Me, myself, and Shawn Mendes

By steph_thequeen

778 33 67

Emma here. Insecurities get the best of people, we all tend to have them. They tear us down and they tend to... More

Boredom and best friends// chapter 1
The trip//chapter 2
The concert//chapter 3
The meeting// chapter 4
Second date// chapter 5
Boyfriend and girlfriend?// chapter 6
First Kiss!// Chapter 7
Chapter 8// Bad...Feelings...
Chapter 9//shopping insecurities
Chapter 10// pumpkin date
Chapter 11// The harsh goodbyes
Chapter 14//Airplane flights and fights.
Chapter 15//Late night fights
Chapter 16// Moving on
Chapter 17//Abused...
Chapter 18// New beginning
Chapter 19//Losing one passion
Chapter 20//Depression
Chapter 21//Love train
Chapter 22//The Afternoon.
Love you with the lights on//Chapter 23
Something real quick.

Chapter 13//Hospital beds and thinking.

22 2 0
By steph_thequeen

Mother's POV:

I had just got off my shift. It was weird because my boss never left me off my shift early. As I got home, I screamed Emma's name. There had been no response. I thought she was sleeping, so I walked up the stairs quietly , so I wouldn't make no noise to wake Emma. I opened her door slowly. She wasn't in bed, she was on the floor, arms were cut up, blood on the floor. I panicked and dropped to my knees beside her. I picked her head up. She was cold. I slightly put her head on the floor and ran to the nearest phone. I called the police. They came immediately along with the ambulance and the firefighters. My girl could be dying.

As the paramedic s lifted her up onto the board, I had called Shawn, he wasn't able to come because he had a show in the next coming hour. I felt horrible that Emma couldn't see Shawn when she woke up.

When we got to the hospital, they rushed her to the ER. She was barely breathing from all the lost of blood. I wanted to break down. Why would Emma cut herself so badly? Why would she be cutting in the first place? I wanted to find out all the answer immediately. I sat there thinking in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come out.

"Ma'am you're daughter, will make it no worries. She might need a blood transfusion, because of the lost of her blood. Also, do you know if she was planning this or do you know why she was cutting in the first place?" the doctor asked with all seriousness.

" Sir I don't know. I am glad to give her some of my blood. I don't know why she would cut herself. From what I've heard from out phone calls and texts messages she been a happy camper. Then the day I get left off my shift early she is passed out in a puddle of blood. I was scared, " I began to tear up.

"Ma'am don't start to cry. She's awake now. If you like you can go speak to her now."

"Oh my gosh. Thank you sir." I wiped my tears away.

Emma's POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed. IV was in me. Criminal Minds was on the tv, which was my favorite show of all time. I smiled for a second, but then I realized why I was in the hospital, my smile disappeared. Everything that happened in the past few hours has been because of Shawn. Tears began to well up in my eyes. Everything flashed back into my head. I began to cry even more. As my sobs came to an end my mom walked into the room. She smiled and ran to me. She kissed my on my forehead and hugged. It was the best feeling to see her.

"Emma. What's going on? Why are you in the hospital right now? Why did you do this to yourself? Honey, just tell me everything. What's going on?" she asked as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Mom. It's okay. I'm okay. Everything is okay now. No need to cry. I'll tell you what is going on later."

"Okay honey. By the way. I called Shawn he couldn't come. He had a con-"

"NO! I don't want to hear anything about Shawn. He's a jerk. He's the whole reason why i'm here! He cheated on me with a famous girl. I wasn't enough for him! I cut myself because of that bastard."

"Honey I-"

"It's fine. Just find me a plane ticket. To Shawn's next concert. He's going to get a piece of my mind. That freaking bastard is going to pay for making me do this to myself."

He's going to regret making me feel this way.

Author's note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Creds to @queenbloss for the pics. And thx to my sis for the good story line. I;m going to try to update tom if possible so we can all get a glimpse on what Emma is gonna do. Love ya guys and please vote. <3

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