Minding Grace

By HarrysHighNote

26.1K 2K 1.5K

Sometimes, a family legacy is more important than the secrets kept to protect it... Harry wants nothing more... More

1: Is it too much to ask for something great?
2: Baby, I'm perfect for you.
4: I want you to rock me
5: Spaces between us hold all our secrets.
6. I'll be your temporary fix.
7: And live while we're young.
8: You don't really want my heart
9: Who do you think you are?
10: Love was something you've never heard enough
11: And yes I've let you use me from that day that we first met
12: Beside you I'm a loaded gun
13: No you, you like playing games
14: And I can see your head is held in shame
15: I should have kissed you
16: Are we friends or are we more
17: Played with myself, where were you?
18: Running After You Is Like Chasing The Clouds
19: Lift your heart up and save your life
20: We will find a way through the dark
21: It's a long way down
22: You make me strong
23: The stories that I can't explain
24: Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire?

3: You're the one that I want at the end of the day.

1K 73 70
By HarrysHighNote

The outside chatter of people woke Harry up from his deep slumber and he pulled the covers up over his head, burying himself in the warmth of his bed.

Knowing it would be cold outside made him in no hurry to get up, bed seemed the idea solution.

Then he suddenly remembered.

The interview.


His new job.

He had to start getting his stuff together, a decent suitcase, organise his passport...

Tell his mother.

Harry threw the covers back from over his head and stared at the ceiling.

His sleep-in now seemed redundant as he realised he had a busy day ahead of himself.

He flung the covers off and stumbled out of bed, shuffling towards the bathroom bleary eyed to start the shower.

As he lathered up his curls, the water went from hot to cool for a few moments then back too hot.

This happened frequently due to other people in the dorms showering and that was something Harry knew he definitely wasn't going to miss.

He was going to Australia.

He, Harry Styles, was moving to the other side of the world and he couldn't believe it.

He smiled to himself at the thought.

He was-

"Ow...fuck!" Harry swore as shampoo ran down into his eye, rudely interrupting his thoughts.

He quickly rinsed his eye out before conditioning his hair and washing his body before hopping out of the lukewarm shower.

He dried himself off, wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back to his bedroom.


Penny used her key to let herself into Harry's dorm.

They both had access to each other's place and came and went when it suited them.

The beauty of being friends with benefits.

"Harry?" she called out but received no answer.

Penny closed the door behind her, ready to message Harry on her phone when she suddenly heard running water coming from the bathroom.

She debated on stripping down and joining him when she heard Harry's phone ping with a message notification.

Curiosity got the better of her and she leaned over his desk to take a peek.

Harry, lovely to have talked with you yesterday. I have deposited $3,000 into your account to get you started. Let me know when you're sorted. Best, Grace.


Who the fuck was this Grace?

And why was she giving Harry $3,000?

And what does Harry need to start?

Penny wracked her brain to try and remember if she knew a Grace from their group of friends, or friend of a friend but came up with nothing.

In fact, she knew of no Grace at their campus.

She sat down on Harry's bed and debated on whether or not to ask Harry who this Grace girl was.

Realistically he didn't have to tell her anything but if he was sleeping with both of them, shouldn't she at least know about it?

Admit it Penny, you're jealous, her inner voice nagged at her.

But she had no claim to Harry and Penny knew it wasn't her business unless he was prepared to share it.

Oh who the fuck was she trying to kid?

This was Harry and he was gorgeous and funny and sweet and knew his way around the bedroom but he had never really gotten serious with anyone for as long as she'd known him.

The fact that they were kind of together made her the recipient of some gossipy girls and the occasional jealous comment but Penny took comfort in the fact that she got to see Harry naked and they didn't.

At the end of the day, Penny had a good friendship with Harry and that was all that really mattered.

She heard the water shut off from the shower so she moved herself around on the bed, neatening her dress out and smoothing her hair as she waited for Harry.


Harry opened the bathroom door and walked back into his bedroom.

"Fuck!" he swore again as he found Penny reclining on his bed.

She giggled as he jumped in fright, watching as he walked over to his drawers, shooting a glare her way.

"What are you doing here so early?" he asked her.

"Early?" she scoffed, "it's nearly 10am Harry, that's not early."

He dropped his towel, exposing his taut, firm ass and by god those thighs, causing Penny to bite down on her lip. But much to her disappointment, he quickly stepped into a pair of cotton boxers that fit him like a second glove.

"Penny?" Harry said her name to catch her attention and she realised that she'd been staring aimlessly at him, "did you want something love?"

Just you, she thought.

"Oh I was just wondering what you were up to today, you know..." she shrugged nonchalantly, "see if you wanted to hang out?"

"Oh," he said, "uh...I have a few errands I have to run today and then I was going to see mum this afternoon..." he trailed off when he saw the disappointment on her face.

He hated upsetting people unnecessarily.

"But I'll be free tonight if you want to hang out?" he offered and Penny's face instantly brightened.

"Ooh fabulous!" she jumped up off Harry's bed and practically bounced over to him, kissing him on the lips, "I'll bring dinner!"

Harry shook his head and smiled at her before he noticed his phone out of the corner of his eye, lit up with a message.

Penny watched him as he picked it up, his eyes lighting up in surprise and then smiling to himself as he placed the phone down.

"Something good?" Penny asked innocently, hoping Harry might share his news.

"You could say that, yes," he replied as he went over to his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and then a shirt.

"Anything you want to share?" Penny pushed hm.

Harry just shook his head as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Not really," he replied.

He would tell her, but he wanted his mum to be the first to know his big news. He could tell Penny tonight over dinner anyway.

Penny hid her disappointment behind a smile, wondering why her friend was hiding something from her but hoping he would share when he was ready.

