and step-sisters. And she has a prince."

Charlie stared at me. "Ooh, don't worry, Cindy! I could be your Prince Charming!" he winked.

I raised an eyebrow and bursted out laughing.

Charles Jamieson was my best friend since I was just five and he lived nextdoor. I liked addressing him as "Eli" because his full name was Charles Elliot Jamieson, but he hated that nickname. He can't ban me from one of the scarcely-there source of joy I had, though.

He was tall, lean and very muscular. He was a good 6'2", while I was an okay 5'7", though he still teased me because of my height.

Sometimes I went short on breathing because he usually went in my house shirtless whenever his brother fought with him and he asked me to be a doctor for him. I was still not used to seeing half-naked guys, okay?

Charlie was really nice, caring, understanding and loved to joke around. He was also a really good singer. He had a good sense of humor and just had the right words to cheer me up all the time.

He was the biggest optimist I have ever met. There was just something about him that makes you feel that everything's okay. He was just... unique. That was why he was my best friend.

He loved pranking people, going to parties and dates, flirting with girls, sometimes took them home to meet his parents and his best girl friend (me), playing sports, being voted prom king and--

Wait, wait. Did I mention that he was the most popular guy in school?

If not, then... Well, now you know.

"Dear Cinderella! How could you laugh at my love for you!" he dramatically gasped.

"Speaking of that..." I grinned.

Just as I expected, Charlie groaned, while I snickered. He ran a hand through his already disheveled, but not too messy, hair. "Please don't bring that up..." he pleaded.

You see, back to junior year, which was last year, Charlie "admitted" that he was in love with me.

Do you have a guess on what I did?

I punched him hard on his shoulder and laughed. He then laughed along (while clutching his shoulder). And then he said it was a prank and a joke. But he was blushing! He probably found it awkward, but he might've still wanted to see my reaction. It was so cute and funny!

"Yeah, I won't," I assured him. I sat up and looked at him seriously. "So, Eli... Go order pizza. Now."

He saluted and got up, laughing.

"Order the one with a lot of mozzarella!" I yelled.

"Yeah, yeah!" he waved. As he disappeare into the dining room, where the phone is, someone behind me shouted, "Boo!"

I jumped and turned to the laughing girl with blonde hair and green eyes and glared at her. "Sara!"

Carsara, the kind sister of mine, chuckled. She sat beside me and mimicked me. "Sandra!"

I rolled my eyes and ruffled her hair.

Oh, before I forget, my name is Sandra Marvous.

Carsara, or Sara Marvous is my younger sister. She was 16, like I said earlier, and she was also my girl best friend. I love this girl because she didn't treat me like I was the reason of Mother Earth slowly dying. She treated me like a sister should, but her problem was that she let our evil mom and older sister, Mariette or Marie, walk over her.

She giggled. "You're lucky mommy and Marie are out of town for two days. If they heard you, they would've stabbed you with their four-inch heels..."

And that was why I also love Sara. She didn't like the way our evil mom and sister treated people not as rich and important people as them.

"They have a meeting for the Grand Ball?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm so glad they didn't bring me with them." She laughed and I joined in.

Everytime Metta went to parties, or business meetings, it was either Marie or Sara, or the both of them she brought. Never me.

Then she turned serious. "Speaking of the Grand Ball..."

I groaned. "Sara... Not this again..."

Yeah, Grand Ball. It made Charlie's statement about my life being a "messed-up version of Cinderella's" even more true.

We were invited to the Grand Ball because my family was filthy rich and helped a lot in political and social affairs in the whole country. Ever since, Sara had been running her mouth a lot about it.

"C'mon we need to find you a dress and a date!" Sara insisted.

"Dress for what and what date, Cinderella?" someone asked indignantly.

I jumped again and looked at Charlie with his protective best friend face, who crashed down the sofa beside Sara and put an arm around her.

Sara made a disgusted face and slapped Charlie's hand.

Actually, Sara didn't hate Charlie. But Marie liked him a lot and is envious of me since I was with Charlie almost all the time. Marie was even more mean to me because of that and Sara disliked it. So Sara put out her anger with Marie to Charlie.

Charlie feigned a hurt look and put a hand on the spot where his heart is. "Why do you Marvous girls hate me so much?"

Sara snorted. "Yeah, but it seems a certain someone is in love with you and can't wait to have you."

I stared at Sara. Marie's in love with Charlie?

Charlie looked taken aback. Then he turned to me with a curious expression, his mouth agape.

I raised an eyebrow at him and after a moment, I widened my eyes in realization. "No!" I cried, "Not me!"

Charlie blinked and smirked. "Who then?" he asked.

