1: Call Me Cinderella

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Chapter 1

Call Me Cinderella

"Trust me, Sand. Your life is like the messed-up version of Cinderella's."

I threw the last can of soda I saw into the trash bin. I scanned the really large place for any hidden trash and joyfully took my apron off when I was positive that I've cleaned them all up. I sighed and crashed onto our large sofa. I stuffed my head into the fluffy pillow and inhaled its pleasant smell.

I felt so awesome, lying here on our soft and heavenly sofa. I took a look at what I've done again and felt satisfied and a bit proud of my job. I was getting even better at cleaning!

Well, considering the fact that I practically cleaned 24/7...

Metta should better not complain with that annoying pitchy voice of hers.

I inhaled the smell of lemon in the air deeply and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Freedom! Freedom! I demand freedom, Normetta!"

My voice echoed through the really large halls of our mansion.

Someone chuckled and I looked at the awesome boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes beside me. Charlie's eyes showed amusement and pride in them and that made me grin.

I took off my sandals, placed my feet on a pillow and rested my head on top of my best friend's lap.

"Evil mother and snobby sisters strike again, huh, Cinderella?" he said while stroking my auburn hair.

I snuggled closer to him, really comforted and relaxed at his touch. Oh, this guy was just the best best friend I could ever ask for!

Then I thought about what he said. Did I have a heartless, merciless, evil and demanding mother who didn't even give a flipping cheese when my nice and understanding Dad died? Did I have a snobby, stuck-up and conceited sister who was always jealous of me (even though I do not freaking know why) and tried to have everything I have?

Yes and freaking yes. Sometimes I wondered if I'm adopted or something... They treated me like dirt. Well Carsara, my younger sister who was 16 years old, was the nice one though. If only she'd stand up to Normetta, my mom and Mariette, my 19 year-old sister...

"At least Cinderella had a happily ever after..." I said.

Charlie chuckled. "I did say messed-up..."

I smiled in amusement. "Oh, and Cinderella has a step-mom and step-sisters. And she has a prince."

Charlie stared at me. "Ooh, don't worry, Cindy! I could be your Prince Charming!" he winked.

I raised an eyebrow and bursted out laughing.

Charles Jamieson was my best friend since I was just five and he lived nextdoor. I liked addressing him as "Eli" because his full name was Charles Elliot Jamieson, but he hated that nickname. He can't ban me from one of the scarcely-there source of joy I had, though.

He was tall, lean and very muscular. He was a good 6'2", while I was an okay 5'7", though he still teased me because of my height.

Sometimes I went short on breathing because he usually went in my house shirtless whenever his brother fought with him and he asked me to be a doctor for him. I was still not used to seeing half-naked guys, okay?

Charlie was really nice, caring, understanding and loved to joke around. He was also a really good singer. He had a good sense of humor and just had the right words to cheer me up all the time.

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