Back for you #2 (Yandere Law...

By lawssa

23.1K 639 472

Read the first story before you read this one. He back for you and this time he makes sure never be away from... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Christmas special
Part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Ending 2

Part 2

1.8K 41 63
By lawssa

It's been two years since that incident, now you live in another house with Luffy and Lami. Your mom helps you pay the rent of the house and you work a few hours in a store, you continue your studies online. Luffy always tries to help you with the stuff of the house and with Lami, at first it was taking care of Lami because you were scared of hurting her or doing something wrong but thanks to your mother who helped,  now it was easy to take care of her. Sometimes you think of Law and how he will react if he finds out that he has a daughter,  sometimes you wanted to go to see him and tell him but it was better if he never knows about it. Kid go to your house every day and help you with anything you need,  he treats Lami with a lot of love and he takes care of her while you go to places to do something or when you are at work.

 You where now in the living room with Koala, she was holding Lami and playing with her.

-She so cute and funny-She say 

-Yea but is not that easy take care of a baby 

-Don't worry, you have everything is under control-Koala returns you Lami but you see her expression changes to sad-Today will be two years since Sabo die

-Yea, two longs years, I wish I could see them again-You get sad too-You still miss Sabo, right? You used to like him

-I wish i could have told him about it- She have a littler smile-Remember wen i used to think that you two like each other 

-You were very jealous because we were always together and one day you told me that you were not going to lose against me 

-And then you told me that the one you really like was Ace and you only like Sabo as a brother 

-You were very embarrassed-The two of you start to laugh and then Lami laugh too and you kiss her cheek-Lami you so cute 

- Speaking of romance, what do you think of Kid?

-He nice and he really help me a lot but ... he just a friend 

-He showed you that he really likes you, sometimes he's a moron but you can give him a chance

-I don't know, I don't think that I'm ready beside my love for Ace is still here-You put a hand on your chest

-I also with Sabo but we are still young, Ace and Sabo would want us to be happy and move forward

--You're right but as I said, I only see Kid as a friend-You sigh-But if one day I go out with him then we could go out on a double date, Killer is Kid best friend so you and him ...

-Don't even think about it, he's not my type so it will never happen

-You right, you two very different and it would be very strange, I can't even imagine you two together but Kid is not my type neither so you should stop insisting 

-But Kid helped you a lot and remember that not all boys like to be with a girl who has children but Kid accepts you and loves her as if she was his daughter, he even went every day to the hospital to see you and Lami

-Koala stop 

-Ok-She sigh-Have you heard anything about Law?

-No, and I hope that I never hear about him

-Before all of this happen, did you have feeling for him?

-As I said, I love Ace a lot but when I meet Law, he always helped me and made me feel as if I was special and I have to admit that I was starting to like him, but then Ace confessed his feeling towards me and what I felt about Law disappeared but then the ...- You close your eyes and think about all the bad things he did-He kill Sabo, Ace and I try to kill Luffy and Kid, now the only thing I feel for him is fear and hate- You look at Lami-The only good thing he gave me was Lami, my beautiful daughter

-She looks like her him but she is more pretty-Koala stand up-It's time to go, I still have to do some stuff

-Thank you for visiting me-You stand up too

You walk with her to the door and you see Luffy and Kid arriving. When Luffy open the door of the car, Kid pushes him out of his car very angry, making him fall to the ground.


-IS WAS YOUR FAULT, YOU ...-He looks at Lami- LAMI!!!-He runs toward you and takes Lami then go inside the house

-COME BACK YOU PIECE OF SHIT AND CLEAN THIS MESS-Kid gets out of the car and closes the door so hard that the window break-FUCKING SHIT, YOUR STUPID BROTHER GOING TO MAKE ME CRAZY

-He really has a bad temper-Koala say-Bye (y/n)-She look at Kid-Kid calm down


-Maybe that the reason that (y/n) don't want to be your girlfriend, you have a bad temper-She start to walk

He opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth and eyes and take a deep breath. You laughed and he looks at you.

-Come inside Kid, I can give you water so you can calm down

-Thanks but just looking at you I feel more better

You two enter to the house. Luffy was playing with Lami on the floor and Kid was sitting on the sofa watching them but he was still angry and you were sitting next to him. Lami looks at him so she stands up and walks towards him, she smiles and extends her hands for him to hold her. Kid sighs and then smiles, he hugs her and she starts to laugh. Then let go of her and Lami went back to Luffy.