Sara rolled her eyes. "Marie," she said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Her."

Sara widened her eyes and beamed at Charlie like he was her hero. "You hate her?"

Charlie shrugged. "Well, hate is a really strong word... But she's mean, demanding, concei-"

"Yay!" Sara unexpectedly gave him a bear-hug.

"Um, Sara..." I stuttered.

What was up with this girl? One day she claimed to dislike Charlie and the next, she acted like he just saved her life.

She let go of the chuckling Charlie and grinned. "Anyone who isn't a friend of Marie is a friend of mine."

I sighed and shook my head in amusement.

Sara shrugged and took out her phone. She opened an application, which she was addicted to. "Go, go now. Talk with your best friend," she ordered and gestured me to 'scoot'.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Charlie stood up and sat on my right. He slung an arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

I saw Sara smirk and mutter something, but I couldn't make it out. I decided to shrug it off and faced my boy best friend.

"Anyway, what took you so long to call the pizza guy?" I asked Charlie.

He smiled sheepishly and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the loud honking of a very familiar car.

I widened my eyes and gasped. "You didn't!" I scowled.

Charlie pretended to clean his nails.

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. I smiled in satisfaction as it hit his head but immediately frowned. "Charles Jamieson!"

He raised his eyebrows nonchalantly. "Yes, Cinderella?"

I gave him a look. "Do not tell me you invited him!" I complained.

"Okay, I won't."


"You said I won't tell you I invited Caleb! So-"

"What goes on, my favorite people?" the voice I didn't want to hear spoke up.

Once he appeared in my sight, I grunted.

Charlie grinned at his boy best friend. "Yo, Caleb!"

Immediately, Sara's head snapped to Caleb's direction and blushed.

Oh, man.

I didn't like Caleb, or Cale because he didn't take things seriously most of the time and he was too blind to see the clear sign on Sara's forehead saying, "I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON CALEB LISSIDY EVER SINCE I FIRST SAW HIM!"

He was so dense that it was driving me crazy!

Sara muttered something like, "Oh good god." I had to hold my laugh upon seeing her very red cheeks.

"Cale, what are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Charlie invited me over."

I gave Charlie the harshest glare I could give.

"What?" Charlie said innocently, "I figured since you, me and Sara are best friends, we could add Cale to join the BFF party."

I groaned. "Sometimes I wonder if you own this place and not my family."

"So!" Cale grinned and sat beside the furiously blushing Sara. "Are you guys going to the Grand Ball?"

Sara's blush was replaced by a large grin. "Yeah!"

"Yup." Charlie smiled.

"No," I said.

All three heads snapped to me.

"No?" Sara shrieked. "You can't say no!"

"Yeah, Cinderella," Charlie agreed. "You need to come. You won't meet your Prince Charming if you don't come!"

I gave him a look.

"Ah, I meant you need to come because it's a charitable event!" he added.

I shook my head. "No! I don't even have a dress, or a date! And it's already next week!"

Charlie clapped his hands together. "Well, then! I'll be your date! Problem solved!"

I gaped at him. "No wa-"

"And," Sara interrupted. "We can go shopping for dresses right now! Problem number two solved!"

Both guys groaned.

I raised my hands and put them in a surrending manner. "Wait-"

"C'mon let's go!" Sara pulled on my arm.

The doorbell rang. Cale stood up and went to the front door and later returned with a large box of pizza.

Sara stared at her favorite food for a while and let go of my arm. "Change of plans. We eat this delicious and lovely piece of heaven first, then go to the mall."

Before I could reply, the boys nodded in agreement and dug in the pizza box. I groaned in frustration and took a pizza too.

I said between bites, "Can I speak without any interruptio-"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Charlie flicked my nose. "No speaking when your mouth is full!"

I jabbed him with my elbow and he choked. He gave me a look and I sarcastically smiled.


"I'm driving." Charlie snatched the car keys from Cale.

We were outside the house, where Cale parked his BMW. I changed my ratty clothes into a purple sweatshirt and jeans with my sneakers, then we went out to go to the mall. But our time was wasting with these two fighting over who'll drive the car.

"It's my car!" Cale protested.

"Yeah." Sara nodded with agreement. "Give it back to him, Jamieson."

"I helped you pay for this car! I should drive!" Charlie insisted.

"No. It's mine!" Cale tried to grab the keys back but failed.

"I'm gonna drive."

"C'mon, give my keys back."


"I'll buy you cake!"

"Hmm, let me think about it--no."

"C'mon! There was this chocolate fudge cake and it's so-"

"For Pete's sake!" I stomped my foot and grabbed the keys from Charlie. Before he could react, I jumped in the driver's seat and started the engine. "I'm driving."

