Watching The Rise Of The Brav...

By WrenRue

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The Guardians, The Vikings, The Highlanders and the Corona's are all transported to a giant theatre where the... More

Chapter 1: Brought Together
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: I love being tossed through magic portals
Chapter 4: Powers
Chapter 5: Training
Reader Input
Chapter 6: Backstory's
Chapter 7:Pitch's lair
Chapter 8: Divided
Chapter 9:The Lord of Evil
Chapter 10; Hiccup? Hiccup!
Chapter 11: Seasons Gems
Chapter 12: Why those four?
Chapter 12: It will be easy?
Chapter 14: The unholy of spring of lighting and death itself!
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: The lost Lord of the sky
Chapter 16: Rapunzel please, help
Chapter 18: Goodbye
A/N Merida v Astrid
Book 2
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 17: I'm not Superman

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By WrenRue

The screen panned around the army, Nulfur at it's head standing next to pitch, with Gothel in front of the witches and Vigo leading the trappers. Mor'du was at the head of a group of bears.

"For the good of the wisps" muttered Elinor.

Hiccup turned to the four "You have to listen to me now and trust me, Jack go and get your gem, Merida you know your fire powers shoot them as high into the air as possible and think about ally's, Rapunzel go to the ocean and put your hand in the sea and do the same thing, I just hope they can get here quick enough.

"That's why Hicc makes the plans" Chuckled Jack and most people laughed despite the circumstances.

The army slowly advanced towards them and Jack took to the sky's as Merida and Rapunzel ran back to Hiccup side. "I hope it worked" Merida said grimly and loaded her bow. "We can't use our powers till jack gets his gem" Rapunzel informed them. From the front Mor'du leaped at the three of them, Toothless leaped on to the bear and stared to wrestle each other. Jack hesitated as he saw Vigo swing his sword only to be parried by Hiccup's flaming blade. "GO" yelled Hiccup to the winter spirit and reluctantly jack flew off towards the mountain.

"Ah I could be worse at least Jack knows where his gem is" Eugene said trying to lighten the mood.

Rapunzel used her frying pan as a shield and a weapon as the witches converged on her. Gothel raised a knife and stared attacking the Guardian of spring. Merida was trying to shoot the monster bears while not being squashed by the mess of limbs which was Toothless and Mor'du. Hiccup was dodging and slashing at the trappers while Vigo laughed as he watched Hiccup struggle his way through the trappers. Then over from the right came a scream Rapunzel was held by Gothel with a dagger in her shoulder, her body limp. Hiccup and Merida turned towards her anger in their eyes. Hiccup raised his sword and cut the head off a trapper.

Everyone including Hiccup gasped, Hiccup had never killed anything before let alone a man.

Hiccup became a blur of fire as he cut his way through the trappers and Vigo's smile faltered as the dragon rider was upon him in seconds, pulling out his gronkel iron sword they fought, meanwhile Merida who had seen Hiccup burst through the Trappers fired deadly shots at the bears, felling them as much as she could. The witches stared to prowl toward the other two guardians leaving Rapunzel bleeding on the ground.

Hiccup was frozen in his seat with everyone looking at him, "I couldn't kill a dragon but I can kill a man without a glance" he whispered. Tess looked at him sadly, "You will have to do more than that before you journey is up" she sadly.

The screen changed to Jack where he was leaping down an ice ravine, "Come on, come on where is it" he yelled frantically. "Looking for something" teased a dark voice behind him. Jack turned to see Pitch hold a pale diamond in his grey hands, Jack leaped at him and raised what he thought was his staff to see that that was missing to, Pitch held in his other hand Jacks Staff, Nightmares surrounded the two. "Your friends are failing," Pitch laughed and the two looked down to where the Trappers and Witches where surrounding Hiccup and The Bears had pinned down Merida, Toothless and Rapunzel lay bleeding to the side of the main battle. Pitch smiled and pointed towards Hiccup, immediately the nightmares charged down the mountain in a wave of black. "No!" cried Jack as the nightmares reached their targets.

"were're going to die" whispered Merida. Hiccup and jack agreed.

The camera zoomed in on Hiccup as Riker came from behind the boy and raised his sword, it all went in slow motion as Riker stabbed Hiccup through his abdomen, Hiccup's eyes widened as he looked down at the sword in him. The screen switched to Merida as an arrow went into her chest and she fell.

"NO!" Everyone screamed as the two Guardians fell.

Hiccup fell to his knees in front of Vigo and Vigo laughed in victory till he was knocked aside by...Stoick! From the shores Vikings and highlanders approached the battle the gang on their dragons attacked in the air, the guardians fought with them from North's sleigh. The Corona's fought from the side nearest Rapunzel.

Jack looked down at his fallen friends, his fist became balls and he look pitch in the eye. The winter spirit threw himself at Pith grabbing his staff and shooting ice at the robed man.

"We came too late" cried Astrid

The camera zoomed in on Hiccup as he looked at the ground which had his blood pooling around him. He looked and saw Merida lying a little way away from him, with Rapunzel further behind her. His eyes fell on Toothless who had huge gashes on his scaled and his wings were torn, yet the dragon stood and fought to try and get to Hiccup. Then Hiccups eyes moved to Jack who was fighting Pitch on a ledge high above. Hiccup gently hummed the start of a song.


I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naïve, I'm just out to find, The better part of me


I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside a train, It's not easy to be me


I wish that I could cry, Fall upon my knees, Find a way to lie, 'bout a home I'll never see

Jack grabbed the diamond and raised it above his head.


It may sound absurd but don't be naïve, Even heroes have the right to bleed, I may be disturbed but won't you concede, Even heroes have the right to dream, It's not easy to be me

Rapunzel look down and saw the ball of gold glittering in her hand and she smiled. Merida also grabbed her Ruby and raised it into the air.


Up up and away away from me, Well it's all right, You can all sleep sound tonight, I'm not crazy or anything can't stand to fly, I'm not that naïve, Men weren't meant to ride, With clouds between their knees


I'm only a man in a silly red sheet, Digging for kryptonite on this one way street, Only a man in a funny red sheet, Looking for special things inside of me

Hiccup pulled himself across the snow leaving a blood streak and grabbed his emerald and nodded at Jack from below.


Inside of me, inside of me, Inside of me, inside of me, Inside of me, inside of me

Light shone from all four gems and lifted the four up into the air light flooded everyone's eyes and the screen turned white.

It's not easy to be me

"TESS" everyone yelled. The young girl laughed and Toothless wacked her with his tails while Falin wacked her with her ear. "Hey stop ganging up you two" Tess cried.


A/N Last chapter next!!

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