Light In Darkness •NaruHina•

By potatoejung_

273K 9K 17.5K

Help me from this hell called life. Save me from the nightmares that chase me. "Hinata... Stay here." Be th... More

Author's Note


8.7K 373 601
By potatoejung_


Hinata's POV

"I..." I mumbled out, looking into Naruto's bright blue eyes. Words were caught in my throat, my face turning a deeper shade of red.

"You?" The Uzumaki urged me to continue and leaned in closer to me. My bottom lip quivered and I watched his eyesight flicker between my eyes then my lips.


"I'm sorry we're late!" A loud, deep voice yelled, cutting me off. I stated in the arms is Naruto as my attention turned to the people who came in.

A girl with her long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and pale blue eyes, a rather tubby boy with his odd red birthmarks on his cheeks, and....

My heart sank. I froze. I didn't want to be near him.


I struggled free of Naruto's warm embrace (despite the rather cool water) and made awkward movements to get to the ladder. Within seconds, a hand wrapped around my wrist, the opposite wrist that Kiba hurt.

"Hey what's wrong?" Naruto pondered, obviously concerned. I made a frustrated groan and glanced back at the Inuzuka.

And that's when he saw me.

His face dropped and arms lowered. Kiba's facial expression became dark and full of remorse. I saw him mouth my name but it wasn't even audible.

I felt a small tug on my wrist and his voice speak. "Hinata?" I blinked back my tears before turning to face him.

I inhaled deeply and flickered my eyes between Kiba and Naruto momentarily. I felt a tear about to fall and my immediate reaction was comfort.

I pulled the blonde into a hug and felt him tense up for a few seconds but then raised his arms around my waist.

"Take me home." I murmured into his neck, a few water droplets from his skin sticking on my lips.

"What? Why?" He pulled back and looked into my eyes. Naruto's own eyes widened when he scanned my face. "You're crying...?"

Was I?

I wiped my cheeks and sure enough, there were tears. Despite the fact that Kiba didn't actually do anything, he would've if I hadn't pushed him off.

"Hinata, why are you crying?" I suddenly felt his big, warm hand cup my cheek.

"Naruto, c-can you just t-take me h-home? P-please?" I pulled away from him, out of his embrace, and began to swim to the ladder.

I pulled myself out of the water, Sakura calling after me but I ignored her. My feet pattered on the wet cement around the pool as I rushed to my bag.

The sound of the water swishing was heard, among the talking, then heavy footsteps were behind me. I grabbed my towel and dried off my body and patted my braid dry.

I glanced back in the pool and saw the blonde Uzumaki talking to Sakura. A sigh escaped my lips as I grabbed my bag and turned to go inside, I just wanted to be away from-

"Ah," I stopped moving. My trail was blocked by a certain brunette who I just really wanted escape. "Hinata..."

I sucked in a breath and took a step back. My eyes met dark onyx ones that looked regretful. I attempted to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist... The same wrist that was bruised from his ill touch.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped and pulled away from him. He breathed heavily and I only glared at him.

"Hinata... I'm sor-"

"No. I don't wanna hear it." I cut him off and raised my hands in front of me, creating an invisible barrier. "Just... Please, leave me alone."

I slowly walked past him, his arm brushing against my own. I hated this. Kiba was my best friend in the world, he used to be my rock.

Am I overreacting?

No. That's exactly why. He was my best friend, he was my rock. Kiba hurt me and he was the person I trusted most. That's why it hurt me so much.

I continued walking to the screen door until I was almost sprinting. I slid the door open and stepped my barefoot into the house, making contact with the cool tile floor.

The sound of heavy footsteps was heard behind me and I flinched.

It wouldn't be... Kiba?

"Hin-" I panicked and looked back. However, I may have twirled a bit too fast (and dramatically) and may have flung my arm. Cutting him off. With my hand. Slapping him across his cheek.

That did not happen to have red fanged marks.

Or a chocolate tan.

Or brown fuzzy hair.


