The Jock and the Emo Part 2 B...

By XxDinkyxX

97.9K 2.3K 154

It's been two years since Liam and Beau got back together. It's been great. Perfect for them. They are going... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

The Jock and the Emo Part 2 Boyxboy

23.8K 188 6
By XxDinkyxX

It's been two years since we....proposed. I guess you could say. Nothing has really changed. Okay a lot has changed. Our relationship is stronger. We are in collage now. Beau is going for his football career. He's hoping to play in the NFL. He has a very good chance considering they are already tripping over themselves to get to him. If he can't do that he wants to be a coach for either high school or a university. Me I'm still not sure. Something to do with writing. Publishing editor or maybe a graphics designer. I don't know yet. We got a kick ass apartment. It's a four bedroom even though we told mom just a two bedroom she decided it wasn't good enough. So she found this apartment. Well I really wouldn't call it a apartment. I'd call it a penthouse. We got the whole top floor. Four bedrooms, four and a half bathrooms, each bedroom has its own bathroom then the one just off the living room. It has a living room, kitchen, dining room, balcony if that's what you want to call it. It's a huge ass patio. Nothing about this place is small. It's awesome. We get the whole top floor to ourselves. Does that tell you how big this place is. I have no clue how mom thought she could afford it. I guess when she sold the house way back when and bought our old house she really saved money. Now she can afford it. She can afford anything she wants now. Yeah she married Jack about a year and a half ago. Yep 6 months later they tied the knot. Come to find out Jack is rich. Yep filthy rich. Spoils mom rotten. For their honeymoon he took her to Paris for a month. That's not why she married him. Nope she married him because she loves him. They are to cute together. I'm just glad she's happy. Sammie is going to the same collage as us. She's becoming a zoologist. She's also dating Tristan now. They've been going out for about a year now. He is also going to school with us. Ethan and Mark are still together they have their own apartment. They just moved in with each other about six months ago. They go to school with us too. Seth couldn't go to school with us but he is going to school at a community collage. He dated Dani but it didn't work out to well. He comes to stay with us quite often one of our rooms is his because he doesn't like being at home. Tatum and Aaron are still together but have a very rocky relationship. Aaron goes to Harvard so they have a long distance relationship that's what is putting a strain on their relationship. Yeah they see each other as often as they can. Tatum goes there and Aaron comes here, when they can. It's hard on them both. I don't think I could do it. I couldn't handle Beau being miles and miles away from me. Everybody else is scattered in different schools or different states. We've made new friends. Everybody knows we are gay and are together. Nobody has a problem with it. Even the football team. Okay wait there are two that have problem with it but they stay clear of us and we stay clear of them. So it works out just fine. They won't even come to the parties. The whole team alternates throwing parties after the games but those two don't come to them or throw them. Childish if you ask me. Beau's parties are the ones everybody loves to come to. Not sure why if it's the because of more people show up, the food, the booze the pool or what but they love coming. The manager loves Beau says that he is Beau's 'biggest fan'. Not, we know who is Beau's biggest fan is. Since he is Beau's 'biggest fan' he let's Beau use the roof and the pool. We are on the top floor so it works out perfectly. Since the people that live here are collage students we invite them to. That way we don't get complaints. The only downfall to having a big place is the huge mess to clean up but its well worth it. Sammie, Tristan, Brandon, Tatum, Mark and Ethan usually help us clean up so it worked out.

Beau does stay busy quite a bit due to football but we still have a very good relationship. We study together, eat dinner together almost every night, spend every minute together that we can. If we aren't in classes or he isn't doing something to do with football we usually are together. I go to every game even away games. Jack buys him, me and mom season tickets every year right on the side lines behind the team. All Beau has to do is turn around and there we are. Yep Jack paid a pretty penny for them. We've always gone to his games we shouldn't stop now just because he's at a collage level. Should we? Nope. So we went to every game. Out of town games if they were close enough we drove if not we fly.

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