I fastened my seat belt and gestured them to get in the car.

Cale raised an eyebrow. "But..."

I winked at him and took my driver's license from my wallet and showed it to him. "Hop in, guys, and let the driving genius take charge."

Charlie grunted and called shotgun. Sara sat at the backseat, together with surprised-looking Cale.

He leaned in and rested his elbows at the back of Charlie's and my headrests. "When did you...?"

"Two days ago," I said proudly.

He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Cale always told me that I could never get my driver's license because when I was off and on the road, I was a big klutz. I agreed with him on the clumsy part, but I refused to believe that I would never get my license. So we made a bet and it looked like I won!

Ha! I smirked and he stuck his tongue out.

Such a kid...

I still sort of considered him as one of my best friends, though. Even if he's so freaking dense, he was really nice. Besides, he was Charlie's best bud. And there was this whole whoever my best friend's friends are, are also my friends thing.

We rode for a few minutes quietly and then Charlie, who couldn't stand silence, turned the radio on. Then the familiar entrance of a song played. I widened my eyes and smiled as I recognize Charlie's favorite song. He said that he loved the song because it reminded him of me...

I took a quick glance at Charlie and saw him grinning at me.

Sara started the first verse with Charlie and Cale echoing her. Then the chorus came and they cheered.

"I don't mind spending everyday," Sara sang. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel with the beat.

"Out on your corner in the pouring rain," Cale joined in.

"Look for the girl with the broken smile." Charlie joined too, and ruffled my hair. "Sing, Cinderella. It's your song."

I rolled my eyes. Will he ever drop the Cinderella thing?

"Ask her if she wants to stay awhile..." The three of them sang loudly.

I shrugged and sang, "And she will... be loved."

We all chorused, "She will be loved!" I laughed when Cale fakes a British accent, while singing. But we actually sounded good.

I continued, "Tap on my window, knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful..."

I let them sing as I concentrated on my parking.

When I finished parking, the song ended and Charlie turned the radio off. I turned the engine off and unfastened my seat belt.

We hopped out of the car and started to move toward the entrance. The gust of the mall's air conditioning greeted us the moment we stepped in.

"C'mon, girlfriends! Let's go shopping!" Cale said with bored and sarcastic tone.


I think someone had been watching me. Was that weird?

You know, you get that feeling in your gut and you start getting goose bumps. And you start freaking out because you practically feel that someone's eyes on you...

And like in those movies when the guy turns around to try to see who's been watching him, but finds no one suspicious enough.

I was experiencing those now.

Who could be watching me? A ghost? A stalker? Metta? Marie? A cliché murderer who has an axe for a weapon?

Oh monkeys and potatoes.

I grabbed Charlie's arm and clutched it like my life depends on it. I started shivering and the ice cream we ate ten minutes ago wasn't helping.

"What's wrong, Cinderella?" Charlie asked, worry in his voice.

"Let's just go in Gracieux," I whispered.

He still had a concerned expression on, but he gave me a smile.

We stepped in Gracieux, the store that owned the best and the most unique gowns from famous designers, not to mention expensive. But my family was sort of loaded, so it's not a problem.

Sara shrieked with delight as she took in her surroundings, which were made of gowns with a lot of glitter and jewels.

She scurried toward the shoe-section and jumped in excitement as she took a pair of yellow heels, with a black bow in front and a white flower in the middle of it. It's three inches and I bet Sara would pull it off wonderfully.

"Oh my god, this is perfect for my dress! Have you seen it, Sand? It's so awesome! It's yellow and it has like, a puffy skirt with ruffles! It reaches the floor and it's so cute! It has some black on it, and it's filled with ruffles! These will surely fit my gown and-"

Charlie cleared his throat. "Um, I thought we're shopping for Cinderella...?"

"Oh, yeah." Sara smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for babbling. Anyway... Mandy! Where are you?"

Mandy, the middle-aged manager of Gracieux, came out of large gold curtains, where beneath lies the greatest gowns that ever existed. Her eyes lit up as she saw my sister. "Sara, darling!" she said, her French accent obvious. "You and your mother and sister went here two days ago! Why are you back?"

Sara grinned. "I need to buy shoes. And of course, a gown for my sister, Sandra!"

Mandy adjusted her glasses and looked at me. "Oh! Sandra, dear! I didn't recognize you! It's been a long time..."

I almost winced at that. The last time I went here was a year ago. Sara and I went shopping for my junior prom. We bought a really nice black dress, since the theme was black and white. When prom day came, Sara and I heard Marie freaking out. She forgot about the theme and bought a hot pink dress.