The cheek three parallel whisker marks.

And a golden tan.

And fuzzy blonde hair.

"Oh!" I gasped and immediately retracted my hand. I watched as he fell against the door, but luckily caught himself before falling completely. "Naruto!"

He inhaled sharply and muttered multiple cuss words under his breath as he raised his hand to his cheek. I covered my mouth with my hands and tried to look at his face.

"What the hell?" The blonde Uzumaki cursed.

He stood up with an angered expression that honestly scared me. But immediately his face softened up and was replaced by a look of concern.

"Hinata, why did you slap me?" Naruto asked calmly and took a step closer towards me.

With him, I didn't flinch. I didn't want to runaway. I just wanted to be in his embrace. His comfort.

"I thought you were Kiba." I murmured and already felt tears in my eyes.

Geez I'm so emotional nowadays.

He let out a soft chuckle and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Why would you want to slap Kiba?"

He was going to rape me.

"I-it's not import-tant," I mumbled and turned back in my original direction. "Please t-take me h-home."


I clutched my bag tighter to me as my feet continued to patter on the tile until they made contact with the carpeted floor. A sigh escaped my lips as I sat on the edge of the staircase (the one I once ran up) to get my flip flops from the bottom of my bag.

"Hinata, are you okay?" Naruto asked as he sat next to me.

"I'm f-fine."

"No you're not," the Uzumaki sighed. "I've known you for almost two months now and I already know when something is or isn't wrong."

I looked at him and our eyes locked. How could Naruto sense my feelings so quickly when Kiba never could?

My cheeks flushed a light pink and I turned to look at my toes before Naruto noticed.

"There's something about you, Hinata," Naruto slowly grabbed my chin and turned me to look at him. My cheeks were a vibrant red now and he only had on a small smile. "That makes me wanna know more about you."

My lips began to tremble as Naruto's ocean blue eyes flickered between my eyes and lips. He slowly leaned and I felt my pulse quicken.

My first real kiss...?

"You're unique." The blonde murmured when he was inches away from my face.

"Y-you're..." I sucked in breath, feeling uneasy and nervous. "Intriguing." What a weird word.

His breath cool minty breath danced on my lips the closer and closer he became. I closed my eyes and stayed completely still.

Just then, the front door open open to reveal a very spiky haired blonde haired man. I pushed Naruto away and scooted to the other side the staircase, feeling embarrassed and flustered.

He entered the house with a briefcase while looking down at his phone. I dragged my bag towards me and noticed the man look up momentarily.

"Oh, Naruto," the man smiled once he looked up. "Didn't see you there."

Naruto's own lips curled into a small smile as he stood up from the steps.

"Hey dad, where d'ya go?"

Dad? As in his father? Oh great..

"Well they lost the programming codes at the office so I needed to find them myself," he sighed. "But it was my own fault because they were locked in my desk drawer."

I giggled a bit at the last part. Just that small detail reminded me so much of Naruto and his absent-mindedness.

I smiled slightly as they continued to talk and laugh. Naruto had many personality traits that were like his father but I automatically realized he was more like his mother. Although he was almost an exact copy of his father.

The same golden hair and and ocean blue eyes. The only thing that threw me off was Naruto's adorable whisker marked cheeks.

I stood up slowly and stepped off the step and Naruto's father's attention turned to me. Naruto noticed the curious gaze on his face and turned in my direction.

"Dad, this is Hinata." He introduced us. "Hinata, this is my father."

I took a few steps forward and so did Naruto's father. We shook hands and I smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Minato." The blonde man said with a kind smile. I smiled back awkwardly and nodded. I didn't really know how to respond. I'm way too awkward today. 

"She's pretty quiet, it's just her." Naruto piped up once we backed away from each other.

"Oh," Minato looked at his son before putting on a cheeky smile. "You two are certainly the perfect picture."

I blushed a very deep scarlet red and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

"M-Mr. Uzumaki, I–"

"It's Namikaze, dear." He cut me off with a sweet smile. "Naruto took his mother's maiden name, because of some personal issues." His blue eyes looked down and he scratched the back of his head.