-Some way that brat manages to calm me down-Kid looks at you-Are you going to the cemetery today?

-Yes, we waiting for grandpa so we could go together-You say

-I still can't believe it been two years- Luffy say

-If you want, I can take you there ... wait a minute-He point at Luffy- YOU STILL NEED TO CLEAN MY CAR!!!


The two begin to argue again, Lami turns to you and you hug her. You sigh and look at them angry.

-YOU TWO ARE SCARING HER-They look at you-Luffy go and clean the mess you made, Kid you go and clean the window that you broke 

-But it was his fault- They say at the same time 

-Monkey D. Luffy and Eustass Kid- You say serious- Go grab the dustpan and some towels and go clean

They stand up and do what you say and when they go out of the house you laugh and kiss Lami cheek.

-Let's go prepare them something to eat-You walk with her to the kitchen

Meanwhile, Law was talking to a friend on the phone.

-Come on, just do me that favor

-I don't know 

-You know I know things about you, things that can send you to jail, if you don't help me, I'll tell them everything

-Ok ok I do it, let hope this go as you plan

-Of course, is going to work

-You going to look for her right?

-Obviously and this time nothing going to separate us

-I didn't wanted to tell you but you going out so it better if I tell you now

-What? Did something bad happen to her? Please tell me she is fine 

-She is perfectly fine but you have to know that she has a baby and you are the father

-I ... I have a daughter-He smile and laugh- That the best news I hear in so long time, what her name how she?

-Your name is Lami and she looks a lot like you

-She gives her that name, just like I told her-He start to laugh of happiness

-She moves to another house, I don't know where they went

-Ok, thank you very much for telling me this, I have to end the call now, remember what you have to do

Law ends the call and starts walking, today will be the day he escapes. He was very happy now that he knows he has a daughter and that you give her the name he wanted. He starts imagining the three of you living together very happily. Law was able to obtain objects to make bombs and when nobody was looking at him he built them and then he put them in different place in the jail. It was already night and when everyone was walking towards their cells, the first explosion started, everyone stayed still, then the second exploded near them and everyone started running, there were two more explosions. There was a lot of fire going on and everyone was out of control but Law walked calmly close to the fire where there was no one but then he sees a guard.

-Hey move away from there, is dangerous

The guard says and Law smiles then start to walk toward him and begins to beat him up until he was unconscious, then he changes his clothes and now he is disguised as a guard and throws the body of the guard into the fire and he starts to run.He was lucky that no one saw him and that the guard that the attacker had all the keys to this place. The guards were too distracted trying to control the prisoners so they didn't notice him, Law got out and keep running. He arrives at a gas station and asks to use the phone and start to call his friend.

-Is done, you know what to do know 

-You are insane but a smart one

He ends the call and start to walk again with a big smile. His friend is a forensic and with one of the burning body he going to say that one of the body is him. Faking his own death was perfect, now there won't be guards looking for him. Then he got worried that when you hear about it you were going to be sad.

-Don't worry honey, I just need to find you and we can be together again, you and Lami- He smiles- I can wait to see you both and hold Lami and you in my arms - Keep walking

The next day you were making breakfast, Luffy enter the kitchen still sleepy and sit down.

-Good morning-You say and put food in front of him

-Good morning, Lami still sleeping?

-Yes- You hear someone knocking on the door- I go

You go and open the door and see Kid, he pushes you inside the house and closes the door. Then he grabs your hand and makes you walk into the living room and makes you sit on the sofa. Luffy goes toward you two.

-What the problem?-You say worry

-Did you two seen the news?- Kid ask 

-I was making breakfast and Luffy wake up now 

-Did something bad happen?-Luffy ask

-The jail that Law was start to explode, some of the prisoner escape other were injured and some of them die

-WHAT!!!-Luffy and you say at the same time

-When did ... did that happen?-You say nervous

-Yesterday at night 

-So that means he escape?-Luffy say 

-Maybe but maybe he was one of the one that got injured or die-Kid sit next to you and take you hand-Don't worry, maybe he finally death 

-He won't die so easy-You say

-Then maybe he injured-Luffy say 

-Well, I think he's dead-Kid says-But he can also be very hurt and will die from his serious injuries

-He is very resistant

-Is impossible to survive an explosion-Kid say 

-Your arm was cut off, you got to shoot two times and you lose a lot of blood-You look at him-They said you were going to die but you're still alive and strong with a prosthesis, Law could have had the same luck or worse, could have managed to escape

-Well, if it turns out that he escaped, Kid and I are here to protect you and Lami-Luffy says

-For the first time, I agree with the idiot, we are here with you and I don't mind losing the other arm for you and for the brat-He sees you smile-Speaking of her, where is she?