Have a guess on what she did.

She made Metta force me to exchange dresses. I didn't agree at first, of course not, but Metta threatened me. She told me that if I don't exchange gowns with Marie, she'll "forbid" Charlie and Cale to ever talk to me.

Can you believe that?

I almost scoffed, but knowing my mother, she'd have friends (big, bad men with big, bad weapons) to make sure that Charlie and Cale won't ever talk to me.

I didn't mind not talking to Cale, since he annoys me, but I can't bear not talking to Charlie, even in just one day!

So I agreed. And it was the most embarrassing moment of my life to show up in a revealing and out-of-theme hot pink dress during prom. Charlie was my prom date then. We went out as friends and I was really glad that he didn't make any comment about my inappropriate attire.

But I also felt really bad because Charlie had a big reputation in school and he had to be seen with a klutzy and idiotic girl like me. Although, it's mostly Marie and Metta's fault...

"Cinderella? What's wrong?" Charlie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

There went his concerned expression again.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Mandy piped up, "Cinderella?" She adjusted her glasses again and looked at Charlie, who awkwardly waved his hand. "Hello, there! Ooh, you are one really handsome young man! Are you Sandra's lucky boyfriend?"

Charlie grinned. "Thanks and no. We're best friends." He placed an arm around me and hugged me to his side.

Mandy frowned. "Really? Sandra here is a really nice lady and she's really pretty, too. You two look good together!"

Charlie's grin dropped and there's a hint of pink on his neck. He dropped his hand from my shoulder slowly and scratched the back of his neck. I uncomfortably transferred my weight to my other foot.

We got that a lot. People from school or family members said we "look cute together" or we "should like, totally get together". It was really awkward to hear those comments, trust me. They should just face the fact that Charlie and I were just best, best friends. Some even thought we were already dating, since we're together almost every time. One time in junior year, I lost it and yelled at the school's "Queen Bee", Sophia, for spreading lies and telling everyone that Charlie and I hooked up!

Boy, did I say a lot of things that would've made a sailor proud of me... Charlie even called me a Verbal Machine Gun.

Sara cleared her throat. "Ahem, Mandy... Please don't make this awkward..."

Sara, you just made it even more awkward...

Sara just had that embarrassing honesty and she's also really naive. Sometimes, when she was under pressure, she tended to blurt things she shouldn't even say, my secrets, for example. When Charlie, Cale and the other guys hung out with Sara and I, they cracked up perverted jokes, but Sara didn't always get the point of their jokes.


"Hey, Sandy?"


I shook my head a bit and looked at Sara, Cale and Charlie. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"Obviously." Sara smirked. "Anyway, Mandy, please show us your best."

Mandy led us to the gold curtains and opened them, letting us go in. Once we did, she closed them and turned on the light.

The room was filled with boxes, with different sizes. They were lined up in shelves, which were a lot higher than me.

Mandy took some boxes and piled them up. She handed five boxes, which look awfully heavy, to Charlie and another five to Cale. She handed two to Sara and two to me.

I was right. They really were heavy.

We went out of the stock room and placed the large boxes on the floor, near the dressing rooms.

"What do we try on first?" I asked, a little breathless. There were 14 boxes and I think it''d take a lot of time to finish.

Sara pointed out a box with a label that said: mint green/strapless/mermaid. So I tried it on first.


Horrible. It looked so bad on me. When we looked at it before, it seemed gorgeous, but as I tried it on, its beauty went into such a waste. And when I went out of the dressing room, Sara commented, "You look like a walking mint candy."

Next, I tried the one that said: scarlet/fit/backless/x-straps.


Oh my god.

The dress was really tight and it was backless until the lower part of my back. It had x-straps and it felt really revealing and skimpy.

I didn't even want to go out of the dressing room! But Sara dragged me out. When she did, Charlie's and Cale's eyes widened and their jaws dropped at the sight of me. Oh, great. Did I really look that horrible? Finally, Charlie pushed me back in the dressing room almost frantically.

The next one said: black/lace/long sleeves. I tried it on.


I looked like I was going to a funeral.

I didn't even let anyone make a comment. I just stormed in back inside the dressing room.

We tried on three more dresses. And they all looked terrible on me.

Six down, eight more to go.

We kept on trying them on. But nothing really fit me.

When we tried the 12th one, Charlie and Cale gave up.

"We're off to buy food. These dresses are making me allergic to fashion," Cale said dramatically.

Mandy glared at him.

"We'll be back, Cinderella. Don't worry, the perfect dress is just there waiting for the perfect princess. Bye, girls!" Charlie winked and they left.