And whoever this Grace person was.

"Shall I walk you out?" Harry asked as he grabbed his phone and keys as well as his coat.

"Um...sure," she replied as Harry opened the door for her and closed it behind them.

They dodged the other students as they made their way out of the building and towards the car park until they reached Harry's car.

"Can I drop you anywhere?" Harry asked her.

Penny thought for a moment.

Maybe she could pick up a little something special to wear for Harry tonight?

"Are you headed near town?" she asked.

"Sure," he nodded and around fifteen minutes later they bid each other goodbye and Harry continued the drive that would see him reach his mother's house, a little over two hours away.

He stopped along the way to order his passport, purchase a new suitcase and to fuel up on coffee before he arrived.

"Harry!" she exclaimed in surprise, "what are you doing here love?"

"Can't I come and visit my mum?" Harry pretended to look offended.

Anne rolled her eyes and shook her head before she pulled him in for a hug.

"Can I fix you something to eat love?" she asked as Harry sat himself at the breakfast bar.

"Thanks mum," he replied as he rubbed his palms on his thighs, as they'd started to sweat from nerves.

Anne set the sandwich in front of her son and regarded him silently.

"So how is everything going?" she asked him.

"Good, good," Harry replied, swallowing a bite, "what about you, what's news?"

"Well the shop's doing really well, especially since that other one down the road closed," Anne said, referring to her floristry business, "and of course Robin is flat chat, what with it being tax time."

"That's great mum," Harry replied.

Things sounded good for them financially, even though Harry was already thinking of contributing some of his new pay check to them to help pay off their house.

It was the least he could do since they'd helped him out so much with his uni fees.

They spent rest of the afternoon chatting when Harry realised he'd have to leave soon and he hadn't yet told his mum about his new job, let alone his relocation to another country.

"Harry?" Anne said, this time a little more forcefully as she watched her son sit across from her, deep in thought.

"Sorry," he said, "what did you say?"

"I asked when you thought you might be coming home now that uni's finished?" she repeated, "of course we're more than happy to have you here until you feel ready to move out on your own, find your own place to live..."

"I already have," Harry blurted out.

"You've found somewhere to live already?" Anne replied, "well, where love?" she asked excitedly.

"Uh...Australia?" Harry said, a toothy smile on his face.

"What?" Anne looked at Harry in shock, "how?"

Harry launched into the whole story of it all while Anne sat and listened, completely stunned.

"When do you leave?" she finally asked.

"Two to three weeks, once I've got everything together," he said, waiting to see what his mum had to say.

"Well," Anne replied, "looks like I've got a going away party to plan!"

Relief washed over Harry as he got up and walked around, giving his mum a long hug.

"I know travelling is something you've always wanted to do Harry," she said, "now I expect a call once a week young man!" she said as she wiped at a lone tear under her eye.

Twenty minutes later, after plans were made for a party that Anne would not let Harry say no to, he was back in his car and driving back to uni.


There was not much on today, except for the luncheon Grace was expected to attend with James' mother and sister.

Grace was just putting the last of the breakfast dishes from the girls into the dishwasher and wiping down the benchtops when James walked into the kitchen, looking a little worse for wear in the clothes he'd gone out in from the night before.

Grace looked up at him in surprise, thinking he'd come home earlier.

"Are you just getting in now?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied as he made his way into the kitchen to make himself a coffee.

At that moment, Tilly and Dottie came bounding back into the kitchen.

"Daddy!" they yelled, both girls excited when they laid eyes on James.

"Not so loud!" he replied, grimacing as he held his head, the effects of too much alcohol still clearly present.

"Girls," Grace was quick to cut them off, "can you go to the playroom and I'll be there in a minute? Daddy's not feeling too well my darlings."

Their expressions of joy quickly faded as they turned around and slowly trudged back from the direction they came from.

"That was unnecessary James," Grace turned around to face her husband, "your hangover is not their issue!"

"Don't raise your voice at me," he replied tersely.

"Or what?" Grace challenged him, folding her arms over the front of her body, "they've hardly seen you the last few days and they were just happy to see you, you are still their father you know."

James had the good grace to look guilty and nodded his head in agreement.

"I apologise," James' tone softened, "I shall go and see them on my way to my room," he sipped his coffee as he watched Grace, "why are you cleaning up after them? When does the new nanny start anyway?"

"He'll be here within two to three weeks, all going to plan," Grace replied.

"He?" James repeated.

"Yes, it's a he," she responded without batting an eyelid, "lovely young man from Great Britain, I think the girls will love him."

"Seems odd that you would hire a male nanny," James asked curiously.

"Well we've been short of applicants and the last few women seemed to become too lax around here in their position so perhaps a male might hold up a tad better?" she replied.

"Are you hoping he holds up too?" James asked, a taunt in his voice.

"James..." Grace simply said, glaring at him for the unnecessary comment.

"That was uncalled for, again I apologise," he placed his empty cup into the dishwasher, coming over and kissing Grace on the cheek, "it shouldn't matter whether the new nanny is male or female, what matters is if they are able to care for our girls."

"Exactly," Grace replied.

"Well, enjoy your lunch today and I shall see you at dinner tonight," he said.

Grace gave him a light squeeze on the arm before he left and watched as he headed in the direction of the playroom.

She sighed, wondering if she should have been more upfront with Harry.

But the more Grace thought about it, the more she realised that the less Harry knew, the better.

He should be free to concentrate on the job he had been hired for, not for everything else that was going on around them.

It was an impulsive decision to hire him and she hoped it wouldn't blow up in her face.

With a final glance around the kitchen, satisfied it was clean, Grace walked out to find her girls.

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