I Remember

By T2109R

797 188 192

Dahlia Grace, a 22 year old ambitious young woman, is on her way to begin a new life after having just gradua... More



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By T2109R

Hey guys!! So I know it's been a really LONG time since I've last updated but I have been awfully busy......so to make it up, I decided to post a chapter in Andrew's point of view. I hop you like it! Please vote and comment.

P.S- Thanks you so so much @Prudest for the lovely cover!!!!


My day had started off horribly. And it didn't get any better.

Let me start with the ripest hour of the night. 12:00.

I had been having an amazing time with my new friends and my best friend in the whole wide world. That water balloon fight? Legendary.

But then I had to go ahead and cross my limits with Dahlia. But I couldn't understand why she was SO angry with me after all these years. All I had done was try and make our relationship work. Well, I had also moved away without informing her but she was the one who had cheated on me, only two months into our relationship. And I hadn't even explained to her yet as to why I had moved away in the first place.

So, yeah, Dahlia had yelled at me and said some very rude things which brought back that undiscovered feeling that I had towards her. It was burning inside of me and at that moment I knew that I hated her. But as I was coming back from my coffee break, climbing up the stairs, whistling to myself, I heard a soft voice. And it was crying. It broke my heart once I realized who it was.

In a great rush, I climbed the steps, two at once and finally reached the owner of the voice. She was seated on the bottom two steps and was crying her eyes out. Her shirt was all wet, since she was hugging herself and shielding her head with her arms. Quietly, I went and sat beside her, not wanting to disturb her in any way.

Slowly I put my arm around her shoulders, and she seemed to have known that it was me, because she voluntarily leaned into my chest.

I was reminded of the day when she had come to know of her mother's death.


"Hey Dahls, are you up for a game of basketball? Me and the guys were thinking of going for one game and then maybe some dinner?" I asked her, coming near to her house. I saw her sitting on the front porch, with her head in her lap and wearing her usual denim shorts and F.R.I.E.N.D.S t-shirt.

Just earlier, I'd received a call from Nathan, who was my best buddy, after Dahlia of course. Our gang consisted of mine and Dahlia's common friends and it was pretty big. We all shared a very strong bond between us. But not as strong as mine and hers. We had been friends since literally we were born. Our parents had been best of friends and lived right next to each other. But then my mom and dad met with a car accident and everything went downhill for me from then. So, now I lived in my house but as Dahlia's parents were my godparents, they practically raised me up with their values and my uncle paid all my bills, noting that he was quite rich.

"Dahlia?" I asked her again, since she had not replied for a really long time.

She took her head up in response and I was in contact with her weary red eyes.

"I'll tell them no." I said and soon after informing them, I sat down beside the porch with her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Andrew, I don't know- I'm so lost-"she started saying but I interrupted her.

"Shh, what has happened?" I asked her, gently stroking her back. We were going out that time so I was permitted to be so close with her otherwise she would have pounced on me like a cat. She hated touchy people.

"My mom, she's gone." She said and burst out into a load of tears. I felt tears forming in my eyes too and my heart ached. We had known for a couple of months that her mom had been suffering from cancer. But she had come home, after a while and everything was alright. But I don't know how this happened. And I didn't even want to. It would just be more painful.

I couldn't lose another parent. I just couldn't. She had acted like a second mother towards and me now that she was gone, I didn't know what to do. Maybe all of this was because of me. Maybe wherever I go, I spread disaster and then everyone dies. I hugged her closer to me and she put her arms around me, crying into my chest.

All of it had happened so suddenly and quickly, that I couldn't help but jump to conclusions. And the decision I had taken was very wrong. Very pathetic. But I couldn't reverse time, so here I was stuck with the consequences of my stupendous actions.

"Shh what has happened Dahls?" I asked her softly.

"I'm sorry Andrew. I didn't mean to be so rude yesterday." She squeaked out and continued crying, but now was reducing a bit.

"Hey it's okay. I ditched you when you most needed me. I know I was a douche. I'm sorry." I replied.

"But that's not what's troubling you, is it?" I asked her, innocently.

"No." she replied, now huffing her nose and she had, temporarily, stopped crying.

"My best friend, Erin, from college, she, she has cancer." She finished and broke into tiny sobs.

First, I had an ache in my worthless heart, when she called this Erin woman her best friend. I mean I still considered her my best friend.

You lost that privilege long ago. Her words echoed in my mind. But I shook it off.

Second ache in the heart, when I realized that this would be the second cancer case of her close one that she would be going through. First her mother and now her college friend. This must be seriously taking a toll on her.

"Hey, it's okay, be strong. For Erin. I know she will get through this." I tried to reassure her, but failed miserably. I didn't even know Erin.

"I'm trying." She whispered. Her head was now laying in the crook of my neck, resting on my shoulders, my arm still around her, and her other hand, warmly covered in mine.

"I'm going to go to L.A this weekend, to look after her medical bills and stuff. And moreover Dave, too will need my assistance." She started mumbling. Wait a minute, Dave? Who was this guy now?

"Uh who's Dave?" I asked casually. "Is he your boyfriend?" I added on. Real smooth bro.

"No, Erin's." she replied without hesitation. Hush.

"Hey, you shouldn't go there alone in this condition. Let me come with you." I suggested.

"I'm fine, Ant. This was just the shock stage. I don't need you to baby me." She said with a huff. Still tough. We both were surprised when she used my nickname. You see, she used to call me ant when were younger because she was taller than me back then. Looks like the tables have turned now, though.

"I'm not coming because of you. I need to check up on Lizzie." I said, making up the lamest excuse ever. Lizzie was my cousin. She was my uncle's youngest daughter and since my uncle was now gone, her elder sister, Lisa and I would take care of her. She was actually starting college now. What did I tell you? Whenever I get close to people, they die.

Dahlia's body stiffened when I mentioned her name though. Looks like someone is affected. But she didn't question me further. Just stood up and walked away, mumbling a tiny thanks as she went.

I sat there for some time, brooding over the things I had just experienced. And one thing I knew for sure was that, my love for Dahlia Grace had never gone. It had always been there.

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