I rolled my eyes. Charlie never failed to be cheesy.

But I still love him.

"Aww," Mandy cooed. "That boy is such a sweetheart..."

I laughed.

"Chop, chop! Let's do this! Only two dresses left! And we still need to find the right masks for our dresses and shoes for yours," Sara said enthusiastically.

Sara picked the one that had the label: hot pink/backless/long.

I immediately said, "No."

"Why?" Sara frowned.

"I don't want to wear something pink. Next please," I replied.

Sara rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine, whatever." She opened the last box and her expression turned surprised, mixed with awe. "Sandra! Close your eyes!"

As a reflex, I immediately closed my eyes. "What?!"

"Oh my god! I think this is it! This. Is. It!" Sara exclaimed. I felt something soft over my eyes, with the familiar scent of perfume. Sara's placed a blindfold on me!

I felt small hands pushing me somewhere. When my hand grazed the soft and silky fabric of something, I realized that Sara was pushing me into the dressing room.

I felt my sweatshirt being pulled up and I cried, "Sara!"

"Relax!" she laughed. "We're sisters! It's only me here!"

When Sara finished undressing me, I felt the soft and comfortable cloth of the dress that Sara was putting on me. It was kind of itchy, but it was okay compared to the past dresses I tried on. I could feel that the dress reached the floor. Judging from my bare shoulders, the dress was strapless. I let my hand travel and I can feel that the upper part of the dress was filled with sequins.

"Wow," Sara breathed out. "You look fantastic, Sand."

I almost blushed at that. But almost, because I couldn't see myself yet.

Finally, I felt Sara starting to take the blindfold off.

When I opened my eyes, I gasped. Not because I was horrified, but because I saw the beautiful piece of art right in front of me, in the mirror.

The gown was so beautiful. The upper part was heart-shaped, and I was right when I said that it was filled with sequins. Glowing, silver sequins, with a bit of glitter. The style reminded me of a disco-ball, with its square shaped sequins. They formed mountain ranges by my hips. By my waist was a belt with sequins, too.

The lower part was white, with bits of silver glitter, here and there. It was puffy and soft against my skin.

Overall, it looked really good. It was simple, but it really looked awesome, even on me. It was like it was meant for me! The size fitted too! It was not too revealing, nor too elegant. It was just... heavenly wonderful. And it just had to be the last of the pile of boxes...

"I love it..." I murmured.

"I know you do! This is perfect! We are totally buying this!" Sara squealed. "Mandy! Mandy!"

Sara dragged me out of the dressing room and I saw a stranger talking to Mandy. The stranger wore a cowboy hat and sunglasses, so it was hard to know who he was. He whispered something to Mandy and turned to leave, without even acknowledging our presence.

He was creepy too. A familiar feeling in my gut appeared when I thought of him.

What's even more creepy was that he seemed familiar...

Mandy turned to us and put on a satisfied smile. "It looks perfect."

"Yeah! We are absolutely buying this!" Sara ran to the counter to pay for the gown. "Oh, how I wish Charlie was here to see you!"

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head in amusement. "I'm going to change now."

When I finished changing, I went back out and see Charlie and Cale there, eating cheese burgers and carrying plastic bags from the grocery store.

"You guys just missed her! She looked just like Cinderella!" Sara gushed.

Charlie shrugged. "We'll see next week..." He saw me and winked.

We asked Mandy if she had any masquerade masks, and gladly, she did. We bought matching masks for our clothes. Charlie and I bought silver-colored ones, to match, because we were friend-dates. Cale and Sara both bought yellow ones.

I raised an eyebrow at Cale and Sara. "You guys are dates?"

Sara smiled sheepishly. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. Cale asked me when they went in."

Oh. He was not that dense, after all.

"Oh, okay. C'mon, let's go home," I say, winking at Sara for a brief second.

"And I'm driving." Cale glared at me.

"Whatever, whatever." I waved him off.

"Let's go, Cinderella!" Charlie grinned.

"Stop calling me Cinderella!"

"No can do, Cinderella..."


Vote, comment, share and fan! :3

I'm not using any bad words here, by the way.

And do help me improve!

Just no insulting or VERY negative comments, please! This story is the first I've ever "published", so I'd like it to be "memorable".

I'm not going to put a description in this story, 'cause I'm not good with that. I think I'm going to put one once the story ends...

If this story is cliché for you... Well, life is full of clichés, right? ;) Haha, just kidding, anyway, try to give this story a chance!

-Shau ^_^

NOTE: I changed the words into past tense, BTW. It was hard using present. I'm still working on Chapter 2 and 3's tenses editing.


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