I looked between the two blondes and suddenly felt more a more awkward. Minato coughed and blinked a few times before looking back at us.

"But you and my son seem to be very close." He said again and smiled sheepishly.

I was about to pipe up and correct him but then it happened. Naruto slung his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him. I felt like my cheeks were on fire as I tried to stand up straight.

"Yep! We're practically da–"

"Minato, you're home!" The redheaded Uzumaki chimed in once she entered the living area.

Her purplish blue eyes scanned the area and landed on Naruto and I. A coy smile appeared on her lips which she quickly tried to hide.

"Kushina," Minato smiley at his wife and walked over to her. He quickly pecked her lips and wrapped his arm around her waist (which was absolutely adorable) and caused me to smile.

They commenced in small talk, leaving Naruto and myself out of their conversation. I looked up at Naruto and saw his gaze fixated on his parents.

What was Naruto gonna say?

"N-Naruto," I mumbled and nudged his chest with my cheek since my arms were currently trapped between my chest and his lower torso. "A-ano, could y-you j-just take me h-home?"

He looked down at me with his perfect cerulean blue eyes in a questionable way. "I–" the blonde stopped himself and his eyes widened slightly.

"Mom, dad," Naruto piped up and quickly looked at his parents before releasing me. "I, um, one sec." He pulled me up before rushing to Minato and Kushina and shoving them into the kitchen.

I frowned slightly and awkwardly shifted my weight from foot to foot. My hair was still damp from the chlorine filled pool water and my t-shirt was filled with water droplets from my hair. I decided it would be better to wait outside instead of awkwardly waiting in the living room.

"Nani?!" I heard the redheaded Uzumaki.

My lavender eyes gazed in the direction of the kitchen before I shrugged and dismissed it. I grabbed my bag and pulled it onto my shoulder and began to walk to the front door. I grasped the doorknob and turned it op–


I turned and saw the blonde haired Uzumaki run from the kitchen. His parents soon followed with loving looks on their faces.

Naruto grabbed my arm and pulled me outside over he'd open the door. I winced at his sudden action but didn't object.

"Hinata," he started and seemed to have the most excited expression on his face. The blue eyes boy took a few seconds to calm his rapid breathing as I stood there in a state of confusion.

"Naruto, w-what is i-it?" I inquired and cocked my head to the side. I stared straight into his magnificent colored eyes, the heated color that had left my cheeks began to return.

"You..." He scratched the back of his head and gazed between my eyes and the ground. He seemed unusually nervous and fidgety. "And me..."

To be frank, it was absolutely adorable with the way he was acting. However odd it may be.

"Ano... You don't have to..." He sucked in a breath and clasped his hands together at the base of his neck. "Have to be alone anymore."

I furrowed my browns and and slowly put my bag on the ground. What exactly did he mean by this?

"I'm not saying Sakura isn't, uh, isn't taking care of you," the Uzumaki walked around in a small circle before settling in the same spot he was in before.

"Naruto, what..." I murmured softly without stuttering, surprisingly.

He groaned and ran his hands over his head and down his face in an exaggerated manner.

"Y-you're worrying me, N-Naruto." I voiced my thoughts quietly.

The blonde looked up and our eyes met once more. He took both of my hands in his own and stared intently at me.

"Hinata, what I'm trying to say is," Naruto closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again, revealing his piercing blue eyes.

He smiled ever so slightly, causing me to smile a bit.

"Hinata... Stay here."


Le cliff hanger for you chu guys.

I'm so tired bros, school is a fucking pain in the ass. Help meh.


Please, please, vote for this story in the NarutoWattyAwardss!!! Voting ends December 22nd so please vote!

My SasuSaku fanfiction is also entered so maybe vote for both? Anyways, both of my stories are in the canon pairings and best of 2016 category.

Arigato minna-san!

-Ramen-senpai 🍜

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