When Two Worlds Collide: Spar...

By LoveToWrite_1995

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Tan skin, tight abs, dark eyes and a signature smirk that could send any heart flying at 1000 beats a second... More

Chapter One: Italy
Chapter Two:Reunion
Chapter Three: Butterflies
Chapter 5: Bliss
Chapter Six: He Did What?
Chapter Seven: End of Life as I Know It
Chapter Eight: Heart Surrounded by Steel
Chapter Nine: Waking Up

Chapter Four: What Just Happened?

1K 19 6
By LoveToWrite_1995

            HAYDENS POV

            I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched her get into his car.  After I had warned her of him and of what he stands for… pure trouble. If she thought he had any feelings for her, she was wrong. James doesn’t love people, James kills people. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not even capable of such a thing like caring for someone that he would have to put above himself. He takes care of himself and himself only. He’s a mafia boss! What did she expect?

            I felt my temperature rise with anger as I had watched it unfold in front of me. I saw how close he came to her, I saw his body leaning against hers as he whispered in her ear. And I couldn’t believe how much I hated him for it. How jealous I was that he was able to do that, and that it wasn’t me she was getting in the car with! I know that I’m four years younger than her, but I had always felt a connection between us. However, she was my sisters friend, and I hers, forever stuck in the ‘friendship’ stage. My heart stung at that thought and I felt my stomach drop to the floor.

            I tried to get closer to the car, tried to silently persuade her somehow to get out of the car and run. I saw her head turn towards me, saw her look me in the eye, but before I had the chance to even blink, James stepped on the peddle and she was gone!

            I stared at the empty spot where the car had been, frozen with shock and worry. Where was he planning on taking her, and when he got there, what was he planning to do?

            I was brought back to reality when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I hit talk, my hands shaking with anger, as I lifted it to my ear.

            “Whats up” I awnsered into the receiver.

            “Hayden, we have an emergency. Esteban’s Mafia has taken Jake and Alberto and some of the members of James Moretti’s Mafia. They were at a club and had too much to drink. Guess they picked the wrong guys to fight with. Get over here now! We leave in 10!”with that boss hung up, his voice replaced by the monotonous dial tone.

            I quickly jumped to action, shoving my phone in my pocket, as I frantically searched for China. The only time I will ever be thankful for Sebastian would be now, for he could be easily seen over the crowd thanks to his height. I ran in his direction, praying that China was still with him, elbowing my way through the tight crowd and swearing as I received an elbow in the nose which I, no doubt, deserved.

            I finally reached China and Sebastian, a little out of breath. I quickly gave Sebastian the run down of what had happened, ignoring the millions of questions shooting out of China’s mouth, concern written all over her face and soaking her words. Sebastian swore under his breath and pulled out his phone, before turning to me with a seriously pissed off expression, which under ANYother circumstance would have really pleased me.

            “Hayden, you take China with you and escort her back to her apartment while I call my guys and get some backup. Esteban is known for ending things in a bang” he added seriously, his voice so full of authority that it almost scared me. However, what scared me more was where the hell I was able to pull out the courage to say out loud what was quickly forming in my mind.

            “NO. Sebastian, you and I both know that China is safer with you. You have far better people behind you and you have a better chance of keeping her safe. If you really love my sister, you will do what is best for her!” My voice faltered near the end, but Sebastian had still caught it. He looked at me with surprise, but hiding deep beneath that was a faint hint of respect.

            He nodded in my direction, which I took as an agreement to what I had just said, and gently grabbed Chinas hand as he pulled her through the crowd. She looked back at me, her eyes so full of worry and concern that they spilled over into the shape of a tear that fell down her cheek. I watched them disappear through the crowd towards the car, before I turned around and left. The last thing I saw was Sebastian dialling a number frantically into his phone, protectively pulling China into a soft embrace, which ensured me that she would be safe, as he put the phone to his ear, awaiting an answer.


Ok.....thank you so much to everyone who has actually read this far into the story... Im glad you like it. Please post comments so that I can see how you guys and gals are feeling about the story and where its heading. So please... Comment, comment, comment! thanks : P

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