The Neverland Inn

By Sparky503

4.1K 144 53

Three Michael Jackson fans turn the late star's home into a retreat for his fans across the world with the wo... More

"This Is For Michael and I'd Do It for Free"
We Have To Make it Look Good for Michael
Anyone Spooked
Michael Would Be So Disappointed
Dilly Dilly
Makes Me Feel Alive
Heaven Can Wait
(Authors Letter)

Was That Scary?

387 15 3
By Sparky503

That next week went by quicker than Christmas. The creaks and the bumps from Michael never received much mind from us, to be honest. We'd giggle and greet Michael everytime we'd hear one. Every morning during breakfast, he'd swing the chandelier to bid us good morning, and like Charlie's Angels we'd always wish him the same.

"You think he'll do that during breakfast when were open for business?"

I shrugged and Faith says,
"We'll do some explaining if so."
On the seventh day, I rose out of bed dreading having to speak with Michael's so called attorney. I cringed at the thought and made my way down to the kitchen. Already awake was Shania and cutting some oranges for juice she greets me, "Morning Dee. I hope I'm not the only one dreading today.."

I shook my head going into the cooler for milk.
"Definitely not. But Michael told us not to worry so I won't. I'm gonna be cooler than cucumbers. Is faith up?"
Shania looks over her shoulder, "She's on a jog."
I nodded and sat at the table. I flipped through a magazine we had laying and felt the room get cold.
Shan looks at me feeling it as well and says, "Is that Mike?"
I looked around and called out for him, "You around Michael?"
Shan looks over and says,

"Oh wait. Sorry, my bad I left the fridge open, false alarm!"
I look to her confused and ask, "Has the chandelier swung today?"
She shakes her head,
"No its been pretty silent from Mike. That's why I was wondering if that was him."
The patio sliding door opens to Faith panting and fanning herself from her run, a head towel around her neck, "Morning you guys."
She goes to the fridge for water and asks,
"Anyone seen Michael?"
She asks and we fill her in.
"That's funny. I'll usually see him by the giving tree on my run and he'll wave."
I finished my glass and said, "Well I'm gonna go get ready since what's his face didn't set up a time or anything. So professional and whatnot."
They giggled and I made my way upstairs. In the closet I pulled out something semi formal and noticed I kept looking over to the music box. Usually Michael would open it to get my attention but today he was so awful quiet. It made me fear the worst. Hours go by, and about midday tires pull into the drive and the girls and I meet the man on the foot of the steps.
"Hello ladies.." he greeted us but it made me gag.

I sneered, "Afternoon."
"Let's review paper work shall we?"
I open the door and Shan follows me inside as Faith shuts the door behind us all.

He looks around to the new and improved mansion then nods, "This is quite impressive. Very nice mansion." I tell him as we strolled down the west hall, "We had help."

He sets his briefcase onto the table in the parlor and begins, "Well you see ladies, I understand that the Jackson's have hired you as interns, persay, to renovate this mansion into an establishment but I'm just afraid with the large amount of debt Jackson himself was in before he passed away, the funds would never be reached in the amount of time you plan on opening the doors."
We nodded as we all sat in arm chairs,
"Yes we understand. But the Jackson Estate is owned by the family. When Michael passed the houses deeds fell into his sister's name, Janet. Whose to say we can't pay the debt with the profit we earn from the business?"
I say crossing my legs and looking to him with daggers, trying not to lose my cool.
"The bank wouldn't allow it. Until the money is paid Neverland is still in the possession of the bank. Plain and simple."
Faith looks to him about to snap and purses her lips to prevent saying anything more rude than his previous statement.

"I understand that it's hard for college students to understand the concept of fiscal responsibility. But that is one thing you can learn from mister Jackson. He didn't have a cent of it. Quite literally." He says clicking a pen then beginning to scribble a header onto a bank statement and Faith chuckles,
"Wow. You really just went there." She begins to laugh more and I join, "I'm not sure you want to speak to me or about the head of the manor that way."
Before he answered I noticed the chandelier above us begin to slowly sway. I smile wide finally seeing Michael appear today and the man says, "I'm not sure what you mean. He's dead. Died before he could pay off any of this that's for sure."
I heard loud footsteps coming down the stair case of the main entrance and all three of us beamed in joy.
"Who else do you have here helping?" The man asked over his glasses and Shania spat,
"Just someone important."
Entering the room in a dark suit with a golden vest underneath was none other than the late head of manor himself. The man's eyes widen and he stands petrified,
"What kind of trick is this?!?! Huh? He's supposed to be dead!?!"
We giggle and Michael strodes over chuckling in a snarky way, "Oh please. Death only happens in the flesh. I thought we'd never see each other again, Mr. Harold Dewitts. Charmed I'm sure."
Michael holds out his hand to him and Harold gets against the wall in hilarious panic,
"Get! Get away from me! Don't come any closer!"
Michael smirks,
"Am I scaring you mister Dewwits? Are you scared?"
Harold begins to hyperventilate and takes a swing towards Michael. The blow passes through his body, breaking Michael's mist like figure. The right hook is futile and Michael laughs at his pathetic attempt. Harold takes another poor swing but Michael grits his teeth and catches his arm mid punch. I saw all three of our eyes widen then jaws drop and Michael begins in a harsh, gutteral tone,
"I may not have blood in my veins or air in my lungs, but for your health you had better believe I will cause you hell if you set foot in this mansion or on my Neverland ranch again. Is that understood?"
Harold nods noe shaking in fear and Michael releases him with a ghostly glow invading his irises for the fearful effect,
"Now leave and never return, you coward!"
Harold takes off in a sprint towards the door and Michael takes both arms swishing them forward and a massive gust of wind blows through the house. It causes the shutters to clap uncontrollably and the chandeliers to swing. Harold let's out a nursery girl scream escape his mouth and the door slams shut on hid exit. Michael puts down his arms in a theatric way and turns to us smiling. The ghostly glow leaves his eyes and he smiles quoting his own movie,
"Was that scary?"
We all smiled cooing,
"That was pretty scary!"
Michael claps in a victory like fashion and I interject.
"I've got you all figured out Michael!"
How could I not, I know the silence was only him saving his energy for this big show he was going to put on. I explained and he nods,
"Yes, you've discovered my strategy. Nice work."
We all giggle and Michael takes a seat, "That did take a lot from me. I'm very drained."
"Michael don't over do it, please."
Faith says and he assures her he's alright.
"When are we expected to open girls?" Michael asks and we looked to each other shrugging.
"A couple of weeks maybe." I say unsure but estimating.
"We've got to get word out fast."
Shan says and Michael chuckles,
"That won't be a hassle, people still keep a close watch on me even after death. They'll flock here like geese in the winter, I guarantee it."
We all nodded smiling and Shan says, "We missed you today Mike."
Michael smiles, "I'm always here. I'll be standing in a room as you guys go about your day. Watching you laugh and smile. Its quite entertaining to be a fly on the wall sometimes."
He rubs the back of his neck and says, "I'm a little drained my darlings. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go back to my idle speed for a while. I'll be back on opening day I promise. Till then okay?"
We all nodded,
"Bye for now Michael see you then, I'll miss you."
He stands up, leaving and blowing sweet kisses, as he turns the corner his body fades translucent like the elegant dancing smoke and he fades from our vision.

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