-She sleeping so please do not talk too loud, but I do not want anyone to die because of me again

-So you want us to let him take the two of you away? -Kid says-Not gonna happen

-Let stop talking about this- You say -If we keep talking about him, he will appear here- You say joking but then you hear the door -So... someone is knocking on the door -You say nervous

-We've invoked him-Luffy says- His spirit is here to haunt us

-It not him-Kid say-He don't even know where she lives

-Maybe he can smell her like a dog-Luffy say

Someone keeps knocking on the door and you three walk to the door. Kid was in front of the door, Luffy behind him and you behind Luffy holding his hand. Kid looks at you but then the knock was stronger, Kid put his hand on the handle of the door and he opened the door.

-Grandpa, you scare us- You say 

-You see? there was nothing to be scare-Kid says-Sorry, we thought for a moment it was Law

-So you hear about the news?

-Kid told us-Luffy says-Why are you here, Grandpa?

-I came to talk about that, they called me but before I keep telling you about what they told me, where is my great granddaughter?

-I will look for her, come inside

You say and go to Lami room, her room was decorated of pirate stuff, her cradle has a shape of a boat that Franky made it and in the wall where the cradle is, there was a lot of pirate flags that your friend made, you made one of Ace and Sabo. You see that Lami is awake and when she saw you she smile and you hold her.

-Good morning my sweet pirate, captain Kid, captain Luffy and Vice Admiral Garp are waiting for you 

Before you leave the room you look at the corner and you see the bear that Law give you for valentine day. The bear has an eyepatch and in his head, he has the hat that Law use to wear a lot. You sigh and closed the door and go to the living room with them. 

-Every day she turns more pretty-Garp say  hold her

-Okay hold man tell us what happens, where is him?- Kid say 

-Don't worry about him, they found his body and he was very burned and was unrecognizable

-W... what?- You say- I can't believe it ... are you sure it was him?

 -Yes, the forensic that a analyzes the body confirm it 

-Being burn alive must hurt a lot-Luffy say 

-I'm glad for the bastard-Kid says-and I hope he's also burning in hell

This is hard to believe- You say-But thanks for telling us, do you want something to drink?

-No, I have to go, I just came to tell you this-He gives you Lami-Now I have a lot of work, we have to capture all those prisoners who have escaped

-Knowing this, now I can go calmer to work-Kid says

You walk with them to the door, Garp leaves and Kid puts his hand on his shoulder and stares at you.

-What?- You say

-You know if you need something call me

-Thanks, you are a nice friend

-Yea, a friend- He sigh-But I really want to be more than a friend-He push you closer to him and kiss you in the lips the two of you were blushing- I love you (y/n), can you give me a chance?

-Kid ...

-It's been two years since Ace died and you don't have to worry about Law anymore, I can be the father Lami needs, so please give me that opportunity

-I ... -You remember what Koala told you-I will think about it 

-So that means I have hope?

-Yes-You look away still blushing-Today is movie night and I hope you can come tonight

-Of course, I coming- He starts to walk toward his car but before he enters he looks at you-I LOVE YOU A LOT, YOU IDIOT !!!-He leaves 

You smile and close the door, you lean on the door and you sigh thinking about Law. For some reason you feel that Law is not dead and that he has escaped and one day he will come and kidnap you and Lami, and he will hurt your friend and maybe kill them as he did with Ace and Sabo.

-(y/n) are you okay?- Luffy ask and he his holding Lami 

-Of course- You give them a hug- You two are the most important in my life, you the best brother and you the best baby in this world 

-And you are the best sister and mother in this world-Luffy smile- Now let go eat breakfast I'm starving 

The three of you go to the kitchen, maybe there really nothing to worry about.


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